Asia Minor Coins - Photo Gallery

Ancient Greek and Roman coins from Asia Minor

Last additions
Kyzikos (BC 600-550) EL 1/6 Stater 874 viewsca 600-550 BC. EL Hekte – 1/6 Stater (2.69g). Tunny downward; to either side, two pellets and head of tunny outward / Quadripartite incuse square. EF, tiny metal flaw on obverse. Very rare.Feb 02, 2010
Kyzikos (BC 600-550) EL 1/6 Stater 621 viewsca 600-550 BC. EL Hekte – 1/6 Stater (2.66g). Head of tunny right; above and below, headless tunny left / Quadripartite incuse square. VF. Extremely rare, unpublished as a hekte.Feb 02, 2010
Kyzikos (BC 600-550) EL 1/12 Stater 652 viewsca 600-550 BC. EL Hemihekte – 1/12 Stater (1.33g). Head of tunny right; above and below, small tunny left / Quadripartite incuse square. Good VF. Very rare.Feb 02, 2010
Kyzikos (BC 600-550) EL 1/12 Stater 741 viewsca 600-550 BC. EL Hemihekte – 1/12 Stater (1.35g). Head of tunny right; below, small tunny right / Quadripartite incuse square. Good VF. Rare.Feb 02, 2010
Kyzikos (BC 430-370) EL 1/6 Stater 1160 views5th-4th century BC. EL Hekte – 1/6 Stater (2.71g). Figure, wearing armor and holding transverse scepter, standing left [on tunny?], in pose of acclamation / Quadripartite incuse square. Unpublished. VF, lightly toned, some die rust on obverse. Unique.Feb 02, 2010
Kyzikos (BC 500-450) EL 1/6 Stater845 viewsca 500-450 BC. EL Hekte – 1/6 Stater (2.68g). Lion at bay left on tunny left / Quadripartite incuse square. Good VF, a couple light marks.Feb 02, 2010
Kyzikos (BC 450-430) EL Stater2131 viewsca 450-430 BC. EL Stater (15.90g). Lion crouching left on tunny, head three-quarters facing / Four-part incuse square. Very rare variety. Insignificant scratch on obv. Extremely fine.Feb 02, 2010
Mytilene (BC 521-478) EL 1/6 Stater3710 viewsca 570-540 BC. EL 1/6 Stater - Hekte (2.56g). Janiform head, at right a satyr with turned-up nose and long beard, at left a maenad, the hair covered by a sakkos / Female head facing right within trapezoid incuse. Some light contact marks on the reverse. EF.

This is one of the first issues of the city of Mytilene, and is exceptional not only for its early date but also for its extraordinary obverse type. Perhaps the third specimen known.
Jan 23, 2010
Kyzikos (BC 460-400) EL Stater1327 views5th century BC. EL Stater (16.08g). Head of Attis right, wearing Phrygian cap; below, tunny right / Quadripartite incuse punch. Choice EF. Rare, and among the finest. Ex New York Sale IV (1/2002), lot 191.Jan 23, 2010
Kyzikos (BC 460-400) EL Stater 1195 viewsca 460-400 BC. EL Stater (15.82g). Kabeiros, wearing pilos and chlamys, sacrificing ram to left; tunny fish below / "Windmill-sail" incuse. Attractive mythological type. VF. Ex Fortuna Fine Arts FPL (2008, New York), lot 16 (cover coin). Jan 23, 2010
Kyzikos (BC 430-370) EL 1/6 Stater 1207 viewsca 410-380 BC. EL 1/6 Stater - Hekte (2.65g). Dionysos, wearing himation, reclining left on rock decorated with panther-skin, holding kantharos; tunny fish below / "Windmill-sail" incuse. EF.Jan 23, 2010
Kyzikos (BC 430-370) EL 1/6 Stater1323 viewsca 420-350 BC. EL 1/6 Stater - Hekte (2.70g). Cerberus standing left, tunny fish below / "Windmill-sail" incuse. VF.Jan 23, 2010
Teos (BC 520) Stater565 viewsca 520 BC. AR Stater (12.08g). Griffin squatting right, raising one paw / Four-part incuse square. Exceptionally beautiful, sharply struck image of griffin. One of the earliest coins struck at the city. Mint State.Jan 23, 2010
(BC 562) Uncertain King - EL 1/24 Stater1657 viewsUncertain King, before 561 BC. EL 1/24 stater (0.55g). Milesian standard. Boar's head right / Four-part incuse square with roughly stellar pattern. Good VF.Jan 23, 2010
Karia Uncertain (BC 500-480) Stater611 viewsca 500-480 BC. AR Stater (10.82g). Lion's head left with foreleg below / Dipartite incuse square, parted diagonally. Struck from rusty dies. VF.

Attributed to Issos in Kilikia in earlier times, the obverse type is clearly reminiscent of Karian coins (cf. SNG Kayhan 929-30). In fact, B. Head had pondered Knidos as the place of minting (Historia Numorum, 1st ed. 1886), p. 523 note). This is certainly wrong - both the standard and the fabric are different - but Karia is still likely to be the area of this issue.
Jan 23, 2010
Mylasa (BC 175-100) Tetradrachm417 viewsca 175-150 BC. AR Tetradrachm (9.17g). Rose with two buds, M in inner left field; bunch of grapes (?) to left / [I]Α-Α, eagle standing right on palm branch, spreading wings; ΑΠ in right field. Extremely rare. This is only the second time one of these has been offered at public auction and two others are recorded in museum collections. Virtually Mint State.Jan 23, 2010
Kaunos (BC 410-390) Stater595 viewsca 410-390 BC. AR Stater (11.74g). Iris, wearing belted chiton, running left, head turned back, holding caduceus in right hand and wreath in left / Conical baetyl, upside down triangle symbol on left and Γ on right; all within incuse square. Head of Iris flatly struck, otherwise EF.Jan 23, 2010
Kaunos (BC 460) Stater533 viewsca 460 BC. AR Stater (11.81g). Nude male figure advancing right in running-kneeling position; wings at shoulders and heels, Karian letter above / Karian legend ('ZMB' retrograde), lion walking left, head reverted, one paw raised; within square dotted border inside incuse square. Very rare. Obverse flatly struck, otherwise good VF. Gerson Coll. Jan 23, 2010
Kos (BC 480-470) Triple Siglos902 viewsca 480/70 BC. AR Triple Siglos (16.60g). [ΚΟΣ], Nude male youth in the process of hurling a disc. He is standing facing, weight on his right leg, while the left leg is crossing behind, the upper part of the body bent to its right side for getting into stride. On the left, the prize of the contest: a huge tripod. In the center, a flaw-spot. Dotted border / Irregular square incuse with diagonal lines. Of exceptional beauty and rarity. This is the last die of the first class of this issue. EF.Jan 23, 2010
(BC 470-440) Uncertain Dynast - 1/8 Stater?879 viewsca 480-450 BC. AR 1/8 Stater? (1.17g). Boar's head left / Protome of a man-headed bull facing left within incuse square. EF.

The reverse image is reminiscent of the coins of the Lycian dynast Uvug. The weight standard is hard to define, since the weights are somewhat erratic (along with the von Aulock coin, cf. Peus 372, 2002, lot 361). It might be a 1/6th stater on the light stater (c. 8.0-8.6 g), but actually this standard is known from 460 BC onwards only; cf. O. Morkholm and G. Neumann, Die lykischen Munzlegenden (Gottingen 1978), p. 5 f.
Jan 23, 2010
Erythrai (BC 520-480) EL Hekte1666 viewsca 480 BC. EL 1/6 Stater - Hekte (2.56g). Head of Herakles facing left, wearing lion-skin headdress, truncation adorned by a row of dots / Four-part incuse square, one quarter filled. Good VF.1 commentsJan 23, 2010
Phokaia (BC 600-522) EL 1/6 Stater 1537 viewsca 600-560 BC. EL 1/6 Stater - Hekte (2.60g). Female head facing left, the hair interwoven by a (invisible) taenia, wearing earring; behind, seal swimming downwards / Irregular incuse square. Apparently unpublished. Several contact marks on cheek, otherwise good EF.

This coin surely belongs to the earliest issues of Phokaia. The early stage is proven by both the irregular form of the incuse (without a clear quadripartite structure) and the style of the obverse image. The nearest stylistic parallel might be a stater of Aeginetic weight, once attributed to Knidos (cf. Cahn, Knidos p. 75 pl. 19, 1 with earlier literature).
Jan 23, 2010
Phokaia (BC 387-326) B111- EL 1/6 Stater1288 viewsca 350-330 BC. EL 1/6 Stater - Hekte (2.54g). Head of Athena facing left, wearing crested Corinthian helmet decorated with a serpent on the bowl, and necklace; beneath truncation, seal / Four-part incuse square. Good VF.Jan 23, 2010
Phokaia (BC 387-326) B107 - EL 1/6 Stater1062 viewsca 390-370 BC. EL 1/6 Stater - Hekte (2.53g). Head of the Lydian queen Omphale facing left, wearing Herakles' lion-skin, shouldering his club; beneath truncation, seal swimming left / Four-part incuse square. EF.Jan 23, 2010
Phokaia (BC 387-326) B102 - EL 1/6 Stater1452 viewsca 360 BC. EL 1/6 Stater - Hekte (2.53g). Female head facing left, wearing laurel wreath, the hair covered by a saccos; beneath truncation, [seal] / Incuse square. Tip of chin off flan, otherwise EF.Jan 23, 2010
Phokaia (BC 477-388) B94 - EL 1/6 Stater957 viewsca 400-380 BC. EL 1/6 Stater - Hekte (2.55g). Female head facing left, wearing hair-net and earring; behind, seal swimming downwards / Four-part incuse square. Extremely beautiful femle head. EF.

The female head appears to imitate the Syracusan decadrachms of the engraver Kimon, but without slavishly copying his work.
Jan 23, 2010
Phokaia (BC 387-326) B88 - EL 1/6 Stater1395 viewsca 360-340 BC. EL 1/6 Stater - Hekte (2.54g). Head of Hera facing left, wearing a polos adorned with palmettes; behind, seal swimming upwards / Four-part incuse square. It is very unusual to find a head of Hera on an electrum coin. Good VF.

The obverse image is borrowed from Argive models (cf. BM Peloponnesus pl. 27, 9).
Jan 23, 2010
Phokaia (BC 387-326) B86 - EL 1/6 Stater3627 viewsca 380-360 BC. EL 1/6 Stater - Hekte (2.54g). Bearded head facing left, wearing Persian headdress; behind, seal swimming / Four-part incuse square. Of exceptional quality and struck in high relief. Choice EF.

Bodenstedt interpreted the head as a portrait of the Persian satrap Tissaphernes. While Tissaphernes was a bad candidate - he was executed in 395 BC (while the coin was issued some decades later) - it is not yet clear whether the head is meant to be a portrait altogether. J.H. Kroll called the 'satrapal portraits' "generic rather than individualized representations" (The Emergence of Ruler Portrait, in: Schultz/von den Hoff (eds), Early Hellenistic Portraiture (Cambridge 2007), p. 114), and C. Harrison has convincingly shown that many of the so-called 'satrapal portraits' are meant to represent the heroized Persians who raised Darius I to the Persian throne (Numismatic Problems in the Achaemenid West, in: Gorman/Robinson (eds), Oikistes. Studies Offered in Honor of A.J. Graham (Leiden 2002), pp. 301-319). Harrison's theory does not apply in this case, since the head gear does not have that famous knot at the forehead. So it may well be that one of the satraps of the 370s and 360s is intended, perhaps Autophradates, then satrap of Lydia and the fiercest opponent of the satrap of Paphlagonia Datames during the satraps' revolt 368-358 BC.
Jan 23, 2010
Phokaia (BC 387-326) B84 - EL 1/6 Stater1385 viewsca 360 BC. EL 1/6 Stater - Hekte (2.55g). Head of beardless youth facing left, wearing Persian headdress (Attis?); behind, seal (the head of which is visible) / Four-part incuse square. A few obverse hairlines, otherwise choice EF.Jan 23, 2010
Phokaia (BC 477-388) B82 - EL 1/6 Stater896 viewsca 400-360 BC. EL 1/6 Stater - Hekte (2.53g). Head of Hermes facing left, wearing petasos; behind, seal swimming downwards / Four-part incuse square. Good VF.
Jan 23, 2010
Phokaia (BC 477-388) B80 - EL 1/6 Stater1327 viewsca 450-430 BC. EL 1/6 Stater - Hekte (2.53g). Head of Herakles facing left, wearing lion-skin headdress; beneath truncation, [seal swimming left] / Four-part incuse square. Obverse struck in high relief. Good VF.Jan 23, 2010
Phokaia (BC 387-326) B73 - EL 1/6 Stater1253 viewsca 380-360 BC. EL 1/6 Stater - Hekte (2.52g). Head of Pan facing left, with goat's horns and hind ears; behind, seal / Four-part incuse square. Unusual head of youthful Pan. Good VF.Jan 23, 2010
Phokaia (BC 477-388) B67 - EL 1/6 Stater1557 viewsca 470-450 BC. EL 1/6 Stater - Hekte (2.52g). Head of Silenos facing, wearing ivy-wreath; at left, seal swimming upwards / Four-part incuse square. EF.Jan 23, 2010
Phokaia (BC 477-388) B60 - EL 1/6 Stater948 viewsca 430-350 BC. EL 1/6 Stater - Hekte (2.53g). Chalkidian helmet to left, with seal symbol swimming left on helmet / Four-part incuse square. Extremely rare type. The example in Bodenstedt is not better than this. VF.Jan 23, 2010
Phokaia (BC 477-388) B59 - EL 1/6 Stater941 viewsca 480-450 BC. EL 1/6 Stater - Hekte (2.57g). Ram standing right, turning head backwards and scraping his nose; beneath, seal swimming left / Four-part incuse square. Quite rare. Exceptionally interesting presentation of the subject. VF.Jan 23, 2010
Phokaia (BC 477-388) B58 - EL 1/6 Stater1151 viewsca 480-440 BC. EL 1/6 Stater - Hekte (2.57g). Forepart of a cow running left; above, [seal] / Four-part incuse square. Good VF.Jan 23, 2010
Phokaia (BC 477-388) B53 - EL 1/6 Stater1093 viewsca 450 BC. EL 1/6 Stater - Hekte (2.51g). Head of a lion (or lioness) facing; to left, seal swimming downwards / Four-part incuse square. EF.Jan 23, 2010
Phokaia (BC 477-388) B53 - EL 1/6 Stater1051 viewsca 450 BC. EL 1/6 Stater - Hekte (2.56g). Head of a lion (or lioness) facing; to left, seal swimming downwards / 'Window' incuse. Choice EF.

The obverse image is borrowed from the coinage of the Bruttian city Rhegion.
Jan 23, 2010
Phokaia (BC 477-388) B51 - EL 1/6 Stater1974 viewsca 480-440 BC. EL 1/6 Stater - Hekte (2.58g). Head of a he-goat facing left, the truncation adorned by a row of dots; beneath, seal swimming left / Four-part incuse square. EF.Jan 23, 2010
Phokaia (BC 521-478) B48 - EL 1/6 Stater763 viewsca 520 BC. EL 1/6 Stater - Hekte (2.57g). Bull's head left, the truncation with a dotted rim; behind, seal swimming upwards / Incuse square with irregular surfaces. EF.Jan 23, 2010
Phokaia (BC 521-478) B44 - EL 1/6 Stater808 viewsca 520-500 BC. EL 1/6 Stater - Hekte (2.59g). Bearded warrior head (Ares?) facing left, wearing Ionian helmet. Beneath truncation, seal swimming right. Rx: Four-part incuse square. Good VF.Jan 23, 2010
Phokaia (BC 477-388) B40 - EL 1/6 Stater2801 viewsca 480-450 BC. EL 1/6 Stater - Hekte (2.56g). Forepart of cock facing left; in upper right field, seal swimming left / Incuse square with rough surface. Truly exceptional image. EF.Jan 23, 2010
Phokaia (BC 600-522) EL 1/6 Stater 1122 viewsca 6th century BC. EL 1/6 Stater - Hekte (2.56g). Seal between two fish swimming in different directions; pellet behind / Rough incuse square. Exceptionally rare. VF.

This puzzling issue was earlier attributed to both Cyzicus and Macedonia. However, due to weakly struck examples, the seal between the fish has never been recognized before ("an oval object between two pellets" and the like). The weight standard is clearly Phocaean and not Milesian, so unlikely to have been used in Northern Greece.
Jan 23, 2010
Phokaia (BC 521-478) B35 - EL 1/6 Stater1011 viewsca 510-490 BC. EL 1/6 Stater - Hekte (2.57g). Head of a man-headed bull (river god) facing left, the truncation adorned with a row of dots; at right, seal swimming upwards / Four-part incuse square. EF.Jan 23, 2010
Phokaia (BC 521-478) B23 - EL 1/6 Stater2962 viewsca 520-500 BC. EL 1/6 Stater - Hekte (2.55g). Female head facing left, wearing diadem, earring and necklace with lion-head pendant; behind, seal swimming downwards / Four-part incuse square. Utterly magnificent archaic female head. An exceptional work of Greek archaic art. Mint State.Jan 23, 2010
Phokaia (BC 521-478) B22 - EL 1/6 Stater1694 viewsca 520-480 BC. EL 1/6 Stater - Hekte (2.58g). Griffin head facing left; seal behind / Incuse square with rough surface. EF.Jan 23, 2010
Phokaia (BC 600-522) B08 - EL 1/24 Stater1446 viewsca 600-550 BC. EL 1/24 Stater (0.65g). Head of ram left; seal swimming left below / Incuse square. Exceptionally well-centered for such a small coin. EF.

Strangely enough, the minor fractions of this issue are not recorded by Bodenstedt, including Boston 1897 and SNG von Aulock 1798.
Jan 23, 2010
Ionia Uncertain (BC 550-500) Horse - EL 1/121467 viewsca 550-500 BC. EL 1/12 Stater (1.14g). Milesian standard. Head of bridled horse left / Incuse square. Exceptionally well centered. EF.Jan 23, 2010
Ionia Uncertain (BC 560-530) Man - EL 1/24 Stater1211 viewsca 560-530 BC. EL 1/24 Stater (0.71g). Phokaian standard. Head of beardless man facing left / Four-part incuse square. Not found in the major references. This is one of the earliest images of a human on a coin. Good VF.Jan 23, 2010
Ionia Uncertain (BC 550-500) Cock - EL 1/241687 viewsca 560-530 BC. EL 1/24 Stater (0.60g). Milesian standard. Head of cock facing right / Four-part incuse square. Exceptionally beautiful detail. Very rare. Choice EF.Jan 23, 2010
Ionia Uncertain (BC 570-530) Crab - EL 1/61218 viewsca 570-530 BC. EL Hekte (2.57g). Phokaian standard. Crab / Incuse square with irregular protuberances. Not found in the major references. Very well struck for this issue. EF.Jan 23, 2010
Ionia Uncertain (BC 570-540) Griffin - EL 1/12961 viewsca 570-540 BC. EL 1/12 Stater (1.34g). Phokaian standard. Head of griffin right / Incuse square. Bold VF.Jan 23, 2010
Ionia Uncertain (BC 550-500) Lion - EL 1/121316 viewsca 575-525 BC. EL 1/12 Stater (1.30g). Phokaian standard. Head of lion facing right / Incuse square divided in four quarters. Exceptional head of lion struck in high relief. Mint State.Jan 23, 2010
Ionia Uncertain (BC 570-540) Siren - EL 1/121829 viewsca 600-550 BC. EL 1/12 Stater (1.33g). Phokaian standard. Siren standing left, with the body of a bird and human head wearing cap with a long curl / Incuse square with irregular raised projections. EF.Jan 23, 2010
Ionia Uncertain (BC 570-540) Goat - EL 1/61718 viewsca 600-550 BC. EL Hekte (2.75g). Phokaian standard. Ibex squatting left, head turned backwards / Four-part incuse square. Missing in major references; possibly unpublished. Extremely rare. EF.Jan 23, 2010
Ionia Uncertain (BC 550-500) Lion - EL 1/6924 viewsca 600-550 BC. EL Hekte (2.67g). Phokaian standard. Lion standing right, turning head backwards, roaring. In left field, unknown object / Punch mark with irregular shape and surface. Rather unusual type. Extremely rare. Struck with worn dies. Good VF.Jan 23, 2010
Ionia Uncertain (BC 650-600) thunderbolt - EL 1/12 Stater1079 viewsca 600 BC. EL 1/12 Stater (1.13g). Milesian standard. Uncertain structure: Two broad parallel strings crossing four tresses / Incuse square with irregular surface. Missing in major references; possibly unpublished. EF.1 commentsJan 23, 2010
Ionia Uncertain (BC 650-600) EL 1/12 Stater1312 viewsca 600 BC. EL 1/12 Stater (1.19g). Milesian standard. One line crossing three others / Incuse square with irregular surface. EF.Jan 23, 2010
(BC 562) Uncertain King - EL 1/48 Stater1238 viewsca 600-550 BC. EL 1/48 (?) Stater (5mm, 0.19g). Milesian standard. Figural type. Animal’s head (bull?) left / Incuse punch. EF.Jan 23, 2010
Salamis (BC 351-332) AV Stater - Pnytagoras975 viewsPnytagoras, King of Salamis, ca 351/0-332/1 BC. AV Stater (8.31g, 12h). Persic standard. Draped bust of Aphrodite left, hair rolled above forehead and falling in long wavy strands to front and back of shoulder, wearing beaded necklace, triple-drop earring, and turreted crown; ΠN behind / Draped bust of Aphrodite left, hair in tight ringlets falling before ear and down back of neck, wearing torque (open end at front of her neck), beaded hoop earring, fillet, and crown decorated with semicircular plates; BA behind. EF, scratch in field on obverse. Very rare.Jan 11, 2010
Idalion (BC 470-460) Stater921 viewsUncertain king, ca 470-460 BC. AR Stater (10.51g, 4h). Sphinx seated left, raising forepaw; Cypriot letters around (most off flan) / Lotus flower; ivy leaf to left, astragalos to right. VF, toned, some corrosion. Very rare. Morcom Coll.Jan 11, 2010
Phokaia (BC 521-478) 1/12 Stater1707 viewsca 521-478 BC. AR 1/12 Stater (1.17g). Phokaic standard. Head of nymph left, hair in sakkos, uncertain symbol on cheek / Quadripartite incuse square. EF, attractively toned. Struck in high relief. Unpublished with symbol on cheek.Jan 11, 2010
Salamis (BC 411-374) Stater - Evagoras I501 viewsEvagoras I, ca 411-374 BC. AR Stater (21mm, 10.39g, 12h). Herakles seated right on rock draped with lion's skin, leaning on club and holding drinking horn / Goat recumbent right. Fine, porous.Jan 11, 2010
Kition (BC 479-449) 1/3 Stater - Baalmelek I883 viewsBaalmelek I, King of Kition, ca 479-449 BC. AR 1/3 Stater (3.16g, 3h). Herakles advancing right, wearing lion skin, holding club and bow / Lion standing right, thunderbolt above; all in dotted square within incuse square. Good VF, toned, minor porosity. Apparently unpublished, possibly unique.
Jan 11, 2010
Alexandreia (AD 222-235) AE 20 - Severus Alexander415 viewsSeverus Alexander, 222-235 AD. AE20 - Semis (4.90g). IMP [C M] CEV ALEZANDE, cuirassed, laureate bust right / TROA - COL AV, statue of Apollo Smintheus in Himation standing right on small base, holding bow in left hand and patera right hand; quiver over left shoulder. Rare, about VF, dark green patina.Jan 08, 2010
Trajanopolis (AD 117-138) AE 20343 viewsTime of Hadrian, 117-138 AD. AE20 (4.60g). ΔH MOC, draped bust of Demos right / ΤΡΑΙΑΝΟΠΟΛΙΤΩ Ν, rider, holding bipennis over shoulder, on horseback, walking right. Fine, brown patina, smooth surfaces.Dec 15, 2009
Synnada (AD 200-270) AE 25376 views3nd century AD. AE25 (8.96g). BOVΛH, veiled and draped bust of Boule right / CYN NAΔЄΩN, Tyche standing left, holding rudder and corucopia. Near VF, brown patina with a hint of green.Dec 15, 2009
Synaos (AD 69-79) AE 21335 viewsTime of Vespasian, 69-79 AD. AE21 (6.52g). IЄPA CYNKΛHTOC, draped bust of the Senate right / ЄΠI ΔIOΓЄNO CYNAITΩ, Dionysos standing left, holding kantharos and thyrsos. VF, brown surfaces.Dec 15, 2009
Midaion (AD 98-117) AE 35 - Trajan355 viewsTrajan, 98-117 AD. AE35 (24.13g, 6h). Laureate head right / Zeus standing left, holding patera and scepter; eagle at feet to left. VF, brown and dark green patina, some smoothing on the reverse. Very rare, only two listed in von Aulock. Ex Alighieri Coll.Dec 15, 2009
Apameia (AD 196-211) AE 28 - Caracalla320 viewsCaracalla, as Caesar, AD 196-211. AE28 (11.80g, 7h). M AVP ANTΩNЄINOC KAICAP, Bare-headed, draped, and cuirassed bust right / ЄΠI MMAIATTA ΛI ANAΠAMЄ, Tyche standing left, holding rudder and cornucopia. Near VF, brown patina. Ex Alighieri Coll.Dec 15, 2009
Synnada (AD 253-268) AE 25450 viewsTime of Gallienus, 253-268 AD. AE25 (7.91g, 5h). CYN NAΔЄΩN, bare head of Hercules or Thynnaros / ΔOPIЄΩN IΩNΩN, Baetyl within distyle temple; star in pediment. Near VF, green-brown patina, surfaces a little rough.Dec 15, 2009
Antiocheia (BC 100-0) AE 18635 views1st century BC. AE18 (4.20g, 12h). Dionysi-, magistrate. Draped bust of Mên right, wearing Phrygian cap, set on crescent / ANTIOX, Humped bull standing right, head facing, ΔIONYΣ, below. VF, brown patina. Ex. Alighieri Coll.Dec 15, 2009
Kadoi (AD 100-200) AE 16335 views2nd century BC. AE16 (3.29g, 5h). Helmeted bust of Athena right / KAΔOHNΩN, Dionysos standing left, holding kantharos and thyrsos; panther at feet to left. VF, green patina. Rare. Ex Alighieri Coll.Dec 15, 2009
Metropolis (AD 249-251) AE 32 - Herennia Etruscilla362 viewsHerennia Etruscilla, Augusta, 249-251 AD. AE32 (13.32g, 6h). ЄPЄNNIAN ЄTPOYCKIΛ ΛAN C, diademed and draped bust right / ΠAP AΛЄΞ TIЄI O V ΠPΩ APX MHTP/ OΠOΛЄITΩN, Ares standing left, holding spear and Nike. VF, green and dark brown patina, some roughness. Ex Alighieri Coll.Dec 15, 2009
Grimenothyrai (AD 98-117) AE 18335 viewsTime of Trajan, 98-117 AD. AE18 (3.40g, 6h). M. Tullius magistrate. ЄΠI Λ TYΛ, draped bust of Artemis right / ΓΡΙΜEΝ ΟΘΥΡ ΙΩΝ, Demeter standing left, holding uncertain object and scepter. VF, green patina.Dec 15, 2009
Amorion (AD 161-180) AE 25303 viewsTime of Marcus Aurelius, 161-180 AD. AE25 (7.95g, 1h). ΔЄMOC PΩMAIΩN, Diademed head of Demos right / AMOPI ANΩΝ, Nemesis standing facing, head left; wheel at feet to left. VF, dark brown patina, flan crack.Dec 15, 2009
Antiocheia (BC 100-0) AE 18613 views1st century BC. AE18 (6.00g, 12h). Herilou(?), magistrate. Draped bust of Mên right, wearing Phrygian cap, resting on crescent; before, eagle’s head right / ANTIOX, Humped bull standing right, HPIΛOY, below. VF, green patina.Dec 15, 2009
Antiocheia (BC 100-0) AE 18372 views1st century BC. AE18 (6.00g, 12h). Agathok..., magistrate. Draped bust of Mên right, wearing Phrygian cap, resting on crescent; before, eagle’s head right / ANTIOX, Humped bull standing right, [A]ΓAΘOK, below. VF, green patina.Dec 15, 2009
Kibyra (AD 217-218) AE 26 - Diadumenian361 viewsDiadumenian, as Caesar, 217-218 AD. AE26 (9.38g, 6h). Bare-headed, draped, and cuirassed bust right / Tyche standing left, holding rudder and corncuopia. Near VF, dark green patina, light roughness.Dec 15, 2009
Antiocheia (BC 100-0) AE 21760 views1st century BC. AE21 (6.89g, 1h). Bust of Mên right, wearing Phrygian cap ornamented with a star / Cockerel standing right; E/[Z?]H behind, T[...] and monogram before. VF, dark green patina, lighter highlights. Ex Wagner Coll.Dec 15, 2009
Laodikeia (AD 54-68) AE 16 – Agrippina II501 viewsAgrippina II, mother of Nero, died 59 AD. AE16 (4.96g). Gaios Postomos, magistrate. Struck AD 55. AΓPIΠEINA ΣEBAΣTH, draped bust right / ΓAIOY ΠOΣTOMOY ΛAOΔIKЄΩN, eagle standing right on cippus, head reverted, holding wreath in beak. VF, dark green patina under earthen deposits, attractive. Ex Wagner Coll.Dec 15, 2009
Akkilaion (AD 238-244) AE 24 - Gordian III740 viewsGordian III, 238-244 AD. AE24 (7.03g). AVT K M ANT Ω ΓOPΔIANOC CЄB, laureate, draped, and cuirassed bust right / AKKIΛAЄΩN, Nike standing left on globe, holding wreath and palm. VF, black patina under some light green deposits.Dec 15, 2009
Hierapolis (AD 98-117) AE 29 - Trajan371 viewsTrajan, 98-117 AD. AE27 (14.52g, 1h). AV KAI NЄP TPAIANOC CЄB ΓЄP ΔAKIKOC, laureate head right / ΙЄΡΑΠΟ ΛЄΙΤΩΝ, Cybele seated left, holding patera and resting arm on drum; lion at feet. VF, brown patina with green highlights, reverse scratches.Dec 15, 2009
Dokimeion (AD 160-181) AE 27356 viewsTime of Marcus Aurelius, 160-181 AD. AE27 (11.17g, 5h). IЄPA BOYΛH, laureate, veiled, and draped bust of Boule right / ΔOKI M ЄΩN MAKЄΔ, Apollo standing facing, head right, holding laurel branch and resting hand on strung bow set on ground; elbow rests on overturned vase set on tripod upon which crawls a serpent; raven walking on arm. VF, dark green-brown patina with earthen highlights.Dec 15, 2009
Hierapolis (AD 218-222) AE 22 - Elagabalus341 viewsElagabalus, 218-222 AD. AE22 (4.61g). AVK M AV ANTΩNЄINO C, laureate, draped and cuirassed bust right / IЄPAΠOΛITΩN NЄO/ K O/ PΩN, Mên standing left, holding pine-cone and scepter. Good VF, dark greenish-brown patina.Dec 15, 2009
Hieropolis (AD 218-222) AE 23 - Elagabalus329 viewsElagabalus, 218-222 AD. AE23 (7.13g). M AVP AN TΩNINOC AVΓ, laureate, draped and cuirassed bust right, seen from behind / IЄPOΠO ΛЄITΩN, Demeter standing left, holding grain ears and torch. VF, black patina.Dec 15, 2009
Laodikeia (AD 211-217) AE 41 - Caracalla440 viewsCaracalla, 198-217 AD. AE41 - Medallion (40.58g). L. Aelius Pigres, Asiarch. AVT KAI M AVP ANTΩNЄINOC, laureate, draped and cuirassed bust right / [Λ AIΛ ΠIΓP]HC ACIAPXHC Γ ANЄΘHKЄ, Caracalla standing facing, head left, raising arm and holding sceptre, in spread quadriga facing, ΛAOΔIKЄΩN NЄΩKOPΩN in exergue. Fine, brown patina, a few scrapes and edge nicks. Very rare.Dec 15, 2009
Bruzos (AD 238-244) AE 25 - Gordian III1805 viewsGordian III, 238-244 AD. AE25 (7.99g). AVT K M ANT Ω ΓOPΔIANO C, laureate, draped and cuirassed bust right / B POV ZHΩN, Hekate standing facing on globe, head right, holding two torches. VF, green patina.Dec 15, 2009
Synaos (AD 161-180) AE 24340 viewsTime of Marcus Aurelius, 161-180 AD. AE24 (6.54g). Menandros magistrate. ΔHMO CYNAЄITΩN, Laureate head of Demos right / ЄΠI MЄ-NANΔP-OY, Tyche standing left, holding rudder and cornucopia. Near VF, brown surfaces. This magistrate recorded on the coins of Marcus Aurelius and Lucius Verus.Dec 15, 2009
Synaos (AD 147-175) AE 18 - Faustina II339 viewsFaustina Junior, Augusta, 147-175 AD. AE18 (4.15g, 6h). CЄBACTH ΦAVCTINA, draped bust right / CVNACI TΩN, Zeus Laodikeios standing left, holding eagle and staff. VF, brown surfaces. Ex Drewry Coll.; Ex Antioch & Associates List 70, #423.Dec 15, 2009
Synaos (AD 138-161) AE 20 - Antoninus Pius310 viewsAntoninus Pius, 138-161 AD. AE20 (4.20g). AV KAI AΔ ANTΩNЄIN, bare head right, small globe below bust / CYNAЄI TΩN, Zeus Laodiceus standing left, holding eagle and staff. VF, dark gray patina. Ex Drewry Coll.; Ex Lindgren Coll., 617.Dec 15, 2009
Prymnessos (AD 193-211) - AE 25352 viewsTime of Septimius Severus, 193-211 AD. AE27 (9.55g). BOVΛH, laureate and draped bust of Boule right / ΠPVMNH-CCЄΩN, Dikaiosyne (Aequitas), standing left, holding scales. VF, dark green, almost black, patina, some light roughness. Ex Drewry Coll; Ex Coin Galleries (4/1994), lot 466.Dec 15, 2009
Philomelion (AD 249-251) AE 32 - Trajan526 viewsTrajan Decius, 249-251 AD. AE32 (16.81g). AVT K Γ MЄC K TPAIA ΔЄKIOCЄ, radiate, draped and cuirassed bust right, seen from behind / SPQR in circle, ΦIΛOMHΛЄΩN ЄΠ ЄVTVXO B around. VF, dark brown patina, obverse a litte rough. Ex Drewry Coll.Dec 15, 2009
Okokleia (AD 238-244) AE 23 - Gordian III426 viewsGordian III, 238-244 AD. AE23 (7.68g). AVT K M AN ΓOPΔIANOC, laureate, draped and cuirassed bust right / OKO-KLIЄΩN, Tyche standing left, holding rudder and cornucopia. VF, dark green and brown patina, some light roughness. Ex Drewry Coll.Dec 15, 2009
Laodikeia (AD 218-222) AE 32 - Elagabalus401 viewsElagabalus, 218-222 AD. AE32 (15.16g). AVT K M AVP ANTΩNЄINOC, aureate, draped and cuirassed bust right, seen from behind / ΛAOΔIKЄΩN NЄΩKOPΩN ΔOΓMATI, around CYNKΛH-TOY, clasped hands. Fine, brown patina with some red on the protrait. Ex Drewry Coll.Dec 15, 2009
Laodikeia (AD 81-96) AE 20 - Domitia423 viewsDomitia, wife of Domitian, Augusta, 81-96 AD. AE20 (5.24g). Kornelios Dioskourides, magistrate. ΔOMITIA CЄBACTH, draped bust right / ΔIA KP ΔIOCKOYPIOY ΛAOΔIKЄΩN, Tetrastyle temple. VF, golden tan surfaces, minor porosity.Dec 15, 2009
Laodikeia (AD 200-270) AE 18320 viewsImperial Times, ca 3rd century AD. AE20 (3.95g). ΛAO ΔIKЄIA, turreted and draped bust of city-goddess right / ΛAOΔI KЄΩN, Aesclepius standing left, leaning on serpent-staff. VF, green patina, a little rough.Dec 15, 2009
Kibyra (BC 27-AD 14) AE 18 - Augustus426 viewsAugustus, 27 BC-14 AD. AE19 (4.98g). Bare head right / CЄBACTOC KIBYPA TΩN, Capricorn right, head reverted. VF, black patina under some light earthen encrustation.Dec 15, 2009
Synnada (AD 253-268) AE 31 - Gallienus391 viewsGallienus, 253-268 AD. AE31 (19.40g). ΑΥΤ ΚΑΙ Π ΛΙΚ ΓΑΛΛΗΝΟC, C-ЄB across field; laureate, draped and cuirassed bust right / CYNN AΔ ЄΩ N EΠI AP KЄΛCOV, Zeus seated left, holding eagle and scepter, within hexastyle temple; wreath in pediment. VF, dark brown patina.Dec 15, 2009
Prymnessos (AD 253-268) AE 34 - Gallienus418 viewsGallienus, 253-268 AD. AE34 (16.69g). ΑΥΤ ΚΑΙ Π ΛΙΚ ΓΑΛΛΗΝΟC, C-ЄB across field; laureate, draped and cuirassed bust right / ΠPVM-N-H-CCЄ-ΩN, Dikaiosyne (Aequitas) seated left, holding scales, within tetrastyle temple. Good VF, central disc on both sides lacking patina, peripheral green encrustation, minor roughness. Very rare, only the BMC specimen cited by Von Aulock.Dec 15, 2009
14853 coins on 149 page(s) 85