Asia Minor Coins - Photo Gallery

Ancient Greek and Roman coins from Asia Minor

Most viewed - Germe
Germe (AD 166-177) AE 32 - Commodus1575 viewsCommodus, as Caesar, 166-177 AD. AE32 (19.66g). Hermolaos, archon. Bare-headed, draped and cuirassed bust right / ΕΠΙ ΕΡΜΟΛΑΟΥ ΑΡC ΓΕΡΜΗΝΩΝ, Commodus on horseback charging right. VF, pale green patina, scratches in reverse field. Extremely rare - possibly only the third known specimen. Drewry Coll.; Ex Berk 108 (5/1999), lot 765.
Germe (AD 198-211) AE 45 - Septimius Severus1160 viewsSeptimius Severus, with Caracalla, 198-211 AD. AE45 - Medallion (78.23g, 6h). Glycon, second strategus. Struck 202-205 AD. Laureate, draped, and cuirassed bust of Septimius Severus right, seen from behind, and laureate, draped, and cuirassed bust of Caracalla left, seen from behind, vis-à-vis / ΕΠΙ CΤΡΑ ΓΛΥΚΩΝΟC Β, Herakles seated left on lion’s skin draped over rock, holding club set on ground and cantharus; to left, Apollo, standing right, holding plectrum and lyre, and Artemis drawing arrow from quiver and holding bow; to right, Tyche standing left, crowning Herakles and holding cornucopiae; ΓΕΡΜΗΝΩΝ in exergue. Good VF, even green-black patina. Extremely rare, one of five known (the fourth in the BN). Ex Drewry Coll. (Triton VIII, 1/2005), lot 765.
Germe (AD 79-81) AE 16 - Titus and Domitian494 viewsTitus, with Domitian as Caesar. 79-81 AD. AE16 (3.69g, 11h). Laureate head of Titus right / Laureate head of Domitian right. VF, dark green patina with light earthen dusting. Alighieri Coll.
Germe (AD 100-130) AE 16472 viewsTime of Antonines, 100-130 AD. AE16 (2.90g). IEPA.CVN - KΛHTO, draped youthful bust of Senate right / ΓEPMA - NΩN, draped and laureate bust of Apollo right, laurel-branch before. Rare, about VF. Hoeft coll.

Referring to Ehling, all coins from Germe are from Germe in Mysia. Whether there was another Germe in Lydia is unclear.
Germe (AD 98-117) AE 18 – Trajan452 viewsTrajan, 98-117 AD. AE18 (3.38g). AYTO K TPAIAIANOC; laureate head right / ΓEP-MHNΩN, Laureate bust Apollo; in front, laurel-spray. Very fine.
Germe (AD 244-249) AE 34 - Philip I441 viewsPhilip I, 244-249 AD. AE34 (18.15g, 6h). Gaius Julius Perperus Rufinianus, magistrate. • AVT • K • M • IOVΛ ΦIΛIΠΠOC •, laureate, draped, and cuirassed bust right / ЄΠI • Γ • I ΠЄPΠAPOV • POVΦ (TO) • B • ΓЄPMHNΩ/N, three nymphs standing facing, all holding jugs, the outer two each placing an arm on the shoulder of the central figure. Good VF, earthen green patina. Rare. From Group CEM. Ex Leu 30 (28 April 1982), lot 434.
Germe (AD 193-235) AE 14438 viewsPseudo-autonomous issue, 1st-2nd century AD. AE14 (1.62g). Bearded head of Herakles right within dotted circular border / ΓΕΡΜ-Η-ΝΩΝ, lion walking right on ground line within dotted circular border. VF.
Germe (AD 218-222) AE 43 - Elagabalus436 viewsElagabalus, 218-222 AD. AE43 - Medaillon (39.52g). [...]AP K M AVP ANTΩNЄINOC, laureate and cuirassed right / ЄΠI CTP IOVΛ ΦONTIΛI[...] AΛЄ/XANΔPOV / ΓЄPMHNOΩ[N], Herakles wrestling with Kerynitian stag. Very rare. Black patina. VF.
Germe (AD 193-211) AE 45 - Septimius Severus431 viewsSeptimius Severus, AD 193-211. AE45 (46.67g). Strategos Neikias. Draped and laureate bust right / Emperor standing left with spear crowned by Nike; to the left, Tyche with cornucopia and rudder. Dark green patina. Very fine.
Germe (AD 238-244) AE 17 - Gordian III430 viewsGordian III, 238-244 AD. AE17 (3.15g). Bust right / ΓEPMHNON, Herakles standing facing, holding club in his right hand and lion skin in his left.
Germe (AD 138-192) AE 19418 viewsTime of the Antonines, 138-192 AD. AE19 - Hemiassarion (3.40g). Laureate head of Demos to right / Youthful Herakles standing facing, head to left, holding club in his right hand and lion skin with his left. Good very fine.
Germe (AD 138-192) AE 18394 viewsMid-2nd century AD. AE18 (3.57g, 7h). Draped bust of the Senate right / Apollo Kitharoedos standing facing, head left, holding patera and lyre. Near EF, brown patina.
Germe (AD 193-217) AE 25 - Julia Domna377 viewsJulia Domna, 193-217 AD. AE25 (8.59g). ΙΟΥΛΙΑ CЄΒΑCΤΗ, draped Bust right / CΤΡ ΓΛΥΚ-Ω-ΝΟC ΓЄΡΜΗ/ΝΩΝ, Zeus with patera and scepter enthroned to left. Nice brown patina, almost EF.
Germe (AD 198-209) AE 28 - Geta350 viewsGeta, 198-209 AD. AE 28 (12.58g). Π CEΠTIMIOC - ΓETAC KAIC, draped, cuirassed, and bare-headed bust right / CTP ΓΛVKΩNOC B ΓEPMHNΩN, Apollo Kitharoidos, nude, standing right, legs crossed, holding right hand above head, resting with left hand on kithara, set on column; left behind a tree with snake coiling around. Rare, about VF. Hoeft coll.

Referring to Ehling, all coins from Germe are from Germe in Mysia.
Germe (AD 238-244) AE 29 - Gordian III348 viewsGordian III, 238-244 AD. AE29 (11.33g, 6h). Apollonides, magistrate. Laureate, draped, and cuirassed bust right, seen from behind / Hercules reclining left on lion advancing right, holding bow and club. Near VF, black-green patina with gray-green overtones. Ex Cain Coll.; ex Gorny & Mosch 115 (3/2002), lot 1369.
Germe (AD 218-222) AE 34 - Elagabalus344 viewsElagabalus, 218-222 AD. AE34 (17.46g). Laureate, draped, and cuirassed bust right / Three nymphs standing facing, two holding water jugs and one holding ear of barley. Very rare. Good brown tone. gVF.
Germe (AD 238-244) AE 35 - Gordian III343 viewsGordian III, 238-244 AD. AE35 (18.78g, 6h). M. Aurelianus Naevianus, archon. Radiate, draped, and cuirassed bust right / Gordian right on horseback. VF, green patina, slightly irregular flan. Very rare. Group CEM; ex Sternberg XI (11/1981), lot 255.
Germe (AD 79-81) AE 16 - Titus and Domitian333 viewsTitus, with Domitian as Caesar, 79-81 AD. AE16 (2.45g, 12h). Laureate head of Titus right; grain ears before / Laureate head of Domitian right. Near VF, brown surfaces.
Germe (AD 238-244) AE 32 - Gordian III331 viewsGordian III, 238-244 AD. AE32 (15.99g, 12h). Radiate, draped, and cuirassed bust right / Three nymphs, each wearing chiton and holding jug, the outer two each placing arm on shoulder of central figure. Near VF, dark green patina.
Germe (AD 238-244) AE 31 - Gordian III329 viewsGordian III, 238-244 AD. AE31 (12.12g, 6h). Aelius Aristonicus, archon. Laureate, draped, and cuirassed bust right / Hercules right, wrestling Nemean Lion. Good VF, dark brown surfaces. Very rare. Group CEM.
Germe (AD 138-192) AE 20325 viewsPseudo-autonomous issues, mid-2nd century AD. AE20 (4.42g, 6h). Laureate bust of Demos Germenon right / Hercules standing facing, head left, holding club resting on ground and lion skin. Good VF, brown patina. Rare city.
Germe (AD 238-244) AE 43 - Gordian III315 viewsGordian III, 238-244 AD. AE43 - Medallion (40.20g). Strategos Aelius Aristonicus. AYT K M ANT ΓOPΔIANOC AYΓ, laureate, draped and cuirassed bust to right / ЄΠI CTPA AIΛ APICTONЄIKOY / ΓЄPMHNΩN, Herakles seated left on rock draped with lion's skin, holding club set on ground with left hand and pointing to ground (?) with right hand; on his right knee, small figure of Artemis facing, head right, drawing arrow from quiver with right Hand; to left, Apollo standing right, holding plectrum in right hand and lyre in left; to right, city-goddess standing left, holding cornucopiae in left hand and crowning Herakles with a wreath with her right. Minor smoothing, otherwise, VF.
Germe (AD 238-244) AE 26 - Gordian III309 viewsGordian III, 238-244 AD. AE26 (7.41g). Aristoneikos stategos. AVT K M AN ΓOPΔIANOC, laureate, draped, and cuirassed bust right / ЄΠI• APICTO NЄK ΓЄPMH N/ ΩN, Artemis huntress advancing right holding bow and draws arrow out of quiver. VF.
Germe (AD 177-192) AE 28 - Commodus307 viewsCommodus, 177-192 AD. AE28 (13.66g, 6h). Capito, strategus. Laureate, draped, and curiassed bust right, seen from behind / Apollo Lyceus standing right, resting hand on top of head and holding cithara set on small column; bow in bow case leaning against column; to left, Pytho entwined about tree. VF, black-green desert patina. Very rare. Group CEM.
Germe (AD 238-244) AE 26 - Gordian III305 viewsGordian III, 238-244 AD. AE26 (7.69g). AVT K M• AT N• ΓOPΔIANO, laureate, draped, and cuirassed bust right / ΓЄPMH NΩN, Zeus seated left holding patera and leaning on scepter. VF.
Germe (AD 79-81) AE 17 - Titus and Domitian298 viewsTitus and Domitian (as Caesar), 79-81 AD. AE17 (3.04g). ΑΥΤΟ ΚΑΙ ΓΕΡ CΕΒΑC, laureate head of Titus right; two corn ears in front; 'S' countermark behind / ΑΥΤΟ ΚΑΙ CΕΒΑC, laureate head of Domitian right.

The 'S' countermark has been described as a denominational marking for 'semis', although this is not certain.
Germe (AD 238-244) AE 23279 viewsTime of Gordian III, 238-244 AD. AE23 (5.32g, 6h). Turreted and draped bust of Tyche right / Athena standing left, holding phiale over altar, spear, and shield set on ground. Dark patina, VF.
Germe (AD 79-81) AE 17 - Titus and Domitian275 viewsTitus, with Domitian as Caesar, 79-81 AD. AE17 (2.59g, 1h). AYTO KAI CEBAC, Laureate head of Titus right / AYTO KAI CEBAC, Laureate head of Domitian right. VF, green patina. Tricarico Coll.
Germe (AD 79-81) AE 18 - Titus and Domitian263 viewsTitus, with Domitian as Caesar. 79-81 AD. AE18 (3.52g, 1h). AYTO T ΓEP KAI, Laureate head of Titus right / ΔΟΜΙΤΙANON KAI, Laureate head of Domitian right. VF, dark green patina with light earthen dusting. Tricarico Coll.
Germe (AD 100-200) AE 22256 viewsImperial Times, 2nd century AD. AE22 (5.37g). TYXE ΠΟΛΕΩ, turreted bust of city-goddess right / ΓΕΡΜΕΝΩΝ, Athena standing left, holding phiale over altar, spear and shield set on ground. VF.
Germe (AD 220-222) AE 34 - Aquilia Severa256 viewsAquilia Severa, second & fourth wife of Elagabalus, Augusta, 220-221 and 221-222 AD. AE34 (19.48g). T. Julius Fontinius Alexander, magistrate. Diademed and draped bust right / Artemis advancing right, holding bow and reaching for arrow in quiver; stag before. Near VF, grayish-brown patina with some light encrustation and scattered roughness.

No coins of Aquilia Severa were recorded by Ehling in her die study of this city. The magistrate, T. Julius Fontinius Alexander, is recorded on issues of Elagabalus. This reverse type is not recorded for Elagabalus, Maesa or Soaemias.
Germe (AD 238-244) AE 23 - Gordian III255 viewsPseudo-autonomous issue, time of Gordian III, 238-244 AD. AE23 (5.48g, 6h). Turreted and draped bust of Tyche right / Athena standing left, holding phiale over altar, spear, and shield set on ground. VF, dark grayish-green patina. Righetti Coll., 9574.
Germe (AD 244-249) AE 34 - Philip I255 viewsPhilip I, 244-249 AD. AE34 (16.18g, 6h). Gaius Julius Perperus Rufinianus, magistrate. Laureate, draped, and cuirassed bust right / Three nymphs embracing each other, the outer two holding jugs. VF, green patina, area of corrosion and light smoothing on obverse. From the Mark Staal Collection of the Three Graces.
Germe (AD 138-192) AE 20255 viewsTime of the Antonines, 138-192 AD. AE20 (5.53g). Laureate head of Demos to right / Youthful Herakles standing facing, head to left, holding club in his right hand and lion skin with his left. Almost EF.
Germe (AD 238-244) AE 19 - Gordian III253 viewsGordian III, 238-244 AD. AE19 (3.74g, 11h). Laureate, draped, and cuirassed bust right / Hercules standing facing, head left, holding club and lion’s skin. VF, green patina, light cleaning scratches.
Germe (AD 100-200) AE 22241 viewsImperial Times, 2nd century AD. AE22 (6.12g). Bust of Tyche right / Athena with spear and shield holding patera over flaming altar. Dark green patina, EF. Ex Aufhäuser 18 (2004), lot 140; Franke coll.
Germe (AD 238-244) AE 20 - Gordian III239 viewsGordian III, 238-244 AD. AE20 (4.00g, 6h). Laureate, draped, and cuirassed bust right / Hercules standing right, strangling the Nemean Lion. VF, earthen green patina. Ex Aufhäuser 10 (10/1993), lot 499.
Germe (AD 98-117) AE 21 - Trajan225 viewsTrajan, 98-117 AD. AE21 (4.58g). AVT KAI TPAIANOC, laureate head right / ΓЄPMHNΩN, Hercules standing right, head left, holding club and lion skin. Rare. VF.
Germe (AD 139-161) AE 23 - Marcus Aurelius225 viewsMarcus Aurelius, as Caesar, 139-161 AD. AE23 (9.76g). G. I. Phainos, archon. M AVP OVHPOC KAICAP, draped bust right / EΠΙ Γ Ι ΦΑΙΝΟΥ ΑΡΧ Α ΓΕΡΜΗΝΩΝ, two female figures standind facing each other, clasping hand above amphora. Very Rare. VF.
Germe (AD 238-244) AE 25 - Gordian III205 viewsGordian III, 238-244 AD. AE25 (8.48g). AVT K M AN ΓOPΔIANOC, laureate and cuirassed bust right / ΓЄΡΜΗΝΩΝ, Tyche standing left, wearing polos, holding cornucopia and rudder. VF.
Germe (AD 238-244) AE 30 - Gordian III188 viewsGordian III, 238-244 AD. AE30 (11.08g). Aelius Aristonikus, magistrate. AVT K M ANT ΓOPΔIANOC, laureate, draped and cuirassed bust right / ЄΠΙ ΑΙΛ ΑΡΙCΤΟΝЄΙΚΟΥ / ΓЄΡΜΗΝ, Kybele seated left, wearing mural crown and holding phiale and sceptre; elbow resting on drum; at feet to left, lion. Ex Vogl coll.; ex Bankhaus Aufhäuser (7/1994). VF.
Germe (AD 238-244) AE 19 - Gordian III185 viewsGordian III, 238-244 AD. AE19 (4.00g). ΑΥΤ Κ Μ ΑΝΤ ΓΟΡΔΙΑΝΟϹ. laureate, draped and cuirassed bust right / ΓЄΡΜΗΝΩΝ, Hercules advancing right, holding club and leading Cerberus. aVF. Ex Dr. P. Vogl coll.
Germe (AD 222-235) AE 18 - Severus Alexander145 viewsSeverus Alexander, 222-235 AD. AE18 (2.93g, 6h). AΛEΞANΔPOC, laureate head right / ΓEPMHNΩN, Herakles standing right, head left, holding club and lion skin. Green patina, VF.
Germe (AD 244-247) AE 25 - Philip II92 viewsPhilip II, as Caesar, 244-247 AD. AE25 (6.1g). Perperos, magistrate. M IOVΛ ΦΙΛIΠΠOC K, bareheaded, draped and cuirassed bust right / ЄΠI ΠЄPΠЄPOV ΓЄPMHNΩN, Tyche standing left, holding rudder and cornucopia. Rare. aVF.
44 coins on 1 page(s)