Asia Minor Coins - Photo Gallery

Ancient Greek and Roman coins from Asia Minor

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Mytilene (BC 377-326) EL Hekte - B-952 viewsca 377-326 BC. EL Hekte (2.5g, 10mm). Female head right, hair bound with ribbons / Panathenaic amphora, palm branch to left; all within linear square. gVF/EF. Carr coll.

The reverse depicts an amphora, described as “Panathenaic,” as amphoras of this shape, containing olive oil, were given to winners at the Panathenaic Games in Athens. The palm alongside the amphora is also suggestive of a victory. It has been suggested that in the circumstances of “victory,” the obverse might be a depiction of Nike – the goddess of victory. This coin type is unknown to Bodenstedt, but three examples have appeared in auction. The first and third examples are from the same dies. This current example is the second known and is from different dies.
1 comments07/19/14 at 06:18Adrian: Please note, that in this collection of electrum coins of Mytilene, when describing the number of ex...
Silandos (AD 198-209) AE 35 - Geta613 viewsGeta, as Caesar, 198-209 AD. AE35 (29.37g, 6h). Helenus Apollon, first archon for the second time. Λ CΕΠΤΙ ΓΕΤΑC ΚΑΙ−CΑP, bare-headed, draped, and cuirassed bust right, seen from behind / ΕΠΙ ΕΛΕΝΟV ΑΠΟΛ ΑP Α ΤΟ Β , [CΙ]ΛΑΝΔΕ/ΩΝ in two lines in exergue, octastyle temple set on three-tiered podium, pellet in pediment. VF, olive patina, attractive strike. Apparently unique.1 comments06/24/14 at 16:34Helvetica: The magistrate is Helenus "son of Apollonides." I have not otherwise come across this reve...
Silandos (AD 193-217) AE 18316 viewsPseudo-autonomous issue, time of Septimius Severus and Caracalla, 193-217 AD. AE18 (4.21g). Laureate and draped bust of Apollo right, laurel branch to right / CΙΛΑΝΔΕΩΝ, Hermes standing left, holding purse and caduceus. aVF.1 comments06/24/14 at 16:28Helvetica: SNG von Aulock 3167; Imhoof LS 3
Silandos (AD 193-217) AE 16641 viewsLate 2nd-early 3rd century AD. AE16 (2.70g, 12h). Wreathed head of Silenos right; CI-ΛANΔ-EΩN around / Grape bunch; EΠI • A • AV-MAIOPOC around. Good VF, green patina. Extremely rare. Alighieri Coll.1 comments06/24/14 at 16:27Helvetica: The rev. legend begins EPI L AY, not EPI A AY. This variation of the reverse legend was published in...
Maionia (AD 193-211) AE 19568 viewsTime of Septimius Severus, 193-211 AD. AE19 (4.35g, 6h). Damas, magistrate. Bearded head of Hercules left / Omphale advancing right, wearing Hercules’ lion skin and carrying his club. VF, earthen green patina. Group CEM.

In expiation for his murder of Iphitos at Tiryns, Hercules was compelled by the Delphic oracle to serve Omphale, Queen of Lydia, for one year. During this time, he performed a number of labors, similar to those which he undertook while serving Eurystheus, including the capture of the Kerkopes, the killing of the Syleus, and the conquest of the city of the Itones. At the same time, he was forced to wear women’s clothing and spin wool and, according to the poet Ovid (Fasti 2.305), Omphale even wore Hercules’ lion skin and carried his club while ordering him about. However, these actions seemed to have little ill-effect on the hero; after his year’s service was completed, Hercules married Omphale.
1 comments06/24/14 at 16:24Helvetica: This is not from Silandos but from Maeonia, Lydia. BMC 21; SNG Cop 225. The legend on the obverse re...
Silandos (AD 164-182) AE 23 – Lucilla710 viewsLucilla, wife of Lucius Verus. Augusta, AD 164-182. AE23 (6.31g). Aulus Attalianus, strategus. ΛOYKIΛΛA CEBACTH, draped bust right. / ΕΠΙ CATTAΛI CΙΛΑΝΔΕΩΝ, Zeus Lydios standing left, holding eagle (?) and sceptre. Very rare. Good very fine.1 comments06/24/14 at 16:10Helvetica: This is not Zeus but Mên. See the crescent on his shoulders. BMC 17; RPC 1354; Paris 1356; Mionnet ...
Silandos (AD 164-182) AE 23 – Lucilla511 viewsLucilla, wife of Lucius Verus, Augusta, 164-182 AD. AE23 (5.33g). [ΛOYKIΛΛA] CEBACTH, draped bust right. / [CΙΛΑΝ]ΔΕΩΝ, Cultus-effigy of Kore enthroned closely draped, head surmounted by polos; in field right, a stalk of corn growing. About very fine.1 comments06/24/14 at 16:08Helvetica: Correct attribution is BMC 20 with a poppy on the left and a corn-ear on the right. Also Imhoof LS 8...
Mytilene (BC 377-326) EL Hekte - B90773 viewsca 377-326 BC. EL Hekte (2.57g, 12h, 9mm). Wreathed head of young Dionysos right / Facing large bald head of satyr with small ‘ears’ and close cropped beard and moustache, all within linear square. Good VF. Carr coll.

There are seven general reverse varieties/types for Bodenstedt 90. This is the first known from an auction of what we can call "type 7."
1 comments06/14/14 at 12:39Adrian: Different reverse types:
Type 1: facing bald head of satyr (common type – 62 known*; #B30. Boden...
Sardeis (BC 2nd-1st cent) AE 15629 views2nd-1st century BC. AE15 (4.05g, 14-15mm). Laureate head of Apollo right within oval dotted border / ΣΑΡΔΙΑΝΩΝ around club within wreath; monogram above. gVF.1 comments06/09/14 at 08:01Helvetica: The monogram (when seen from the correct perspective, i.e. inwards when positioned on the bottom of ...
Sardeis (BC 133) AE 17882 viewsafter 133 BC. AE17 (4.72g). Wreathed head of young Dionysos right / Panther walking left, head facing, broken spear in mouth; ΣΑΡΔΙ/ΑΝΩΝ above, monograms below and to left. Fine green patina, gVF. Gutknecht coll.; ex M&M AG, Basel, List 336 (1972), lot 267.1 comments06/09/14 at 07:55Helvetica: Monograms: TMG in left field; IPM below = Welzl 6295.
Sardeis (AD 253-268) AE 23 - Gallienus400 viewsGallienus, 253-268 AD. AE23 (7.78g). [AVT] K Π•Λ• ΓAΛΛIHNOC•C•, radiate, draped, and cuirassed bust right / CAPΔIANΩ N NЄΩKOP ΩN•, A above prize crown. Apparently unpublished. Nice VF.1 comments06/09/14 at 07:52Helvetica: Waddington 5280; Paris 1333
Sardeis (AD 244-249) AE 31 - Otacilia Severa329 viewsOtacilia Severa, 244-248 AD. AE31 (13.94g). Μ ΩΤΑ CЄΒΗΡΑ CЄΒ, draped and diademed bust on crescent / ЄΠ Π ΚΟΡ ΑΚΥΛ [...] ΑΡΞ Α CΑΡΔΙΑΝΩΝ [...] ΝЄΩ-ΚΟ-ΡΩΝ, cult statue of Kore facing, to the left ears of corn, to the right poppy. Rare. VF.1 comments06/09/14 at 07:51Helvetica: Waddington, Voyages.. Lydia, p. 32, 1; Waddington 5279.
Sardeis (AD 222-235) AE 25 - Severus Alexander503 viewsSeverus Alexander, 222-235 AD. AE25 (5.61g). Laureate, draped and cuirassed bust right, seen from behind / EΠI NEIKOMAX CAPΔIANΩN [...] PAΦIH, temple of Aphrodite of Paphos consisting of a central portico flanked by two tall towers with a semicircular enclosure paved with tiles; sacred stone between two towers with crescent and star above; two columns surmounted by doves on either side, two torches on outside. Near VF, rough green patina. Apparently unrecorded.1 comments06/09/14 at 07:49Helvetica: Mionnet IV 762; SNG Munich 532. Note: Many sellers (such as here) show the reverse upside down. The ...
Sardeis (AD 211-217) AE 35 - Caracalla664 viewsCaracalla, 211-217 AD. AE35 - Medaillon (20.13g). Homonoia with Ephesos. ΑΥΤ ΚΑΙ Μ ΑΥΡ ΣΕΥ−Η ΑΝΤΩΝΕΙΝΟΣ, laureate, draped and cuirssed bust right / ΣΑΡΔΙΣ / ΕΦΕΣΟΣ / ΟΜΟΝΟΙΑ / ΕΠΙ ΑΝ ΡΟΥΦΟΥ / ΑΡΧΟΝΤ Α / ΤΟ Γ, Tyche of Sardeis with Kore and Tyche of Ephesos with cult staue of Artmis Ephesia. Very rare. Dark green patina. Extremely fine.1 comments06/09/14 at 07:46Helvetica: Also SNG von Aulock 8258; Franke KZR 232
Sardeis (AD 209-212) AE 26 - Geta302 viewsGeta, 209-212 AD. AE26 (8.97g). ΠO CЄB - ΓЄTAC KAI, laureate head right / CAPΔIANΩN B NЄΩ - K - OPΩN, Pelops in short chiton and chlamys, running right, grasping prancing horse; below grass. Very rare, F-F+, rough olive-green patina. Hoeft coll.1 comments06/09/14 at 07:44Helvetica: BMC 168; Waddington 5263; Paris 1278.
Sardeis (AD 198-217) AE 46 - Caracalla 608 viewsCaracalla, 198-217 AD. AE46 - Medallion (41.86g, 6h). Circa 198-209 AD. AY KAI M AV - ANTONЄINOC, laureate, draped and cuirassed bust right / CAPΔIANON [Δ]IC / NEOKOPON MH / TPOΠOΛЄOC / ACIAC (in ex.), ЄΠI CTPA KOP OYЄTTHNIANOY ACIAPX, two hexastyle temples facing each other at 3/4 perspective angle; above, two wreaths. Very rare. Green patina with minor deposits. aEF.1 comments06/09/14 at 07:42Helvetica: The reference must be corrected to NumChronicle 1866, p. 124, n. 2. Also published in Leake Num. Hel...
Sardeis (AD 128-137) AE 26 - Sabina456 viewsSabina, Augusta, 128-137 AD. AE26 (12.49g, 6h). Diademed and draped bust right / Sabina(?), togate and veiled standing left, holding wand. VF, brown patina with some spots of red. Unpublished in the standard references. Ex Righetti Coll. 7160; Ex M&M 15 (10/2004), lot 844.1 comments06/09/14 at 07:34Helvetica: Righetti Coll. Sale IV, 844; Righetti Collection 7160.
Sardeis (AD 100-300) AE 19903 viewsImperial times, 2nd-3rd century AD. AE19 (3.23g). ΣAP - ΔIΣ, Tyche Sardis right, draped and veiled, wearing mural crown / ΣAPΔIANΩN B NEΩKOPΩN, cult statue of Kore standing facing, wearing polos, surmounted by star and crescent; grain-ear to left, poppy to right. Rare variant. VF, black-green patina.1 comments06/09/14 at 07:32Helvetica: Paris 1971.405.
Sardeis (AD 69-79) AE 20449 viewsTime of Vespasian, 69-79 AD. AE20 (4.52g). Magistrate T. Fl. Eisigonos. Wreathed bust of Dionysos right / Zeus Lydios with eagle and scepter; before, monogram. gVF.1 comments06/09/14 at 07:28Helvetica: This Omega-A-L monogram is unpublished. The same monogram was on a G&M coin 191, lot 1810. This slig...
Sala (AD 198-217) AE 35 - Caracalla407 viewsCaracalla, 198-217 AD. AE35 (25.69g). Magistrate Val. Moloxos (Archon). Laureate, draped and cuirassed bust right / Emperor on horseback spearing two seated eastern enemies. Very rare. VF.1 comments04/24/14 at 15:32Helvetica: Waddington 6459; Paris 1099.51.
Sala (AD 197-209) AE 35 - Caracalla428 viewsCaracalla, 198-217 AD. AE35 (21.36g, 6h). Homonoia with Bagis. Laureate, draped, and cuirassed bust right / Tychai of Sala and Bagis standing facing one another, each holding scepter, clasping right hands. Good VF, grayish-green patina.1 comments04/24/14 at 15:31Helvetica: Waddington 6464 has an error in the reverse legend, giving it as EPI EYMEN DAMA.. the correct legend...
Lystra (AD 79-81) AE 18 - Titus691 viewsTitus, 79-81 AD. AE18 (4.30g, 10h). Titus / Athena or Mars? 1 comments04/18/14 at 18:43: This is a plate coin in on-line RPC suppliment II 1606A page 88 with reverse identified as Athena
Saitta (AD 238-244) AE 24 - Gordian III526 viewsGordian III, 238-244 AD. AE24 (7.36g). Vs.: ΓΟΡΔΙΑΝΟC ΑΥΤ Κ Μ, laureate, draped and cuirassed bust left with spear and shield / ЄΠ ΑΤΤΑΛΙΑ-ΝΟΥ CΑΙΤΤΗΝ-ΩΝ, Herakles nearing Kerberos with stone in extended arms, behind, bow, quiver and club. Very rare. Green patina, VF.1 comments04/13/14 at 15:51Helvetica: It is illogical and contrary to written mythology and images on ancient pottery for the animal on th...
Saitta (AD 218-222) AE 25 - Elagabalus446 viewsElagabalus, 218-222 AD. AE25 (7.86g). Fabius Gaius magistrate. Laureate, draped and cuirassed bust right / ЄΠ ΦΑΒ ΓΑΙΟΥ Α-ΡΧ CΑΙΤΤΗΝΩΝ, Asklepios standing facing, holding staff entwined by serpent. Red and olive green patina, minor smoothing, gVF. Ex. Righetti coll; M&M Deutschland (Stuttgart 2004), 816.1 comments04/13/14 at 15:46Helvetica: Reference corrected: BMC 53; Leypold I, 1165; Waddington 5186; Paris 1078
Saitta (AD 198-209) AE 40 - Geta, as Caesar541 viewsGeta, as Caesar, 198-209 AD. AE40 (31.05g). Laureate and cuirassed bust right / ΕΠΙ CΟC CΑΡ−ΙΚΛΕΟΥC ΑΠXΟΝ Α, CΑΙΤΤΗ/ΩΝ, Herakles slaying Geryon. Fine, dark green patina, numerous pits, fields smoothed, some details strengthened. Apparently unique. Drewry Coll.; Ex Mabbott Coll. (Schulman, 6/1969), lot 1831; Rhousopoulos Coll. (Hirsch Auktion XIII, 5/1905), lot 4063.1 comments04/13/14 at 15:44Helvetica: One sold in the Mabbott Coll. sale, lot 1831; another sold in the Rhousopoulos Coll. sale, lot 4063
Saitta (AD 193-211) AE 19 - Septimius Severus473 viewsSeptimius Severus, 193-211 AD. AE19 (3.38g). AV KAI Λ CЄΠ CЄOVHPOC ΠЄP, laureate head right / CΑΙΤΤΗΝΩΝ,Heracles, naked, standing resting with right hand on club. Good very fine.1 comments04/13/14 at 15:40Helvetica: With CEP (not just CE) in the rev. legend, and with Herakles standing right, looking left, this is W...
Saitta (AD 175-225) AE 16443 viewsImperial Times, late 2nd - early 3rd cent AD. AE16 (4.06g). Head of Tyche with turreted headdress / CA ITTH NΩN; Apollo, naked, standing slightly towards left, holfding in right branch and in left bow. Nice very fine.1 comments04/13/14 at 15:35Helvetica: Not BMC 21 which is a Kybele seated reverse, but BMC 3; Waddington 5165; Paris 1052
Saitta (AD 150-200) AE 24370 viewsImperial Times, ca 150-200 AD. AE24 (7.19g, 6h). CVC ΠA-TPIOC, diademed bust of Zeus Patrios, slight drapery / Mên standing left, holding pine cone and scepter. Good VF, dark green patina.1 comments04/13/14 at 15:33Helvetica: Obv. legend is ZEYC PATRIOC. Rev. legend is EPI OKTA KINYROY ARX CAITTHNWN, so this is not SNGvA 308...
Saitta (AD 100-200) AE 20677 views2nd cent AD. AE20 (6.05g). ?HMOC, youthfull head Demos right / CAITTHN?N- C[.]ITIANO, Demeter standing left with scepter and holding ears of grain; stag to left. Appearently unpublished. Very fine.1 comments04/13/14 at 15:29Helvetica: I believe this to be Dionysos holding kantharos with panther at his feet, not Demeter, as the attrib...
Philadelphia (AD 249-251) AE 28 - Herennia Etruscilla511 viewsHerennia Etruscilla, wife of Trajan Decius, 249-251 AD. AE28 (10.61g). Diademed and draped bust on crescent right / EΠΙ IOVA APICTON IOVΛIANOV ΦΙΛΑΔΕΛΦΕΩΝ/ EΛΦE-Ω; in ex. NEΩKOPΩ-N, naked Aphrodite with two column within arch. Obverse porosity, very fine.1 comments03/22/14 at 18:53Helvetica: Waddington 5160
Philadelphia (AD 193-211) AE 20332 viewsTime of Septimius Severus, 193-211 AD. AE20 (5.55g). ΦΙΛΑΔЄΛΦΙΩΝ, draped bust of Tyche right / ЄΠΙ ΔΟΚΙΜΟΥ ΑΡX, Apollon standing left with lyra. Dark green patina, VF.1 comments03/22/14 at 17:52Helvetica: The rev. legend appears to end in AR, not ARX. With ARX this would be Waddington 5124; Paris 925 (sa...
Philadelphia (AD 139-161) AE 18 - Marcus Aurelius401 viewsMarcus Aurelius, as Caesar, 139-161 AD. AE18 (4.41g). Bare-headed and draped bust right / ΦIΛAΔE-Λ-ΦEΩN, Nike walking left, holding wreath and palm. Near VF, dark brown patina with some light earthen encrustation.1 comments03/22/14 at 17:08Helvetica: Imhoof Lyd. Stadtm. 35.
Philadelphia (AD 100-200) AE 19341 viewsImperial Times, 2nd century AD. AE19 (3.79g). Head Zeus Koryphaios left / Aphrodite with flower (?). VF.1 comments03/22/14 at 16:58Helvetica: Aphrodite is holding an apple - what appears to be parts of a flower are the bottom parts of the wor...
Philadelphia (AD 81-96) AE 21- Domitian 367 viewsDomitian, 81-96 AD. AE21 (4.90g). ΑΥΤΟΚΡΑΤΩΡ ΚΑΙCΑΡ ΔΟΜΙΤΙΑΝΟC, laureate, draped and cuirassed bust right / ΕΠΙ ΦΛ ΠΡΑΞΕΟΥ ΑΡΞ ΠΡ ΙΕΡΕΩC, ΦIΛAΔEΛΦEΩN, turreted goddess (Mother Anaitis) seated left; lion to left; forepart of deer (?) above. Dark brown patina with earthen highlights.

An issue struck under the magistrate and high priest, Flavios Praxeas, who held his office for life. This coin is curious, as it is struck in brass, thus supposing it to have been intended as a coin of higher value than recorded. Also, forepart of a deer on the reverse (unrecorded variety).
1 comments03/22/14 at 16:49Helvetica: The deity is sometimes named as Kybele (because of the lion), and the stag is thought to be either o...
Philadelphia (AD 81-96) AE 18 - Domitian367 viewsDomitian, 81-96 AD. AE18 (3.81g, 12h), Lagetas, magistrate. ΔOMITIANOC KAICAP, Laureate head right / εΠI ΛAΓETA TO B ΦΛAB ΦIΛAΔεΛΦεWN, Female cult statue. gVF, light green patina. Scarce. Tricarico coll.1 comments03/22/14 at 16:45Helvetica: Rev. legend is EPI LAGETA FILADELFEWN only, beginning at top left, anticlockwise.
Kilbianoi-Nikaia (AD 161-180) AE 22 - Marcus Aurelius & Faustina II404 viewsMarcus Aurelius and Faustina Junior, 161-180 AD. AE22 (3.65g, 7h). Laureate, draped, and cuirassed bust of Marcus right, vis-à-vis diademed and draped bust of Faustina left / Dionysos standing left, leaning on column, holding bunch of grapes. Fine, green patina. Rare, unpublished in the standard references.1 comments03/07/14 at 14:39Helvetica: SNG Turkey 7 (Odemis), 147
Kilbianoi-Nikaia (AD 138-161) AE 16 - Antoninus Pius368 viewsAntoninus Pius, 138-161 AD. AE16 (2.21g). Laureate head right / Cult-statue of Ephesian Artemis flanked by two stags. Very fine.1 comments03/07/14 at 14:32Helvetica: AE16 = Weber 6800; Paris 223; Waddington 4943 (obv KILBIA TWN ANW)
Samos (BC 522-520) Diobol?374 views5th century BC. AR Diobol (1.1g, 11mm). Forepart of winged boar right / Head of roaring lion right within dotted square border. Apparently unpublished.2 comments03/05/14 at 01:41Dimitry: Thanks, moved though not sure of dating
Samos (BC 522-520) Diobol?374 views5th century BC. AR Diobol (1.1g, 11mm). Forepart of winged boar right / Head of roaring lion right within dotted square border. Apparently unpublished.2 comments02/27/14 at 20:21Michael: May want to consider Samos as a possible attribution. The primary elements of this coin are present...
Nysa (AD 161-180) AE 24 - Marcus Aurelius544 viewsMarcus Aurelius, 161-180 AD. Magistrate Asiaticus Cornelius. AE24 (7.9g). AY KAI ANTWNEINOC, laureate, draped and cuirassed bust right / EPI GR ACIATIKOY KORN NYCAEWN, Zeus seated left, holding patera and scepter. Almost very fine.1 comments02/25/14 at 07:13Helvetica: This is Marcus Aurelius as Augustus. Magistrate Asiaticus Cornelius: AY KAI ANTWNEINOC, laureate, dr...
Nysa (BC 200-100) AE 192052 viewsca 2nd cent BC. AE19 (4.64g). Veiled bust of Kore right, wearing wreath of grain / ΝΥΣΑΕΩΝ, slinger standing right, left arm extended, holding sling overhead in right hand; magistrate [..]ROS, monogram upper right. VF, glossy green patina. 1 comments02/25/14 at 05:39Helvetica: This is Regling 29. Magistrate KYROS M. Mionnet (in Vol. III, 342), describing the Paris coin omitte...
Nysa (AD 244-249) AE 28 - Otacilia Severa446 viewsOtacilia Severa, Augusta, 244-249 AD. AE28 (9.17g, 7h). Diademed and draped bust right / Zeus seated left, holding phiale and scepter, within distyle temple with shield in pediment. VF, green patina, light roughness.1 comments02/25/14 at 05:31Helvetica: Magistrate Artemidoros, son of Melitonos. Rev. legend: A ARTEMIDW-ROY MELITW-NOC, NYCAEWN (last M up...
Nysa (AD 235-238) AE 28 - Maximinus I348 viewsMaximinus I Thrax, 235-238 AD. AE28 (9.86g), Magistrate Hyr(...) Eutychos. Laureate, draped and cuirassed bust right / Nike with wreath and palm branch. Rough surfaces. Unpublished (?). F.1 comments02/25/14 at 04:59Helvetica: Rev. Legend (to aid search engines) is EPI GR EYTYXOY NYCAEWN. This reverse type is to date unpublis...
Mostene (AD 177-192) AE 35 - Commodus1950 viewsCommodus, 177-192 AD. AE35 (22.48g). Laureate, draped and cuirassed bust right, seen from behind / EΠ MCOΛIEPNO-V APC M-OCTHNΩΝ, horseman right holding bipenis over shoulder being led by Hermes standing right, head turned left, holding long caduceus and bridle; Cyprus tree in background between Hermes and horse, small lighted altar under raised leg of horse. VF, brown patina, some roughness. Apparently unpublished. A similar type is recorded for Commodus without Hermes and without the Archon's name, which is apparently not recorded.1 comments02/18/14 at 14:57Helvetica: The correct legend is EP AY MATERNOY ARX MOCTHNWN. This is Dieudonné II corr. in RN 1900. (slight c...
Mostene (AD 100-200) AE 19504 views2nd century AD. AE19 (9.3g). ΘΕΟΝ ΣΥΝΚΛΗΤΟΝ, laureate head of Senate right / ΚΑΙΣΑΡΕΩΝ MOΣΤΗΕΝΩΝ, Hero with double-axe on horse left. VF.1 comments02/18/14 at 14:33Helvetica: Imhoof KM 1; RPC 988; Leypold I, 1078
Trapezos (AD 247-249) AE 29 - Philip II643 viewsPhilip II, 247-249 AD. AE29 (16.28g, 5h). Radiate, draped, and cuirassed bust right / Mithras on horseback right; behind, tree; before, altar and column surmounted by raven. Near VF, brown surfaces, minor encrustation. 1 comments02/18/14 at 02:27Gert: Unlike Waddington's example, this coin has a clear obv. legend reading AVT M IOV ΦIΛIΠΠOC C...
Magnesia ad Sipylos (BC 200-0) AE 21765 views2nd-1st century BC. AE21 (7.3g). Turreted head of Tyche (Kybele) right / ΜΑΓΝΗΤΩΝ - ΣΙΠΥΛ, Zeus Lydios standing left, holding eagle and scepter; monogram before. VF.1 comments02/02/14 at 13:20Helvetica: This monogram is unpublished. BMC 5: DYK monogram; Munich 219: RDN monogram.
Magnesia ad Sipylos (BC 200-0) AE 18583 views2nd-1st century BC. AE18 (3.60g). Diademed head of youthful Herakles right / ΜΑΓΝΗΤΩΝ - ΣΙΠΥΛOY, tripod, monogram in upper left field.1 comments02/02/14 at 11:16Helvetica: Winterthur 3785 with this monogram. Obv. described as uncertain male. SNG Cop: Apollo
Magnesia ad Sipylos (AD 253-268) AE 27 - Gallienus332 viewsGallienus, 253-268 AD. AE27 (7.87g, 6h). Aurelius Loggeinos, strategos. Laureate, draped, and cuirassed bust right / Amazon standing left, being crowned by Nike standing behind. VF, grayish-green patina with some light earthen highlights, scuff on reverse.1 comments02/02/14 at 09:01Helvetica: Possibly also Mionnet IV, 450 which overlooked the PY on the second line in the exergue
Magnesia ad Sipylos (AD 244-249) AE 43 - Philip I368 viewsPhilip I Arabs, 244-249 AD. AE43 (31.63g). ΑΥ Κ ΙΟΥ ΦΙΛΙΠΠΟC, laureate, draped and cuirassed bust right / ЄΠ CΤΡ ΑΥΡ ΑΙΝЄΙΟΥ ΒΙΠΠΙΚ ΜΑΓΝΗΤΩΝ CΙΠΥΛΟΥ, Kybele enthroned to left, at her feet, lions. Dark green patina, VF.1 comments02/02/14 at 08:57Helvetica: Mionnet IV, 435. Correct obv. legend is AYT K M IOYL FILIPPOC AYG.
Magnesia (AD 222-235) AE 36 - Severus Alexander632 viewsSeverus Alexander, 222-235 AD. AE36 - Medallion (20.13g, 6h). Aur. Tychicus, grammateus. AYT K M • AYP CEY H • AΛEΞANΔPOC, laureate, draped, and cuirassed bust right / MAΓNH T ΩN EΠ I ΓP AVP • TVΞIK/OV •, Zeus Nikephorus seated left on stool. Good VF, black-green patina with dusty earthen overtones. Extremely rare, only the third example of this type known.

Apart from the Paris specimen published by Mionnet, the only other published example of the type, though with a different placement of the reverse legend, appeared in the Weber Coll. (J. Hirsch XXIV, 5/1909), lot 2880, with the reverse illustrated on pl. XXXIX of the catalog.
1 comments02/02/14 at 08:54Helvetica: This coin is from Magnesia, Ionia, not Magnesia ad Sipylum, Lydia, which always had some indication ...
Magnesia ad Sipylos (AD 198-217) AE 37 - Caracalla678 viewsCaracalla, 198-217 AD. AE37 (27.20g). AVT KAI M AVP C ANTWNEINOC, laureate, draped, cuirassed bust right / EPI C[T]P M AVP GAIOV MAGNHTWN CIPV[L], turreted City-goddess in Amazonian dress standing right, holding "horned" Amazonian shield (pelta) and spear, and extending right hand towards Cybele; Cybele, also turreted, stands left before her, holding patera in right hand and drum on shoulder with left, lion at her feet. Green patina. Nearly very fine.1 comments02/02/14 at 08:35Helvetica: Mionnet IV, 418; Paris AA.GR.809
Maionia (AD 198-217) AE 34 - Caracalla457 viewsCaracalla, 211-217 AD. AE34 (24.48g). ΑΥΤ ΚΑΙ ΑΥΡ CЄΥΗ ΑΝΤΩΝЄΙΝΟC, laureate, draped and cuirassed bust right / ЄΠΙ Μ ΟΥ Γ ΛΙΚΙΝ-ΝΙΑΝΟΥ ΑΡΧ Α / Κ CΤЄΦΑ-ΝΗΦΟΡΟΥ / ΜΑΙΟΝΩ-Ν, Zeus Lydios standing right with eagle and scepter next to cult-statue of Kore. Very rare. Chestnut brown patina, VF.1 comments01/09/14 at 15:16Helvetica: Corrected: obv. legend begins AYT KAI M (M omitted in description). In addition, the reverse legend ...
Maionia (AD 193-211) AE 35 - Septimius Severus480 viewsSeptimius Severus, 193-211 AD. AE35 (22.57g), struck under archon Julianus. AV [KAI] Λ CE - Π CEVHP[OC ΠE]P - TIN, draped, cuirassed, laureate bust right / EΠI IO[VΛI]AN - OV [TAAB(??) APXONTOC], Dionysos in long garment, holding thyrsos in left arm, leaning right on biga drawn by two Centaurs and resting with right arm on back; the Centaur in front, looks back and holds a club in right arm and torch in raised left hand, the other Centaur holds torch in right hand; in ex. MAI[ONΩ]N. F+, surfaces with porosity. Hoeft coll.1 comments01/09/14 at 15:11Helvetica: Also listed by Borrell, "Unedited Autonomous and Imperial Greek Coins", 4, in NC 1845-1846
Maionia (AD 193-211) AE 19 - Julia Domna420 viewsJulia Domna, wife of Septimius Severus, AD 193-211. AE19 (3.70g). ΙΟΛΙΑ CΕΒΑC, head right / MAIONΩN; Tyche standing left, holding cornucopiae. Lovely obverse portrait and detail, weaker reverse.1 comments01/09/14 at 15:08Helvetica: The obverse legend is IOYLIA CEBAC and the coin is Walcher 2675. A var of Waddington 5067; Paris 606...
Maionia (AD 161-180) AE 33 - Marcus Aurelius344 viewsMarcus Aurelius, 161-180 AD. AE33 (23.86g). Draped bust right / Demeter in biga of snakes right. Dark tone, F.1 comments01/09/14 at 15:04Helvetica: This is Righetti Coll. IV, 787
Maionia (AD 147-176) AE 22 - Faustina II535 viewsFaustina II, 147-176 AD. AE22 (5.22g). ΦAVCTЄINA - NЄA CЄBACT, draped bust of Faustina right / ЄΠI KVЄINT-V APX A MAIONΩN, Demeter standing left holding crops and scepter. Dark green patina. Good very fine.1 comments01/09/14 at 14:20Helvetica: The obv. legend ends with CEBAC, not CEBACT. This coin is not Imhoof LS 10; Mionnet IV, 356 or SNG M...
Maionia (AD 147-176) AE 22 - Faustina II512 viewsFaustina II, 147-176 AD. AE22 (6.01g). ΦAVCTЄINA – NЄA CЄBACT, draped bust of Faustina right / MAIONΩN ЄΠI KO VCINIOV APX A, Demeter standing left holding crops and scepter. Very fine.1 comments01/09/14 at 13:59Helvetica: Rev. legend is EPI DIODWROY MAIONWN and the reference is Leypold I 1070
Maionia (AD 117-138) AE 17658 viewsTime of Hadrian, 117-138 AD. AE17 (3.8g). ΜΑΙΟΝΩΝ, laureate bust of Senate right / ΕΠΙ CEIΛΩΠΟC, Zeus standing left. Very fine.1 comments01/09/14 at 13:55Helvetica: This is definitely SNG Cop 218
Pordosilene (BC 450-400) Hemiobol749 viewsca 400 BC. AR Hemiobol (0.31g). Young male head right, wearing tainia / ΠΟΡ, murex shell within incuse square. Unpublished?2 comments12/27/13 at 19:39Michael: An example of this coin is published: SNG Ashmolean 1601. However, the reference identifies the mur...
Akrasos (AD 222-235) AE 36 - Severus Alexander1784 viewsSeverus Alexander, 222-235 AD. AE36 (22.98g). Laureate, draped and cuirassed bust right / Hercules standing facing, head turned right, leaning on club and holding the apples of the Hesperides. Near VF, dark grayish-green patina. Rare.1 comments11/21/13 at 16:32Helvetica: SNG Munich 29; Mionnet IV, 21. Magistrate Aur. Moschianus
Akrasos (AD 193-211) AE 18 - Septimius Severus470 viewsSeptimius Severus, 193-211 AD. AE18 (3.95g). ΑΥΤ ΚΑ Λ C CЄΟΥΗΡΟC, laureate head right / ΑΚΡΑC ΙΩΤΩΝ, Asklepios with serpent staff standing right, head left. Dark green patina, very fine.1 comments11/21/13 at 16:27Helvetica: Weber 6777-6778
Akrasos (AD 193-211) AE 16589 viewsTime of Septimius Severus, 193-211 AD. AE16 (2.45g, 5h). Bareheaded and draped bust of the Senate right / AKPA-CIΩT-ΩN, stag standing right. Good VF, dark brown patina, minor roughness.1 comments11/21/13 at 16:24Helvetica: Duesseldorf 11343
Akrasos (AD 177-192) AE 25 - Commodus946 viewsCommodus, 177-192 AD. AE25 (9.0g). ΑΥ ΚΑΙ Λ ΑΥΡ ΚΟΜΟΔΟΣ, laureate, draped and cuirassed bust right / ΕΠΙ CΤΡΑ ΒΑCCOV AKPACIΩΤΩΝ, Athena standing left, holding owl over lighted altar. Good very fine.1 comments11/21/13 at 16:21Helvetica: Imhoof Lyd. Stadtm. 3; SNG Leypold I, 871.
Pordosilene (BC 450-400) Hemiobol749 viewsca 400 BC. AR Hemiobol (0.31g). Young male head right, wearing tainia / ΠΟΡ, murex shell within incuse square. Unpublished?2 comments10/21/13 at 02:14: Für die Münzen dieser Gegend empfehle ich das Buch von Stauber
Halikarnassos (BC 420-350) Persic Hemiobol564 viewsLate 5th to mid 4th century BC. AR Persic Hemiobol (0.26g, 8mm). Head of ram right / Head of young male right, K to left. Toned, aEF. Very rare.1 comments09/24/13 at 10:42Dimitry: Compare this coin to #7102
Gergis (BC 480-450) Obol1352 viewsca 5th century BC. AR Hemiobol(?) (0.57g, 8mm, 5h). Forepart of sphinx right / Facing lion head within pellet square; all in incuse square. Cf. Klein 813, otherwise unpublished. Good VF, toned, light porosity. Well centered, fine archaic style.1 comments09/23/13 at 22:26Dimitry: attributing to Gergis based on similarity to #4162
Kebren (BC 450) Hemidrachm927 views5th century BC. AR Hemidrachm (1.85g, 10mm). Ram´s head right / Lion´s head right within incuse square. gVF. Apparently unpublished.2 comments09/23/13 at 22:14Dimitry: Yes I agree, thanks, moved.
Kebren (BC 450) Hemidrachm927 views5th century BC. AR Hemidrachm (1.85g, 10mm). Ram´s head right / Lion´s head right within incuse square. gVF. Apparently unpublished.2 comments09/22/13 at 19:13Michael: May want to consider changing attribution to Kebren. Compare the ram's head and overall style ...
Kyzikos (BC 450-400) Hemiobol - winged boar396 viewsca 450-400 BC. AR Hemiobol (0.47g, 8mm, 12h). Forepart of winged boar left; to right, tunny upward / Head of roaring lion left; crescent above; all within incuse square. Unpublished in the standard references. VF, toned, rough, granular surfaces.1 comments09/21/13 at 16:44Michael: An example of this coin is published - SNG Tubingen 2214.
Myous (BC 300-200) AE 10753 views3rd-2nd century BC. AE10 (0.9g). Female head right, wearing stephane and necklace (Artemis?) / MY, bow and arrow. VF.2 comments09/12/13 at 01:37Dimitry: Attribution to Myous is uncertain
Ionia Uncertain (BC 650-600) thunderbolt - EL 1/12 Stater1103 viewsca 600 BC. EL 1/12 Stater (1.13g). Milesian standard. Uncertain structure: Two broad parallel strings crossing four tresses / Incuse square with irregular surface. Missing in major references; possibly unpublished. EF.1 comments08/11/13 at 10:33: Das Bild zeigt ein Blitzbündel. Siehe die zugehörige Hekte unten.
Abydos (BC 500-475) Tetartemorion516 views480-450 BC. AR Hemiobol (7mm, 0.3g). Eagle standing left, Y (?) to right / Quadripartite incuse square ("wind-mill" type). VF.1 comments06/23/13 at 07:34Dimitry: The attribution to Abydos is conjectural, and the style of the reverse incuse is similar to coins fr...
Bithynia Uncertain (AD 81-96) AE 26 – Domitian523 views(Nikaia?) Domitian, 81-96 AD. AE26 (12.82g, 7h). Laureate head right / Nike advancing left, holding shield and palm. Near VF, greenish-brown patina, a few breaks in the patina around the edge. Extremely rare - only a single specimen cited by RPC, this possibly being the second known. Tricarico coll.1 comments05/23/13 at 05:43Alberto: Actually this is an unpublished variant with obv. legend AY ΔOMITIANOΣ KAIΣAP ΣEBAΣTOΣ ΓEP; r...
Pergamon (BC 450-400) Triobol1874 viewsafter 420 BC. AR Diobol (1.72g). Laureate head of Apollo right / Bearded head of satrap right, wearing Persian kyrbasia, ΠΕΡΓA to left, within incuse square. VF. Very rare.1 comments04/30/13 at 16:03Dimitry: The weights of this and other examples indicate that they are 3 times the weight of the obols, and s...
Thymbra (BC 330-300) AE 161095 views4th century BC. AE16 (2.64g, 3h). Helmeted head of Athena left / Θ-Υ, torch within wreath. VF, dark green patina, rough areas on obverse, flan crack. Extremely rare, apparently unpublished.1 comments04/25/13 at 12:35: published Weber 5443 = NC 1896
Kebren (BC 450) Hemidrachm1693 viewsca 480 BC. AR Hemidrachm (1.78g). Head of ram right; below, lizard right / Forepart of bull right within incuse square. Good VF, toned. Well struck on good metal. Ex Triton VI (1/2003), lot 390; Leu 42 (5/1987), lot 294; Niggeler Coll. (Leu/Münzen und Medaillen, 12/1965), lot 396; R. Jameson Coll., 2295.

The Boston and Jameson catalogs attributed this type to Samos, although Barron did not include this coinage in his corpus of Samian coinage. Presumably, the earlier catalogs’ attribution was based on the parallel of the reverse type to various issues at Samos. The obverse type, however, with its small lizard control device, stands in contrast to such an attribution, and without further evidence, an attribution to Samos must be viewed as speculative.
1 comments04/04/13 at 02:08Dimitry: Compare to #10375. Atrribution to Kebren is more likely.
Kebren (BC 450) Hemidrachm613 viewsca 5th century BC. AR Hemidrachm (1.80g). Head of a ram right / Calf head right within shallow incuse square. Unpublished?1 comments04/04/13 at 02:08Dimitry: Attribution to Kebren is likely, based on the fabric and style
Kyzikos (BC 500-450) Hemiobol332 viewsca 550-500 BC. AR Hemiobol (0.30g, 8mm). Head of tunny fish right, squid (?) above / Quadratum incusum. VF.1 comments03/27/13 at 21:24Michael: For consistency with the iconography of other coins from Kyzikos, I would propose that the "squ...
Tyana (AD 193-211) AE 28 - Septimius Severus892 viewsSeptimius Severus, 193-211 AD. AE28 (13.68g). Dated year 3 (=195/6 AD). AV KA CЄΠ CЄOVHPOC, laureate bust right / TYANЄωN TΠT IЄ K ACV K A, Brahma bull standing right; ЄT Γ in exergue. Unpublished date (?). Good very fine.1 comments03/14/13 at 04:55Jochen: Rev. legend should be read TYANЄωN TΠT IЄ K ACV K A
Aphrodisias (AD 200-250) AE 21468 viewsImperial Times, early 3rd century AD. AE21 (5.31g, 6h). Laureate and draped bust of Demos right / Eagle facing, head left, open wings. Dark patina, VF.1 comments01/29/13 at 20:18: This item is in fact known and the types published; MacDonald 240 (O300/R591) = BMC 81, with others ...
Klazomenai (BC 387/6) AE 12934 views4th century BC. AE12 (1.73g, 12h). Head of uncertain satrap right / Tripod; [K?]ΛA downward to right. Unpublished? VF, black patina.

The attribution is uncertain. Clearly from western Asia Minor, other city names could accord with the portion of the ethnic visible on the coin, but the small trace of the initial letter that is struck up seems to best match a “K”.
1 comments01/27/13 at 00:40Dimitry: This coin may depict Tiribazos, who delivered the terms of the King's Peace (under Artaxerxes I...
Prostanna (BC 100-0) AE 15381 views1st century BC. AE15 (2.22g). Helmeted head right / Triskeles in dotted circular border. Rare.1 comments01/22/13 at 03:13Dimitry: Although von Aulock puts this coin in Prostanna, Adada seems to be a better choice based on other si...
Kyme (BC 320-250) AE 10588 views4th-3rd century BC. AE10 (0.9g). Eagle standing left / Skyphos (one-handled vase), K-Y. Very fine.1 comments01/18/13 at 04:39Dimitry: This type usually has the eagle facing to the right
(BC 344-326) Ada or Orontobates - Tetrobol589 views4th century BC. AR Tetrobol (?) (15mm, 2.6g). Laureate head of Apollo facing slightly right / Star of twelve points; I-T-Δ-V around. aEF. Very rare.1 comments01/16/13 at 03:46Dimitry: This type should probably be assigned to Queen Ada (who ruled Karia 344-340 BC and 335-326 BC) or Or...
Apameia (AD 37-41) AE 23 - Caligula1484 viewsCaligula, 37-41 AD. AE23 (6.45g). DRVSVS NERO CAESARES D D, bust of Nero and Drusus / AGRIPPINA DIVA DRVSILLA IVLIA, the Caligula sisters standing facing, Agrippina with cornucopiae, right hand on column, Drusilla with patera and cornucopiae, and Julia with ruder and cornucopiae. Dark green patina, EF. Extremely rare.1 comments01/09/13 at 22:47: Typing the famous 3 sisters Sestertius from the Rome mint, this coin shows important familial propag...
Magnesia ad Sipylos (AD 37-41) AE 20 - Caligula711 viewsGaius (Caligula), with Germanicus and Agrippina Senior, 37-41 AD. AE20 (3.53g, 11h). Radiate head of Gaius right / Germanicus, wearing a toga capite velato, standing facing; to right, Agrippina Senior (as Demeter) standing left, holding grain ears and scepter. VF, brown patina with traces of olive overtones, hairline flan crack at 10h. Very rare.1 comments01/09/13 at 22:43: I did an article called "Portraits of Caligula: The Seated Figure? It was to prove that Calig...
Uncertain (BC 440-390) Wheel - Hemiobol426 viewsca 500-450 BC. AR Hemiobol (5mm, 0.28g). Eagle in flight / Wheel. Apparently unpublished. Fine, porous.1 comments11/17/12 at 18:38Dimitry: This coin seems linked to #6403 and #4367, and they all fit well in Abydos based on style, weight an...
Hieropolis-Kastabala (AD 251-253) AE 27 - Volusian442 viewsVolusian, 251-253 AD. AE27 (18.56g). Radiate, draped and cuirassed bust right. / IEPOΠΟΛΕΙ KACTABAΛEΩΝ, Head Tyche with turreted headdress. Almost very fine.1 comments11/15/12 at 05:59Gert: Published F. Imhoof-Blumer, Monnaies Grecques, p. 354, no. 23b
Kyzikos (BC 500-450) Hemiobol1054 viewsca 550-530 BC. AR Hemiobol (0.46g). Head of bear left, holding tunny fish in mouth / Quadripartite incuse square ("mill-sail" pattern). Extremely rare. EF.1 comments10/09/12 at 21:09Michael: I believe an example of this coin is published - Rosen 374 (attributed to Asia Minor Uncertain Mint)...
Kyzikos (BC 550-500) Hemiobol431 viewsca 520-480 BC. AR Obol (9mm, 0.62g). Head and neck of bird right, its beak extending over head of tunny upward to right / Irregular incuse. Unpublished in the standard references, but see Münzen & Medaillen Deutschland 32 (5/2010), lot 102 for another. VF, toned and porous surfaces. Perhaps the second known. 1 comments09/27/12 at 18:16Michael: I believe an example of this coin is published - SNG Ashmolean 527. However, the reference does not...
Kyzikos (BC 500-450) Hemiobol527 viewsca 525-475 BC. AR Hemiobol (8mm, 0.50g). Bird standing right before tunny; three(?) pellets around / Square incuse punch of mill-sail pattern. Near VF, porous. Extremely rare. Apparently unpublished.1 comments09/27/12 at 18:09Michael: An example of this coin is published - SNG Ashmolean 530.
Kilikia Uncertain (BC 4th cent) Hermes - Hemiobol399 views4th century BC. AR Hemiobol (0.31g, 7mm). Head of Hermes wearing petasos / Head of Herakles right, wearing lion skin. Extremely rare. aEF.1 comments09/06/12 at 03:18Dimitry: Seems to be from same series as #9452
Kilikia Uncertain (BC 4th cent) Satyr - Tetartemorion479 viewsEarly-mid 4th century BC. AR Tetartemorion (5mm, 0.15g, 4h). Facing lion’s head / Bearded head of satyr right within incuse circle. VF, toned. Lee Coll.1 comments09/06/12 at 02:36Dimitry: Seems to be from same series as #8781
Pergamon (BC 200-30) AE 19835 views200-133 BC. AE19 (3.73g). Head of Athena right, wearing Attic helmet / AΘHNAΣ NIKHΦOPOY, owl with closed wings standing facing on thunderbolt. Corrosion, gVF.1 comments08/27/12 at 05:51Dimitry: This variant seems to be unpublished
Paphos (BC 325-309) Distater - Nikokles1575 viewsNikokles, ca 325-309 BC. AR Distater (26mm, 21.29g, 12h). Persic standard, struck ca late 320s BC or ca 310 BC. Head of Aphrodite left, wearing elaborate tiara composed of mural crown with four towers enclosing a polos ornamented with palmettes and annulets, disc earring with a triple pendant and a pearl necklace; Π-ΒΑ behind / ΝΙΚΟΚΛΕΟΥΣ / ΠΑΦΙΟΝ, Apollo, wearing laurel wreath and nude but for cloak over shoulders, seated left on omphalos, holding arrow and bow; laurel branch to left. Extremely rare. EF.

Only 4 genuine examples are known, including this piece. That only 2 obverse and 2 reverse dies are known makes it clear that it was meant to be a special issue (or perhaps an originally large issue cut short). It must have been struck after the Alexander-type tetradrachms (Price 3118-3123), which were minted in the late 320s, and it is possible that these distaters were produced shortly after. However, a date in the years shortly before Nikokles’ suicide might fit the evidence better.
1 comments07/05/12 at 04:08Dimitry: Π[αφου] ΒΑ[σιλισσα] = Queen of Paphos. The denomination of this coin, a Persic double...
(BC 520-480) Uncertain Dynast - 1/2 Stater?920 viewsca 521-478 BC. AR Drachm (4.12g, 14mm). Forepart of winged bull right / Quadripartite incuse square divided diagonally. Good VF, lightly toned. Extremely rare. Ex Leu 65 (5/1996), lot 202.

Leu sale attributed this issue to an uncertain mint in Ionia, noting the similarity of the style to the archaic issues of Klazomenai that feature a winged boar forepart. It is also similar in style to various winged boar foreparts on contemporary issues at Mytilene. While agreeing with these comparisons, the weight of this example and its diagonally divided incuse are more consistent with issues of Lesbos than Ionia. The bull is also a common type used at Mytilene, but relatively rare among issues in Ionia. Finally, in addition to using winged boars, Mytilene used winged lions, so the appearance of a winged bull would not be surprising (especially as all motifs are common in eastern/Persian art). So, while the attribution to Mytilene is conjectural, the preponderance of the evidence weighs greater in its favor than than to a mint in Ionia.
1 comments07/03/12 at 23:53Dimitry: Compare to #9210; tentatively placing both in Lykian Dynasts
Karia Uncertain (BC 450-400) griffin/lion - Obol633 views5th century BC. AR Obol (0.57g, 7mm). Head griffin right / Incuse of lion head right. Apparently unpublished and unique. VF.1 comments07/01/12 at 00:12Dimitry: Compare to # 6419 and 9171
Dardanos (BC 470-440) Diobol919 viewsca 521-478 BC. AR Trihemiobol (10mm, 1.38g, 6h). Forepart of winged boar right / Incuse helmet. Good VF, toned, some porosity. Extremely rare, perhaps the second known.1 comments06/27/12 at 23:57Dimitry: Compare to #8831, moved to Dardanos
Korydalla (AD 238-244) AE 33 - Gordian III440 viewsGordian III, 238-244 AD. AE33 (19.02g). ΑΥ Κ ΜAP ΑΝΤ ΓΟΡΔΙΑΝΟC CΕΒA; laureate, draped, and cuirassed bust right / KOPYΔAΛΛEWN; Zeus seated left, holding Nike on globe and scepter. Apparently unpublished.1 comments06/21/12 at 02:11Dimitry: Thanks Gert for uploading the first coin of Korydalla on AMC
277 coins on 3 page(s) 2