Asia Minor Coins - Photo Gallery

Ancient Greek and Roman coins from Asia Minor

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Myrina (AD 81-89) AE 22 - Domitian516 viewsDomitian, 81-96 AD. AE22 (5.35g 12h). AYTOKPATOPA ΔOMITIANON KAICAPA, laureate head of Domitian right facing draped bust of Domitia left / EΠI KΛEINIOY APXONTOC / M Y P I, Apollo standing facing, hand at side, holding laurel branch and taenia. VF. Tricarico coll.
Kaisareia (AD 14-37) Drachm - Tiberius & Drusus 516 viewsTiberius, with Drusus Caesar, 14-37 AD. AR Drachm (3.49g, 17mm, 12h). Struck 32-33 AD. TI • CAES • AVG [• P • M] • (TR) • P XXXIV, laureate head of Tiberius right / DRVSVS • CAES • TI • AVG • F • COS • II • (TR) • P • IT, bare head of Drusus left. VF, toned, a few light marks and scratches under tone. Extremely rare with tribunician date XXXIV.
Antiocheia (AD 198-217) AE 32 - Caracalla515 viewsCaracalla, 198-217 AD. AE32 (23.07g). PIVS AVG ANTONINVS, draped, cuirassed and laureate bust right / GENIVS COL C ANTIOCH, Genius with wreath and cornucopiae. VF.
Elaiousa-Sebaste (BC 100-0) AE 20515 views1st cent BC. AE20 (7.40g, 12h). Head of Zeus right, wearing taenia; ΣA to left / ΕΛΑΙΟΥΣΣΙΩΝ, Nike advancing left; IΣI above monogram to left. Good VF, dark green patina with earthen highlights, obverse softly struck.
Antiocheia (AD 238-244) AE 34 - Gordian III515 viewsGordian III, 238-244 AD. AE34 (25.81g). Laureate, draped, and cuirassed bust right / CAES ANTIOCH COL, S R in exergue, the Nikes hanging a shield on a palm tree; two captives below. Reverse slightly double struck, good very fine.
Mostene (AD 54-68) AE 21 - Claudius and Agrippina Junior515 viewsClaudius and Agrippina Junior, 41-54 AD. AE21 (5.00g). Struck circa 50-54 AD. Conjoined busts of Claudius, laureate, and Agrippina, draped, right / [EΠI ΠEΔA]NIOY KAICAPEΩ[N MOCTHNΩN], hero on horseback right. VF, dark green and brown patina.
Rhodes (BC 120-84) AE 28515 viewsca 120-84 BC. AE28 (17.95g). Radiate head of Helios right / P-O, rose; cornucopiae to left, caduceus to right. Dark green patina, gVF. Rare. Gutknecht coll.
Nagidos (BC 400-360) AE 13515 views4th cent BC. AE13 (1.63g). Bearded head of Pan right / Amphora, N above. Fine olive-green patina, EF. Very rare. Gutknecht coll.
Pompeiopolis (BC 66) AE 24515 viewsafter 66 BC. AE24 (10.44g, 12h). Bare head of Pompey right; star to right / Athena, helmeted, standing left, holding Nike and sceptre, shield on ground at right. VF, dark green patina with lighter highlights.
Isaura (AD 198-217) AE 23 - Caracalla515 viewsCaracalla, 198-217 AD. AE23 (7.60g, 7h). Laureate and cuirassed bust right, gorgoneion on breastplate / Column surmounted by bust of bearded male (Severus or Zeus?) right within tetrastyle temple. Good VF, dark brown patina with some reddish deposits. Wagner Coll.
Kaisareia (AD 238-244) AE 25 - Gordian III515 viewsGordian III, 238-244 AD. AE25 (9.46g, 12h), dated RY 4 (241/2 AD). Laureate, draped, and cuirassed bust right / Legend in four lines within wreath; date in legend. VF, green patina, minor roughness. Ex Wagner Coll.
Kios (AD 209-212) AE 24515 viewsGeta (as Augustus), 209-212 AD. AE24 (7.42g). AVT.KΠ.CE - ΓETAC AV, cuirassed, laureate bust right / K-IA-NΩ-N, Youthful Hylas, waving clothes around hips, advancing right, drinking from a jug which he holds in his right hand. Very rare, F+, deep brown patina. Hoeft coll.

Hylas was a beautiful young boy, the 'catamite' of Herakles, abducted by Nymphs near Kios.
Bubon (BC 200-0) AE 18515 views2nd-1st century BC. AE18 (4.29g, 12h). Draped bust of Artemis right, quiver over shoulder / Stag standing right, BOY above. VF, dark green patina, deposits. Alighieri Coll.
Methymna (BC 450-400) Silenos - Obol515 views5th century BC. AR Obol (0.41g, 6h). Head of bearded Silenos facing / Land turtle in dotted square border within incuse square. aEF.
Methymna (BC 450-400) Silenos - Hemiobol515 viewsca 425-385 BC. AR Hemiobol (0.23g, 10h). Facing head of bearded Silenos / ΜΑ-Θ, hen standing right within dotted incuse square. VF, very rare.
Kyzikos (AD 177-192) AE 25 - Commodus515 viewsCommodus, 177-192 AD. AE25 (7.02g). Λ ΑΥΡ ΚΟΜΟΔΟΣ ΚΑΙΣΑΡ ΓΕΡΜ, laureate and cuirassed bust of Commodus right within dotted border; circular countermark with woman's bust right / ΚΥΖΙΧΗΝ - ΝΕΟΚΟΡ, Demeter with torch driving biga composed of snakes within dotted border.
Mylasa (BC 392-376) Hemiobol515 viewsHekatomnos, ca 392/1-377/6 BC. AR Hemiobol (8mm, 0.50g, 3h). Head of roaring lion left / Forepart of facing lion; E below. Good VF, light porosity, uneven tone.
Smyrna (BC 280-190) AE 12515 viewsca 280-190 BC. AE12 (1.6g). Laureate head of Apollo right / ΣΜΥΡΝΑΙΩΝ, palm tree, monogram to left. VF. Scarce early type.
Eikonion (BC 100-0) AE 15515 views1st century BC. AE15 (3.32g, 12h). Bust of Dionysos right, wearing ivy-wreath; thyrsus behind / ЄIKONIЄΩN, gorgoneion. Dark patina, gVF.
Masikytes (BC 48-23) 1/4 Drachm514 viewsLycian League, ca 48-23 BC. AR 1/4 Drachm (0.89g, 12mm). Head of Artemis right / Quiver, M-A; crescent above to right. Nice very fine.
Magnesia ad Sipylos (BC 200-0) AE 21514 views2nd century BC. AE21 (8.39g). Turreted head of Kybele right / Zeus Lydios standing left, holding eagle and scepter; ΜΑΓΝΗΤΩΝ - ΣΙΠΥΛ, monogram to left. Almost VF.
Oinoanda (BC 200) Didrachm - Series 2514 viewsca 200 BC. AR Didrachm (8.24g, 12h). Laureate head of Zeus right; lotus-tipped scepter over shoulder, B behind / OINOAN/[DEwN] below in two lines, eagle standing right on winged thunderbolt, wings closed, sceptre (or sword) behind round shield in right field. Near EF, weakly struck in the center.
Anazarbos (AD 54-68) AE - Nero514 viewsNero, 54-68 AD. AE (3.93g). Head right / Boule with votingtable enthroned before voting-urn. Green-brown patina, very fine, extremely fine.
Hierapolis (AD 98-117) AE 29 - Trajan514 viewsTrajan, 98-117 AD. AE29 (16.50g). Laureate bust right / ΙΕΡΑΠΟ-ΛΕΙΤΩΝ, statue of Ephesian Artemis, stags on either side. Very rare. Ex Mediterranean Coins. The reverse probably denotes an alliance with Ephesos.
Amorion (BC 200-0) AE 21514 views2nd-1st cent BC. AE21 (7.72g). Laureate head of bearded Zeus right; countermark: owl standing right / ΑΜΟΡΙ-ΑΝΩΝ, eagle standing right on thunderbolt; kerykeion over shoulder, monogram to left, ΣΩΚΡΑΤ-ΑΡΙΣΤΕΙΔ to right. Dark green patina, VF. Rare. Righetti coll.
Komama (BC 100-0) AE 15514 views1st cent BC. AE15 (2.90g). Laureate head of Zeus right / Lion standing left, KO in exergue. Fine dark green patina, EF. Gutknecht coll.
Laodikeia (BC 27-AD 14) ) AE 14514 viewsTime of Augustus (?), 27 BC-14 AD. AE14 (3.12g). Griffin/ panther/ wolf with forepaw raised left, holding double-axe within wreath / ΛAOΔΙΚΕΩΝ, Laodike as Aphrodite (?) wearing long chiton and dove standing left. Good very fine.
Amblada (AD 198-209) AE 26 - Geta514 viewsGeta, Caesar, 198-209 AD. AE26 (10.12g). Cuirassed and draped bust right / AMBΛΑΔE[Ω]N ΛΑΚΕΔAIMONI[Ω]N/ ΦΙΛ-APTEMIΔ, soldier standing facing, head left, holding spear and shield; to the left, trident and amphora. Brown patina. EF.
Apollonia Salbake (AD 193-211) AE 23 - Julia Domna514 viewsJulia Domna, wife of Septimius Severus, died 217 AD. AE23 (9.10g, 6h), struck ca 195-196 AD. IOVΛIA - ΔOMNA, draped bust right / ΑΠΟΛΛΟΝΙ-ATΩΝ, Aphrodite standing facing holding apple in right and scepter in left. Almost extremely fine. Ex Karl coll.
Skepsis (BC 350-300) AE 20514 viewsca 400-310 BC. AE20 (7.12g, 7h). Rhyton in form of forepart of flying Pegasos right / Palm tree. Σ-Κ, in linear square, H outside to right; to outer left, head of lion right. Good VF, green patina, light earthen encrustation. Rare symbol.
Larisa (BC 400-300) AE514 views4th century BC. AE (1.42g). Female head left, hair in ampyx and sphendone / Λ-Α-Ρ, amphora on ground line; kerykeion (caduceus) to left. Green patina, gVF. Very rare. Mueller coll.
Leukai (BC 350-300) AE 10514 viewsca 350-300 BC. AE10 (1.80g, 10h). Zenos, magistrate. Laureate head of Apollo left / Swan standing left. VF, green patina. Alighieri Coll.
Kaisareia (AD 193-211) Tridrachm - Septimius Severus514 viewsSeptimius Severus, 193-211 AD. AR Tridrachm (8.31g, 23mm, 11h). Dated RY 18 (210 AD). Laureate, draped, and cuirassed bust right / Radiate male figure seated left on Mt. Argaeus, holding branch; ЄT IH (date) in exergue. Good VF.
Phokaia (BC 521-478) seal - 1/24 Stater514 viewsca 525/0-500 BC. AR Obol (0.73g, 8mm). Head of seal left / Quadripartite incuse square. EF. Very rare.
Gambrion (BC 350-250) AE 16514 views4th century BC. AE16 (3.70g, 10h). Laureate head of Apollo left / Bull butting left; star above. VF, green patina.
Myrina (BC 425-375) Obol514 viewsca 4th century BC. AR Obol (0.50g, 6h). Facing female head (the amazon Myrina?), hair in band / Head of goat right; M-Y-P-[I] around; all within incuse square.
Smyrna (AD 81-96) AE 23 - Domitian & Domitia514 viewsDomitian, with Domitia, 81-96 AD. AE23 (8.54g, 1h). Seius, strategus, and Demostratus, stephanophorus. Struck cira 90 AD. Laureate head of Domitian right, vis-à-vis draped bust of Domitia left / Hercules, with lion skin and club, standing left, holding cantharus. VF, attractive olive-green patina. Group CEM.
Mytilene (BC 377-326) EL Hekte - B103514 viewsca 377-326 BC. EL Hekte (2.6g, 11mm). Laureate head of Zeus right / Head of Herakles right, wearing lion skin, within linear frame. nEF. Carr coll.

It has been suggested that these are portraits of Philip II as Zeus and Alexander the Great as Herakles. Five examples of this coin type are recorded in Bodenstedt and nine further examples have appeared in auction.
Nagidos (BC 400-380) Obol513 viewsca 400-380 BC. AR Obol (0.73g). Bearded head of Pan right / Bearded head of Dionysos right, wearing ivy wreath, ΝΑΓΙ to right. Toned, good VF.
Uncertain (BC 490) Drachm513 viewsafter 490 BC. AR Drachm (4.00g). Head of boar right / Irregular incuse punch. VF. Ex Hirsch 33 (Munchen 1913), lot 865.
Side (AD 255-258) AE 29 - Valerian II513 viewsValerian II, Caesar, 255-258 AD. AE29 - 11 Assaria (14.89g). Bare-headed, draped and cuirassed bust right resting on an eagle’s wings; IA before / CIΔHTΩN N-EΩKOPΩN, Apollo standing facing, head left, holding patera and scepter. VF, thin green patina. Drewry Coll.
Lysias (AD 238-244) AE 26 - Gordian III513 viewsGordian III, 238-244 AD. AE26 (11.90g). Laureate, draped and cuirassed bust right / Cybele seated left, holding patera and resting arm on tympaeum; at her feet, lion seated left. VF, dark brown patina with lighter highlights, well centered. Drewry Coll.; Ex Lindgren Coll.
Magnesia ad Sipylos (BC 200-0) AE 15513 views2nd-1st century BC. AE15 (2.81g). Diademed head of youthful Herakles right / ΜΑΓΝΗ/ ΣΙΠ, tripod; monogram to left. Very fine.
Stratonikeia (AD 198-217) AE 37 – Caracalla & Plautilla513 viewsCaracalla. 193-211 AD. AE37 (19.81g, 6h). AVP A[NT] - AVPH KAI ΘЄ - CЄ - B NЄ PLAV[TIΛΛAN], radiate, cuirassed and draped bust to right facing draped bust; countermark in centre, head Athena in Attic helmet right; below, square countermark, ΘЄOY / CTPATONЄIKЄΩN ЄΠI - TΩN - ΠЄPT B KΛ [ΔIONVCION], Zeus Panamaros riding on horseback to right holding scepter in left; to the right, burning altar. Very fine. Ex Karl coll.
Tralleis (AD 81-96) AE 22 - Domitia513 viewsDomitia, 81-96 AD. AE22 (3.72g). ΔΟΜΙΤΑΙ CЄΒΑCΤΗ, bust right / ЄΠΙ ΚΛ ΜЄΛΙ ΤΩΝΟC ΓΡ ΤΟ Β ΤΡΑΛ/Λ−ΙΑ, Tyche standing left, holding cornucopiae and rudder. Dark brown patina. Traces of silvering, very fine.
Assos (BC 450-400) Hemiobol513 views5th century BC. AR Hemiobol (6mm, 0.19g, 6h). Griffin seated right / Head of roaring lion right, within incuse square. VF, porous. Rare and apparently unpublished.
(BC 430-390) Hntruma - Stater513 viewsHntruma, Dynast, ca 390 BC. AR Stater (8.56g, 0h). Kadyanda mint. Head of Athena left, wearing Attic helmet / Lykian letters "hñtruma"; head of Hermes left, wearing winged petasos, dynastic symbol/monogram to right; all in dotted square border within square incuse. Toned, gVF. Very rare.
Sinope (AD 41-55) AE 22 - Britannicus & Nero513 viewsBritannicus, with Nero as Caesar, 41-55 AD. AE22 (7.43g, 2h). Dated CY 100 (54/5 AD). Laureate head of Britannicus left / Laureate head of Nero left; date in legend. VF, dark green patina, minor roughness. Extremely rare.
Sinope (BC 362-353) Drachm - Sysinas513 viewsca 362-353 BC, in name of Satrap Sysinas (son of Datames). AR Drachm (5.49g). Head of nymph Sinope left, hair in sphendone, aplustre in front / Sea-eagle attacking dolphin left, Aramaic legend ('abd ssn'). About very fine.
Smyrna (BC 88-85) AE 24513 viewsca 85-75 BC. AE23 (14.33g, 11h). Mithradatic Wars issue. Hermogenes and Phrixos, magistrates. Diademed head of Mithradates VI of Pontos right / Nike standing right, holding wreath and palm frond; EPMOΓENHΣ/ΦPIΞOΣ in two lines to left. Near EF, green-brown patina.
Lebedos (BC 150) Tetradrachm513 viewsca 190-100 BC. AR Tetradrachm (16.08g). Stephanephoric type. Korabos, magistrate. Helmeted head of Athena right / Owl standing right, head facing, on club between two cornucopias; ΚΩΡΑ-ΒΟΣ below; all within wreath. aEF. Rare.
Smyrna (BC 155-145) Tetradrachm513 viewsca 155-145 BC. AR Tetradrachm (32mm, 16.65g, 12h). Stephanophoric type. Menekrates, magistrate. Turreted head of Tyche right / Ethnic and magistrate’s monogram within laurel wreath. EF. Krizan Coll.; ex Vecchi 14 (2/1999), lot 596.
Mytilene (BC 521-478) EL Hekte - B13513 viewsca 521-478 BC. EL Hekte (2.54g, 7h, 10mm). Head of roaring lion facing right / Incuse head of calf facing right; rectangular punch behind. VF.
Kaisareia (AD 238-244) AE 23 - Gordian III513 viewsGordian III, 238-244 AD. AE23 (7.05g, 1h). Dated RY 7 (243/244 AD). Laureate bust right, wearing paludamentum and cuirass / Six ears of corn tied together. Andersen Coll. VF.
Mytilene (BC 377-326) EL Hekte - B92513 viewsca 377-326 BC. EL Hekte (2.53g, 11mm). Bust of Maenad, hair in sphendone, right / Torch in linear square. EF.
Mytilene (BC 377-326) EL Hekte - B- (B100/-)513 viewsca 377-326 BC. EL Hekte (2.54g, 10mm). Laureate head of Apollo right. / Female head (Persephone and Hecate) right, wearing triangular earring, all within linear square border. VF. Carr coll.

This coin is the second known of this type (the first was in Heritage Auc. 3046 (4/2016), lot 29113). These two hybrids appear to share the same reverse die, but the obverse is different. This coin appears to be a combination of B100 and a reverse unknown to Bodenstedt. However, the reverse is a die match with Coin ID #12999. The cataloguer of the Heritage example thought the reverse was B99. However, the reverse is different than B99 with the female wearing triangular earrings.
Stektorion (AD 161-180) AE 15512 viewsCivic issue, time of Marcus Aurelius (ca 161-180 AD). AE15 (2.36g). FL-LIK-INNIANOU, draped bust of Serapis right, wearing modius / CTEKTO-PHNWN, bucranium surmounted by crescent; two stars above. EF, dark green-brown patina. Very rare city.
(BC 480-440) Kuprilli - Tetrobol512 viewsKuprilli, Dynast, ca 480-440 BC. AR Tetrobol (3.04g, 6h). Goat standing right, round shield above / Triskeles, Lycian legend 'KO-PR-LL-E' within dotted square incuse. Toned, VF. Extremely rare, perhaps unpublished.
Hierapolis (Auton. AD 100-300) AE 18512 viewsCivic Issue, ca 2nd-3rd century AD. AE18 (9.40g). Helmeted and cuirassed bust of Athena right / ΙΕΡΑΠΟ-ΛΕΙΤΩΝ, Nemesis standing left. VF, dark green patina.
Karia Uncertain (BC 480-450) Tetartemorion512 viewsca 5th century BC. AR Tetartemorion (0.20g, 9mm). Foreparts of two confonted bulls, horns crossed / Forepart of bull left within incuse square.
Hydisos (BC 100-0) Drachm512 views1st century BC. AR Hemidrachm (15mm, 2.17g, 3h). Helmeted head of Ares right / ΥΔΙ-ΣΕΩΝ, winged thunderbolt, within dotted circle.. EF, lightly toned. Rare. Ex Hirsch 195 (5/1997), lot 317.
Nikomedeia (AD 251-253) AE 23 - Trebonianus Gallus512 viewsTrebonianus Gallus, 251-253 AD. AE23 (6.34g). Radiate, draped, and cuirassed bust left, holding spear and shield / Gallus on horseback right, holding lance. VF, dark brown patina with some green.
Parion (AD 253-268) AE 27 - Gallienus512 viewsGallienus, 253-268 AD. AE27 (10.31g, 12h). ILLP LICINN CR, laureate and draped bust right / C G I H PA, Aeneas, in military outfit, standing facing, head left, holding with his right hand Ascanius, who is standing at left, and cradling in his left arm Anchises, who has his right arm around Aeneas’ neck and holds the Penates in his left hand. Good VF, green and red-brown patina. Extremely rare. Ex Cain Coll.
Smyrna (AD 193-217) AE 22 - Julia Domna512 viewsJulia Domna, Augusta, 193-217 AD. AE22 (5.35g, 6h). Claudius Rufinus Sophistes, strategos. Draped bust right / Herakles standing facing, head left, holding club, lion’s skin, and kantharos. VF, dark brown patina. Ex. Wagner Coll.
Amaseia (AD 161-180) AE 34 - Marcus Aurelius512 viewsMarcus Aurelius, 161-180 AD. AE34 (19.60g), struck 164/5 AD. AVT KAIC M AVP A - NTΩNINOC CEB, draped, cuirassed and laureate bust right / AΔP AMAC NEΩK.K.MHT K.ΠPΩ ΠONT / ET PZE (year 165), Ares in military cloak and helmet, standing frontal, head right, holding spear in right hand and resting with left hand on shield set on ground; on the right side, nude Aphrodite standing left, covering pudenda with left hand and breasts with right hand. Rare, F+. Hoeft coll.
Pergamon (AD 253-260) AE 17 - Valerian II512 viewsValerian II, 253-260 AD. AE17 (3.01g). Bare head right / ΠЄPΓAMHNΩN, Cista mystica with snake. VF.
Karia Uncertain (BC 450-400) griffin/lion - Obol512 viewsca 460-440 BC. AR Obol (0.62g). Head of griffin right / Facing head of lion within incuse square. Toned, VF. Rare. R. Mueller coll.
Sardeis (AD 60-62) AE 17 - Octavia512 viewsOctavia, ca 60-62 AD. AE17 (5.04g). ΘΕΑΝ ΟΚΤΑΟΥΙΑΝ, bust of draped Octavia right (as goddess) with ears of corn in her hair / ΣΑΡΔΙΑΝΩΝ ΕΠΙ ΜΙΝΔΙΟΥ ΣΤΡΑΤΟ Β. Demeter or Hekate-Selene, with torch in each hand, wearing long chiton and flying veil, in a car drawn by two winged snakes; crescent in field above; 3 monograms. Under magistrate Mindios.
Mylasa (BC 420-390) Tetartemorion512 viewsca 420-390 BC. AR Tetartemorion (6mm, 0.26g, 4h). Head of roaring lion right / Bird standing right; pellets flanking. Good VF, toned. Alighieri Coll.
Kalchedon (BC 340-320) 1/4 Siglos512 viewsca 340-320 BC. AR 1/4 Siglos (12mm, 1.24g). Bull standing left on grain ear, KA above / Four-part incuse punch of mill sail pattern. Toned VF.
(BC 282-133) AE 14512 viewsPhiletairos, 282-263 BC. AE14 (3.53g, 11h). Helmeted head of Athena right / ΦΙΛΕΤΑΙΡΟΥ, thyrsos; in left field, A above M. Near VF, dark green patina, light cleaning scratches on obverse.
Kaisareia (AD 161-169) Didrachm - Lucius Verus512 viewsLucius Verus, 161-169 AD. AR Didrachm (5.93g, 20-21mm, 11h). 161-166 AD. ΑΥΤΟΚΡ ΟΥΗΡΟC CЄΒΑCΤΟC, bare head of Lucius Verus right / ΥΠΑ-ΤΟC B Mt. Argaeus, with trees; on summit, star; at base, animal to left, tree to right. Ex Münchner Münzhandlung K. Kress, Auc. 118, München (6/1961), lot 949. A.K. coll.
Soloi (BC 350-300) Obol511 viewsca 350-300 BC. AR Obol (0.60g). Head of Athena right, wearing Corinthian helmet / Grape cluster on vine, Θ−Ε (magistrate?), [ΣΟΛ]ΕΩΝ below. VF.
Apollonia Mordiaion (AD 253-268) AE 41 - Gallienus511 viewsGallienus, 253-268 AD. AE41 - Medallion (29.54g, 5h). Laureate, draped, and cuirassed bust right / ΑΠΟΛ-ΛΩ-ΝΙ-ΑΤ-ΩΝ ΛV ΘΡ ΚΟ, octastyle temple set on three-tiered base, eagle(?) in pediment; within, Gallienus standing left, holding phiale(?) and sceptre. VF, black-green patina with traces of brick-red. Rare. Drewry Coll.; ex Classical Numismatic Auctions X (3/1990), lot 364; Numismatic Fine Arts VI (2/1979), lot 350.
Side (AD 253-268) AE 31 - Salonina511 viewsSalonina, wife of Gallienus, 254-268 AD. AE31 (21.66g). Diademed and draped bust right, resting on wings of eagle below; c/m: E / Turreted. veiled and draped bust of Tyche right. Near VF, brown patina. From the Ian Roper Collection.
Klazomenai (BC 375-340) AE 15511 viewsca 4th century BC. AE15 (2.66g). Head of Athena facing slightly right, wearing three-crested Attic helmet / Ram walking right on ground line, ΦΑΝΑΓΟΡΑΣ (magistrate) above, forepart of winged boar to right. Green patina, gVF. Rare. Gutknecht coll.
Kos (BC 366-300) AE 9511 views4th cent BC. AE9 (1.06g). Head of bearded Herakles right / Crab, ΚΩΣ below, cicada above. VF. Rare. Joy coll.
Halikarnassos (BC 420-350) Tetartemorion511 viewsca 4th century BC. AR Tetartemorion (6mm, 0.24g). Ram's head right / Roaring lion's head right. Good VF.
Aphrodisias (AD 253-268) AE 25 – Gallienus511 viewsGallienus, 253-268 AD. AE25 (9.49g, 3h). ΑΥ ΚΑΙ ΠΟ ΛI ΓΑΛΛΙΗΝΟC, radiate, cuirassed and draped bust right / AΦPOΔI /CIЄΩ-N; OIK[OVMЄNIKOC]; on edge of table, ΓOPΔIA on left and PVΘIA on right price crown; theme, two price crowns with palm branches flanked by two money bags. Almost extremely fine. Ex Karl coll.
Tabai (AD 81-96) AE 18 - Domitia511 viewsDomitia, wife of Domitian. Augusta, 82-96 AD. AE18 (5,86g, 12h), ΔOMITIA - CЄBACTH, head right / OPΘΠI - O - [Y IЄ]PΩNOC / [T]ABH / NΩN, Nike advancing right, holding wreath in right and palm branch in left. Very rare. Very fine. Ex Hauck and Aufhäuser, Auc 17 (3/2003), Nr. 267. Ex Karl coll.
Kyzikos (AD 209-212) AE 18 - Geta511 viewsGeta, as Caesar, 209-212 AD. AE18. Draped bust right / Capricorn right. Rare.
Kaisareia (AD 193-217) Drachm - Julia Domna511 viewsJulia Domna, Augusta, 193-217 AD. AR Drachm (2.94g, 18mm, 12h). Dated RY 16 of Septimius Severus (208/9 AD). Draped bust right / Argaios(?) seated left on rocks, holding branch; ET IS (date) in exergue. Rare. VF, deposits.
Myra (AD 238-244) AE 29 - Gordian III511 viewsGordian III, 238-244 AD. AE29 (17.47g). ΑΥΤ ΚΑΙ Μ ΑΝ ΓΟΡΔΙΑΝΟC CЄΒ, laureate, draped, and cuirassed bust right, seen from behind / ΜΥΡЄΩΝ, Tyche Soterios (Fortuna Redux) standing left. Nice dark green patina, adjustment marks. Good VF.
Samos (BC 380-365) Tetradrachm511 viewsca 380–365 BC. AR Tetradrachm (14.97g). Facing lion’s scalp / ΣΑ, forepart of ox running right, wearing ornate collar, olive branch behind, ΠΥΘΙΩΝ (magistrate or moneyer) above, edges of square die visible. Struck on a slightly short flan. Toned. Extremely fine.
Miletos (BC 360-325) Tetradrachm511 viewsca 350-340 BC. AR Tetradrachm (23mm, 14.96g, 11h). Theognetos, magistrate. Laureate head of Apollo left / Lion standing left, head right; civic monogram to left, star above, ΘEOΓNHTOΣ below. Good VF, areas of porosity and pitting. Unpublished denomination for magistrate.
Pompeiopolis (AD 238-244) AE 32 - Gordian III511 viewsGordian III, 238-244 AD. AE32 (13.89g). Dated CY 308 (242/3 AD). Radiate, draped, and cuirassed bust right / Dionysus standing facing, head left, holding cantharus and thyrsus; at feet, panther left; date in left field. Very fine.
(BC 62-40) Deiotaros - AE 17511 viewsDeiotaros, ca 62-40 BC. AE17 (5.5g). Laureate head of Zeus right / Large monogram and Galatian shield. Very rare. GVF.
Tabai (AD 193-217) AE 26 - Julia Domna511 viewsJulia Domna, Augusta, 193-217 AD. AE26 (9.12g, 6h). Draped bust right / Tyche standing left, holding rudder and cornucopia. EF, dark brown patina. Exceptional condition and with a lovely bust of Domna. From Group CEM. Ex Tkalec (10/1992), lot 309.
Skepsis (BC 440-400) Trihemiobol511 viewsca 450-400 BC. AR Obol(?) (10mm, 0.83g, 10h). Pegasos flying right; [Σ]-K-H-Ψ-I around / Fir tree within linear square border within dotted square border. VF, porous. Unpublished?
Tarsos (BC 361-334) Stater - Mazaios511 viewsMazaios, Satrap of Cilicia, 361/0-334 BC. AR Stater (21mm, 10.52g, 8h). Baaltars seated left, holding scepter; to left, grain ear and grape bunch above Aramaic N; Aramaic M below throne / Lion left, attacking bull right; crenelated walls below. Good VF, toned, light porosity. Krizan Coll.; ex Berk BBS 112 (1/2000), lot 231.
Mytilene (BC 521-478) EL Hekte - B14511 viewsca 521-478 BC. EL Hekte (2.56g). Head of roaring lion right, ΛE to left (facing outward, E retrograde) / Incuse head of calf right with collar, incuse rectangular punch behind. One of the finest known to capture all elements of the type, gVF. Carr coll.

Thirteen examples known to Bodenstedt, this appears to be the tenth example offered at electronic auction or sale. The obverse is one of the five coin types noted by Bodenstedt (B14, B20, B23, B28 and B35) that bear the initial letters of the name of the island - Lesbos.
Magnesia (BC 459) Tetartemorion - Archepolis511 viewsArchepolis, ca 459 BC. AR Tetartemorion (6mm, 0.20g, 6h). Diademed head right / Eagle flying right; monogram below; all within linear square border. Good VF, toned. Exceptional for issue and likely the finest known specimen of this rare series. Ex: CNG E­334, lot 85; CNG E­315, lot 81; CNG E­307, lot 55; CNG E­291, lot 95; Lanz 144, 240; Gorny & Mosch 160, lot 1519.
Myous (BC 400-380) AE 9511 viewsca 400-380 BC. AE9 (0.65g). Laureate head of Apollo right within wreath / MY-H, goose standing right within maeander pattern. gVF.
Kilikia Uncertain (BC 4th cent) Aphrodite/Herakles510 viewsca 400-360 BC. AR Obol (0.72g). Head of Aphrodite (?) facing with long curts / Head of Herakles right, wearing lion skin around neck. EF. Rare.
Lindos (BC 515-490) Stater510 viewsca 515/510-490 BC. AR Stater (13.57g) Lion's head with open mouth to R / Two oblong incuses. Rare. Good very fine. Langlotz coll.
Neokaisareia (AD 253-268) AE 28 - Gallienus510 viewsGallienus, 253-268 AD. AE28 (12.20g, 28mm). Cuirassed, draped and laureate bust R / Agonistic crown on basis. Very fine.
Bruzos (AD 238-244) AE 24 - Gordian III510 viewsGordian III, 238-244 AD. AE24 (10.56g). Laureate and draped bust right / [B]ΡΟΥΖΗΝΩ Hekate, in long chiton, standing to front, holding in either hand extended, a long torch.
Saitta (AD 193-197) AE 26 - Claudius Albinus510 viewsClodius Albinus, as Caesar, 193-197 AD. AE26 (10.16g). Bearded head right / Aphrodite, nude and diademed, standing left and covering herself, small winged Eros at left, holding torch, dolphin diving at right. Nice VF, smooth black patina, clear types. Extremely Rare.

Clodius Albinus was a tragic figure whose eastern coinages are quite rare, and this particular coin features an important reverse of artistic merit: the scene is a third generation copy of a Praxiteles sculpture, the first nude rendering of the goddess Aphrodite Knidia in the bath supported by a dolphin. This same imagery was subsequently copied for the Villa Medici in Rome, where it is known as "Venus Medici," and it became a popular Renaissance theme, being the subject of some Boticelli paintings.
Rhodes (BC 31-AD 60) AE 33510 viewsLate 1st cent BC-mid 1st cent AD. AE33 - Drachm (25.27g, 12h). Satyros, magistrate. Radiate head of Helios facing slightly right / Rose seen from above; ΣΑΤΥΡΟΣ below; all within oak wreath. VF, dark green patina. Ex Prof. Angelo Signorelli Collection, Part I (P. & P. Santamaria, 10/1951), lot 537.
Hadrianopolis (AD 238-244) AE 33 - Gordian III510 viewsGordian III, 238-244 AD. AE33 (24.32g). S. Kaikinon, magistrate. Laureate, draped and cuirassed bust right / EΠ C KAIKINON B AΔRIANOΠO around, C-EB across field, Tyche standing left, holding rudder on globe and cornucopiae. Near VF, even brown surfaces, obverse lightly double-struck. Ex Sternberg XI (11/1981), lot 313.
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