Asia Minor Coins - Photo Gallery

Ancient Greek and Roman coins from Asia Minor

Last additions - Briula
Briula (AD 139-161) AE 21 - Marcus Aurelius59 viewsMarcus Aurelius, as Caesar, 139-161 AD. AE21 - Assarion (5.75g, 6h). Circa 139-144 AD. •M•AYPHΛI OYHPOC KAI, bare-headed and draped bust left, seen from behind / BPIOYΛITΩN, Dionysos standing front, head to left, holding kantharos in his right hand and thyrsos in his left; at feet to left, panther reclining left, looking up. An extremely rare issue from a very rare mint, apparently the second known example. VF.Jun 04, 2019
Briula (AD 81-96) AE 18104 viewsPossibly time of Domitian, 81-96 AD. AE18 (3.20g). HΛIOC, radiate and draped bust of Helios right / BPIOYΛEITΩN, Apollo standing left, holding bow and branch. gVF. Plankenhorn coll.Aug 26, 2017
Briula (AD 14-37) AE 21 - Tiberius100 viewsTiberius, 14-37 AD. AE21 (5.24g). ΣΕΒΑΣΤΟΣ, laureate head right / BPIOVΛEITΩN / NO - MH, Kybele standing facing; lion to left and right. Extremely rare. VF. Plankenhorn coll.Aug 26, 2017
Briula (AD 81-96) AE 24 - Domitian505 viewsDomitian, 81-96 AD. AE24 (7.03 g 12 h). ΔOMITIANOC KAIΣAP CEBAC, Laureate head right / BPIOYΛEITΩN OΛIMΠIOC, Zeus Olympios seated, left, with patera and sceptre. VF, green patina. Extremely rare, possibly unique: it could be the very coin cited in RPC from Imhoof-Blumer. Tricarico coll.Mar 28, 2013
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