Asia Minor Coins - Photo Gallery

Ancient Greek and Roman coins from Asia Minor

Last additions - Philadelphia
Philadelphia (AD 138-192) AE 1996 viewsTime of the Antonines. 138-192 AD. AE19 (4.33g). ΔΗΜΟС, laureate head of the Demos (youthful) right / ΦΙΛΑΔƐΛΦƐΩΝ (retrograde), Dionysus (youthful) standing left, holding cantharus and thyrsus. Rare. VF.Jun 04, 2019
Philadelphia (AD 244-249) AE 36 - Philip I117 viewsPhilip I, 244-249 AD. AE36 - Hexassarion (16.67g, 6h), Aurelios Maximos Ioulianos, archon for the first time. AYT•K•M•IOYΛ •ΦΙΛΙΠΠOC, laureate, draped and cuirassed bust right, seen from behind / ЄΠI AYP MAΞIMOY IOYΛIANOY APX A ΦΛ NЄ/ΩKOPΩN - ΦIΛ/AΔЄ/ΛΦЄ/ΩN, youthful Herakles standing front, head to right, holding, with his left hand, the Nemean lion at one of its hind paws. Extremely rare. First Labor of Herakles. Somewhat smoothed, gVF.Jan 27, 2019
Philadelphia (AD 198-217) AE 41 - Caracalla160 viewsCaracalla, 198-217 AD. AE41 - Medallion (35.39g, 6h), Klaudios Kapitonos, archon for the first time, late 214-217 AD. AYT•K•M•AYP•CЄYH ANTΩNЄINOC, laureate, draped and cuirassed bust right, seen from behind / ЄΠI ΚΛ ΚAΠITΩNOC APX A - ΦΛ ΦΙΛΑΔЄΛΦЄΩΝ / NЄΩKOPΩN, Caracalla, radiate and in the guise of Helios, standing heroically nude in a facing quadriga, his head turned to left and raising his right hand in salute. Holed three times and with fixation drilling on the reverse, VF.Jan 27, 2019
Philadelphia (AD 244-249) AE 30 - Otacilia Severa102 viewsOtacilia Severa, Augusta, 244-249 AD. AE30 - Tetrassarion (10.78g, 6h). Aurelios Maximos Ioulianos, archon. MAP ΩTA CЄYHPA CЄB, diademed and draped bust right / ЄΠI AYP MAΞIMOY IOYΛI APX A ΦΛ ΦIΛAΔЄΛ-ΦЄΩN / NЄ[ΩKO]-PΩ, horse prancing right surmounted by serpent coiled right. Apparently unpublished and apparently the first known coin of Otacilia Severa from Philadelphia. Somewhat rough, aVF.Jan 26, 2019
Philadelphia (AD 100-200) AE 27124 viewsca 2nd century AD. AE27 - Diassarion (10.34g, 6h). IЄPA CYNKΛHTOC, draped bust of the Roman Senate to right / ΦΙΛAΔЄΛΦЄΩN, Kybele, turreted, seated left, holding patera in her right hand and leaning left on tympanum; at her feet to left, lion. Apparently unpublished. Adjustment marks, VF.Jan 26, 2019
Philadelphia (AD 200-270) AE 19133 views3rd century AD. AE19 (2.83g). ΦΛΦΙΛΑΔЄΛΦЄΩΝ, turreted and draped bust of Tyche right / ΝΕΩΚΟΡΩΝ, Nike advancing right holding wreath. gVF.Jun 29, 2018
Philadelphia (AD 37-41) AE 18 - Caligula184 viewsCaligula, 37-41 AD. AE18 (4.19g). Gaios Ioulios Diodotos, magistrate. ΓAIOΣ KAIΣAP, bare head right / ΦΙΛΑΔΕΛΦΕΩΝ / ΓAIOΣ IOYΛIOΣ ΔIO[...], jugate laureate busts of the Dioscuri right. Rare. gVF.Jun 23, 2018
Philadelphia (BC 100-0) AE 15298 views2nd-1st century BC. AE15 (3.25g). Macedonian shield / ΦΙΛΑΔΕΛ-ΦΕΩΝ, thunderbolt diving legend; monogram above; all within wreath. VF.Feb 08, 2018
Philadelphia (BC 100-0) AE 20276 views2nd-1st century BC. AE20 (6.75g). Hermippos, son of Hermogenes, archieros. Diademed and draped bust of Artemis right, with bow and quiver over shoulder / ΦΙΛΑΔΕΛΦΕΩΝ EPMIΠΠΩΣ EPMOΓΕΝΟΥΣ ΑΡΧΙΕΡΩΣ, Apollo seated left on throne, holding patera and resting elbow upon lyre; on back of throne, owl standing right, head facing. gVF.Feb 08, 2018
Philadelphia (AD 100-150) AE 15186 viewsfirst half of 2nd Century AD(?). AE15 (2.91g, 6h). Head of Herakles to right, lion's skin tied around his neck / ΦΙΛΑΔЄΛΦЄΩΝ, bunch of grapes with tendrils and two vine leaves. Green patina. gVF.Jan 01, 2018
Philadelphia (AD 177-192) AE 31 - Commodus184 viewsCommodus, 177-192 AD. AE31 (22.69g, 12h). Homonoia with Smyrna. Laureate and cuirassed bust right / Artemis of Smyrna flanked by Nemeseis of Smyrna. aVF, brown surfaces, light scratches. Extremely rare. Ex Cederlind coll.Dec 26, 2017
Philadelphia (AD 41-54) AE 17 - Claudius250 viewsClaudius, 41-54 AD. AE17 (3.44g). Chondros, magistrate. KΛAVΔIOC KAICAP, bare head right / ΦΙΛAΔEΛΦEΩN XONΔPO, grape bunch. Extremely rare. gF.Aug 27, 2017
Philadelphia (AD 193-217) AE 22 - Julia Domna170 viewsJulia Domna, Augusta, 193-217 AD. AE22 (6.29g). IOVΛIA CЄBACTH, draped bust right / ΦIΛAΔЄΛΦЄΩN, Nike advancing right on globe, holding wreath and palm frond. Very rare. VF. Ex Hirsch 203 (2/1999), lot 818. Plankenhorn coll.Aug 26, 2017
Philadelphia (AD 193-211) AE 26131 viewsPossibly time of Septimius Severus, 193-211 AD. AE26 (9.05g). ΔHMOC, laureate youthful bust of Demos right, with slight drapery / ΦΛ ΦΙΛAΔЄΛΦЄΩN NЄΩKOPΩN, Athena standing facing, head left, holding statue of Artemis, shield and spear. Rare. VF. Ex Hirsch 203 (2/1999), lot 818. Plankenhorn coll.Aug 26, 2017
Philadelphia (AD 193-211) AE 21152 viewsPossibly time of Septimius Severus, 193-211 AD. AE21 (6.05g). ΦΙΛΑΔЄΛΦΙΑ, turreted and draped bust of Tyche right / ΦΙΛΑΔЄΛΦЄΩΝ, Zeus seated left on throne, holding crowning Nike and sceptre. aVF. Plankenhorn coll.Aug 26, 2017
Philadelphia (AD 193-211) AE 22 - Septimius Severus134 viewsSeptimius Severus, 193-211 AD. AE22 (7.38g). AV K Λ CЄOVHPOC, laureate head right / ΦIΛAΔЄΛΦЄΩ / N, two Nemeses standing facing one another, each raising hand to head; wheel between. Extremely rare. aVF. Plankenhorn coll.Aug 26, 2017
Philadelphia (AD 198-209) AE 25 - Geta258 viewsGeta, as Caesar, 198-209 AD. AE25 (6.76g). Julianus magistrate. Λ CЄΠ ΓЄTAC KAI, bare-headed, draped and cuirassed bust right / ЄΠI OVΛIANOV ΦIΛAΔ[ЄΛΦЄΩN], Hermes advancing right holding kerykeion, head left looking back, dragging ram by its horns. gVF. Ex coll. Hannelore Scheiner, Germany (1936-2015).Mar 25, 2017
Philadelphia (AD 81-96) AE 20 - Domitian206 viewsDomitian, 81-96 AD. AE20 (4.687 g, 6h), Fl Praxeas, first archon, priest of five priesthoods for life, epimel archon. AYTOKPATWP KAICAP ΔOMITIANOC, laureate head right / EΠI ΦΛ ΠPAKΞOY APΧ ΠP IEPE WC / ΦIΛAΔEΛ ΦEWN Φ, Nike advancing left with wreath and palm. Near VF. Scarce. Tricarico coll.Mar 23, 2017
Philadelphia (AD 98-117) AE 26216 viewsTime of Trajan, 98-117 AD. AE26 (10.69g). C. B. Nigros magistrate. ΙЄΡΑ СΥΝΚΛΗΤΟС, draped bust of the Senate right / ЄΠΙ Γ Β ΝΙΓΡΟΥ ΑΡ Π(Ρ) Β ΦΙΛΑΔЄΛΦЄΩΝ, Tyche standing left, holding rudder and cornucopia. Rare. VF.Feb 20, 2017
Philadelphia (AD 198-217) AE 30 - Caracalla223 viewsCaracalla, 198-217 AD. AE30 (16.13g). Ioulianos, strategos. AVT K M AVP ANTΩNЄINOC, laureate, draped and cuirassed bust right / ЄΠI CTPA IOVΛIANOV A ΠOΛ ΦIΛΑΔЄΛΦЄΩN, horse prancing left surmounted by serpent coiled right. Very rare. aVF. Ex Dr. P. Vogl coll.; ex Bankhaus Aufhäuser (sold 9/19/1992).Jan 26, 2017
Philadelphia (AD 81-96) AE 26 - Domitian 204 viewsDomitian, 81-96 AD. AE26 (12.91g, 12h), Lagetas, magistrate, Citi Alliance between Philadelphia and Ephesos. AYTOKPATWP KAICAP ΔOMITIANOC, laureate head right / EΠI ΛAΓETA ΦIΛAΔEΛΦEWN KAI EΦEΣIWN / OMONOIA, Tyche standing right, holding scepter, clasping hands with City Goddess standing left, holding small statue of Artemis. nVF, light green patina. Rare. Tricarico coll.Jul 22, 2016
Philadelphia (AD 37-41) AE 19 - Caligula257 viewsCaligula, 37-41 AD. AE19 (4.51g). Melanthus, magistrate. ΓAIOΣ KAIΣAP, bare head of Caligula right, star to left / ΦIΛAΔЄΛΦЄΩN / MЄΛANΘOΣ IЄPЄYΣ / ΓЄPMANIKOY, jugate, laureate, and draped busts of the Dioscuri right. gVF.Jun 18, 2016
Philadelphia (AD 244-247) AE 21 - Philip II253 viewsPhilip II, as Caesar, 244-247 AD. AE21 (4.95g, 6h). M IOV • ΦIΛIΠΠOC KAICAP, draped and cuirassed bust right / ΦΛ ΦIAΔEΛΦЄΩN, panther standing right, licking head of kneeling goat to right; NЄΩKOP in exergue, ΩN in field. VF, green-brown patina. Ex Aufhäuser 12 (10/1996), lot 665.Aug 04, 2015
Philadelphia (AD 193-217) AE 30 - Julia Domna372 viewsJulia Domna, 193-217 AD. AE30 (15.16g). Magistrate Dokimos (Archon). IOVΛIA - CЄBACTH, draped bust right / ЄΠI ΔOK-IMO-V AP-XONTOC // ΦIΛAΔЄΛ / ΦЄΩN (im Abschnitt), tetrastyle temple with statue of Aphrodite. Minor roughness, Very rare. gVF.Aug 03, 2015
Philadelphia (AD 193-211) AE 23 - Septimius Severus225 viewsSeptimius Severus, 193-211 AD. AE23 (9.56g). AΥ KAIC CЄOΥHΡ, laureate head right / ΦIΛAΔЄΛ/ΦЄΩN, She-wolf standing right, suckling the twins Romulus and Remus. Green patina, VF.Aug 01, 2015
Philadelphia (AD 198-217) AE 35 - Caracalla233 viewsCaracalla, 198-217 AD. AE35 (23.22g). AVT K M AVP CЄ ANTΩNЄINOC, laureate, draped and cuirassed bust right; countermark: radiate head of helios right within round incuse / ЄΠΙ ΚΛ ΚΑΠΙΤΩΝΟC ΑΡΧ Α ΦΛ / ΦΙΛΑΔЄΛΦЄΩΝ ΝЄΩΚΟΡΩΝ, Cult statue of Helios standing right within tetrastyle temple. GF.Jul 28, 2015
Philadelphia (AD 79-81) AE 18 - Titus 265 viewsTitus, 79-81 AD. AE18 (4.08g). TITOC KAICAP, laureate head right / ΦΛABIΩN ΦIΛAΔEΛΦEΩN, female cult statue facing between two lions. GVF.Jul 28, 2015
Philadelphia (AD 198-209) AE 26 - Geta195 viewsGeta, as Caesar, 198-209 AD. AE26 (7.58g, 6h). Julianus, magistrate. Bareheaded, draped, and cuirassed bust right / Diana standing right, holding bow and drawing arrow from quiver on back. VF, green patina, some bare metal revealed. Very rare. Spradling Coll. Ex Righetti Coll.; CNG Elec. Auc. 226 (1/2010), lot 437.Jun 03, 2015
Philadelphia (AD 193-211) AE 20 - Septimius Severus224 viewsSeptimius Severus, 193-211 AD. AE20 (3.93g). AV KAI Λ CЄOVHPOC, laureate head right / ΦΙΛΑΔЄΛΦЄΩΝ, Hermes standing left, holding purse and caduceus. Extremely rare. VF.Apr 14, 2015
Philadelphia (AD 138-161) AE 21 - Antoninus Pius273 viewsAntoninus Pius, 138-161 AD. AE21 (7.20g). Perikles(?), magistrate. AY KAI TI AI AΔPI ANTΩNЄINOC, laureate head right / ЄPI ΠЄPIKΛ[...] ΦIΛAΔЄΛΦЄΩN ANЄITIC, Artemis standing right with stag within tetrastyle temple. VF.Apr 07, 2015
Philadelphia (AD 193-217) AE 26 - Julia Domna222 viewsJulia Domna, 193-217 AD. AE26 (8.29g, 6h). ΙΟΥΛΙΑ CЄΒΑCΤΗ, draped bust right / ΦΙΛΑΔЄΛΦЄΩΝ, nude Apollo standing to right, tending a laurel tree; behind, a stele inscribed ΕΠΙ ΙΟΥΛΙΑΝ. Good Very Fine. Extremely Rare.Apr 04, 2015
Philadelphia (AD 200) AE 24270 viewsca 200 AD. AE24 (7.98g, 6h). Diademed bust of youthful Demos right, slight drapery / Artemis standing left, head right, drawing arrow from quiver with right hand, holding bow in left. EF, brown patina.Apr 01, 2015
Philadelphia (AD 161-169) AE 31 - Marcus Aurelius & Lucius Verus489 viewsMarcus Aurelius and Lucius Verus, 161-169 AD. AE31 (29.55g, 6h). Lad... Severus, archon (?). AVT K M AVP ANTΩNЄINOC K AVP OVHPOC, confronted busts of Marcus Aurelius and Lucius Verus / Statue of Helios, radiate, advancing right, holding extended torch and whip, within distyle shrine, [ЄΠΙ] ΛΑΔ... CЄΒΗΡΟV [ΑΡΧ(?)] around, [Φ]ΙΛΑΔЄΛ[ΦΕΩΝ] in exergue. gVF.Jul 04, 2014
Philadelphia (AD 193-217) AE 18 - Julia Domna288 viewsJulia Domna, Augusta, 193-217 AD. AE18 (3.2g). IOYΛIA CЄBAC, draped bust right / ΦΙΛΑΔЄΛΦЄΩΝ, Pan running left. EF.Jul 01, 2014
Philadelphia (AD 244-249) AE 37 - Philip I289 viewsPhilip I, 244-249 AD. AE37 (18.8g). AYT K M IOYΛ ΦIΛIΠΠOC, laureate, draped and cuirassed bust right / ЄΠ AVP MAΞIMOY IOYΛ[...] ΦIΛAΔЄΛΦЄΩN NЄΩ. AΔЄIA[...] ACIA within wreath. VF.Jun 29, 2014
Philadelphia (AD 50-59) AE 16 - Agrippina II432 viewsAgrippina minor. Augusta, 50-59 AD. AE16 (3.2g). Ti. Neikanor, magistrate. ΑΓΡΙΠΠΙΝΑ ΣΕΒΑΣΤΗ, draped bust right / ΦΙΛΑΔΕΛΦΕΩΝ ΝΕΙΚΑNΩΡ, cornucopia. EF.Jun 29, 2014
Philadelphia (AD 37-41) AE 16 - Caligula478 viewsGaius (Caligula), 37-41 AD. AE16 (3.96g, 12h). Hermogenes, victor in the Olympic Games. ΓAIOΣ KAIΣAP, bare head of Caligula right / ΦIΛAΔEΛΦE[ΩN EPMOΓ]ENHΣ OΛVM/[ΠIO]NIKHΣ, jugate, laureat busts of the Dioscuri right; palm branch behind. VF, green and brown patina. Rare.

RPC (p. 492) notes: “A very large number of ‘magistrates’ sign the coins (of Philadelphia) under Caligula: fifteen are certainly attested for his four-year reign. They give themselves various different descriptions and titles: priest of Germanicus, Olympic victor, philopatris, grammateus, and in a number of cases philokaisar. The impression created by this variety is that the persons are mentioned just as individuals rather than as holders of any specific magistracy; alternatively, one might think in terms of a board of some kind, as at Hierapolis.”
Jun 15, 2014
Philadelphia (AD 138-161) AE 25 - Antoninus Pius 236 viewsAntoninus Pius, 138-161 AD. AE25 (9.9g). Af. Kornelianos magistrate. Laureate head right / Dionysos standing left, holding kantharos and thyrsos. VF.Apr 22, 2014
Philadelphia (AD 81-96) AE 18 - Domitian230 viewsDomitian, 81-96 AD. AE18 (2.61g, 6h), Fl Praxeas, first archon, priest of five priesthoods for life, epimel archon. KAIΣAP ΔOMITIANOC, laureate head of Domitian right, bust cuirassed / EΠI ΦΛ ΠPAKΞOY ΦIΛAΔEΛΦEΩN, Asclepius standing left, resting right hand on serpent staff. Near VF, dark patina. Extremely rare. Tricarico coll.Nov 21, 2013
Philadelphia (AD 100-200) AE 19338 viewsImperial Times, 2nd century AD. AE19 (3.79g). Head Zeus Koryphaios left / Aphrodite with flower (?). VF.1 commentsJul 30, 2013
Philadelphia (AD 177-192) AE 28 - Commodus220 viewsCommodus, 177-192 AD. AE28 (14.24g). Archon Oresteinos. Laureate head right / Athena standfing left with spear and shield. Dark green patina. gVF.Jul 21, 2013
Philadelphia (AD 98-117) AE 17 - Trajan347 viewsTrajan, 98-117 AD. AE17 (3.33g). Laureate head right / Cult statue of Artemis Ephesia. gVF.Jul 18, 2013
Philadelphia (AD 41-54) AE 18 - Claudius471 viewsClaudius, 41-54 AD. AE18 (4.89g), Magistrate Seleucus. Laureate head right / five ears of corn. Minor roughness. Very rare. gVF.Jul 18, 2013
Philadelphia (AD 37-41) AE 14 - Caligula352 viewsCaligula, 37-41 AD. AE14 (3.26g). Magistrate Gaios Ioulios Diodotos. Head right, behind, star / winged thunderbolt. Extremely rare. VF.Jul 17, 2013
Philadelphia (AD 81-96) AE 21- Domitian 360 viewsDomitian, 81-96 AD. AE21 (4.90g). ΑΥΤΟΚΡΑΤΩΡ ΚΑΙCΑΡ ΔΟΜΙΤΙΑΝΟC, laureate, draped and cuirassed bust right / ΕΠΙ ΦΛ ΠΡΑΞΕΟΥ ΑΡΞ ΠΡ ΙΕΡΕΩC, ΦIΛAΔEΛΦEΩN, turreted goddess (Mother Anaitis) seated left; lion to left; forepart of deer (?) above. Dark brown patina with earthen highlights.

An issue struck under the magistrate and high priest, Flavios Praxeas, who held his office for life. This coin is curious, as it is struck in brass, thus supposing it to have been intended as a coin of higher value than recorded. Also, forepart of a deer on the reverse (unrecorded variety).
1 commentsJun 09, 2013
Philadelphia (AD 81-96) AE 24 - Domitian233 viewsDomitian, 81-96 AD. AE24 (7.24g, 6h), Lagetas, magistrate. AYTOKPATWP KAICAP ΔOMITIANOC, Laureate head right / ЄΠI ΛAΓETA TO B ΦΛAB ΦIΛAΔЄΛΦЄWN, Zeus standing left, with Nike and scepter. Good very fine, green patina. Very rare. Tricarico coll.Mar 28, 2013
Philadelphia (AD 81-96) AE 18 - Domitian363 viewsDomitian, 81-96 AD. AE18 (3.81g, 12h), Lagetas, magistrate. ΔOMITIANOC KAICAP, Laureate head right / εΠI ΛAΓETA TO B ΦΛAB ΦIΛAΔεΛΦεWN, Female cult statue. gVF, light green patina. Scarce. Tricarico coll.1 commentsMar 28, 2013
Philadelphia (AD 81-96) AE 21 - Domitian243 viewsDomitian, 81-96 AD. AE21 (5.76g, 6h), Fl Praxeas, first archon, priest of five priesthoods for life, epimel archon. AYTOKPATΩP ΔOMITIANOC KAIΣAP, Laureate head right / EΠI ΦΛ ΠPAKΞOY APΧ ΠP IEPE ΩC / ΦIΛAΔEΛΦEΩN, Turreted goddess (Mother Anaitis?) seated left; to left, lion. Near VF, green patina with some earthen encrustation. Scarce. Tricarico coll.Mar 28, 2013
Philadelphia (AD 37-41) AE 14 - Caligula508 viewsGaius (Caligula), 37-41 AD. AE14 (2.37g, 12h). Kleandros, philokaisar. ΓAIOC KAICAP, bare head right; lituus to right / Winged thunderbolt; above, ΦIΛA/ΔЄΛΦЄωN in two lines; KΛЄANΔPOC below. VF, green patina, some reverse roughness. Rare.Mar 26, 2013
Philadelphia (AD 37-41) AE 17 - Caligula426 viewsGaius (Caligula), 37-41 AD. AE17 (3.83g, 12h). Epikrates, magistrate. Bare head of Caligula right / Jugate laureate busts of the Dioscuri right. Near VF, dark brown patina, flan split. Very rare. Geranio coll.Feb 24, 2013
Philadelphia (AD 147-175) AE 26 - Faustina II296 viewsFaustina Junior, Augusta, 147-175 AD. AE26 (12.39g, 6h). Eugenatos, magistrate. Draped bust right / Tyche standing left, holding rudder and cult statue. Good VF, green patina, light adjustment marks. Group CEM.Feb 06, 2013
Philadelphia (AD 81-96) AE 21 - Domitia471 viewsDomitia, 81-96 AD. AE15 (3.1g). Draped bust right / Bunch of grapes. VF.Jan 17, 2013
Philadelphia (AD 193-211) AE 19231 viewsTime of Septimius Severus, 193-211 AD. AE19 (5.22g, 6h). Head of Zeus Korypheos left / Aphrodite standing right, holding apple, right hand raised. Dark patina, GVF.Jan 08, 2013
Philadelphia (AD 161-180) AE 26364 viewsTime of Marcus Aurelius, 161-180 AD. AE26 (8.39g, 6h). Draped bust of the Senate right / Twin spiral columns surmounted by an arch, within which stands Aphrodite, nude, covering herself with her hands. Extremely Rare. Good Very Fine.

The reverse of this extremely rare and superbly preserved coin depicts a Hellenistic or Roman statue of Aphrodite of the ‘Venus Pudica’ type, a style born from the masterwork of the sculptor Praxiteles - the renowned Aphrodite of Knidos, which was the first life sized representation of the nude female form. Such was its beauty and fame in antiquity that it was extensively copied; though the positions of Venus’ hands sometimes changed (in this case the left hand) the basic form remained unchanged. Praxiteles’ original did not survive; it may have been removed to Constantinople and destroyed during the Nika riots.
Jan 08, 2013
Philadelphia (AD 198-217) AE 38 - Caracalla302 viewsCaracalla, 198-217 AD. AE38 (30.85g, 5h). Homonoia with Laodikeia. Laureate, draped, and cuirassed bust right / Palm between two prize urns set on table; amphora under table. Fine, dark grayish-brown patina, pit behind head. Ex Frederick Coll.Nov 15, 2012
Philadelphia (AD 200-270) AE 29247 views3rd cent AD. AE29 (6.00g, 6h). Barehead and draped bust of the Senate right / Nike advancing right, holding wreath and palm frond. VF, green-brown patina with some areas of red, spot of active corrosion on obverse around 12 o’clock.Nov 15, 2012
Philadelphia (AD 222-235) AE 27 - Severus Alexander360 viewsSeverus Alexander, 222-235 AD. AE27 (9.38g, 6h). Julius Ariston Julianus, archon. Laureate, draped, and cuirassed bust right / Coiled serpent right on horse right. Good VF, green patina, some very minor pitting. Extremely rare. From Group CEM.Jun 23, 2012
Philadelphia (AD 200-270) AE 24225 viewsImperial Times, ca 3rd century AD. AE24 (7.20g, 12h). Laureate head of Demos right / Aphrodite standing right, holding apple. VF, dark green patina.May 08, 2012
Philadelphia (AD 193-211) AE 20329 viewsTime of Septimius Severus, 193-211 AD. AE20 (5.55g). ΦΙΛΑΔЄΛΦΙΩΝ, draped bust of Tyche right / ЄΠΙ ΔΟΚΙΜΟΥ ΑΡX, Apollon standing left with lyra. Dark green patina, VF.1 commentsNov 04, 2011
Philadelphia (AD 161-180) AE 24 - Marcus Aurelius330 viewsMarcus Aurelius, 161-180 AD. AE24 (7.10g). 161-162 AD. ΑΥΤ Κ Μ ΑΥΡ ΑΝΤΩΝЄΙΝΟC, hear right / ЄΠΙ ΛΑΔΙ CЄΒ ΗΡΟΥ ΑΡΞΟ ΦΙΛΑΔЄΛΦЄΩΝ, snake around omphalos. Dark green patina, VF.Nov 04, 2011
Philadelphia (AD 161-180) AE 30 - Marcus Aurelius332 viewsMarcus Aurelius, 161-180 AD. AE30 (15.31g). AV K M AVP ANTΩNINOC, laureate, draped and cuirassed bust right / ЄΠ ЄVΓЄNЄ TOPOC ΦIΛAΔЄΛ ΦЄΩN, distyle shrine, with spiral columns; statue of Aphrodite, naked to front, within. Fine.Feb 03, 2011
Philadelphia (BC 100-0) AE 14461 views1st century BC. AE14 (4.3g). Wreathed head of young Dionysos right / ΦΙΛΑΔΕΛ-ΦΕΩΝ , thyrsos. VF.Nov 13, 2010
Philadelphia (AD 98-117) AE 24 - Trajan336 viewsTrajan, 98-117 AD. AE24 (6.66g, 6h). Laureate, draped, and cuirassed bust right / Zeus standing left, holding eagle and scepter. VF, brass surfaces, deposits. Rare.Sep 25, 2010
Philadelphia (AD 244-249) AE 30 - Philip I333 viewsPhilip I, 244-249 AD. AE30 (8.08g, 6h). Aurelius Maximus Julianus, archon α. AVT•K•M IOVΛ ΦIΛIΠ•ΠOC•, laureate, draped, and cuirassed bust right, seen from behind / ЄΠ AV(‘AV’ ligate)P MAΞIMOV(‘OV’ ligate) IOV(‘OV’ ligate)-ΛI-ANOV(‘OV’ ligate) A ΦΛ ΦIΛAΔЄ around, ΛΦ/ЄΩ/N down right field, N[ЄΩ]/KOP/ΩN down left field, Helios advancing left, right hand raised, holding globe and whip in left. VF, green patina, surfaces a bit rough. Ex. Alighieri Coll.Dec 14, 2009
Philadelphia (AD 37-41) AE 18 - Caligula749 viewsCaligula, 37-41 AD. AE18 (3.45g). Menekles Philopatris, magistrate. ΓAIOΣ KAIΣAP, bare head right / ΦIΛAΔEΛΦEΩN MENEKΛHΣ ΦIΛOΠATPIΣ, laureate busts of the Dioscouroi right.1 commentsMay 05, 2009
Philadelphia (AD 69-81) AE 13 - Domitian413 viewsDomitian, as Caesar, 69-81 AD. AE13 (2.28g). ΔO[MITIAN KAIΣAP], cuirassed bust right / [ΦΛABI ΦI]ΛAΔЄΛΦЄΩN, Apollo Kitharoidos. Light green patina, VF.Dec 23, 2008
Philadelphia (AD 177-192) AE 22 - Commodus371 viewsCommodus, 177-192 AD. AE22 (7.81g, 6h), struck 184-190 AD. Laureate head right / Hercules standing facing, head left, holding lion’s skin and leaning on club. Good VF, dark green patina.Nov 22, 2008
Philadelphia (AD 54-68) AE 17 - Nero497 viewsNero, 54-68 AD. AE17 (4.09g, 7h), struck 54-59 AD. Draped bust right / Hekate standing facing, holding torch in each hand. Good VF, black patina. Ex. Wagner Coll.Nov 22, 2008
Philadelphia (AD 198-217) AE 32 - Caracalla610 viewsCaracalla, 198-217 AD. AE32 (22.17g, 6h). Homonoia with Laodicea ad Lycum. Laureate, draped, and cuirassed bust right / FILADELFEI-WN KE (sic) L-AODIKEIW, N in right field, OMONOIA in exergue, EP/MIL/AB/APX in four lines across central field, Zeus Laodiceus standing left vis-à-vis Artemis standing facing, dead stag at side, and drawing arrow from quiver and holding bow. Apparently unique and unpublished. VF, black-brown patina. Drewry Coll.Jul 25, 2008
Philadelphia (AD 37-41) AE 18 - Caligula651 viewsGaius (Caligula). 37-41 AD. AE18 (5.12g, 12h). Bare head of Gaius (Caligula) right / Capricorn left, bearing cornucopia on its back; monogram above. Near EF, dark green patina. Wagner Coll.; ex Waddell I (12/1982), lot 281.Jul 25, 2008
Philadelphia (AD 69-79) AE 20 - Vespasian382 viewsVespasian, 69-79 AD. AE20 (9.54g, 1h). Herodes and Polemaios, epimelethentes. Laureate head right / Zeus Lydios standing left, holding patera and scepter; altar before. VF, brown surfaces, a little rough. Ex Wagner Coll.Jul 02, 2008
Philadelphia (AD 198-211) AE 18 - Geta469 viewsGeta, 198-211 AD. AE18 (3.74g). Bare bust of Geta right / Eagle to front, with open wings, head right. Jan 27, 2008
Philadelphia (AD 222-235) AE 27 - Severus Alexander361 viewsSeverus Alexander, 222-235 AD. AE27 (10.41g). AVT K M AVP•C ЄV HAΛЄΞANΔPOC, laureate in cuirassed and paludamentum / ЄΠI• IOVΛ• APICTO• IOVΛIANOV• ΦΛ• and, in ex., ΦIΛAΔЄΛΦЄΩN/ NЄΩKOP, coiled serpent, with head raised, riding on the back of a horse pacing right; beneath horse, uncertain object. A bit rough, very fine.Jan 27, 2008
Philadelphia (AD 238-244) AE 33 - Gordian III342 viewsGordian III, 238-244 AD. AE33 (6.55g). Laureate, draped and cuirassed bust right / Roma seated on cuirass and round shield, holding on right extended hand idol of Artemis Ephesia, in left parazonium. Good very fine.Jan 27, 2008
Philadelphia (BC 100-0) AE 19552 views1st cent BC, under Hermippos, Archiereus. AE19 (6.94g). Draped bust of Artemis right, bow and quiver behind shoulder / ΦΙΛΑΔΕΛΦΕΩΝ - ΕΡΜΙΠΠΟΣ / ΑΡΧΙΕΡΕΥΣ, Apollo in long chiton standing right, holding kithara in left hand, plektron in right. Good style, dark olive-green patina, gVF. Joy coll.Jul 31, 2007
Philadelphia (AD 249-251) AE 28 - Herennia Etruscilla505 viewsHerennia Etruscilla, wife of Trajan Decius, 249-251 AD. AE28 (10.61g). Diademed and draped bust on crescent right / EΠΙ IOVA APICTON IOVΛIANOV ΦΙΛΑΔΕΛΦΕΩΝ/ EΛΦE-Ω; in ex. NEΩKOPΩ-N, naked Aphrodite with two column within arch. Obverse porosity, very fine.1 commentsJul 29, 2007
Philadelphia (AD 200-300) AE 25406 viewsImperial Times, 3rd cent AD. AE25 (5.83g). Head young Demos right / Lion right. Very fine.
Jul 28, 2007
Philadelphia (BC 100-0) AE 17584 views1st century BC, under Hermippos. AE17 (5.01g). ΦΙΛΑΔΕΛΦΕΩΝ, wreathed head of young Dionysos right / ΑΡΧΙΕΡΕΥΣ - ΕΡΜΙΠΠΟΣ, female panther standing left, head right, holding thyrsos in right paw. Dark green patina, gVF. Righetti coll.Jun 09, 2006
Philadelphia (BC 100-0) AE 20878 views1st cent BC, under Hermippos, Archiereus. AE20 (6.61g). Draped bust of Artemis right, bow and quiver behind shoulder; H(?) under / ΦΙΛΑΔΕΛΦΕΩΝ - ΕΡΜΙΠΠΟΣ / ΑΡΧΙΕΡΕΥΣ, Apollo in long chiton standing right, holding kithara in left hand, plektron in right. Good style, black patina, EF. Gutknecht coll.; ex M&M AG, Basel List 526 (1989), lot 189.Jun 09, 2006
Philadelphia (AD 222-235) AE 28 - Severus Alexander418 viewsSeverus Alexander, 222-235 AD. AE28 (13.24g). Laureate, draped and cuirassed bust right, seen from behind / EΠI IOYΛ API-CTON IOYΛIANOY around, APX/A above, ΦΛ ΦIΛAΔEΛΦEΩN NEΩKORΩN in exergue, agonistic table upon which sit two prize urns, each containing a palm vase and aspergillum below table. Near VF, brownish-green surfaces, porous.Nov 13, 2005
Philadelphia (AD 222-235) AE 20 - Severus Alexander312 viewsSeverus Alexander, 222-235 AD. AE20 (4.80g). Laureate, draped and cuirassed bust right, seen from behind / ΦΛ ΦIΛAΔEΛ-ΦEΩN NEΩKORΩN Nike walking right, holding wreath and palm. VF, reddish-brown patina, surfaces a little rough.Nov 13, 2005
Philadelphia (AD 139-161) AE 18 - Marcus Aurelius398 viewsMarcus Aurelius, as Caesar, 139-161 AD. AE18 (4.41g). Bare-headed and draped bust right / ΦIΛAΔE-Λ-ΦEΩN, Nike walking left, holding wreath and palm. Near VF, dark brown patina with some light earthen encrustation.1 commentsNov 13, 2005
Philadelphia (AD 105-122) AE 18 - Plotina507 viewsPlotina, wife of Trajan, Augusta, 105-122 AD. AE18 (5.06g). Draped bust right / ΦI/ΛAΔE/ΛΦE/ΩN, legend in four lines within laurel-wreath. VF, attractive green patina, some roughness.Nov 13, 2005
Philadelphia (AD 37-41) AE 17 - Caligula902 viewsGaius (Caligula), 37-41 AD. AE17 (4.73g, 12h). Makedon, magistrate. Bare head right / capricorn left, bearing cornucopiae; monogram to left; ΜΑΚΕΔωΝ in exergue. Good VF, olive patina with traces of earthen overtones. Very rare magistrate, only three examples cited in RPC: one in Wintherthur, a second in Vienna, the third in a private collection.Sep 21, 2005
Philadelphia (AD 198-217) AE 27 - Caracalla321 viewsCaracalla, 198-217 AD. AE27 (12.68g). Laureate head right; countermark: Nike advancing right / The emperors clasping hands over low stool. VF, green-brown patina. From the Ian Roper Collection.Sep 21, 2005
Philadelphia (AD 35-37) AE 16 - Tiberius Gemellus1125 viewsTiberius Gemellus(?), co-heir of Tiberius. AE16 (3.18g), struck ca 35-37 AD. TIBERION [CEBACTON], bare head of Tiberius Gemellus(?) right / N[EO]KEC"PEIC, winged thunderbolt. Dark green patina, gF. Extremely rare.

Tiberius Gemellus, born 19 AD, was twin brother to Germanicus Gemellus. They were the sons of Livilla, sister of Germanicus and Claudius, and given to her husband Drusus, son of emperor Tiberius. However, it is probable that they were fathered by Sejanus, the ambitious prefect of Tiberius. During the last years of Tiberius' life, his options for an heir had narrowed to his only 'grandson' Tiberius Gemellus and his grandnephew Caligula. Both men were adopted as co-heirs in 35. However, when Tiberius died in 37, the prefect Macro declared Caligula the new emperor, as the two had prearranged. For appearances, Tiberius Gemellus was hailed princeps iuventutis, but within months was executed for treason. This portrait is especially important because it depicts him not as a child, but as a teen and heir to the throne. All coins from this issue share the same obverse die.
Sep 09, 2005
Philadelphia (AD 37-41) AE 18 - Caligula558 viewsGaius (Caligula), 37-41 AD. AE18 (5.31g). Kleandros Philokaisar, magistrate. Bare head right / Capricorn left with cornucopiae; monogram before. VF, dark green patina.Sep 09, 2005
Philadelphia (AD 37-41) AE 19 - Caligula592 viewsGaius (Caligula), 37-41 AD. AE19 (4.27g, 2h). Artemon, son of Hermogenos, moneyer. ΓΑΙΟC ΚΑΙCΑP ΓΕPΜΑΝ[ΙΚΟC] / ΝΕΟΚΑΙCΑPΕΩΝ, laureate head right / ΑΓΡΙΠΠΙ[Ν]ΑΝ ΑP[ΤΕΜΩ]Ν ΕΠΜΟΓΕΝΟC, Agrippina Senior seated right on chair with ornate legs, holding sceptre and cornucopiae. VF, choice jade green patina. Rare.

It appears that the names of locals on the coins of Philadelphia do not represent magistrates in charge of a specific office, but rather citizens who may have sponsored the production of a certain series of coins. Artemon, in this case, may have dedicated a shrine to the emperor's mother, and celebrated the event with a coin issue.
Aug 21, 2005
Philadelphia (BC 100-0) AE 21750 views1st century BC. AE21 (8.70g). Bust of Artemis right, wearing stephane, bow and quiver at her back / Apollo seated left. Jun 28, 2005
Philadelphia (AD 41-54) AE 20 - Claudius733 viewsClaudius, 41-54 AD. AE20 (4.21g). Laureate head right, T KΛΑYΔΙΟC ΓEPMANIKOC KAICAP / four ears of corn, ΦIΛΑΔΕΛΦΕΩΝ NEOKAICAREΩΝ MAPOC. VF.Jan 06, 2005
Philadelphia (AD 81-96) AE 21 - Domitia597 viewsDomitia, wife of Domitian, Augusta, 81-96 AD (perhaps with Praxeas). AE21 (5.77g). Draped bust of Domitia right / Text in four lines in laurel-wreath. Rare. Nice VF.Jan 02, 2005
Philadelphia (AD 37-41) AE 18 - Caligula558 viewsCaligula, 37-41 AD, and Artemon Hermogenous. AE18 (4.14g). Laureate head right, ΓΑΙΟC KAICAP ΓΕΡΜΑΝΙKOC / Panther right, head turned back and holding thyrsus, APTEMWN EPMOΓENOYC NEOKAICAPEWN. About very fine. Jan 02, 2005
Philadelphia (AD 81-96) AE 17 - Domitian416 viewsDomitian, 81-96 AD. AE17.40 (3.12 g). Laureate head right, ΔOMITIANOC KAICAP / Female cult statue, EΠΙ ΛΑΓΕTA ΦΙΛΑΔΕΛΦΕWN. Attractive very fine. Jan 02, 2005
Philadelphia (BC 100-0) AE 15953 views1st century BC. AE14.94 (3.77g) Macedonian shield / Thunderbolt; ΦΙΛΑΔΕΛΦΕΩΝ, monogram to right. Good very fine.Dec 23, 2004
Philadelphia (AD 200) AE 27441 viewsca 200 AD. AE27 (6.96g). ΔH-ΜΟC, bust of "the people" Demos right / ΦΛ ΦΙΛΑΔΕΦ - ΕΩΝ ΝΕΩΚΟΡΩΝ, Tyche with turreted headdress standing left, holding rudder and cornucopiae. Nice very fine. Apparently unpublished.Dec 22, 2004
95 coins on 1 page(s)