Asia Minor Coins - Photo Gallery

Ancient Greek and Roman coins from Asia Minor

Last additions
Nikomedeia (AD 161-169) AE 19 - Lucius Verus403 viewsLucius Verus, 161-169 AD. AE19 (3.15g, 6h). Bare-headed and draped bust right / Fish right. Good VF, green and brown patina.Sep 22, 2010
Nikomedeia (AD 222-235) AE 20 - Severus Alexander347 viewsSeverus Alexander, 222-235 AD. AE20 (4.86g, 7h). Laureate head right / Octastyle temple set on two-tiered base. VF, glossy green patina.Sep 22, 2010
Nikomedeia (AD 222-235) AE 21 - Severus Alexander403 viewsSeverus Alexander, 222-235 AD. AE21 (6.36g, 1h). Laureate, draped, and cuirassed bust right / Octastyle temple; pellet in pediment. VF, dark green patina, minor roughness.Sep 22, 2010
Nikomedeia (AD 161-169) AE 23 - Lucius Verus361 viewsLucius Verus, 161-169 AD. AE23 (8.15g, 6h). Bare head right / • NIKOMHΔIAC MHTPOΠOΛЄΩC NЄΩK, AP-IA across field, male (Ares?) seated left on shield, left leg extended, right leg pulled up and held with hands. VF, dark green patina, rubbed on high points.Sep 22, 2010
Nikomedeia (AD 138-161) AE 20 - Antoninus Pius390 viewsAntoninus Pius, 138-161 AD. AE20 (4.12g). Laureate head right / Pegasus flying right. VF, attractive green patina with some chipping around the edge.Sep 22, 2010
Nikomedeia (AD 161-169) AE 25 - Marcus Aurelius & Lucius Verus410 viewsMarcus Aurelius and Lucius Verus, 161-169 AD. AE25 (11.57g). Laureate head of Marcus Aurelius right / Laureate head of Lucius Verus right. Good VF, brown and green patina. Ex CNG 57 (4/2001), lot 798.Sep 22, 2010
(BC 63-52) Ariobarzanes II - Drachm1296 viewsAriobarzanes II Philopator, 63-52 BC. AR Drachm (16mm, 3.80g, 12h). Mint A (Eusebeia-Mazaka). Dated RY 8 (55 BC). Diademed head right / ΒΑΣΙΛΕΩΣ ΑΡΙΟΒΑΡZΑΝΟΥ ΦΙΛΟΠΑΤΟΡΟΥ, Athena Nikephoros standing left; H (date) in exergue. Good VF, iridescent toning. Rare in this condition.

Coins of Ariobarzanes II are rare in the Cappadocian series, and are typically found poorly struck or struck on poor metal. The engraving also usually appears to have been done in haste, perhaps reflecting his issues were struck in a time of expediency. His father’s coinage (Ariobarzanes I) was plentiful, and are the most common Cappadocian coins found today. It is possible that so much was in circulation during his son’s reign that Ariobarzanes II’s issues were relatively small.
Sep 21, 2010
(BC 96-63) Ariobarzanes I - Drachm1201 viewsAriobarzanes I Philoromaios, 96-63 BC. AR Drachm (17mm, 4.19g, 1h). Dated RY 14 (83/2 BC). Diademed head right / Athena Nikephoros standing left, holding spear and round shield, both set on ground; monogram to inner left, EP to inner right; IΔ (date) in exergue. Good VF, toned.Sep 21, 2010
Kaisareia (AD 217-218) Tetradrachm - Diadumenian518 viewsDiadumenian, as Caesar, 217-218 AD. AR Tetradrachm (8.48g, 25mm, 11h). Dated RY 1 of Macrinus (217 AD). MAPKOC OΠEΛIOC [....], bare headed, draped, and cuirassed bust right / [MH]TPOΠO KAICAPIA, Mt. Argaeus surmounted by statue; ЄT A (date) in exergue. Good VF, some porosity. Extremely rare.Sep 21, 2010
Kaisareia (AD 217-218) Tetradrachm - Macrinus430 viewsMacrinus, 217-218 AD. AR Tetradrachm (9.81g, 24mm, 12h). Dated RY 1 (217 AD). Laureate, draped, and cuirassed bust right / MHTPOΠ KAICAPIAC, Mt. Argaeus surmounted by statue; ЄT A (date) in exergue. VF, some porosity. Very rare.Sep 21, 2010
Kaisareia (AD 217-218) Tetradrachm - Macrinus430 viewsMacrinus, 217-218 AD. AR Tetradrachm (9.16g, 24mm, 12h). Dated RY 1 (217 AD). Laureate bust right, slight drapery on far shoulder / MHTPO KAICAPIAC, Mt. Argaeus surmounted by statue; ЄT A (date) in exergue. VF, some porosity. Very rare.Sep 21, 2010
Kaisareia (AD 209-211) Tridrachm - Geta378 viewsGeta, 209-211 AD. AR Tridrachm (9.33g, 25mm, 12h). Dated RY 18 of Septimius Severus (210 AD). AY K Π CЄΠTIMI ΓETAC AYΓ, laureate, draped, and cuirassed bust right, seen from behind / MHTPO KAICAPIAC NЄΩKO, radiate male figure seated left on Mt. Argaeus, holding branch; ЄT IH (date) in exergue. Good VF, flan crack, a couple very minor planchet flaws.Sep 21, 2010
Kaisareia (AD 209-211) Tridrachm - Geta367 viewsGeta, as Caesar, 198-209 AD. AR Tridrachm (7.66g, 24mm, 12h). Dated RY 16 of Septimius Severus (208 AD). • Λ • CЄΠTIM ΓETAC KAI, bare headed, draped, and cuirassed bust right, seen from behind / MHTPO KAI CAPI NЄ(O over Ω)K, Mt. Argaeus surmounted by statue; ЄT Iς (date) in exergue. Good VF.Sep 21, 2010
Kaisareia (AD 198-217) Tridrachm - Caracalla358 viewsCaracalla, 198-217 AD. AR Tridrachm (8.38g, 24mm, 12h). Dated RY 19 (216 AD). AY KAI M AYPHΛΙ ANTΩNINOC AY, laureate head right / MHTPOΠ KAICAPIA NЄΩ, Mt. Argaeus; to left of summit, nude male figure holding scepter; to right of summit, three nude male figures, that on the left smallest (Geta), that in the middle largest (Severus), and that on the right of a height between the two (Caracalla), each raising hand; ЄT IΘ (date) in exergue. Good VF, flan split.Sep 21, 2010
Kaisareia (AD 193-217) Didrachm - Julia Domna390 viewsJulia Domna, Augusta, 193-217 AD. AR Didrachm (4.05g, 21mm, 12h). Dated RY 20 of Caracalla (217 AD). Draped bust right / Mt. Argaeus surmounted by star, set on garlanded altar; ЄT K (date) in exergue. EF.Sep 21, 2010
Kaisareia (AD 193-217) Didrachm - Julia Domna436 viewsJulia Domna, Augusta, 193-217 AD. AR Didrachm (4.33g, 21mm, 12h). Dated RY 19 of Caracalla (216 AD). Draped bust right / Mt. Argaeus surmounted by star, set on garlanded altar; Є-T flanking altar, IΘ (date) in exergue. Near EF, minor porosity.Sep 21, 2010
Kaisareia (AD 193-217) Tridrachm - Julia Domna454 viewsJulia Domna, Augusta, 193-217 AD. AR Tridrachm (8.45g, 24mm, 12h). Dated RY 18 of Severus (210 AD). IOYAIA ΔO-MNA AYΓ, draped bust right / MHTPO KAICAPIA NЄΩKO, radiate male figure seated left on Mt. Argaeus, holding branch; ЄT IH (date) in exergue. VF, lighlty porous. Unrecorded date for this type in the name of Domna.Sep 21, 2010
Kaisareia (AD 193-217) Tridrachm - Julia Domna451 viewsJulia Domna, Augusta, 193-217 AD. AR Tridrachm (8.46g, 25mm, 12h). Dated RY 18 of Severus (210 AD). IOYAIA ΔO-MNA • AYΓOY, draped bust right / MHTPO KAICAPIA NЄΩK, Mt. Argaeus; to left of summit, nude male figure holding scepter; to right of summit, three nude male figures, that on the left smallest (Geta), that in the middle largest (Severus), and that on the right of a height between the two (Caracalla), each raising hand; ЄT IH (date) in exergue. EF. A highly interesting piece recording a lost dynastic monument and which, between obverse and reverse, carries images of the entire imperial family.Sep 21, 2010
Kaisareia (AD 193-217) Drachm - Julia Domna391 viewsJulia Domna, Augusta, 193-217 AD. AR Drachm (2.51g, 18mm, 11h). Dated RY 14 of Severus (206 AD). IOYAIA ΔOMNA, draped bust right / MHTPO KAICAPIA, Mt. Argaeus surmounted by star; ЄT IΔ (date) in exergue. EF. Lovely portrait.Sep 21, 2010
Kaisareia (AD 193-217) Tridrachm - Julia Domna308 viewsJulia Domna, Augusta, 193-217 AD. AR Tridrachm (8.64g, 24mm, 11h). Dated RY 14 of Severus (206 AD). IOYAIA • ΔO-MNA AYΓOY, draped bust right / MHTP KAICA, Mt. Argaeus surmounted by statue; ЄTO IΔ (date) in exergue. Good VF.Sep 21, 2010
Kaisareia (AD 193-217) Tridrachm - Julia Domna343 viewsJulia Domna, Augusta, 193-217 AD. AR Tridrachm (24mm, 7.32 g, 11h). Dated RY 13 of Severus (205 AD). IOYAIA ΔOMNA AY, draped bust right / MHTPOΠ KAICAPI, Mt. Argaeus surmounted by statue; ЄT•IΓ• (date) in exergue. Good VF, a little porous, very minor deposits.Sep 21, 2010
Kaisareia (AD 193-211) Tridrachm - Septimius Severus383 viewsSeptimius Severus, 193-211 AD. AR Tridrachm (8.16g, 25mm, 5h). Dated RY 16 (208 AD). AY KAI Λ CЄΠTI CЄOYHPOC, laureate head right / MHTPOΠO KAICAPIA NЄΩKO, Radiate male figure seated left on Mt. Argaeus, holding branch; ЄT Iς (date) in exergue. Good VF, a little porous, minor flan flaws on obverse.Sep 21, 2010
Kaisareia (AD 193-211) Tridrachm - Septimius Severus371 viewsSeptimius Severus, 193-211 AD. AR Tridrachm (8.19g, 25mm, 11h). Dated RY 16 (208 AD). AY KAI Λ CЄΠTI CЄOYHPOC, laureate head right / MHTPO KAI-CAPI NЄΩK, Mt. Argaeus surmounted by statue; ЄT Iς (date) in exergue. Good VF, light porosity.Sep 21, 2010
Kaisareia (AD 193-211) Drachm - Septimius Severus466 viewsSeptimius Severus, 193-211 AD. AR Drachm (2.97g, 17mm, 12h). Dated RY 15 (207 AD). AY KAI Λ CЄΠT CЄOYHPOC, laureate head right / MHTP KAICA, Mt. Argaeus surmounted by star; ЄT IЄ (date) in exergue. EF.Sep 21, 2010
Kaisareia (AD 193-211) Tridrachm - Septimius Severus349 viewsSeptimius Severus, 193-211 AD. AR Tridrachm (5.42g, 25mm, 12h). Dated RY 14 (206 AD). AY • KAI • Λ • CЄΠTIMI • • CЄOYHPOC AYΓ, laureate head right / MHTPO KAICAPI, Mt. Argaeus surmounted by statue; ЄT IΔ (date) in exergue. EF, minor porosity.Sep 21, 2010
Kaisareia (AD 69-79) AE 21 - Titus680 viewsTitus, as Caesar, 69-79 AD. AE21 (7.78g, 12h). Dated RY 10 of Vespasian (77/8 AD). Laureate head right / Legend in five lines within wreath. VF, dark brown patina. Ex J.S. Wagner Coll.Sep 21, 2010
Kaisareia (AD 198-209) AE 30 - Geta475 viewsGeta, as Caesar, 198-209 AD. AE30 (18.91g, 7h). Dated RY 13 (205 AD). Bare-headed, draped, and cuirassed bust right / Agalma of Mount Argaeus upon altar; ЄT IΓ (date) in exergue. Near VF, golden-brown patina with patches of red.Sep 21, 2010
Kaisareia (AD 79-81) AE 18 - Titus479 viewsTitus, 79-81 AD. AE18 (4.64g, 12h). A. Caesennius Gallus, Augustan legate. Dated RY 3 (81 AD). Laureate head right / Statue atop Mt. Argaeus; ET G (date) in exergue. Near VF, green patina.Sep 21, 2010
Kaisareia (AD 177-192) AE 27 - Commodus495 viewsCommodus, 177-192 AD. AE27 (14.80g, 10h). Dated Cos. 13 (192 AD). Laureate, draped, and cuirassed bust right / Agalma of Mt. Argaeus on altar; ЄT ΓI (date) divided between altar and exergue. VF, red-brown patina, light scratches.Sep 21, 2010
Kaisareia (AD 238-244) AE 24 - Gordian III517 viewsGordian III, 238-244 AD. AE24 (8.12g). Dated RY 7 (AD 243/244). Laureate, draped and cuirassed bust right / MHTP KAI B NЄ, ЄT Z across field, six grain ears. VF, brown and green patina, some encrustations. Ex Drewry Coll.Sep 21, 2010
Kaisareia (AD 222-235) AE 27 - Severus Alexander452 viewsSeverus Alexander, 222-235 AD. AE27 (13.90g). Dated RY 1 (222/223 AD). Laureate, draped and cuirassed bust right, seen from behind / MHTPOΠ KAICAPI, Mr. Argaeus surmounted by a star, on base inscribed ЄT A. VF, dark green patina under some earthen highlights.Sep 21, 2010
Kaisareia (AD 217-218) AE 22 - Diadumenian455 viewsDiadumenian, as Caesar, 217-218 AD. AE22 (7.92g). Dated RY 2 (218 AD). M OΠE ΔIAΔ ANTΩ, bare-headed, draped and cuirassed bust right / MHTP-OΠO KAICAPIAC, ЄT B in exergue, altar with four grain ears, Mt. Argaeus below. Near VF, brown surfaces, light roughness.Sep 21, 2010
Kaisareia (AD 217-218) AE 23 - Diadumenian424 viewsDiadumenian, as Caesar, 217-218 AD. AE23 (11.60g). Dated RY 2 (218 AD). M OΠ ΔIAΔOV ANTΩNЄINOC, bare-headed, draped and cuirassed bust right / MHTPOΠOΛ KAICAPIA, ЄT B in exergue, altar with four grain ears, Mt. Argaeus below. VF, dark brown patina, light roughness.Sep 21, 2010
Kaisareia (AD 241-244) Drachm - Tranquillina1149 viewsTranquillina, wife of Gordian III, 241-244 AD. AR Drachm (2.18g, 18mm). Dated RY 4 (240/1 AD). CABINIA TPANKVΛΛIN V, draped bust right / MHTPO KAICA BNЄ, ЄT Δ in exergue, Mount Argaeus; pellet to left. Good VF, porosity. Rare.Sep 21, 2010
Sinope (BC 453-410) Drachm475 views5th-4th century BC. AR Drachm (5.98g, 8h). Head of Nymph Sinope left, hair in sakkos / Sea eagle on dolphin left, O below tail, ΣΙΝΩ below; within incuse square. aEF. Sep 21, 2010
Sinope (BC 453-410) Drachm437 viewsafter 400 BC. AR Drachm (22mm, 6.11g). Head of Nymph Sinope left, hair in sphendone / Sea eagle on dolphin left, ΣΙΝΩ below; within incuse square. EF. Rare variant.Sep 21, 2010
Sinope (BC 333-322) Drachm - Ariarathes I606 viewsAriarathes I of Cappadocia, 333-322 BC. AR Drachm (5.42g, 5h). Sinope mint. Head of nymph left, hair in sakkos, wearing triple-pendant earring and necklace; [aplustre before], Aramaic 'MO' behind / Sea-eagle standing left, wings spread, on dolphin left; Aramaic legend ('Arydrt') below. EF, toned. Very rare.

Simonetta mentions these drachms in the text describing the coins of Ariarathes I, but does not list them in his catalog.
Sep 21, 2010
(BC 52-42) Ariobarzanes III - Drachm1035 viewsAriobarzanes III Eusebes Philoromaios, 52-42 BC. AR Drachm (16mm, 3.55g, 12h). Dated RY 11 (41 BC). Diademed head right / Athena Nikephoros standing left; to left, star above crescent; monogram to right. Good VF, lightly toned. N. Frank Coll.; ex CNG 55 (9/2000), lot 645.

Ariobarzanes was a grandson of Mithradates VI of Pontos and adopted the Pontic royal symbol of the star above crescent for his coins.
Sep 21, 2010
(BC 52-42) Ariobarzanes III - Drachm1173 viewsAriobarzanes III Eusebes Philoromaios, 52-42 BC. AR Drachm (17mm, 3.80g). Dated RY 9 (43 BC). Diademed head right / Athena Nikephoros standing left; star in crescent to inner left, monogram to inner right, Θ (date) in exergue. VF. Sep 21, 2010
(BC 200-169) Pharnakes III - Tetradrachm1523 viewsPharnakes III, ca 185-170 BC. AR Tetradrachm (35mm, 16.38g, 11h). Diademed head right / Ma(?) standing facing, holding caduceus and cornucopiae, feeding branch to doe standing right below. VF, toned, cleaning scratches under tone. Exceptional Hellenistic portrait. Very rare. Sep 21, 2010
(BC 200-169) Pharnakes III - Drachm2529 viewsPharnakes III, ca 200-169 BC. AR Drachm (4.11g, 11h). Diademed and bearded head of Pharnakes right / BAΣIΛEΩΣ ΦAPNAKOY, male figure, wearing petasos, standing facing, cradling cornucopia and kerykeion in his left arm, and holding vine branch in his right hand; star-in-crescent (Pontic royal symbol) to upper left; to lower left, deer standing right, feeding on vine; monogram to right. Good VF, toned, a hint of porosity. Well centered on a broad flan. Splendid hellenistic portrait.

The king in this issue has traditionally been labeled as Pharnakes I, but more recent literature has shown that he is actually the third Pontic king to hold that name. Pharnakes III ascended the throne after the death of his father, Mithridates III, ca 200 BC. Most of his reign was spent attempting to expand the borders of his realm, which, ca 181 BC, brought him into conflict with Eumenes II of Pergamon and Ariarathes IV of Cappadocia, who were allied with each other. Each side blamed the other for the aggression, and appealed to Rome to intervene. Hostilities were temporarily halted after the arrival of a Roman delegation, but their failure to resolve the disputes led to renewed warfare. By 179 BC, it was clear that Pharnakes could no longer withstand the combined Pergamene and Cappadocian forces. In exchange for peace, Pharnakes gave up his possessions in Galatia and Paphlagonia, except for the important trading city of Sinope. Little else is known of his reign.
Sep 21, 2010
(BC 169-150) Laodike - AV Stater5001 viewsLaodike Epiphanes Philadelphos, wife of Mithradates IV of Pontos, 169-150 BC. AV Stater (8.49g). Diademed and veiled bust of Laodike left / ΒΑΣΙΛΙΣΣΙΣ / ΛΑΟΔΙΚΙΣ / ΕΠΙΦΑΝΟΥΣ ΚΑΙ / ΦΙΛΑΔΕΛΦΟΥ, banded double cornucopiae filled with fruit, six-rayed star above, monogram to right. Unique and unpublished. EF.

This important piece portraits the daughter of Mithradates III of Pontus as a young woman (she is depicted as a more mature woman on Tetradrachms). This Stater has a certain parallel to an also unique Stater of Mithradates IV (see SNG von Aulock 4), which shows the inauguration of the newly wedded brother and sister. The son of Laodike's older brother Pharnakes (successor of Mithradates III), Mithradates V, was too young to succeed his father to the throne. Because of this, Mithradates IV and Laodike, his sister and wife, took over Pontic government around 169 BC. Two more ladies come into question for the portraited woman: the wife of Mithradates V (daughter of Antiochos IV of Syria) and the daughter of Mithradates V of Pontos, who were also called Laodike.
Sep 21, 2010
(BC 220-200) Mithradates III - Drachm1668 viewsMithradates III, ca 220-196/5 BC. AR Drachm (3.96g, 12h). Amaseia or Sinope mint. Struck ca 200 BC. Diademed head right / BAΣIΛEΩΣ MIΘPAΔATOY, Zeus Aëtophoros seated left; to inner left field, star above crescent above monogram. Good VF, toned, granular surfaces, minor edge chips. Extremely rare, the finest of two known, the other in the BN.

Ex Münzen und Medaillen Deutschland 11 (11/2002), lot 676; Bayerische Vereinsbank Münzschätze FPL 11 (4/1976), no. 32.

With the exception of the coinage of Mithradates VI ‘the Great’, the coins of the earlier Pontic kings are very rare, and only a handful of drachms are known. As noted by Mørkholm in EHC, the portraits of these Pontic kings are among the most striking and lifelike in all of Greek royal portrait coinage. Unlike many other series, such as the Ptolemies and Seleukids, the portraits here are not idealized, portraying their subjects “warts and all.” Only some of the coins of the early Greco-Baktrian kings have such lovely die workmanship, but the character displayed in these Pontic portraits is unparalleled.
Sep 21, 2010
(BC 130-112/0) Ariarathes VI - Drachm1107 viewsAriarathes VI Epiphanes Philopator, ca 130-112/0 BC. AR Drachm (18mm, 4.18g, 12h). Mint C (Komana?). Diademed head right, wearing short beard / Athena standing left, holding wreath and palm; monograms to inner left and outer right, I in exergue. VF, lightly toned, a few light marks on obverse. Unpublished with bearded portrait.

The standard depiction is of Athena Nikephoros, but here she holds a wreath and palm rather than Nike and spear. The Cappadocian warrior-goddess Enyo-Ma was their local version of Athena, and Mørkholm thought this rendition of Athena may have been more closely based on the standard depiction of this local goddess, whose temple was at Komana. This unusual depiction only occurred on Mørkholm's issues 3 and 4 at mint C, and he was uncertain of the underlying reason for its appearance. Mint C was apparently established during the reign of Ariarathes VI, most likely due to uncertain military necessities. Although the location of the mint at Komana is not certain, issues of this mint have a metrological affinity with those of mint A (Eusebia-Mazaka [Caesarea]), suggesting a location proximate to the latter.
Sep 21, 2010
(BC 163-130) Ariarathes V - Drachm1077 viewsAriarathes V Eusebes Philopator, ca 163-130 BC. AR Drachm (19mm, 4.33g, 12h). Mint A (Eusebeia-Mazaka). Diademed head right / Athena Nikephoros standing left; monograms to inner left and outer right, ΓΛ in exergue. Good VF, lightly toned.

The attribution of much of the middle Cappadocian series has long been the subject of debate, primarily between B. Simonetta and O. Morkholm. Morkholm's attribtions appear to be more firmly grounded, particularly in hoard studies, and thus his conclusions that the earliest silver drachms are those of Ariarathes V and that the exergual letters on this series are not regnal dates are likely correct. As such, the latest studies and SNGs have attributed this portion of the series following his conclusions.
Sep 21, 2010
(BC 160-156) Orophernes - Tetradrachm1573 viewsOrophernes, ca 160-156 BC. AR Tetradrachm (16.82g). Diademed head of Orophernes right / ΒΑΣΙΛΕΩΣ ΟΡΟΦΕΡΝΟΥ ΝΙΚΗΦΟΡΟΥ, Nike standing left, crowning royal name with right hand and holding palm branch in left, in inner left field owl standing three-quarters left on altar above ΜΗΧΡ monogram. Among the greatest rarities of the Hellenistic portraiture. Slight "ghosting" on obverse, lightly toned, aEF.Sep 21, 2010
Nikaia (AD 41-48) AE 32 - Messalina1542 viewsMessalina, Augusta, 41-48 AD. AE32 (22.71g, 12h). C. Cadius Rufus, proconsul. Struck ca 47-48 AD. Draped bust left, hair in long plait / Façade of basilica: a two story tetrastyle central bay with two story wings flanking; inscribed entablature above. Fine, green and brown patina, rough. Extremely rare.Sep 19, 2010
Nikaia (AD 193-211) AE 16 - Septimius Severus321 viewsSeptimius Severus, 193-211 AD. AE16 (2.86g, 12h). Laureate head right / Demeter standing left, holding long torch and grain ears(?). Near VF, brown surfaces.Sep 19, 2010
Nikaia (AD 238-244) AE 31 - Gordian III295 viewsGordian III, 238-244 AD. AE31 (19.34g, 6h). Radiate, draped, and cuirassed bust left, seen from front, holding spear forward and shield decorated with aegis; countermarks: laureate head right within circular incuse and uncertain / Boule standing right, facing Demos standing left, each holding scepter and supporting small round shield between them. VF, dark brown patina.Sep 19, 2010
Nikaia (AD 253-260) AE 25 - Valerian I272 viewsValerian I, 253-260 AD. AE25 (8.01g, 6h). Radiate, draped, and cuirassed bust right / Tyche seated left, holding phiale. Near VF, red-brown patina, some deposits. Ex Righetti Coll., 8925.Sep 19, 2010
Nikaia (AD 235-238) AE 23 - Maximus269 viewsMaximus, Caesar, 235-238 AD. AE23 (7.38g, 1h). Bare-headed, draped, and cuirassed bust right / Athena standing facing, head left, holding inverted spear. VF, dark brown patina. Ex Righetti Coll, 9895.Sep 19, 2010
Nikaia (AD 198-209) AE 18 - Geta300 viewsGeta, as Caesar, 198-209 AD. AE18 (3.86g, 6h). Bare head right / Tyche standing left, holding rudder and cornucopiae. VF, dark brown patina. Ex Righetti Coll., 8671.Sep 19, 2010
Nikaia (AD 198-209) AE 16 - Geta273 viewsGeta, as Caesar, 198-209 AD. AE16 (3.00g, 12h). Bare head right / Tyche standing left, holding rudder and cornucopia. Good VF, black patina. Ex Righetti Coll., 8668.Sep 19, 2010
Nikaia (AD 198-209) AE 16 - Geta277 viewsGeta, as Caesar, 198-209 AD. AE16 (2.85g, 6h). Bare head right / Athena standing left, holding shield set on ground and spear. VF, dark brown patina.Sep 19, 2010
Nikaia (AD 193-211) AE 15 - Septimius Severus307 viewsSeptimius Severus, 193-211 AD. AE16 (2.80g, 6h). Laureate head right / Tyche standing left, holding rudder and cornucopia. VF, black patina. Ex Righetti Coll., 8661.Sep 19, 2010
Nikaia (AD 193-211) AE 27 - Septimius Severus314 viewsSeptimius Severus, 193-211 AD. AE27 (11.03g, 7h). Laureate head right / Zeus standing left, holding phiale and scepter. Near VF, golden tan and brown patina, a few light scratches.Sep 19, 2010
Nikaia (AD 253-260) AE 26 - Valerian I233 viewsValerian I, 253-260 AD. AE26 - Tetrassarion (8.20g, 12h). Struck circa 256 AD. Radiate, draped, and cuirassed bust right / Dionysos standing left, holding kantharos and thyrsos. VF, dark brown patina with some spots of red.Sep 19, 2010
Nikaia (AD 253-268) AE 25 - Gallienus348 viewsGallienus, 253-268 AD. AE25 (7.76g, 1h). Radiate head right / Athena standing left, holding phiale in right hand, spear in left, shield at feet left. VF, light brown patina, minor roughness.Sep 19, 2010
Nikaia (AD 222-235) AE 18 - Severus Alexander280 viewsSeverus Alexander, 222-235 AD. AE18 (3.77g). Laureate and draped bust right / Roma seated left holding Vctory and spear. Good VF, greenish-brown patina, light smoothing.Sep 19, 2010
Nikaia (AD 218-222) AE 22 - Elagabalus328 viewsElagabalus, 218-222 AD. AE22 (4.32g). Laureate head right / Perspectival view of a hexastyle temple. VF, glossy brown and green patina, smoothed.Sep 19, 2010
Nikaia (AD 198-217) AE 24 - Caracalla260 viewsCaracalla, 198-217 AD. AE24 (7.55g). Laureate, draped, and cuirassed bust right / Zeus seated left, holding patera and scepter. VF, green patina.Sep 19, 2010
Nikaia (AD 217-218) AE 28 - Macrinus367 viewsMacrinus, 217-218 AD. AE28 (12.56g). Laureate and cuirassed bust right / River-god Sagaris reclining left on rock from which water flows, head turned to right, holding branch and reed. VF, brown patina, some smoothing.Sep 19, 2010
Nikaia (AD 161-180) AE 29 - Marcus Aurelius346 viewsMarcus Aurelius, 161-180 AD. AE29 (16.03g). Laureate, draped and cuirassed bust right / Nike, holding palm, driving biga right. Good VF, dark green patina, minor smoothing. Scarce.Sep 19, 2010
Nikaia (AD 235-238) AE 25 – Maximinus I255 viewsMaximinus, 235-238 AD. AE25 (8.58g). Laureate, draped and cuirassed bust right, seen from behind / N-I-KA-I-EΩN, Athena standing left, holding patera and spear, left elbow resting on shield. VF, dark brown patina. Ex Drewry Coll.; Ex Freeman & Sear MBS 6 (10/2000), lot 726 (part of).Sep 19, 2010
Nikaia (AD 198-209) AE 16 - Geta349 viewsGeta, as Caesar, 198-209 AD. AE15 (2.28g). Bare-headed, draped and cuirassed bust right, seen from behind / NIKAIEΩN, elephant standing right. VF, dark brown patina, some cleaning scratches revealing bare metal.Sep 19, 2010
Nikaia (AD 244-249) AE 26 - Otacilia Severa291 viewsOtacilia Severa, wife of Philip I, Augusta, 244-249 AD. AE26 (12.11g). Diademed and draped bust right / Two tetrastyle temples seen at an angle., brown patina. VF. Ex Alexandre de Barros Coll.Sep 19, 2010
Nikaia (AD 217-218) AE 27 - Macrinus298 viewsMacrinus, 217-218 AD. AE27 (12.81g, 6h). Laureate head right / Sarapis standing left, holding grain ears and scepter. Good VF, attractive hard emerald green patina.Sep 19, 2010
Nikaia (AD 238-244) AE 33 - Gordian III302 viewsGordian III, 238-244 AD. AE33 / Hectassarion (18.23g, 2h). Radiate, draped, and cuirassed bust left, seen from front, holding spear forward and shield decorated with aegis / Heracles reclining left on lion right, extending hand to Victory with arms raised kneeling right at knee, and holding club. VF, black-green patina with olive green overtones. Very rare reverse type.Sep 19, 2010
Nikaia (AD 222) AE 24 - Severus Alexander352 viewsSeverus Alexander, as Caesar, 222 AD. AE24 (6.10g). Bare-headed, draped, and cuirassed bust right, seen from behind / Three military standards. VF, dark grayish-green patina, some light roughness. Rare.Sep 19, 2010
Kaisareia (AD 238-244) Tridrachm - Gordian III481 viewsGordian III, 238-244 AD. AR Tridrachm (8.74g, 25mm, 12h). Dated RY 4 (240/1 AD). Laureate, draped, and cuirassed bust right / Mt. Argaeus surmounted by wreath; ЄT Δ (date) in exergue; c/m: bust of Tyche right. Good VF.Sep 18, 2010
Kaisareia (AD 238-244) Tridrachm - Gordian III572 viewsGordian III, 238-244 AD. AR Tridrachm (9.09g, 23mm, 1h). Dated RY 4 (240/1 AD). Laureate, draped, and cuirassed bust right / Mt. Argaeus surmounted by wreath; B NЄ across field, ЄTOVC Δ (date) in exergue. Good VF. Without the usual countermark.

Out of 43 tridrachms of Gordian III’s fourth year surveyed by Bland, 33 carried the Tyche countermark, always on the reverse. They seem to be linked to a Helios countermark applied to his bronze coinage, normally found in this case on the obverse. The variation in silver content and weight of Caesarean silver issues is quite astounding. Bland’s study of 105 silver coins of Gordian III have the following weight ranges: 6.72-11.17g for tridrachms, 4.02-6.20g for didrachms, and 2.08-4.13g for drachms. The fineness of the coins varies from 30% to 63%.
Sep 18, 2010
Kaisareia (AD 238-244) Tridrachm - Gordian III485 viewsGordian III, 238-244 AD. AR Tridrachm (8.92g, 23mm, 6h). Dated RY 4 (240/1 AD). Laureate, draped, and cuirassed bust right / Mt. Argaeus surmounted by wreath; B NЄ across field, ЄTOVC Δ (date) in exergue; countermark: bust of Tyche right. Good VF.Sep 18, 2010
Kaisareia (AD 238-244) Tridrachm - Gordian III574 viewsGordian III, 238-244 AD. AR Tridrachm (8.43g, 25mm, 1h). Dated RY 3 (239/40 AD). AV KAI M ANT ΓOPΔIANOC CЄ, laureate, draped, and cuirassed bust right / MHTPOΠ KAICARIAC, draped male figure seated left on Mt. Argaeus, holding branch; B NЄ across field, ЄT Γ (date) in exergue; c/m: bust of Tyche right. Good VF. Extremely rare. Possibly a new type for Gordian III.Sep 18, 2010
Kaisareia (AD 238-244) Tridrachm - Gordian III470 viewsGordian III, 238-244 AD. AR Tridrachm (9.08g, 22mm, 12h). Dated RY 3 (239/40 AD). Laureate, draped, and cuirassed bust right / MHTPOΠ KAICAP ΓOPΔIANI OI[KOY], agonistic urn with two palms supporting Mt. Argaeus; • between palms; B NЄ across field, ЄT Γ (date) in exergue; countermark: bust of Tyche right. Good VF. Extremely rare. Bland knew of only four tridrachms with an agonistic urn reverse at the time of his study (1991).Sep 18, 2010
Kaisareia (AD 238-244) Tridrachm - Gordian III404 viewsGordian III, 238-244 AD. AR Tridrachm (7.67g, 24mm, 12h). Dated RY 3 (239/40 AD). Laureate, draped, and cuirassed bust right / Mt. Argaeus; B NЄ across field, ЄTOVC Γ (date) in exergue; countermark: bust of Tyche right. Good VF.Sep 18, 2010
Kaisareia (AD 198-217) Tridrachm - Caracalla383 viewsCaracalla, 198-217 AD. AR Tridrachm (8.94g, 24mm, 12h). Dated RY 18 of Septimius Severus (210 AD). Laureate head right / Radiate male figure seated left on Mt. Argaeus, holding branch; ЄT IH (date) in exergue. Good VF, nice metal for issue.Sep 18, 2010
Kaisareia (AD 198-217) Tridrachm - Caracalla342 viewsCaracalla, 198-217 AD. AR Tridrachm (8.35g, 23mm, 12h). Dated RY 16 of Septimius Severus (208 AD). Laureate head right / Mt. Argaeus surmounted by statue; ЄT Iς (date) in exergue. EF.Sep 18, 2010
Kaisareia (AD 193-217) Tridrachm - Julia Domna338 viewsJulia Domna, Augusta, 193-217 AD. AR Tridrachm (8.73g, 23mm, 12h). Dated RY 16 of Septimius Severus (208 AD). Draped bust right / Mt. Argaeus surmounted by statue; ЄT Iς (date) in exergue. Good VF.Sep 18, 2010
Kaisareia (AD 193-211) Tridrachm - Septimius Severus514 viewsSeptimius Severus, 193-211 AD. AR Tridrachm (8.31g, 23mm, 11h). Dated RY 18 (210 AD). Laureate, draped, and cuirassed bust right / Radiate male figure seated left on Mt. Argaeus, holding branch; ЄT IH (date) in exergue. Good VF.Sep 18, 2010
Kaisareia (AD 41-54) Didrachm - Claudius1442 viewsClaudius, 41-54 AD. AR Didrachm (7.48g, 12h). Laureate head left / DE BRITANNIS in exergue, Claudius, holding reins and scepter, in triumphal quadriga right. Near EF, toned. Rare. The didrachm was introduced during the reign of Claudius. The reverse type portrays a powerful piece of political propaganda; namely, Claudius returning triumphantly from Britain.Sep 18, 2010
Tarsos (AD 238-244) AE 37 - Gordian III272 viewsGordian III, 238-244 AD. AE37 (29.7 g, 7h). Radiate, draped, and cuirassed bust right / Agonistic urn, inscribed CЄVHPЄIA and containing two palm fronds, set on table with leonine legs. VF, olive-brown find patina. Commemorating the Severeia Olympia Epineikia Games.Sep 18, 2010
Tarsos (AD 235-238) AE 36 - Maximinus I337 viewsMaximinus I, 235-238 AD. AE36 (28.62g, 12h). Radiate, draped, and cuirassed bust right / Hygieia, holding serpent and feeding bowl, standing left, and Aesculepius, leaning on serpent-entwined staff, standing right; between them, Telephorus standing facing. VF, dusty green patina.Sep 18, 2010
Tarsos (AD 81-96) Tetradrachm - Domitian1240 viewsDomitian, 81-96 AD. AR Tetradrachm (13.91g, 26mm, 12h). Laureate head right / Tyche seated right on rocks, holding palm; at feet, river-god Kydnos swimming right; TAP monogram to right. Good VF.Sep 18, 2010
Mopsos (AD 253-268) AE 32 - Gallienus370 viewsGallienus, 253-268 AD. AE32 (15.17g, 12h). Dated CY 323 (255/6 AD). Radiate, draped, and cuirassed bust right / Tyche of Mopsouestia-Mopsos standing right, presenting agonistic urn containing two palm fronds to Valerian I and Gallienus, each seated left on curule chair. Good VF, green patina with traces of earthen overtones, die cleaning marks on reverse. A well-struck, attractive example.Sep 18, 2010
Perge (AD 193-211) AE 35 - Septimius Severus423 viewsSeptimius Severus, 193-211 AD. AE35 (35.22g, 12h). AV • K • Λ • CЄ • CЄOVHPOC • Π • C, ЄB below bust, laureate, draped, and cuirassed bust right / ΠЄP Γ A IΩN, cultic xoanon of Artemis Pergaia, flanked by sphinx set on low basis, star and crescent on either side above; all within distyle temple façade; pediment decorated with eagle standing right, head left, with wings displayed and floral acroteria. VF, dark brown patina with traces of red, light scratch under patina on obverse, areas of minor smoothing. Apparently unpublished with these legends.Sep 18, 2010
Podalia (AD 238-244) AE 31 - Gordian III370 viewsGordian III, 238-244 AD. AE31 (18.43g, 1h). Laureate, draped, and cuirassed bust right / Apollo standing right, holding plectrum and cithara set on column. VF, green, red, and brown patina, some roughness. Rare.Sep 18, 2010
Sala (AD 253) AE 35 - Aemilian421 viewsAemilian, 253 AD. AE35 (25.77g, 6h). AVT K M AIMIΛIOC AIMIΛIANOC CEB, laureate, draped, and cuirassed bust right / CAΛ ЄI NΩN, cult figures of Artemis Anaïtis(?) and Persian Artemis standing facing. VF, brown surfaces with areas of hard green deposits.Sep 18, 2010
Kyzikos (AD 193-217) AE 29 - Julia Domna393 viewsJulia Domna, Augusta, 193-217 AD. AE29 (14.20g, 12h). [I]OVΛIA CЄBACTH, draped bust right / KV ZIKHNΩ N, NЄOKOP in exergue, Artemis Phosphorus (Diana Lucifera), holding torch in both hands, in biga right. VF, dark green patina with olive overtones. Rare.Sep 18, 2010
Nikaia (AD 54-68) AE 28 - Nero359 viewsNero, 54-68 AD. AE28 / Dupondius (11.06g, 6h). Radiate head right; countermark: ΓAΛBA in incuse quadrate directly across face / Poppaea (as Securitas) seated right. VF, green patina. Very rare.Sep 18, 2010
Anemurion (AD 253-268) AE 22 - Gallienus305 viewsGallienus, 253-268 AD. AE22 (5.55g, 7h). Dated RY 3 (255/6 AD). Radiate, draped, and cuirassed bust right, seen from behind / Artemis advancing right, holding bow in extended hand and drawing arrow from quiver; stag at feet to left. VF, dark green patina under earthen deposits. Ex Wagner Coll.Sep 18, 2010
Anemurion (AD 249-251) AE 26 - Trajan Decius252 viewsTrajan Decius, 249-251 AD. AE26 (6.33g, 6h). Dated RY 1 (249/50 AD). Laureate, draped, and cuirassed bust right, seen from behind / Dionysos standing left, holding kantharos and thrysos; panther at feet to left. VF, green patina with earthen deposits.Sep 18, 2010
Diokleia (AD 218-222) AE 28 - Elagabalus544 viewsElagabalus, 218-222 AD. AE28 (10.11g, 6h). Laureate and cuirassed bust right; facing head of Medusa on breast plate / Tyche standing left, holding rudder and cornucopia. VF, brown surfaces, light roughness. Very rare, only eight specimens of Elagabalus of all types recorded by von Aulock from Diocleia.Sep 18, 2010
Thyateira (AD 202-205) AE 37 - Plautilla340 viewsPlautilla, Augusta, 202-205 AD. AE37 (20.45g, 6h). Diademed and draped bust right / Apollo Tyrimnos(?), holding double-headed axe (labrys), on horseback left. Near VF, grayish-green patina, patina chipping around edges.Sep 18, 2010
Nysa (AD 244-249) AE 28 - Otacilia Severa439 viewsOtacilia Severa, Augusta, 244-249 AD. AE28 (9.17g, 7h). Diademed and draped bust right / Zeus seated left, holding phiale and scepter, within distyle temple with shield in pediment. VF, green patina, light roughness.1 commentsSep 18, 2010
Adramytteion (AD 218-222) AE 34 - Elagabalus578 viewsElagabalus, 218-222 AD. AE34 (23.06g, 6h). Laureate, draped, and cuirassed bust right, seen from behind / Zeus standing left, holding eagle and scepter. Near VF, dark greenish-brown patina, pierced through the center.Sep 18, 2010
Koinon of Cyprus (AD 198-217) AE 31 - Caracalla539 viewsCaracalla, 198-217 AD. AE31 (17.62g, 6h). Radiate, laureate, draped, and cuirassed bust right, seen from behind / KOINON KYΠPIΩN, temple of Aphrodite with three bays, each surmounted by dove; in central bay, conical stone surmounted by ornate top and flanked by stars; semi-circular forecourt. VF, green patina, minor roughness in places.Sep 18, 2010
Seleukeia (AD 193-211) AE 28 - Septimius Severus304 viewsSeptimius Severus, 193-211 AD. AE28 (11.64g, 12h). Laureate, draped, and cuirassed bust right / Athena standing left, holding shield and spear, about to attack serpent-legged Giant to right. Near VF, dark green and brown patina, two scratches before bust.Sep 18, 2010
Tiberiopolis (AD 98-117) AE 20 - Trajan378 viewsTrajan, 98-117 AD. AE20 (4.92g, 6h). Laureate head right / Cult image of Artemis Ephesia facing between two stags. VF, tan surfaces.Sep 18, 2010
Thyateira (AD 112-119) AE 19 - Matidia413 viewsMatidia, Augusta, 112-119 AD. AE19 (3.57g, 12h). Draped bust right / Tyche standing left, holding rudder and cornucopia. VF, black patina. Very rare.Sep 18, 2010
Saitta (AD 150-200) AE 24366 viewsImperial Times, ca 150-200 AD. AE24 (7.19g, 6h). CVC ΠA-TPIOC, diademed bust of Zeus Patrios, slight drapery / Mên standing left, holding pine cone and scepter. Good VF, dark green patina.1 commentsSep 18, 2010
14853 coins on 149 page(s) 77