Asia Minor Coins - Photo Gallery

Ancient Greek and Roman coins from Asia Minor

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Daldis (AD 98-117) AE 16 - Trajan490 viewsTrajan, 98-117 AD. AE16 (4.7g). TPAIANO KAICAPCE, Bust right / ΔΑΛΔΙΑΝΩΝ, Zeus Lydios standing left, holding eagle and scepter. gVF.
Germanikopolis (AD 198-217) AE 30 - Caracalla490 viewsCaracalla, 198-217 AD. AE30 (13.95g). 209/210 AD. [...] Μ ΑΥΡΗ ΑΝΤΩΝ[...], radiate and draped bust right / ΓЄΡΜΑΝΙΚΟΠΟΛЄΩC / ЄT / CЄI (Year 125), eagle seated on altar in between two standards. Rare. Dark green patina. gVF.
Tarsos (AD 117-138) Tridrachm - Hadrian490 viewsHadrian, 117-138 AD. AR Tridrachm (10.38g, 25mm, 12h). Struck ca 117/8 AD. Laureate bust right, slight drapery / Tyche of Tarsus seated left on throne decorated with sphinx, holding palm frond and cornucopia; below, river-god Cydnus swimming left; all within wreath. Good VF, light porosity. Extremely rare.
Lampsakos (BC 470-450) Obol490 viewsca 470-450 BC. AR Obol (0.85g, 10mm, 9h). Head right / Head of Athena left, wearing Corinthian helmet, wheel with four spokes on helmet, within incuse square.
Mytilene (BC 454-427) EL Hekte - B44490 viewsca 454-428/7 BC. EL Hekte (10mm, 2.51g, 8h). Diademed female head facing slightly right / Bull's head left; M above; all within incuse square. Near EF. Very rare, only 6 examples recorded by Bodenstedt.
Stratonikeia (BC 166) Hemidrachm 490 viewsca 150-120 BC. AR Hemidrachm (1.4g, 12mm, 2h). Laureate head of Zeus right / Eagle standing 3/4 to right, wings open, C-T, serpent on altar in lower right field, APYCΛAC (?) (magistrate) above. VF.
Dardanos (BC 350) AE 12490 views4th century BC. AE12 (3.18g). Horseman galloping right, wearing petasos and chlamys / ΔΑΡ, rooster standing right. gVF.
Mylasa (BC 6th cent) EL 1/48 Stater490 viewsMid 6th century BC. EL Forty-Eighth Stater (5mm, 0.29g, 7h). Facing lion head / Scorpion within incuse square. Near EF, minor earthen deposits on reverse.
Skamandreia (BC 350-300) AE 21490 viewsca 350-300 BC. AE21 (7.8g). Head of mountain-nymph Ide right / ΣΚ-Α, fir-tree. VF.
Mytilene (BC 377-326) EL Hekte - B90490 viewsca 377-326 BC. EL Hekte (2.51g, 9h). Wreathed head of young Dionysos right/ Facing hairy large head of satyr, bunch of grapes in lower left field within linear square. Carr coll.

There are 6 varieties of reverses for Bodenstedt 90 and of this variety 5 known at time of sale. This coin appears on pages 226 and 227 as plate LN1168 in Joseph Linzalone’s book “Electrum and the Invention of Coinage”. Ex Demetrios Armounta Coll. Ex CNG 75 (5/2007) lot 347; Ex CNG 94 (9/2013), lot 498.
Metropolis (AD 235-238) AE 30 - Maximinus I 490 viewsMaximinus I, 235-238 AD. AE30 (8.85g). AYT K Γ IOYΛ MAΞIMЄINOC, laureate, draped and cuirassed bust right, seen from behind / MHTPOΠOΛEITΩN TΩN EN IΩNIA, Kybele enthroned left, holding phiale and resting arm on drum; lions flanking throne. Very rare. VF.1 comments
Kyzikos (BC 500-450) EL 1/12 Stater490 viewsca 500­-450 BC. EL Hemihekte - Twelfth Stater (8.5mm, 1.33g). Winged dog standing left, head right, on tunny left / Quadripartite incuse square. VF.
Mytilene (BC 377-326) EL Hekte - B79490 viewsca 412-378 BC. EL Hekte (2.52g, 11mm). Female head right, with hair in sakkos / Kithara within linear border. gVF.
(BC 560-546) Kroisos - AR 1/12 Stater490 viewsKroisos, ca 560-546 BC. AR 1/12 Stater (7mm, 0.87g). Confronted foreparts of lion right, with extended right foreleg, and bull left / Rough incuse square.
Aigeai (AD 217-218) AE - Macrinus and Diadumenian489 viewsMacrinus and Diadumenian, 217-218 AD. AE (11.54g). AUT K M OP SEU MAKRINOS KAI DIAD[..]NIAN, confronting busts of Macrinus and Diadumenian. MAKRINOU P M [...] AIGEAIWN, Bust of Dionysos with Thyrsos R; before, bunch of grapes. Very rare, brown almost black patina, good very fine.
Sardeis (AD 117-138) Cistophoric Tetradrachm - Hadrian489 viewsHadrian, 117-138 AD. AR Cistophoric Tetradrachm (10.62g), Sardis mint. Bare head right / Veiled figure of Ceres standing right, holding transverse sceptre; no star to right. VF. Overstruck on an uncertain type.
Aigeai (BC 130-77) AE 17489 viewsca 130/20-83/77 BC. AE17 - 2/3 Unit (3.25g, 12h). Helmeted head of Athena right / ΑΙΓΕΑΙΩΝ / ΤΗΣ ΙΕΡΑΣ - ΚΑΙ ΑΥTONOMΟΥ, goat lying left; monogram above. Good VF, dark green patina.
Kyzikos (AD 254-268) AE 22 - Salonina489 viewsSalonina, wife of Gallienus. Augusta, 254-268 AD. AE22 (5.34g). Diademed and draped bust right set on crescent. / Artemis advancing right. Very fine.
Isinda (AD 221-222) AE 27 - Severus Alexander489 viewsSeverus Alexander, 222-235 AD, as Caesar under Elagabal. AE27 (11.22g), struck ca 221-222 AD. Draped, beardless bust right / ICIN/ΔEΩN, draped, bearded bust of Sarapis with modius right, draped bust of Isis with oak wreath left. Olive-green patina with red highlights, VF. Very rare, von Aulock counts only 2 other examples. Righetti coll.
Apollonoshieron (AD 14-37) AE 18 - Tiberius489 viewsTiberius, 14-37 AD. AE18 (4.72g). TIBERIOC KAICAP, laureate head right / AΠOΛΛWNIEPEITWN, Apollo, standing facing, holding patera and resting hand on lyre. Nice very fine.

Kyzikos (AD 161-180) AE 35 - Marcus Aurelius489 viewsMarcus Aurelius, 161-180 AD. AE35 (29.98g, 6h). Laureate, draped, and cuirassed bust right / Athena advancing right, wielding javelin and holding Nike. Fine, green patina, a little rough. Ex Wagner Coll.
Tabai (AD 161-180) AE 27 - Faustina II489 viewsFaustina II Junior, wife of Marcus Aurelius, 161-180 AD. AE27 (10,81g, 6h). ΦAVCTЄINA - CEBACTH , daped bust right / TABH-NΩN, Tyche standing facing holding rudder and cornucopia, head left. Almost extremely fine. Ex Karl coll.
Konana (BC 60-40) AE 15489 viewsca 60-40 BC. AE15 (3.28g). Bull butting right on ground line / Eagle standing right on thunderbolt, ΚΟΝΑΝΕωN above. Extremely rare, possibly unpublished variant.
Herakleia Pontika (AD 253-268) AE 24 - Gallienus489 viewsGallienus, 253-268 AD. AE24 (6.38g). Π Λ ΓAΛΛIHNOC CEB, laureate head of Gallienus right / HPAKΛEΩ[TAN M - ATPOΠOΛEITAN / ΠO - N - TΩ], Herakles standing facing, holding club, bow and lion´s skin.
Smyrna (AD 100-200) AE 16489 viewsQuasi-autonomous, struck 2nd century AD (time of Antonines). AE16 (2.38g). ME-[Λ]-HC, river-god Meles, nude, except himation around hips, leaning left, resting left ellbow on urn from which water flows, holding reed in right hand / CMYPN - AIΩN, Nike, winged and wearing long chiton, advancing right, holding wreath in raised right hand and palm branch over left shoulder. Good F/about VF, dark black-brown patina. Hoeft coll.

Smyrna at the river Meles is one of the cities which claims to be the birthplace of Homer. A myth says that Homer's original name was Melesigenes (= 'coming from the Meles').
Lykia Uncertain (BC 400) Hemidrachm - Dynast Khadritimes?489 viewsca 400 BC. AR Hemidrachm (1.97g, 13mm), light Lykian standard (?). Head of Athena right, wearing crested helmet / Herakles fighting lion, "K A D A(or P) E(or F)..." around. Unpublished?

The reverse text may refer to the Dynast Khadritimes, or to the ancient Lykian city Kadyanda, which is known to have issued coins. Aid in the attribution of this issue is quite welcome.
Kyme (BC 520-470) Hemiobol489 views5th century BC. AR Hemiobol (7mm, 0.36g). Horse’s head right / Rough incuse square. Good VF.

While such coins are generally assigned to an uncertain Thraco-Macedonian mint, the style of the current coin is more refined than any of the horse types in Tzamalis. “Horse/incuse” types were almost certainly minted at multiple locations, and a mint in (western?) Asia Minor would seem logical based on provenances.
Abydos (BC 500-480) Trihemiobol489 viewsca 500-480 BC. AR Trihemiobol? (1.2g, 10mm). Eagle standing left / Quadripartite incuse square.
Philadelphia (AD 161-169) AE 31 - Marcus Aurelius & Lucius Verus489 viewsMarcus Aurelius and Lucius Verus, 161-169 AD. AE31 (29.55g, 6h). Lad... Severus, archon (?). AVT K M AVP ANTΩNЄINOC K AVP OVHPOC, confronted busts of Marcus Aurelius and Lucius Verus / Statue of Helios, radiate, advancing right, holding extended torch and whip, within distyle shrine, [ЄΠΙ] ΛΑΔ... CЄΒΗΡΟV [ΑΡΧ(?)] around, [Φ]ΙΛΑΔЄΛ[ΦΕΩΝ] in exergue. gVF.
Kyzikos (BC 500-450) EL 1/24 Stater489 viewsca 500-450 BC. EL Myshemihekte – 1/24 Stater (7mm, 0.68g). Head of Zeus-Ammon right [on tunny right] / Quadripartite incuse square. VF. Very rare as a myshemihekte.
Ionia Uncertain (BC 500) Obol489 viewsca 5th century BC. AR Obol(?) (8mm, 0.65g). Helmeted head left / Ant within incuse square. gVF. Very rare.
Peltai (BC 200-0) AE 17488 viewsca 2nd-1st century BC. AE17 (4.71g, 1h). Helmeted bust of Athena right / Lion seated left, ΠΕΛ - [Τ]ΗΝΟ, []ΙΛΙΠΠΟΣ in exergue. VF.
Tripolis (AD 100-200) AE 25488 views2nd cent AD. AE25 (7.49g, 6h). Draped bust of the Roman Senate right / Demeter standing left, holding grain ears and poppy, and grain stalk. Good VF, black-green patina with beige overtones, slight shift-strike on reverse.
Kos (BC 166-88) Hemidrachm488 viewsca 166-88 BC. AR Hemidrachm (1.72g). Magistrates Nikarch(...) and Asklep(...). Laureate head of Asklepios right / Coiled snake, head right; ΝΙΚΑΡΧ to left, ΑΣΚΛΗΠ to right, ΚΟΣ? below. VF.
Kos (BC 30) AE 31 - Nikias488 viewsca 30 BC. AE31 (23.56g). [ΝΙΚΙ]ΑΣ, head of Nikias right wearing a slight beard, band in hair / ΚΩΙΩΝ ΚΑΛΛΙΠΠΙΔΗΣ, laureate head of Asklepios right. VF, brown and green patina, minor adjustment marks on both sides. Rare.

The elusive Nikias apparently seized power in Kos in the late Republican period, perhaps taking advantage of turmoil within the Roman Empire. He is usually dated between about 50 BC and the reign of Augustus, but the only evidence for his date is the style of portrait, which seem's to be strongly influenced by the portraiture of Octavian. His coinage, however, has not yet been fully studied, and even the sequence of his mint magistrates has not yet been established.
Sagalassos (AD 268-270) AE 33 - Claudius II Gothicus488 viewsClaudius II Gothicus, 268-270 AD. AE33 - 10 Assaria (18.01g, 12h). Laureate, draped, and cuirassed bust right / CAΓAΛACCE-ΩN, lion leaping left; I below; c/m: pellet within annulet; all within serrate incuse. VF, red-brown surfaces. From the Garth R. Drewry Collection.
Kilikia Uncertain (BC 4th cent) Aphrodite - Obol488 viewsca 4th century BC. AR Obol (12mm, 0.66g). Three-quarter facing head of Herakles, head turned slightly right, wearing lion's skin / Head of Aphrodite left, wearing stephane decorated with palmette and two annulets. Good VF, darkly toned, nice flan. David Herman Coll.
Lampsakos (BC 45) AE 17488 viewsTime of Julius Caesar, ca 45 BC. AE17 (4.23g). C G I L head of Janus; countermark: LAE monogram / Q LVCRET L PONT IIVIR COL DED PR, prow. Very rare. Very fine.
Akrasos (AD 177-192) AE 38 - Commodus488 viewsCommodus. 177-192 AD. AE38 - Medallion (40.16g). Bassius, magistrate. Laureate, draped and cuirassed bust right, viewed from the front / ΕΠΙ CΤΡΑ ΒΑCCOV around, AKPACIΩTΩN in exergue, Artemis Ephesia standing facing on left, Tyche standing left, holding rudder and cornucopiae on right; star above. VF, rough brown patina. Drewry Coll., purchased from Baldwin & Sons, June 1978.
Sinope (BC 375-362) Drachm - Datames488 viewsDatames, Satrap, ca 364-362 BC. AR Drachm (5.93g). Head of nymph Sinope left, wearing bucranium pendant earring, within beaded border / Sea-eagle on back of dolphin left, ΔATA below. Choice, toned extremely fine. Ex Jameson coll, bought from Spink 1965.
Samos (BC 310-300) Didrachm488 viewsca 310-300 BC. AR Didrachm (6.36g, 20mm, 12h). Samian standard. Battos, magistrate. Facing lion scalp / Forepart of ox right; [B]ATTOΣ above, olive spray to right. VF, toned.
Attaleia (AD 251-253) AE 24 - Trebonianus Gallus488 viewsTrebonianus Gallus, 251-253 AD. AE24 (8.26g). ΑV KЄ Γ OVIB - TPEB ΓAΛΛON CЄB, draped and laureate bust right / ΑTTA-ΛЄΩN, winged Nemesis standing to left, at her feet griffin left. Rare. VF.
Tyana (AD 98-117) AE 20 - Trajan488 viewsTrajan, 98-117 AD. AE20 (5.47g). AVT NEPOVI TPAIANOC KAI CE; laureate head right / IEPAC [ACYΛ AVTON] TYANEWN - ET A; Athena standing left, holding Nike and spear, shield at feet.
Methymna (BC 360-330) Obol488 viewsca 450/40-406/379 BC. AR Obol (8mm, 0.46g, 9h). Helmeted head of Athena right / Kantharos; M-A-Θ counterclockwise around. VF, minor roughness on reverse.
Kyzikos (BC 398-395) Drachm - Pharnabazos488 viewsca 398-396/5 BC. AR Drachm (3.33g). Head of Pharnabazos right, weaing satrapal cap tied below his chin, and diadem / Ornate ship’s prow left, decorated with a griffin and prophylactic eye; before and aft, two dolphins downward; below, tunny left. Corroded, RRR, good ss.
Hierapolis (BC 10-9) AE - Fabius Maximus488 viewsFabius Maximus, Proconsul, 10/9 BC. AE (2.65g). Dryas, magistrate. ΦΑΒΙΟΣ ΜΑΞΙΜΟΣ, head of Fabius Maximus right in dotted circle / ΙΕΡΑΠΟ / ΛΕΙΤΩΝ / ΔΡΥΑΣ within wreath. Very rare, fifth known example. VF. Very rare.
Dardanos (BC 500) Trihemiobol488 views5th century BC. AR Trihemiobol (1.03g), ca 480 BC. Rooster standing right, sun/star to left / Rough incuse square. Unpublished save for its auction appearances and unique. Nicely toned. Good very fine.

From the collections of R. Maly, LHS 100 (4/2007), 295, T. Kuyas, Münzen und Medaillen 41 (6/1970), 158, V. M. Brand, Hess-Leu 31 (12/1966), 414 and P. Lambros, Hirsch XXIX (11/1910), 677.
Tyana (BC 100-0) AE 13488 viewsca 1st century BC. AE13 (3.9g). Bull walking left / ΤΥΑ−ΝIWΝ, Zeus seated left, holding scepter and patera. VF.
Hierapolis (AD 117-138) Drachm - Hadrian488 viewsHadrian, 117-138 AD. AR Drachm (3.09g, 18mm). ΑΔΡΙΑΝΟС СЄΒΑСΤΟС, laureate head right / ΥΠΑΤΟС Γ ΠΑΤΗΡ ΠΑΤΡΙ, Tyche seated left on throne, holding rudder and cornucopia. Very rare. VF.
Antiocheia (AD 1st-2nd cent) AE487 viewsca 1st-2nd cent AD, pseudo-autonomous. AE (3.74g). NAP-BIC, Head of Tyche right, wearing 3-pointed crown / ΑΝΤΙΟ−ΧΕΩΝ, Athena standing left, holding spear and shield. Dark green patina, aEF. Rare.
Samos (BC 310-300) Hemidrachm487 viewsca 300 BC. AR Hemidrachm (11mm, 1.64g). Facing lion's scalp / Forepart of bull right; ΔΟΥΡΙΣ (magistrate) above. VF, toned.
Nagidos (BC 360-333) AE 16487 viewsca 360-330 BC. AE16 (2.81g). Head of Aphrodite right / ΝΑ/Γ-Ι, kantharos. Glossy, dark green patina, gVF. Gutknecht coll.
Olba (AD 10-15) AE 23 - Ajax487 viewsAugustus, 27 BC-14 AD, under Ajax, high priest and toparch, 10-15 AD. AE23 (12.50g), struck ca 10/11 AD. KAIΣΑPΟΣ ΣΕΒΑΣΤΟV, head laureate right / KENNATΩN KAI ΛAΛAΣΣEΩN around, APXIEPEΩΣ AIANTOΣ TEVKPOV TOΠAPXOV ET A (=year1) across field, thunderbolt. Olive green patina, aEF.
Syangela (BC 350-320) AE 11487 viewsca 350-320 BC. AE11 (0.86g). Laureate head of Zeus right / [S-Y], corn grain within laurel wreath. Dark green patina, aEF. Very rare. Joy coll.; ex CNG XXXIII (1995), 306.
Anazarbos (AD 235-238) AE 32 - Maximus487 viewsMaximus, Caesar, 235/6-238 AD. AE32 (17.88g), dated CY 254 (AD 235/6). Bare-headed and cuirassed bust right / Zodiacal wheel with facing head in center, within ornate distyle shrine with radiate semicircular roof; lower panel decorated with goddess and bull; Nikai on either side; date in exergue. Good VF, grayish-green patina, some deposits.
Neokaisareia (AD 222-235) AE 29 - Severus Alexander487 viewsSeverus Alexander, 222-235 AD. AE29 (13.29g), dated CY 163 (226/227 AD). Laureate, draped, and cuirassed bust right / Two tetrastyle temples. Near VF, brown patina, minor roughness. Ex Wagner Coll.
Mallos (AD 100-300) AE 17487 views2nd-3rd cent AD. AE17 (3.41g). MAΛ, Tyche standing facing, holding rudder and cornucopiae / MA ΛΛ ΩTΩN, Tyche standing facing, holding cornucopiae and ears of corn. Crude, good very fine.
Persian Kings (BC 505-480) 1/6 Siglos487 views5th century BC. AR 1/6 Siglos (0.96g). Persian king or hero right in kneeling-running stance, drawing bow / Incuse punch. Toned, aVF. Rare.
Magnesia ad Sipylos (BC 200-0) AE 13487 views2nd-1st century BC. AE13 (2.80g, 12h). Diademed head of youthful Herakles right / Tripod. VF, green patina. Ex. Alighieri Coll.
Sinope (BC 410-375) Drachm487 viewsca 410-350 BC. AR Drachm (6.05g, 11h). Mika-, magistrate. Head of nymph left / ΣΙΝΩ, eagle standing left, wings spread, on dolphin left; MIKA below eagle’s wings. Near EF, toned, minor surface porosity. Fine early style.
Sinope (BC 330-320) Drachm487 viewsca 330-300 BC. AR Drachm (18mm, 5.96g). Ikesios, magistrate. Head of a nymph left, hair in a saccos; aplustre before / Sea eagle on dolphin; IKEΣ[I] between wing and tail. Good VF, lightly toned.
Mytilene (BC 454-427) EL Hekte - B56487 viewsca 454-427 BC. EL Hekte (2.50g). Laureate head of Apollo right / Cow's head right. Good VF.
Tabala (AD 222-235) AE 22 - Severus Alexander487 viewsSeverus Alexander, 222-235 AD. AE22 (5.98g, 6h). Laureate head right / Leto running right, holding child in each arm. VF, dark green patina, light roughness.1 comments
Trapezos (AD 225-227) AE 29 - Orbiana487 viewsOrbiana, Augusta, 225-227 AD. AE29 (12.37g, 6h). Dated CY 163 (226/7 AD). Draped bust right, wearing stephane / Mithras on horseback right; tree to left, lighted altar to right; ЄT PΞΓ (date) in exergue. Good VF, dark green patina. From Group CEM. Ex Sternberg XI (11/1981), lot 242.
Smyrna (AD 50-54) AE 15487 viewsTime of Claudius, 41-54 AD. Bee / Demeter with branch standing left. Very fine.
Abydos (BC 350-300) AE 11487 viewsca 4th century BC. AE11 (1.02g). Laureate head of Apollo right / ABY, eagle standing right, crescent. gVF.
Smyrna (AD 41-54) AE 20 - Claudius & Agrippina II487 viewsClaudius and Agrippina II, 41-54 AD. AE20 (5.68g, 12h). Jugate heads of Claudius, laureate, and Agrippina, right / Cybele seated left, wearing modius, holding patera and resting on tympanum. Dark patina, VF.
Klazomenai (BC 480-400) Diobol487 viewsca 480-400 BC. AR Diobol (1.08g, 1h). Forepart of winged boar right / Gorgoneion within incuse square. Good VF, toned, granular surfaces. Rare.
Hadrianotherai (AD 198-217) AE 53 - Caracalla487 viewsCaracalla, 198-217 AD. AE53 - Medallion (52.90g, 6h). Aurelius Attalus Moschianus, magistrate. Struck circa 214 AD. Laureate and cuirassed bust right, gorgoneion on breastplate, slight drapery on far shoulder / Caracalla standing left, holding spear, clasping hands with Asclepius, holding serpent-staff, being crowned by Tyche, holding cornucopia. VF, brown and green surfaces. Struck on an immense flan. Frederick Coll.; ex Gemini I (1/2005), lot 404; Lanz 114 (5/2003), lot 508.

Plagued by health problems while journeying to campaign against the Parthians in 214 AD, Caracalla visited the temple of Asclepius in Pergamum (see lot 517 below). This medallion may record a visit to a temple of the god of healing in Hadrianothera as well.
Parion (AD 177-192) AE 23 - Commodus487 viewsCommodus, 177-192 AD. AE23 (7.10g, 6h). Laureate, draped, and cuirassed bust right / She-wolf right, head left, suckling the twins Romulus and Remus. VF, green patina.
Tarsos (AD 117-138) Tridrachm - Hadrian487 viewsHadrian, 117-138 AD. AR Tridrachm (9.64 g, 25mm, 1h). Laureate bust right, slight drapery on shoulder / Sandan, holding wreath, standing on back of horned lion right. Choice VF, toned. Rare. Ebert Coll.
Karia Uncertain (BC 450-400) lion/panther - Obol486 viewsca 465-440 BC. AR Obol (0.68g, 8mm). Forepart of roaring lion right / Facing head of panther within incuse square. VF.
Diokaisareia (AD 100-200) AE 19486 viewsImperial Times, 2nd cent AD. AE19 (4.97g). Head of Tyche right, AΛPI ΔΙΟΚAICAPEΩΝ. / ΔIOKECAP, Eagle right on palm-branch. Nice very fine.
Halikarnassos (BC 150-50) AE 16486 viewsca 2nd cent BC. AE16 (3.97g). Head of Poseidon right / Ornate trident head; ΑΛΙΚΑP to left, ΜΕΛΑ (magistrate) to right.
Tarsos (AD 198-217) AE 36 - Caracalla486 viewsCaracalla, 198-217 AD. AE36 (23.05g, 7h). Mantled bust left, wearing demiourgic crown / Athlete standing facing, head left, holding palm; agonistic crown above; Γ -B and A M/K in fields. VF, dusty blue-green patina, minor scrape in reverse field.
Iuliopolis (AD 193-211) AE 28 - Septimius Severus486 viewsSeptimius Severus, 193-211 AD. AE28 (11.43g). Laureate, draped and laureate bust right / ΙΟΥΛΙΟΠΟΛΕΤΩΝ, Nemisis standing left, wheel at his feet. Green patina, very fine.
Antiocheia (AD 100-270) AE 19486 viewsca 2nd-3rd century AD. AE19 (3.45g). Diademed bust of Zeus / ANT IOXЄΩN, Eagle standing left. Very fine.
(BC 392-377) Hekatomnos - Hemiobol486 viewsHekatomnos, Satrap, ca 392/1-377/6 BC. AR Tetartemorion (?) (0.25g). Head of young male right / Head of bull left, E behind. VF. Very rare. Mueller coll.
Sinope (BC 410-375) Drachm486 viewsca 410-350 BC. AR Drachm (6.22g, 6h). Posi-, magistrate. Head of nymph left, wearing single-pendant earring, hair in sakkos / Sea eagle on dolphin left; ΠΟΣΙ to upper right. Good VF, attractive cabinet toning. Wonderful style. Ex Gorny & Mosch 129 (3/2004), lot 137.
Hadrianotherai (AD 117-138) AE 14 - Hadrian486 viewsHadrian, 117-138 AD. AE14 (2.08g, 5h). Laureate head right / Head of bear left. Good Fine, rough tan surfaces. Rare depiction of a bear. Ex Wagner Coll.

Hadrianothera was founded following a successful hunt, which is depicted in fuller detail in a related issue (see SNG Copenhagen 177, showing the emperor on horseback spearing a bear). An additional issue in the name of Antinoüs also depicts a similar bear head.
Kromna (BC 340-300) AE 25486 viewsmid-4th century BC. AE25 (3.99g). Laureate head left of Zeus / Head left of Hera wearing stephane. Very fine.
Methymna (BC 450-400) Triobol486 viewsca 420-377 BC. AR Triobol (1.46g, 10mm). Helmeted head of Athena right / M - A, head of panther facing within incuse square. VF. Rare.
Knidos (BC 350-320) Tetradrachm486 viewsca 350-330/20 BC. AR Tetradrachm (15.29g, 12h). Chian standard. Agathophanes, magistrate. Head of Aphrodite right, hair tied at back, wearing single-pendant earring and necklace / Forepart of roaring lion right; ΑΓΑΘΟΦΑΝΗΣ below. VF, minor flat strike at high points. Extremely rare, unpublished as a tetradrachm.
Tarsos (AD 130-131) AE 35 - Antinous486 viewsAntinous, favorite of Hadrian, died 130 AD. AE35 (19.64g, 12h). Circa 130-131 AD. ANTINOOC - HPOC, bare head right / AΔPIANHC TAPCOY MHTPOΠOΛEOC NEOK / NEO ΠYTIO, tripod-lebes with coiled snake; on left, laurel branch. Very rare. Dark green patina. GVF.
Kyzikos (BC 450-400) Obol486 viewsca 450-400 BC. AR Obol (13mm, 0.88g, 4h). Forepart of boar left, E (retrograde) on shoulder, tunny behind / Head of lion left within incuse square. Good VF, lightly toned with some deposits. Well centered on a large flan.
Iasos (BC 250-190) AE485 viewsca 250-190 BC. AE (5.45g). Laureate head of Apollo right / Hermias swimming with dolphin right, ΙΑΣΕΩΝ below. Black-green patina, corrosion spots, VF. Rare.
Attuda (AD 193-211) AE 25485 viewsca 193-211 AD, under Roman protection, pseudo-autonomous. AE25 (8.71g). IΕPΑ-ΒΟΥΛΗ, veiled head of Boule right / ΑΤΤΟΥ-ΔΕΩΝ, tree; altar to right. VF.
Sala (AD 161-180) AE 22485 viewsAutonomous, ca 161-180 AD. AE22 (5.70g). Draped bust of the Senate right / EΠI ΔAMA CALHNΩN, Dionysos standing right, holding grape cluster in right hand, left hand resting on cantharus set on column. VF, dark brown patina, a few light scratches.
Kelenderis (BC 425-400) Stater485 viewsca 425-400 BC. AR Stater (19mm, 10.12g). Nude youth dismounting from rearing horse right / Goat kneeling left, looking back. Good VF, toned. Ex CNG 42 (5/1997), lot 538; C.O.I.N. Sale (Superior Galleries, 1972), lot 240.
Hieropolis-Kastabala (AD 193-211) AE 31 - Septimius Severus485 viewsSeptimius Severus, 193-211 AD. AE31 (15.79g, 6h). Draped bust of Dionysos right, wearing ivy-leaf crown, thrysos over shoulder, grapes on vine to right / Emperor standing left, in military dress, holding Nike and spear. VF, glossy dark green patina, some smoothing.
Kelenderis (BC 440-400) Obol485 viewsca 440-410 BC. AR Obol (0.66g, 5h). Facing gorgoneion / Forepart of Pegasos left in pelleted square within incuse square. Good VF, toned.
Karia Uncertain (BC 450-400) bull - Tetartemorion485 views5th century BC. AR Tetartemorion (0.12g, 5mm). Rosette / Head of bull right. Extremely rare (2nd recorded?). Obverse off center, good very fine.
Kyzikos (AD 161-180) AE - Marcus Aurelius485 viewsMarcus Aurelius, 161-180 AD. AE (6.89g). ΑΥ Κ Μ ΑΥ(ΡΗ) - ΑΝΤΩΝΕΙΝ(ΟΣ), bare head of Marcus Aurelius right / ΚΥΖΙΚΗ-ΝΩΝ, lighted torch on altar, entwined by serpent and surmounted by two poppies. VF.
Kaisareia (AD 238-244) Tridrachm - Gordian III485 viewsGordian III, 238-244 AD. AR Tridrachm (8.92g, 23mm, 6h). Dated RY 4 (240/1 AD). Laureate, draped, and cuirassed bust right / Mt. Argaeus surmounted by wreath; B NЄ across field, ЄTOVC Δ (date) in exergue; countermark: bust of Tyche right. Good VF.
Sinope (BC 410-375) Drachm485 viewsca 410-350 BC. AR Drachm (5.95g, 6h). Daisko-, magistrate. Head of nymph left, wearing single-pendant earring, hair in sakkos / Sea eagle on dolphin left; ΔΑΙΣ[ΚΟ] to upper right. Good VF, attractive dark iridescent toning, a few light marks. Fine style.
Nikomedeia (AD 177-192) AE 35 - Commodus485 viewsCommodus, 177-192 AD. AE35 - Medallion (25.98g, 1h). Laureate, draped, and cuirassed bust right / Quinquereme with four or five rowers left, banners at stern; above, two octostyle temple façades. Near EF, dark brown surfaces. Very rare. Group CEM.
Magnesia (AD 139-161) AE 29 - Marcus Aurelius485 viewsMarcus Aurelius, as Caesar, 139-161 AD. AE29 (16.49g, 6h). Diophantus, magistrate. Bareheaded, draped, and cuirassed bust right / Facing cult statue of Artemis Leukophryene. Good VF, green patina. Fine style. Very rare. Group CEM.

“The first city one comes to after Ephesos is Magnesia, which is an Aiolian city . . . In the present city is the temple of Artemis Leukophryene, which in the size of its shrine and in the number of its votive offerings is inferior to the temple at Ephesos, but in the harmony and skill shown in the structure of the sacred enclosure is far superior to it. And in size it surpasses all the sacred enclosures in Asia except two, that at Ephesos (to Artemis) and that at Didymoi (to Apollo)” (Strabo, Geography 14. 1. 40).
Laodikeia (AD 81-96) AE 30 - Domitian & Domitia485 viewsDomitian, with Domitia, 81-96 AD. AE30 (15.48g, 1h). Cornelius Dioscurides, magistrate. Confronted busts of Domitian right, laureate, draped, and cuirassed, and Domitia left, draped / Hera standing right, holding scepter and pomegranate, facing Zeus Laodiceus, holding eagle and scepter, and Athena, holding olive branch, spear, and shield, both standing left. Good VF, dark brown patina, even light roughness. Very rare. From Group CEM. Ex Sternberg 24 (11/1990), lot 254.
Banker's marks on Persian Siglos485 viewsAchaemenid Empire, time of Artaxerxes I to Xerxes II. ca 455-420 BC. AR Siglos (15mm, 5.35g). Persian king or hero in kneeling-running stance right, holding dagger and bow / Incuse punch. VF, areas of flat strike, bankers’ marks on reverse.
Thyateira (AD 100-270) AE 14485 views2nd-3rd century AD. AE14 (1.41g). Obverse brockage. Head of Herakles right, lion skin around neck / Incuse of obverse. Good VF, grayish-green patina, minor porosity.
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