Asia Minor Coins - Photo Gallery

Ancient Greek and Roman coins from Asia Minor

Region Cities/Mints Coins
17 753
11 177
20 323
26 907
32 1,258
9 513
12 351
26 1,850
42 1,341
57 1,161
6 152
53 1,241
35 495
7 447
33 655
11 91
8 437
49 2,100
8 140
Asia Minor General
7 461

Random coins
Aigeai (AD 37-41) AE 30384 viewsTime of Caligula, 37-41 AD. AE30 (18.98g, 12h). Dated CY 86 (39/40 AD). Head of Dionysus right, wearing ivy wreath and head band; thyrsus over far shoulder / AIΓЄAIωN upward to left, ςΠ (date) to upper right, ANTIΓ[Ο] to lower right, draped bust of Poseidon right, wearing taenia; trident before. VF, earthen black patina. Rare. Levante Coll.; ex von Aulock Coll.
Aigeai (AD 222-235) AE 26 - Severus Alexander206 viewsSeverus Alexander, 222-235 AD. AE26 (15.65g, 6h). Dated CY 277 (230/1 AD). Laureate, draped, and cuirassed bust right / Helmeted and draped bust of Athena left; Z/O/C (date) to left. Near VF, green patina, a few pits. Ex Krizan Coll.
Aigeai (AD 222-235) AE 37 - Severus Alexander273 viewsSeverus Alexander, 222-235 AD. AE37 (26.07g, 6h). Dated CY 227 (230/1 AD). AVT K AΛЄΞANΔPON APX MЄ OIK ACKΛH, draped half-length bust right, wearing diadem, holding serpent-entwined staff of Asclepius / AΛЄΞANΔPVΠOΛIC AΔPIANωN around, AIΓAIωN in exerge, emperor on horseback right, extending arm in salute; ZOC (date, but largely indistinct) below horse. VF, brown patina with a few spots of green, minor roughness. Very rare.
Aigeai (AD 215/216) Tetradrachm339 viewsTime of Caracalla, 198-217 AD. AR Tetradrachm (13.31g, 29mm, 6h). Dated CY 262 (215/6 AD). AIΓЄAIΩN ANTΩNЄINOY ΠO[Λ]ЄΩC, bust of Asclepius right, wearing taenia and with slight drapery; serpent-entwined staff before / MAKЄΔONIKHC ЄYΓЄNOYC, Asclepius standing facing, head left, leaning on serpent-entwined staff; to left, Telesphorus standing facing; to right, goat kneeling right, head left; BΞ–C (date) across central field. EF, toned. Extremely rare and possibly the only example in private hands. Levante Coll.; ex Numismatic Fine Arts XVI (12/1985), lot 496.

The legends can be translated as “The Antonine city of Aegeae / of noble and Macedonian origin.”
Aigeai (AD 230/31) AE 24 - Alexander Severus1663 viewsAlexander Severus, 222-235 AD. AE 23.72 (11.93 g). Year 277 = 230/31. Draped, cuirassed and laureate bust right, I K CE AΛΕΞΑΝΔΡΟΣ / Athena Nicophorus with spear and shield holding Nike in right hand; deer in left field, AIΓΕAIΩΝ EΜΠΘ/ ET/ ZOC. Rare. Good very fine.2 comments
Aigeai (AD 217-218) AE 26 - Diadumenian 275 viewsDiadumenian, 217-218 AD. AE26 (12.30g). Dated CY 264 (217/8 AD). ΜΑ ΟΠЄΛ ΑΝΤΟΝЄΙΝΟC ΚΑΙCΑΡ, draped and cuirassed bust right / ΜΑΚΡЄΙΝΟΥΠΟ / ΑΙΓЄΑΙΩΝ, Goat kneeling right, ΔΞC. Dark green patina, flan flaw on obverse, deposits, GVF.
Aigeai (AD 222-235) AE 30 - Severus Alexander560 viewsSeverus Alexander, 222-235 AD. AE30 (15.22g, 7h). Laureate, draped and cuirassed bust right / Crown surmounted by turreted head of Tyche right. Near VF, brown patina. "This type apparently imitates the Ciliarch crown of Tarsos with abbreviated city-titles attached to it."
Aigeai (BC 2nd-1st cent) AE 19159 viewsca 47/6-27/6 BC. AE19 (4.38g), dated CY 14 (34/3 BC). Diademed male head (Alexander the Great?) right / AIΓE/AIΩN, Nike advancing left, holding wreath and palm frond; ∆I to lower left, MH (date) to right. VF.

Last additions
Aigeai (BC 2nd-1st cent) AE 19159 viewsca 47/6-27/6 BC. AE19 (4.38g), dated CY 14 (34/3 BC). Diademed male head (Alexander the Great?) right / AIΓE/AIΩN, Nike advancing left, holding wreath and palm frond; ∆I to lower left, MH (date) to right. VF.Jun 08, 2019
Aigeai (AD 222-235) AE 31 - Julia Mamaea133 viewsJulia Mamaea, Augusta, 222-235 AD. AE31 (19,30g). Dated CY 276 (229/30 AD). IOYΛΙA MAMЄA CЄBACTH, draped bust of Julia Mamaea right / CЄY AΔP AIΓЄAIωN AΛЄΞANΔPOY / ς – OC, draped bust of Isis right, wearing headdress. Vogl Coll.; ex Bankhaus Aufhäuser (4/1988). Extremely rare. aVF.Jun 28, 2018
Aigeai (AD 222-235) AE 30 - Severus Alexander138 viewsSeverus Alexander, 222-235 AD. AE30 (15.10g). Dated CY 277 (230/1 AD). ΑVT Κ Μ [...]ΔΡΟС C, laureate, draped and cuirassed bust right / [...]ЄΞΑΝΔΡΟVΠΟΛΙС ΑΔ / ΑΙΓЄΑΙωΝ, bearded serpent coiled right; above, ZOC (date) and goat leaping right, head left. Vogl Coll.; ex auction Hirsch 166. gVF.Jun 28, 2018
Aigeai (AD 222-235) AE 24 - Severus Alexander144 viewsSeverus Alexander, 222-235 AD. AE24 (10.00g). Dated CY 275 (228/9). ΑVΤ Κ Μ ΑVΡ СЄV ΑΛЄΞΑΝΔΡΟС, laureate, draped and cuirassed bust right / ΑΔΡΙ ΑΛЄΞΑΝΔΡΟVΠΟΛ / ΑΙΓЄΩΝ ЄΟС, serpent-entwined boot left, surmounted by bust of Asklepios left. aVF. Vogl Coll.; ex Bankhaus Aufhäuser (5/2000). aVF.Jun 28, 2018
Aigeai (AD 217-218) AE 28 - Diadumenian134 viewsDiadumenian, Caesar, 217-218 AD. AE28 (16.28g). Dated CY 264 (217/8 AD). M OΠЄ ANTΩNЄINOC KЄCAP, laureate, draped and cuirassed bust right / MAKPЄINOVΠ M ЄVΓ Π Θ AIΓЄΩN ΔΞC, goat standing right, with torches as horns; short tree to right. Vogl Coll.; ex Jacquier List 12, lot 220. Rare. VF.Jun 28, 2018
Aigeai (AD 14-37) AE 25 - Tiberius300 viewsTiberius, 14-37 AD. AE25 (10.51g). Nik-, magistrate. Laureate head left / AIΓE / AIΩN / NIK, legend in three lines within wreath. Vogl Coll. ex Münzhandlung Athena. Extremely rare, and apparently unpublished with this magistrate. VF.Jun 28, 2018
Aigeai (BC 175-164) AE 22 - Antiochos IV, Epiphanes118 viewsAntiochos IV Epiphanes, 175-164 BC. AE22 (9.29g). Diademed head right / AIΓEAIΩN, head of horse left; Φ to right. Very rare. VF. Vogl Coll. ex Bankhaus Aufhäuser (sold 1989).Jun 28, 2018
Aigeai (AD 217-218) AE 28 - Diadumenian127 viewsDiadumenian, Caesar, 217-218 AD. AE28 (15.63g). Dated CY 264 (217/8 AD). M ΟΠ ANTΩNINOC KAICAP, bareheaded, draped and cuirassed bust right / MAKPЄINOVP M ЄVΓ Π Θ / ΔΞ - C / AIΓAIΩN, goat kneeling right. VF.Jun 23, 2018