Asia Minor Coins - Photo Gallery

Ancient Greek and Roman coins from Asia Minor

Last additions - Kolophon
Kolophon (BC 375-350) Drachm339 views389-350 BC. AR Drachm (3.01g). Moiras, magistrate. Head of Apollo / Lyre. gVF. Unpublished variant.Jul 11, 2019
Kolophon (AD 249-251) AE 28 - Trajan Decius146 viewsTrajan Decius, 249-251 AD. AE28 (10.90g). Aur. Alexandros, magistrate. AVΤ Κ ΤΡΑΙΑΝΟϹ ΔЄΚΙΟϹ, laureate, draped and cuirassed bust right / ЄΠΙ ΑVΡ ΑΛЄΞΑΝΔΡΟV ΚΟΛΟΦΩ / ΝΙΩΝ, boxer walking right. VF.Dec 30, 2017
Kolophon (AD 244-247) AE 22 - Philip II146 viewsPhilip II, as Caesar, 244-247 AD. AE22 (4.49g). M IOV ΦΙΛIΠΠOC KAI, bareheaded, draped and cuirassed bust right / KOΛOΦΩNIΩN, Apollo seated left on throne, holding branch and lyre. aVF.Dec 30, 2017
Kolophon (AD 238-244) AE 22 - Gordian III169 viewsGordian III, 238-244 AD. AE22 (5.75g). ΑVΤ Κ Μ ΑΝΤ ΓΟΡΔΙΑΝΟϹ, laureate, draped and cuirassed bust right / ΚΟΛΟΦΩΝΙΩΝ, Serapis seated left on chair, holding sceptre; Cerberus to left. VF. Ex Dr. P. Vogl coll.; ex Helios Numismatik Auc. 5, lot 724.Aug 27, 2017
Kolophon (AD 238-244) AE 29 - Gordian III232 viewsGordian III, 238-244 AD. AE29 (7.03g). Laureate, draped and cuirassed bust right / Apollo seated left, holding laurel branch and lyre. Light green patina. VF.Feb 19, 2017
Kolophon (AD 244-249) AE 29 - Otacilia Severa263 viewsOtacilia Severa, Augusta, 244-249 AD. AE29 (10.91g). M OTAK CEBHPA, diademed and draped bust right; countermark: large B withinround incuse / KOΛΟΦΩΝΙΩΝ, Homer seated right on chair with scroll. VF.Jul 28, 2015
Kolophon (BC 330-280) AE 13563 viewsca 330-285 BC. AE13 (2.10g). Laureate head of Apollo right / AIΣXPI[ON] (magistrate), Forepart of bridled horse right; to left, ΚΟΛ below. Black patina, gVF.Dec 05, 2014
Kolophon (BC 501) Obol406 views5th century BC. AR Obol (8mm, 0.75g). Stylized archaic male head right / Quadripartite incuse square. Unpublished in the standard references. VF, toned, granular surfaces. Rare.Sep 10, 2014
Kolophon (BC 501) Obol797 viewsca 500 BC. AR Obol (10mm, 0.79g). Archaic head (of Apollo?) left / Quadripartite incuse square. VF, granular surfaces. Rare.Sep 10, 2014
Kolophon (BC 480-450) Trihemiobol287 viewsca 480-450 BC. AR 1/4 Drachm - Trihemiobol (11mm, 1.3g). Laureate head of Apollo right, his hair in a queue bound up around his wreath; ΚΟΛOΦ around / Lyre of six strings. Rare. VF.Jul 19, 2013
Kolophon (BC 320-294) AE 18377 viewsca 320-294 BC. AE18 (5.13g, 17-18mm). Glaukos, magistrate. Laureate head of Apollo right / Κ-ΟΛ, horseman riding right, holding lance; lyre to left, ΓΛΑΥΚΟΣ below. VF.Apr 07, 2013
Kolophon (BC 400-375) AE 13297 viewsca 400-375 BC. AE13 - Chalkous (1.77g, 1h). Head of Apollo right, wearing tainia / Kithara within linear square; astragaloi to left and right over line; KOΛΟΦ[Ω] around. VF, dark grayish-green patina. Jan 18, 2013
Kolophon (BC 375-330) AE 11329 viewsca 400-375 BC. AE11 (1.16g, 12h). Head of Apollo right, wearing tainia / Kithara; I below. VF, black patina, minor roughness. Jan 18, 2013
Kolophon (BC 330-280) AE 15499 viewsca 360-330 BC. AE15 - Chalkous (2.02g, 11h). Dionyso(doros), magistrate. Laureate head of Apollo right / Forepart of horse right, ΔΙΟΝΥΣΟ to left, KO below. Good VF, dark brown patina. Jan 18, 2013
Kolophon (BC 330-294) Drachm622 viewsca 310-294 BC. AR Drachm (15mm, 3.09g, 1h). Akasto-, magistrate. Laureate head of Apollo right / Kithara. EF, lightly toned, minor reverse roughness. Jan 18, 2013
Kolophon (AD 98-117) AE 24 - Trajan600 viewsTrajan, 98-117 AD. AE24 (10.61g, 12h). Laureate head right / Cult statue of Artemis Klaria. Green patina, VF.Jan 08, 2013
Kolophon (AD 238-244) AE 30 - Gordian III329 viewsGordian III, 238-244 AD. AE30 (10.94g, 6h). Onesimos, strategos. Laureate, draped, and cuirassed bust right / ΕΠΙ CTP ONH-CIMOV KOΛΟΦ-ΩΝ-ΩΝΙ (sic), Minerva standing facing, head, holding spear and shield. VF, dark grayish-brown patina, surfaces a little rough.Nov 15, 2012
Kolophon (AD 253-260) AE 32 - Valerian I497 viewsValerian I, 253-260 AD. AE32 (14.48g, 7h). Aelius Severinus, magistrate. Laureate, draped, and cuirassed bust right / Apollo Klarios seated left, holding laurel branch and lyre, between Artemis to left, holding long torch and with quiver over shoulder, and Nemesis to right, adjusting chiton and holding cubit rule. VF, green-brown patina. Apparently unique, struck with dies of fine style. Group CEM; ex Lanz 30 (11/1984), lot 783.

The type of Apollo Klarios seated left alone is a recurrent reverse design for Colophon. The extended group of gods, as seen here and on some rare earlier issues, must represent a larger sculptural group in the city.
Jun 23, 2012
Kolophon (BC 501) Hemiobol375 viewsca 530/25-500 BC. AR Hemiobol (7mm, 0.33g). Head of Apollo right / Quadripartite incuse square. VF, porous. Jun 12, 2012
Kolophon (BC 450-410) Drachm686 viewsca 450-410 BC. AR Drachm (16mm, 5.44g, 1h). Laureate head of Apollo right; A behind neck / Kithara within incuse square. VF, toned. Unpublished variety.

The A control is known on drachms from the earlier issue, with the long-haired Apollo, but none are published for this series.
Jun 09, 2012
Kolophon (BC 450-410) Tetartemorion348 views490-400 BC. AR Tetartemorion (0.33g, 8mm). Laureate head Apollo right, two laurel leaves to left / TE symbol or mark of value within incuse square. Toned, aEF.Apr 02, 2012
Kolophon (BC 501) Hemiobol320 viewsca 490-400 BC. AR Hemiobol (0.30g, 7mm). Head of Apollo right / Quadripartite incuse square. VF. Rare.Apr 02, 2012
Kolophon (BC 400-375) AE 10338 viewsca 400-375 BC. AE10 (1.32g). Head of Apollo right, wearing tainia / Kithara within linear square. gVF.Apr 01, 2012
Kolophon (AD 256-258) AE 19 - Valerian II306 viewsValerian II, Caesar, 256-258 AD. AE19 (3.83g, 5h). Laureate, draped, and cuirassed bust right / Apollo seated left, holding olive branch and lyre. VF, brown patina, even porosity. Scarce issue from the final phase of the Kolophon mint.Feb 27, 2012
Kolophon (BC 300-100) AE 16373 views3rd-2nd century BC. AE16 (3.72g). Metrodoros, magistrate. Draped bust of Artemis with quiver and bow / Caps of the Dioskouri, star above each, ΚΟΛΟΦΩΝΕΩΝ [Μ]ΗΤΡΟΔΩΡΟΣ below. VF.Feb 14, 2012
Kolophon (BC 500-480) Tetartemorion477 viewsca 450-410 BC. AR Tetartemorion (6mm, 0.19g). Head of Apollo facing slightly right / Quadripartite incuse square; H P A K (?) in quarters. VF, toned, minor porosity. Alighieri Coll. 1 commentsDec 25, 2011
Kolophon (BC 500-480) Tetartemorion353 viewsca 525-490 BC. AR Tetartemonion (6mm, 0.18g). Facing laureate head of Apollo / Quadripartite incuse square. VF, toned. Dec 25, 2011
Kolophon (BC 501) Tetartemorion424 viewsca 480-460 BC. AR Tetartemorion (0.16g). Head of Apollo right / Quadripartite incuse square. VF.Dec 25, 2011
Kolophon (BC 500-480) Hemiobol347 viewsca 480-460 BC. AR Hemiobol (0.27g). Head of Apollo right / Quadripartite incuse square. Toned, gVF. Rare. Muller Coll.Dec 25, 2011
Kolophon (BC 501) Tetartemorion428 viewsca 500-450 BC. AR Tetartemorion (5mm, 0.13g). Laureate head of Apollo right / Quadripartite incuse square. Near VF, toning a bit.Dec 25, 2011
Kolophon (BC 480-450) Tetartemorion340 viewsca 450-410 BC. AR Tetartemorion (7mm, 0.25g, 9h). Facing head of Apollo / Monogram (mark of value, inverted) within incuse rectangle. VF, toned, surfaces a bit porous. Dec 25, 2011
Kolophon (BC 480-450) Tetartemorion414 viewsca 450-410 BC. AR Tetartemorion (7mm, 0.20g, 7h). Facing head of Apollo / Monogram (mark of value) within incuse rectangle. VF, toned, surfaces a bit porous. Dec 25, 2011
Kolophon (BC 500-480) Tetartemorion301 viewsca 450-410 BC. AR Tetartemorion (5mm, 0.15g). Head of Apollo facing slightly right / Quadripartite incuse square; K O Λ O in quarters. VF, toned. Dec 25, 2011
Kolophon (BC 480-450) Tetartemorion299 viewsca 450-410 BC. AR Tetartemorion (7mm, 0.25g, 9h). Facing head of Apollo / Monogram (mark of value) within incuse rectangle. VF. Dec 25, 2011
Kolophon (AD 251-253) AE 29 - Volusian328 viewsVolusian, 251-253 AD. AE29 (11.74g, 6h). Laureate, draped, and cuirassed bust right / Apollo seated left, holding branch and lyre. Near EF, brown patina with some areas of green on the reverse.Oct 29, 2011
Kolophon (AD 251-253) AE 29 - Volusian333 viewsVolusian, 251-253 AD. AE29 (10.33g, 7h). Laureate, draped, and cuirassed bust right / Apollo seated left, holding branch and lyre. Near VF, brown patina.Oct 29, 2011
Kolophon (AD 249-251) AE 28 - Herennius Etruscus317 viewsHerennius Etruscus, as Caesar, 249-251 AD. AE28 (8.96g, 7h). Draped bust right / Apollo seated left, holding branch and lyre. Near VF, brown patina.Oct 29, 2011
Kolophon (AD 138-161) AE 17 – Antoninus Pius884 viewsAntoninus Pius, 138-161 AD. AE17 (4.36g). ΑΝΤΩΝΕΙΝΟC ΚΑΙCΑΡ, head right / ΚΟΛΟΦΩΝΙΩΝ, scheap. Dark green patina, gVF.Aug 09, 2010
Kolophon (BC 450-410) Drachm479 viewsca 450-410 BC. AR Drachm (16mm, 5.37g, 12h). Head of Apollo right, wearing laurel wreath / Kithara within incuse square. VF, granular surfaces. Well centered.Jul 12, 2010
Kolophon (BC 450-410) Drachm395 viewsca 450-410 BC. AR Drachm (14mm, 5.38g). Laureate head of Apollo right / Kithara in incuse square. Near VF, toned, porous.Mar 06, 2010
Kolophon (BC 375-360) Diobol449 viewsca 375-360 BC. AR Diobol (10mm, 0.97g, 1h). Xenodotos, magistrate. Laureate head of Apollo left / Lyre. VF.
Mar 06, 2010
Kolophon (BC 375-360) Diobol385 viewsca 375-360 BC. AR Diobol (10mm, 0.91g, 12h). Xenodotos, magistrate. Laureate head of Apollo left / Lyre. VF, weak obverse strike.Mar 06, 2010
Kolophon (BC 375-360) Diobol481 viewsca 375-360 BC. AR Diobol (10mm, 0.90g, 12h). [...]onides, magistrate. Laureate head of Apollo left / Lyre. VF, reverse scratch.Mar 06, 2010
Kolophon (BC 330-294) Hemidrachm591 viewsca 330-310 BC. AR Hemidrachm (12mm, 1.47g). Konnion, magistrate. Laureate head of Apollo left / Tripod. VF, nice metal.Mar 06, 2010
Kolophon (BC 330-294) Diobol547 viewsca 330-294 BC. AR Diobol (10mm, 1.00g). Senodotos, magistrate. Laureate head of Apollo left / Cithara. VF, obverse a little off-center.Mar 06, 2010
Kolophon (BC 330-294) Diobol521 viewsca 330-294 BC. AR Diobol (11mm, 0.93g). Konnion, magistrate. Laureate head of Apollo left / Cithara. Near VF, reverse slightly off-center.Mar 06, 2010
Kolophon (BC 375-350) Drachm564 viewsca 375-350 BC. AR Drachm (15mm, 3.38g, 12h). Astya-, magistrate. Laureate head of Apollo left / Lyre. VF, a little rough.Mar 06, 2010
Kolophon (BC 320-294) AE 18658 viewsca 320-294 BC. AE18 (5.08g, 11h). Aelianas, magistrate. Laureate head of Apollo right / Horseman riding right, holding lance; lyre behind; AHΛΙΑΝΑ[Σ]. aVF, dark green patina, deposits, minor roughness. Wagner Coll.Mar 06, 2010
Kolophon (BC 320-294) AE 12508 viewsca 320-294 BC. AE12 (1.35g, 12h). Hiklos, magistrate. Laureate head of Apollo right / Forepart of a horse right; HIKΛOΣ below. VF, dark green patina. Alighieri Coll.; ex Klein Coll.Mar 06, 2010
Kolophon (BC 310-300) AE 870 viewsca 310-300 BC. AE Tetrachalkon (5.78g, 1h). Dimokrates, magistrate. Laureate head of Apollo right / Tripod; [Δ]HMOKPATHΣ to left, KOΛΦΩ (sic) to right. Good VF, black patina. Extremely rare issue, only four examples recorded by Kinns for all magistrates. Alighieri Coll.Mar 06, 2010
Kolophon (BC 480-460) Hemiobol424 views5th century BC. AR Hemiobol (7mm, 0.30g). Head of Apollo(?) right / Astragalos within incuse square. VF, porous. Alighieri coll.
Aug 04, 2009
Kolophon (BC 480-460) Hemiobol403 viewsca 480-470 BC. AR Hemiobol (0.34g, 7mm). Laureate head of Apollo right / Astragalos. VF.Jul 05, 2009
Kolophon (BC 330-280) AE 15490 viewsca 330-280 BC. AE15 (2.14g). Ekataios magistrate. Head Apollo right / ΚO horse forepart right, EKATAIΩΣ to left. Nice VF.Jul 03, 2009
Kolophon (AD 250-251) AE 29 - Herennius Etruscus415 viewsHerennius Etruscus, 250-251 AD. AE29 (10.21g). KV ЄP ЄTP MЄ ΔЄKIOC KAI, cuirassed bust right / ЄΠI CTPA ΦΛ AΓAΘOKΛЄOVC KOΛOΦONIΩN, boxer standing right. Green patina, gF.Dec 20, 2008
Kolophon (BC 285-190) AE 20524 viewsca 285-190 BC. AE20 (6.88g). Horseman riding with spear couched; below wolf (?) running / KOΛOΦΩNEΩN, Apollo standing, holding patera over tripod; in left hand lyre. Very fine.Oct 04, 2008
Kolophon (BC 450-410) Drachm622 viewsca 450-410 BC. AR Drachm (5.23 g, 7h). [Ν]ΟΙΝΩΦΟΛΟΚ (retrograde), head of Apollo right, wearing laurel wreath / Kithara in incuse square. Good VF, darkly toned, granular surfaces. Rare.

Milne describes the legend as counterclockwise around the head, but it is actually clockwise around, beginning below the chin.
Jul 31, 2007
Kolophon (AD 249-251) AE 29 - Herennia Etruscilla482 viewsHerennia Etruscilla, wife of Trajan Decius, 249-251 AD. AE29 (9.71g). Diademed bust right on crecent / Boxer walking right. Rare. Ex Burstein coll. Fine.Jul 29, 2007
Kolophon (BC 525-500) Obol1274 viewslate 6th cent BC. AR Obol (0.85g). Archaic head right (Apollo?) / Irregular incuse square. Apparently unpublished. Very fine.Jul 29, 2007
Kolophon (BC 100-0) AE 17642 views1st century BC. AE17 (4.76g). Apollas, magistrate. Homer sitting left on chair with high backrest, holding book in left hand, supporting head with right, ΑΠΟΛΛΑΣ to left / Apollo in long garb standing right, holding Kithara in left hand, plektron in right, ΚΟΛΟΦΩΝΙΩΝ to left. Dark green patina, VF. Joy coll.Jul 28, 2007
Kolophon (BC 330-280) AE 14663 viewsca 330-280 BC. AE14 (1.89g). Laureate head of Apollo right / Forepart of bridled horse right; ΕΠΙΓΟΝΟΣ (magistrate) to left, ΚΟΛ below. EF. Ex Laffaille coll., Monaies et Médailles SA, Bâle 76 (1991), 478.Jul 28, 2007
Kolophon (BC 330-300) AE 18608 viewsca 4th-3rd cent BC. AE18 (5.88g). Head of Apollo right, wearing band in hair / Kithara, KO above, within linear square; ΑΛ-ΚΙ-ΔH-ΜΟΣ (magistrate) around. Good style, dark green patina, gVF. Very rare type. Joy coll.Jul 28, 2007
Kolophon (AD 244-249) AE 35 - Philip I606 viewsPhilip I, 244-249 AD. AE35 (18.55g). Laureate, draped and cuirassed bust right / ΕΠΕPCΤ ΑΥΡΙΑC ΧΡΙ ΟΝ C/ΟΓ ΚΟΛΟΦΩΝΙΩΝ, Apollo Klarias seated left, holding laurel branch and lyre. VF, porous brown surfaces. Drewry Coll.; Ex Burstein Coll., Peus 366, (10/2000), lot 639.Jan 09, 2007
Kolophon (BC 330-285) AE 14475 viewsca 330-280 BC. AE14mm (2.05g). Laureate, three-quarter facing head of Apollo; head turned slightly left / Lyre; palm-tree right (magistrate's name off flan). VF, dark olive-green patina, some roughness. David Herman Coll.Sep 29, 2006
Kolophon (BC 375-330) AE 11631 viewsca 350-330 BC. AE11 (1.12g). Head Apollo right / Lyre. KOΛΟ-Φ-ΩNIΩΝ/IH. Very fine.May 06, 2006
Kolophon (BC 330-280) AE 15926 viewsca 330-280 BC. AE15 (1.89g). Laureate head of Apollo right / Forepart of bridled horse right; ΕΞΗ (magistrate) above, ΚΟ below. Smooth green patina, EF. Scarce variant. Gutknecht coll.Dec 30, 2005
Kolophon (BC 300-200) AE 13653 viewsca 3rd cent BC. AE13 (1.33g). Laureate head of Apollo right / Forepart of springing horse right; KO above, ΛΩΣΙΘΕΟΣ (magistrate) around. Dark green patina, EF. Gutknecht coll.Dec 30, 2005
Kolophon (BC 330-300) AE 21471 viewsca 330-300 BC. AE21 (6.26g). Head of Apollo right, wearing band in hair / Kithara in linear square, ΑΛ-ΚΙ-ΔH-ΜΟΣ (magistrate) around. Green patina, lightly porous surfaces, particularly on rev, gVF/VF. Unique - rev type and magistrate unknown. Gutknecht coll.Dec 30, 2005
Kolophon (BC 330-300) AE 19561 viewsca 330-280 BC. AE19 (4.67g). Head of Apollo right, wearing band in hair / Kithara, ΚΟ below, ΑΚΑΣΤΟΣ (magistrate) to right. Light green patina, thick flan, gVF. Rare. Gutknecht coll.; ex Auctiones AG, Basel Auc. 11 (1980), 154.Dec 30, 2005
Kolophon (BC 330-280) AE 15703 viewsca 330-280 BC. AE15 (2.05g). Laureate head of Apollo right / Forepart of bridled horse right; ΑΝΤΗΝΩΡ (magistrate) to left, ΚΟΛO below. Fine green patina, gVF. Gutknecht coll.Dec 30, 2005
Kolophon (BC 400-375) AE 13538 views4th century BC. AE13 (1.78g). Head of Apollo right, wearing band in hair / Κ-Ο-Λ/Ο/Φ-Ω, kithara in linear square, astragalos to left and right. Dark green patina, gVF/VF. Gutknecht coll.; ex Muenzen & Medaillen AG, Basel - List 474 (1985), lot 153.Dec 30, 2005
Kolophon (BC 480-450) Tetartemorion634 viewsca 525-490 BC. AR Tetartemonion (0.22g, 10h). Facing laureate head of Apollo / TE monogram within incuse square. EF. Exceptional metal for such a fraction. Oct 08, 2005
Kolophon (BC 500-480) Tetartemorion383 viewsca 500-480 BC. AR Tetartemotion (0.19g). Head of Apollo Klarios 3/4 to right / Quadripartite incuse square.Jun 13, 2005
Kolophon (BC 450-410) Tritemorion848 viewsca 450-410 BC. AR Persic Tritemorion? (1/3 obol) (0.30g). Head of Apollo? right, wearing helmet? / Mark of value or monogram? in incuse square.1 commentsJun 12, 2005
Kolophon (BC 500-480) Hemiobol601 viewsca 500-480 BC. AR Hemiobol (0.33g, 7mm). Head of Apollo right, hair tied / Quadripartite incuse square, with granular patterns, pellet in center. aVF. Feb 17, 2005
Kolophon (BC 389-350) Drachm715 viewsca 389-350 BC. AR Drachm (3.42g). Laureate head of Apollo left / Lyre; ΑΡΙΣΤΕΙΔ[ΗΣ] (magistrate). Toned, good VF, light porosity.Jan 19, 2005
Kolophon (BC 389-350) Diobol646 viewsca 389-350 BC. AR Diobol (0.98g). Laureate head of Apollo left / Lyre of five strings, ΚΟΛOΦΩ to left, [ΠΥ]ΘΟΔΩΡΟ[Σ] (magistrate) to right. Light corrosion, VF.Jan 19, 2005
Kolophon (BC 389-350) Drachm1109 viewsca 389-350 BC. AR Drachm (3.66g). Laureate head of Apollo left / Lyre of five strings, ΚΟΛOΦΩ to left, ΙΗΝΗΣ (magistrate) to right. Rare. Attractively toned and of beautiful style. EF. Ex Muenzen und Medaillen 79 (2/1994), lot 331, and from the collections of the Metropolitan Museum of Art, Sotheby & Co., Zurich (4/1973), lot 559, and J. Ward, 667.Jan 19, 2005
Kolophon (BC 450-410) Drachm644 viewsca 440-400 BC. AR Drachm (5.57g). Laureate head of Apollo right / Lyre of seven strings (kithara), ΚΟΛO-ΦΩΝ-ΙΩΝ. Toned, VF.Jan 19, 2005
Kolophon (BC 450-410) Drachm782 viewsca 440-400 BC. AR Drachm (5.36g). Laureate head of Apollo right / Lyre within incuse square, ΚΟΛΦ-Ω-ΝΙΩΝ. Toned VF.Jan 19, 2005
Kolophon (BC 480-450) Drachm624 viewsca 480-450 BC. AR Drachm (5.40g). Laureate head of Apollo right, his hair in a queue bound up around his wreath / Lyre of seven strings, ΚΟΛΦΩΝΙΩΝ. Rare. Minor corrosion, otherwise, VF.Jan 19, 2005
Kolophon (BC 480-450) Hemiobol562 viewsca 500-480 BC. AR Hemiobol (0.46g, 12h). Facing laureate head of Apollo Klarios / Mark of value or monogram? in incuse square. Rare. About EF.Jan 19, 2005
Kolophon (BC 500-480) Hemiobol585 viewsca 500-480 BC. AR Hemiobol (0.32g). Head of Apollo right, hair tied / Quadripartite incuse square, pellet in center. VF.Jan 19, 2005
Kolophon (BC 480-450) Drachm559 viewsca 480-450 BC. AR Drachm (5.39g, 4h). Laureate head of Apollo right, his hair in a queue bound up around his wreath; ΚΟΛΦΩΝ[ΙΩΝ] / Lyre of seven strings. Rare. Attractively toned. Surfaces slightly corroded, otherwise, good VF.Jan 19, 2005
Kolophon (BC 330-285) AE 15695 viewsca 330-285 BC. AE15 (2.21g). Laureate head of Apollo 3/4 to left / Lyre, palm to right, ΕΡΑΣΙΝΙΔΗΣ (magistrate) to left, KO below. Good VF, glossy, dark grayish green patina. Rare.Jan 19, 2005
Kolophon (BC 501) Tetartemorion434 viewsca 500 BC. AR Tetartemorion (0.13g). Head of Apollo right / Quadripartite incuse square. VF.Jan 19, 2005
Kolophon (BC 500-480) Tetartemorion408 viewsca 500-480 BC. AR Tetartemotion (0.18g). Head of Apollo Klarios 3/4 to right / Quadripartite incuse square. Dark toning, EF. Rare.Jan 19, 2005
Kolophon (BC 330-280) AE 13912 viewsca 330-285 BC. AE13 (2.10g). Laureate head of Apollo right / Forepart of bridled horse right; ΣΟΚΡΑΤΗΣ (magistrate) to left, ΚΟΛ below. EF, black patina.Jan 19, 2005
Kolophon (BC 450-410) Tetartemorion611 viewsLate 5th cent BC. AR Tetartemorion (0.30g). Laureate head Apollo right / TE monogram, cicada to left. Choice Good VF.Jan 06, 2005
Kolophon (BC 450-410) Tetartemorion562 viewsLate fifth century BC. AR Tetartemorion (0.30g). Laureate head Apollo right / TE monogram, stork to left. Good VF. Jan 06, 2005
Kolophon (BC 525-500) Tetartemorion1762 viewslate 6th cent BC. AR Persic Tetartemorion (0.19g). Archaic style head of Apollo left / Rough incuse square. Good VF.Dec 27, 2004
Kolophon (BC 450-410) Tetartemorion619 viewsLate fifth century BC. AR Tetartemorion (0.33g). Laureate head Apollo right / TE symbol or mark of value, corn grain to left. Very fine.Dec 27, 2004
Kolophon (BC 100-0) AE 19929 views1st century BC. AE19 (5.19g). Pytheos, magistrate. Homer sitting left on chair with high backrest, holding book in left hand, supporting head with right, ΠΥΘΕΟΣ to left / Apollo in long garb standing right, holding Kithara in left hand, plektron in right, ΚΟΛΟΦΩΝΙΩΝ to left.Dec 24, 2004
Kolophon (BC 450-410) Tetartemorion621 viewsca 420-400 BC. AR Tetartemorion (0.31g). Head of Apollo right / Mark of value or monogram? within incuse square. VF, toned. Rare.Dec 06, 2004
Kolophon (BC 480-450) Hemiobol700 viewsca 480-470 BC. AR Hemiobol (0.43g). Facing laureate head of Apollo Klarios / Mark of value or monogram? in incuse square. Rare. Porous, VF.Dec 06, 2004
Kolophon (BC 480-450) Tetartemorion601 viewsca 480-470 BC. AR Tetartemorion (0.24g). Facing head of Apollo Klarios with long-hanging hair / Mark of value or monogram? in incuse square. Rare. Finely toned, EF.Dec 06, 2004
Kolophon (BC 525-500) Hemiobol2734 viewsca late 6th cent BC. AR Persic Hemiobol (0.38g). Archaic head of Apollo left / Mill-sail incuse punch. Toned, good VF, light porosity. Fine archaic style.Dec 06, 2004
Kolophon (BC 450-410) Tritemorion?521 viewsca 450-410 BC. AR Persic Tritemorion? (1/3 obol) (0.28g). Head of Apollo? right, wearing helmet? / Mark of value or monogram? in incuse square.Dec 04, 2004
Kolophon (BC 450-410) Tritemorion?632 viewsca 450-410 BC. AR Persic Tritemorion? (1/3 obol) (0.42g). Head of Apollo right / Mark of value or monogram? in incuse square.Dec 04, 2004
98 coins on 1 page(s)