Asia Minor Coins - Photo Gallery

Ancient Greek and Roman coins from Asia Minor

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Kilikia Uncertain (BC 4th cent) Bes - Obol434 views4th century BC. AR Obol (9mm, 0.70g, 9h). Female head (Arethusa?) facing slightly left / Facing head of Bes. Good VF, minor flan flaw on the obverse, small scratch on the reverse.
Ephesos (AD 81-96) Cistophoric Tetradrachm - Domitian434 viewsDomitian, as Caesar under Titus, struck 80-81 AD. AR Cistophoric Tetradrachm (27mm, 10.95g, 6h). CAES DIVI F DOMITIANVS COS VII, laureate head right / PRINC IVVENTVT, Domitian on horse galloping left, raising hand and holding scepter. Good Fine, a few faint scratches. Rare. Tricarico coll.
Aigai (AD 69-79) AE 17 - Vespasian434 viewsVespasian, 69-79 AD. AE17 (3.62g). ΟΥΗCΠΑCΙΑΝΟC ΚΑΙCΑΡ, laureate head right / ΕΠΙ ΑΠΟΛΛΩΝΟΥ ΝΕΜΕΟΝΙΔΟΥ ΑΙΓ, Apollo standing right, holding taenia and laurel branch.
Skamandreia (BC 350-300) AE 434 viewsca 350-300 BC. AE (0.80g). Head of mountain-nymph Ide right / Σ-Κ-Α, bunch of grapes (?) or pine-cone. VF. Very rare.
Tarsos (BC 164-27) AE 17434 viewsafter 164 BC. AE17 (4.61g, 1h). TAPΣEΩN, Zeus seated left, holding Nike and scepter, to the left, crescent and star / Club tied with fillets, to the left and right, monograms, al within oak wreath. Green patina, gVF. Franke coll.
Kaisareia (AD 138-161) Didrachm - Antoninus Pius434 viewsAntoninus Pius. 138-161 AD. AR Didrachm (6.01g, 21mm, 12h). Struck 139 AD. Laureate head right / Mt. Argaeus; on summit, Helios standing left, holding globe and scepter; in exergue, six-rayed star. Good VF, lightly toned.
Soloi (BC 200-0) AE 16433 viewsca 2nd-1st century BC. AE16 (3.00g). Two grape clusters on stalk / Six-pointed star. VF, dark olive patina with earthen highlights.
Anazarbos (AD 193-211) AE 30 - Septimius Severus433 viewsSeptimius Severus, 193-211 AD. AE30 (17.44g) 199-200 (= year 218 AD). ΑYΤ Κ Λ CΕΠ − CΕYΗΠΟC ΠΕΠΤ CΕΒ, laureate head right / ΑΝΑzΑΡΒΕΩΝ ΝΕ − ΩΚΟΡΩΝ ΕΤ ΗΙΧ. Veiled Tyche with turreted head-dress in long chiton stg. right holding wreath with both hands. Very rare, green-brown, almost extremely fine.
Anazarbos (AD 238-244) Trihemiassarion - Gordian III433 viewsGordian III, 238-244 AD. AE Trihemiassarion (5.31g), 242/43 AD. ΑΥΤ Κ Μ ΑΝΤ ΓΟΡΔΙΑΝΟC, laureate head R / ΑΝΑZΑΡΒΟΥ [ΜΗΤΡΟ] / Γ−Β / ΕΓ ΑΙC, the three graces. Very fine.
Antiocheia (AD 139-161) AE 19 - Marcus Aurelius433 viewsMarcus Aurelius, Caesar, 139-161 AD. AE19 (4.07g, 6h). AVRELIVS CAESAR. Bare headed draped bust right / ANTIOCHIAE, she-wolf right, suckling twins; COLONIA in exergue.
Flaviopolis (AD 222-235) AE 34 - Severus Alexander433 viewsSeverus Alexander, 222-235 AD. AE34. Bust right / Bust right. VF.
Kos (BC 400-300) Tetradrachm433 viewsca 4th cent BC. AR Tetradrachm (14.97). Xenodikos, magistrate. Head of Herakles left, wearing lion's skin? / Crab; ΞΕΝΟΔΕΚΟΣ above, [ΚΩΙΟΝ] and club below, within dotted deep incuse square. VF.
Thyateira (AD 198-217) AE 21 - Caracalla433 viewsCaracalla, 198-217 AD. AE21 (4.23g, 7h). ANTΩ-NEINOC, laureate, draped, and cuirassed bust right, seen from behind / ΘVATEIP-H-NΩN, Tyche Soterios (Fortuna Redux) standing left. Good VF, black-green patina.
Elaiousa-Sebaste (AD 0-100) AE 23433 viewsImperial Times. AE23 (9.30g, 12h). Turreted head of Tyche right / Victory walking left, holding wreath and branch. VF, green patina, strike a little soft.
Etenna (AD 235-238) AE 25 - Maximus433 viewsMaximus, Caesar, 235-238 AD. AE25 (8.74g). Draped, cuirassed and beardless bust right / ЄTЄN NЄΩN, Asklepios in himation standing frontal, head left; holding snake staff with right hand. Bown patina, gVF/VF. Rare. Righetti coll.
Kos (BC 190-166) AE 12433 viewsca 190-166 BC. AE12 (1.49g). Head of Helios facing / ΚΩΙΩΝ, club, ΜΙΚΥΘΟΣ (magistrate), bow in case. VF. Rare. Joy coll.; ex Lindgren coll.
Sardeis (AD 100-200) AE 16433 viewsLate 1st - early 2nd cent AD. AE16 (2.86g). [IЄPA CVN]-KΛHTOC, bust of Senate right. / CAPΔI-A-NΩN, tetrastyle temple. Very fine.
Kibyra (AD 238-244) AE 22- Gordian III433 viewsGordian III, 238-244 AD. AE22 (7.92g). Laureate, draped, and cuirassed bust right / Eagle standing facing on caduceus, head left. VF, smooth brown patina.
Alexandreia (AD 251-253) AE 22 - Volusian433 viewsVolusian, 251-253 AD. AE22 (4.92g). Draped and cuirassed bust right / Horse grazing right. Very fine.
Smyrna (AD 253-260) AE 23433 viewsTime of Valerian I, 253-260 AD. AE23 (5.64g, 12h). M. Aurelius Philetus Hippicus, strategus. Draped bust of Senate right / Tyche standing facing, head left, holding phiale and cornucopiae. VF, even brown patina with light olive overtones. Ex Poncin Coll.
Kolossai (AD 117-138) AE 19433 viewsImperial Times, 117-138 AD. AE19 (4.27g). ΚΟΛΟ CCΗΝΩΝ, laureate bust of Helios right / ΙΑΛΕ−ΚΛΣΛΚΕ(?), stag standing right. Beautiful dark green patina. Almost extremely fine.
Tripolis (AD 98-117) AE 25433 viewsTime of Trajan, 98-117 AD. AE25 (12.11g). IЄPA CVNKΛHTOS TPIΠOΛ, bust of Senate left / AV KAI TPAIANOC ΔAKIKOS, Emperor in military uniform standing left and trophy. Nice dark green patina, gVF.
Ephesos (AD 253-268) AE 27 - Gallienus433 viewsGallienus, 253-268 AD. AE27 (10.89g). AVT• K• ΠO• ΛIK IN• ΓA-ΛΛIHNOC•, laureate and cuirassed bust right / ЄΦЄCΙΩΝ• Γ• ΝЄΟΚΟΡΩΝ•, Artemis huntress standing right, holding strung bow i left hand, and with right drawing arrow from her quiver; hound at her feet. Unpublished (?). Dark brown patina, gVF.
Elaia (BC 340-300) AE 11433 viewsca 340-300 BC. AE11 (1.29g). Head of Athena left, wearing crested Corinthian helmet / E, corn grain in olive wreath. Green patina, aEF. Rare variant with only E (not E-Λ). Mueller coll.
Miletos (BC 360-325) Hemidrachm433 viewsca 360-325 BC. AR Hemidrachm (12mm, 1.71g). Skythes, magistrate. Laureate head of Apollo left / Lion walking right, head reverted; star above, ΣKΥΘH[Σ] in exergue. VF.
Adada (AD 235-238) AE 25 - Maximinus I. Thrax433 viewsMaximinus I. Thrax, 235-238 AD. AE25 (8.16g). Draped, cuirassed and laureate bust right / AΔAΔЄ-WN, young Silenos (?) in short chiton sitting left on plinthe. holding thyrsos and bunch of grapes. Dark green patina, gVF. Very rare.
Mylasa (BC 210-30) AE 12433 viewsca 210-30 BC. AE12 (1.72g, 6h). Horse walking right / M-Y, ornamented trident head downwards. VF, green patina. Alighieri Coll.
Miletos (BC 200-190) Drachm433 viewsca 200-190 BC. AR Drachm (4.95g, 19mm, 12h). Melanthios, magistrate. Laureate head of Apollo right / Lion standing right, head left; star above, MI monogram above ΠA monogram to right, MEΛANΘI/OΣ in two lines in exergue. Near EF, attractively toned. Extremely rare series.
Thyateira (AD 100-270) AE 20433 viewsPseudo-autonomous issue, 2nd-3rd century AD. AE20 (5.80g). ΙЄΡΑ CΥΝΚΛΗΤΟC, draped bust of young Demos right / ΘΥATEIPHNΩN, Men standing left holding patera and scepter. gVF.1 comments
Kyme (BC 350-250) AE 11433 views3rd century BC. AE11 (1.52g). Head of eagle right / Rosette with eight petals. VF.
Sinope (BC 27-AD 14) AE 23 - Augustus & Julius Caesar433 viewsAugustus, with Divus Julius Caesar, 27 BC-14 AD. AE20 (6.53g, 12h). Dated CY 23 (24/3 BC?). Laureate head of Caesar right / Bare head of Augustus right. VF, green patina. Rare, four cited in RPC, two additional in the latest supplement.
Tyana (AD 198-217) AE 28 - Caracalla433 viewsCaracalla, 198-217 AD. AE28 (14.17g). Dated RY 16 (212/213 AD). Laueate head right / Bust of Tyche wearing turreted headdress. Very rare. VF.
Assos (BC 450-400) Hemidrachm433 viewsca 450-400 BC. AR Triobol (1.75g, 14 mm). Helmeted head of Athena left / AΣΣΙΟN (retrograde), head of roaring lion left within incuse square. gVF. Rare.
Phokaia (BC 521-478) B30 - EL 1/6 Stater433 viewsca 521-478 BC. EL Hekte - Sixth Stater (10mm, 2.58g). Helmeted head left; below, small seal left / Quadripartite incuse square. Near EF. Well centered and struck.
Gargara (BC 350) AE 12433 viewsca 400-200 BC. AE12 (1.96g, 12h). Head of Hermes right, wearing petasos / Horse standing right; ΓAP above. Unpublished in the standard references. Very Fine. Extremely rare; possibly the first known example. From the inventory of a German dealer.
Soloi (BC 200-0) AE 26432 views2nd-1st century BC. AE26 (11.39g) Aegis with winged Gorgoneion in center / Aphrodite riding on bull right, monogram above, ΣΟΛΕΩΝ below. VF.
Myndos (BC 200-0) Hemidrachm432 views2nd-1st century BC. AR Hemidrachm (2.29g). Filon, magistrate. Wreathed head of young Dionysos right, thyrsos over shoulder / Winged thunderbolt; ΦΙΛΩΝ and rose below. Good VF, small lamination behind head.
Kyme (BC 400-350) Tetartemorion432 viewsca 4th century BC. AR Tetartemorion (0.20g). Forepart of horse left / Stellate floral pattern with 8 petals. Very fine. Unpublished?
Phokaia (AD 238-244) AE 21 - Gordian III432 viewsGordian III, 238-244 AD. AE21 (4.87g). Cuirassed, draped and laureate bust right / Poseidon standing left, holding trident and dolphin. VF.
Isinda (BC 25) AE 20432 viewstime of Augustus, after 25 BC. Head of Artemis right / ΙΣ-ΙΝ, sword in sheath. Green patina, VF.
Syedra (AD 164-169) AE 22 - Lucilla432 viewsLucilla, died 182 AD. AE22 - Assarion (6.67g, 6h). CEBACTH LOVKILLA, draped bust right / CVEΔΡΕΩN, Aphrodite standing facing, head right, half-draped, her right hand holding out her hair, her left holding her garment. Near VF. Extremely Rare.
Dokimeion (AD 217-218) AE 30 - Diadumenian432 viewsDiadumenian, Caesar, 217-218 AD. AE30 (9.70g). Bare-headed, draped and cuirassed bust right / ΔOKIME-Ω-N MAKEΔO-NΩN, legionary eagle between two standards topped by capricorns facing inward. Near VF, brown surfaces. Ex Burstein Coll. (Peus 333, 10/2000), lot 771.
Laertes (AD 253-268) AE 31 - Valerian I432 viewsValerian I, 253-260 AD. AE31 - 11 Assaria (13.71g, 6h). Laureate, draped and cuirassed bust right / Hermes seated left on rock, holding purse and caduceus. Good VF, patchy brown and green patina.
Magydos (AD 253-268) AE 30 - Gallienus432 viewsGallienus, AD 253-268. AE30 (13.21g). Laureate, draped and cuirassed bust right / Tyche standing left, holding rudder and cornucopiae; M-A across field. VF, dusty green patina, usual roughness. Drewry Coll.; Ex Schulman (2/1974), lot 506.
Ankyra (AD 100-300) AE 17432 viewsAutonomous Issue, ca 2nd-3rd cent AD. AE17 (2.90g). Bust of Roma right wearing polos / Dionysus standing left, holding kantharos and thyrsos, panther at feet left. VF, dark green, almost black, patina under some earthen encrustation. Wagner Coll.
Aphrodisias (AD 253-268) AE 23 - Gallienus432 viewsGallienus, 253-268 AD. AE23 (6.16g, 6h). ΑΥ ΚΑΙ ΠΟ Λ ΓΑΛΛΙΗΝΟC, radiate, cuirassed and draped bust right / AΦPOΔЄIC-IЄΩN, Tyche standing facing holding rudder and cornucopia, head left. Very fine. Ex Karl coll.
Hyrkaneis (AD 180-270) AE 13432 views2nd-3rd cent AD. AE13 (1.18g, 7h). Head of young Herakles right, wearing lion skin / Lion walking right. VF, green patina. Ex Alighieri Coll.
Side (AD 244-249) AE 32 - Philip II432 viewsPhilip II, 244-249 AD. AE32 (11.8g), Homonoia between Side and Perge. AV MAPKON IOVΛION ΦIΛIΠΠON KAI - CAP, draped, cuirassed, bare-headed bust right / CIΔH - TΩN, Athena Sidetes, in long double-chiton and with helmet, stg. right, holding spear in left hand and stretching out right hand, and Artemis Pergaia, in long double-chiton and wearing radiate crown, stg. left, holding long torch in left hand, sacrificing with extended right hand incense globules on small girlanded altar with conical heap of ashes, which is standing between the goddesses [stag at her feet]; pomegranate in upper field. Very rare, F+/F. Hoeft coll.
Orthosia (BC 200-0) AE 16432 views2nd-1st century BC. AE16 (3.29g, 12h). ΟΡΘΟΣΙΕΩΝ, wreathed head of Dionysos right / Panther crouching right, head turned left, raising forepaw, thyrsos over shoulder. Rare. Alighieri Coll.
Ilion (AD 177-192) AE 27 - Commodus432 viewsCommodus, 177-192 AD. AE27 (9.90g, 6h). Laureate, draped, and cuirassed bust right / Athena Ilias standing right; monogram to right. Good VF, attractive green and brown patina.
Hierapolis (AD 98-117) AE 29 - Trajan432 viewsTrajan, 98-117 AD. AE27 (14.52g, 1h). AV KAI NЄP TPAIANOC CЄB ΓЄP ΔAKIKOC, laureate head right / ΙЄΡΑΠΟ ΛЄΙΤΩΝ, Cybele seated left, holding patera and resting arm on drum; lion at feet. VF, brown patina with green highlights, reverse scratches.
Mylasa (BC 392-376) Hemiobol432 viewsHekatomnos, ca 392/1-377/6 BC. AR Hemiobol (0.49g, 7h). Milesian standard. Head and front leg of roaring lion left / Forepart of lion facing; trident head below. Choice EF, lightly toned. Sharply struck.
Laodikeia (BC 27-AD 14) AE 14 - Augustus432 viewsAugustus, 27 BC-14 AD. AE14 (3.42g). Zeuxis Philalethes, ca 15 BC. ΣEBAΣTOΣ, bare head right / ΛAOΔIKEΩN ZEYΞIΣ ΦIΛAΛHΘHΣ, staff entwined with snake. Nice very fine.
Miletos (BC 260-230) Drachm432 viewsca 260-230 BC. AR Drachm (5.21g, 18mm, 12h). Alkon, magistrate. Laureate head of Apollo left / Lion standing left, head right; star above, MI monogram and T before, AΛKΩN in exergue. VF, a few faint marks and die rust on obverse. Rare.
Erythrai (AD 244-249) AE432 viewsAutonomous, Homonoia with Chios. Struck under Philip I, 244-249 AD. AE (3.39g). ΕΡΥΘΡΑΙΩΝ, sphinx seated left, holding amphora with raised right paw / ΟΜΟΝΟΙ-Α ΧΙΩΝ ΕΡΥ/ΘΡΑΙ-ΩΝ, nude Herakles advancing right, lion's skin wrapped around extended left arm, holding club in raised right hand. Scarce. Green patina. VF/gF.
Herakleia Salbake (AD 180-220) AE 18432 viewsImperial Times, ca late 2nd-early 3rd century AD. AE18 (4.62g, 6h). Turreted bust of Tyche left, holding aphlaston and cornucopia / Hermes standing left, holding purse and caduceus. Good VF, attractive dark brown patina.
Uncertain (BC 4th cent) Aphrodite/Satrap - Obol 432 views4th century BC. AR Obol (10mm, 0.54g, 9h). Head of female facing slightly left, wearing stephane; rose to left / Head of Satrap left, wearing cap. Good VF, bright, porous surfaces.
Elaia (AD 54-68) AE 17 - Nero432 viewsNero, 54-68 AD. AE17 (3.18g, 6h). Bare head left / Poppy. Earthy dark patina, VF.
Gargara (BC 350) AE 17432 views4th century BC. AE17 (3.62g, 1h). Laureate head of Apollo right / ΓΑΡ, horse running right; grape bunch below. VF, dark green patina.
Eikonion (AD 253-268) AE 23 - Gallienus432 viewsGallienus, 253-268 AD. AE23 (6.95g, 1h). Radiate, draped and cuirassed bust right / Emperor in slow quadriga right. Sage green patina, EF.
Eikonion (AD 253-268) AE 23 - Gallienus432 viewsGallienus. 253-268 AD. AE23 (7.19g). IMP Γ P LIC GALLIENVΓ P F A (sic) Bust radiate, draped, cuirassed right / IC - ONIE - N COLO around, S R across lower field, Perseus standing left, feet winged, holding head of Medusa in right hand and cradling harpa in left arm. Rare. EF. Ex Gerson Coll.
Philadelphia (AD 50-59) AE 16 - Agrippina II432 viewsAgrippina minor. Augusta, 50-59 AD. AE16 (3.2g). Ti. Neikanor, magistrate. ΑΓΡΙΠΠΙΝΑ ΣΕΒΑΣΤΗ, draped bust right / ΦΙΛΑΔΕΛΦΕΩΝ ΝΕΙΚΑNΩΡ, cornucopia. EF.
Nikomedeia (AD 253-260) AE 28 - Valerian I, Gallienus & Valerian II432 viewsValerian I, with Gallienus and Valerian II Caesar, 253-260 AD. AE28 (12.50g, 12h). Struck 256 AD. Radiate, draped, and cuirassed bust of Valerian I right, facing radiate, draped, and cuirassed bust of Gallienus left; between, smaller bareheaded, draped, and cuirassed bust of Valerian II right / Three agonistic urns set on ground line, the outer two each containing a single palm frond, the central containing two. VF, earthen dark green patina.
Kaisareia (AD 98-117) Tridrachm - Trajan432 viewsTrajan, 98-117 AD. AR Tridrachm (10.16g, 24mm, 8h). Struck ca 112-117 AD. AYTOKP KAIC NЄP TPAIANOC CЄB ΓЄΡΜ ΔAK, laureate, draped and cuirassed bust of Trajan to right / ΔΗΜΑΡΧ ЄΞ ΥΠΑΤO ς (Cos VI) Aquila in centre; on right, standard surmounted by hand; on left, standard surmounted by wreath. A.K. coll.
Phokaia (BC 477-388) B79 - EL 1/6 Stater432 viewsca 478­-387 BC. EL Hekte - Sixth Stater (10mm, 2.55g). Head of female left; behind neck, small seal downward / Incuse square punch. Good VF, a couple light marks on obverse, die break on reverse. Very rare, only two cited by Bodenstedt.
Tenedos (BC 188-70) Drachm432 viewsca 160-70 BC. AR Drachm (3.73g, 19mm). Janiform male and female heads / TENEΔΙΩΝ, labrys; monogram and grape bunch to left, tripod to right; all within wreath. gVF. Very rare.
Methymna (BC 500-450) Diobol432 viewsca 500/480-460 BC. AR Diobol (1.48g, 12mm). Facing gorgoneion, tongue protruding / Helmeted head of Athena left in dotted square; all within incuse square. EF. Rare.
Klazomenai (BC 386-301) Hemidrachm432 viewsca 380-360 BC. AR Hemidrachm (1.96g, 13mm). Pytheos, magistrate. Laureate head of Apollo facing slightly left / ΠYΘEΟΣ / KΛA, swan standing left, with wings spread. aEF. Very rare.
Pergamon (BC 20-AD 4) AE 18 - Caius & Lucius432 viewsCaius & Lucius, Caesars, 20 BC-4 AD and 17 BC-2 AD. AE18 - Hemiassarion (3.61g, 12h). Demophon, magistrate. Γ KAIΣAPA ΠEPΓAMHNOI, bare head of Gaius Caesar to right / Λ KAIΣAPA ΔHMOΦΩN Bare head of Lucius Caesar to right. Very rare. The obverse struck slightly off center, EF.
Anemurion (AD 249/250) AE 27 - Trajan Decius431 viewsTrajan Decius, 249-251 AD. AE 27 (10.19g). Dated ETA, 249/250 AD. Draped, cuirassed and laureate bust right / Tetrastyle temple, Tyche standing within, holding rudder and cornucopiae. VF.
Uncertain (BC 470) Hemidrachm?431 viewsafter 470 BC. AR Hemidrachm? (2.56g). Archaic head of man (African?) right / Winged boar right, within deep incuse square. aVF.
Keramos (BC 100-0) AE 20431 viewsca 1st century BC. AE20 (6.32g). Head of Zeus right / ΚΕΡΑΜΙΗ - ΕΡΜΟΦΑΝΤΟC, Eagle standing left, looking back.
Rhodes (BC 31-AD 60) AE 34431 viewsca 31 BC-60 AD. AE34 (31.33g, 12h). Teimostratos, magistrate. Radiate head of young Dionysos right, wearing ivy wreath / Nike standing right on prow, holding aplustre; TEI-M[O]-CTPA/TOY around. Near VF, mottled brown patina with traces of green on obverse, minor pitting on reverse. An apparently unique and unpublished variety. Drewry Coll.; Purchased from A.H. Baldwin, June 1978.
Tarsos (AD 253-260) AE 32 - Valerian I431 viewsValerian I, 253-260 AD. AE32 (12.08g). Radiate, draped, and cuirassed bust right, seen from behind / Three price-crowns on table. Attractive patina, good very fine.
Antiocheia (AD 238-268) AE 23431 viewsTime of Gordian to Gallienus, 238-268 AD. AE23. Bust of the Senate right / Demeter standing left. VF.
Kos (BC 357-330) Didrachm431 viewsca 357-330 BC. AR Didrachm (7.01g). Bearded head of Herakles (Maussollos, satrap of Caria?) right, wearing lion's skin headdress / Veiled female head left, (Artemisia, wife of Maussollos, as Demeter?); ΑΓΗ (magistrate) to right, [ΚΩ]ΙΟΝ below. VF.
Augusta (AD 54-68) AE 26 - Nero431 viewsNero, 54-68 AD. AE26 (10.65g). Dated year 48 (67/8 AD). Laureate head right / Draped bust of youthful Dionysos right, thyrsus over shoulder; kantharos behind; ETOVC HM (date) in legend. VF, dark green patina.
Elaiousa-Sebaste (BC 100-0) AE 20431 views1st century BC. AE20 (5.98g). Diademed head of Zeus right; AP behind. / ΕΛΑΙΟΥΣΣΙΩΝ, Nike walking left, holding wreath in right hand; monogram and ΣΟ to left. Very fine.
Laodikeia (AD 250-300) AE 19431 viewsTime of Caracalla and later, 3rd century AD. AE19 (4.07g), year 88. Bust of Sarapis right, wearing modius, shoulders draped / ΛAOΔ-I-KEΩN, T-ΓΗ, Zeus Laodikeus standing left, holding eagle and resting on scepter. Nice very fine.
Attaia (AD 177-192) AE 25 - Commodus431 viewsCommodus, 177-192 AD. AE25 (8.50g). Rufius, magistrate. Laureate and draped bust right / Zeus standing facing on platform, holding thunderbolt and scepter; eagle at feet; to left, standing male figure with his left leg raised on platform; small figure on front of platform. Near VF, brown patina. Rare. Ex Wagner Coll.
Germe (AD 193-211) AE 45 - Septimius Severus431 viewsSeptimius Severus, AD 193-211. AE45 (46.67g). Strategos Neikias. Draped and laureate bust right / Emperor standing left with spear crowned by Nike; to the left, Tyche with cornucopia and rudder. Dark green patina. Very fine.
Uncertain (BC 440-390) Star - Hemiobol 3431 views4th century BC. AR Hemiobol (0.26g). Head Athena in Corinthian helmet right / Star of four rays, four pellets between rays. Very rare. Good very fine.
Bageis (AD 193-209) AE 23 - Geta431 viewsGeta, as Caesar, 198-209 AD. AE23 (6.02g, 6h). Gaius, archon. Bare-headed, draped, and cuirassed bust right / Hygeia, holding serpent, and Asklepios, leaning on serpent-entwined staff, standing facing; small figure of Telesphorus between. VF, green patina. Ex Alighieri Coll.
Phaselis (BC 250-220) AE 8431 viewsca 250-221/0 BC. AE8 (1.13g, 12h). Prow of a galley right / Stern of galley right. Fine, dark green patina. Alighieri Coll.
Alexandreia (AD 253-260) AE 19 - Valerian I431 viewsValerian I, 253-260 AD. AE19 - As (4.27g). IMP LICI VALERIAN, laureate, draped and cuirassed bust right / CO AVG, eagle with raised wings flying right, holding in his talons forehead of bull. Nice olive green patina. Extremely fine.
Adana (BC 164-27) AE 21431 viewsca 164-27 BC. AE21 (8.31g, 1h). Veiled head of Demeter right / Zeus Nikephoros seated left; O and monogram to left. VF, green patina, minor roughness. Unrecorded controls. Alighieri Coll.
Miletos (BC 360-325) Hemidrachm431 viewsca 360-350 BC. AR Hemidrachm (11mm, 1.59g, 11h). Eupolis, magistrate. Laureate head of Apollo left / Lion standing left, head right; civic monogram to left, star above, EYΠOΛIΣ below. VF, toned. Pittman Coll.; ex UBS 76 (1/2008), lot 1291; Auctiones 6 (9/1976), lot 212.
Keretapa (AD 139-161) AE 38 - Marcus Aurelius431 viewsMarcus Aurelius, as Caesar, 139-161 AD. AE38 (25.65g, 12h). Bare-headed, draped, and cuirassed bust right, seen from behind / Herakles standing right, leaning on club, with lion’s skin over arm, receiving eagle from Zeus Laodikeos standing left, holding scepter. VF, grayish-green patina under earthen deposits, some cleaning scratches, mostly on the reverse. Extremely rare, only one specimen cited by von Aulock.
Pessinos (AD 198-217) AE 33 - Caracalla431 viewsCaracalla, 198-217 AD. AE33 (19.81g, 8h). Struck 211 AD. Laureate head right / Homonoia standing left, holding phiale and cornucopia. VF, earthen green patina, light overall roughness.
Karia Uncertain (BC 450-400) boar/dog - Hemiobol431 viewsca 480/70-430 BC. AR Hemiobol (6mm, 0.27g, 12h). Forepart of boar right / Leashed head and neck of hound left. Good VF, light porosity. Very rare.

Babelon (Traité des monnaies Grecques et Romaines) describes the reverse as a wolf with a crescent before it, which would be easy to misinterpret from the poorly preserved specimen he plated. On the current and following lot, however, it is clear the animals are leashed. This and the following two lots no doubt refer to the royal hunt, with the prey on the obverse and the hunting companion – a hound – on the reverse.
Teos (BC 80) AE 18431 viewsca 80 BC. AE18 (5.48g, 11h). Griffin seated right; monogram before / Kantharos; bunch of grapes above; all within ivy-wreath. Good VF, green patina, overstruck on an uncertain earlier issue.
Parion (AD 81-96) AE18 - Domitian431 viewsDomitian, 81-96 AD. AE18 (5,80g, 12h). DOMIT AVG, Laureate head left / GERM, Priest plowing right with pair of yoked oxen. VF, green patina. Tricarico coll.
Mytilene (BC 521-478) EL Hekte - B03431 viewsca 521-478 BC. EL Hekte. Forepart of bull running left / Incuse cock head, facing right. Two known to Bodenstedt. An example is yet to appear at auction.
Kyzikos (BC 550-500) EL 1/12 Stater431 viewsca 550-500 BC. EL Hemihekte – Twelfth Stater (9mm, 1.36g). Head of boar right, holding tunny fish in mouth / Quadripartite incuse square. VF. Well centered obverse.
Kidramos (AD 218-222) AE 22430 viewsJulia Maesa (grandmother of Elagabal), 218-222 AD. AE22 (5.97g). Bust right / ΚΙΔΡΑΜΗ-ΝΩΝ, God Men standing left, in chiton and wearing Phrygian cap, scepter in left hand, patera in right, right foot set on bucranium. Dark green patina, VF.
Teos (BC 370-340) Hemidrachm430 viewsca 394-300 BC. AR Triobol (1.47g). Diogenes, Magistrate. Griffin sitting right / Kantharos, THI above, ΔΙΟΓΕ-ΝΗΣ around. VF/EF.
Germe (AD 238-244) AE 17 - Gordian III430 viewsGordian III, 238-244 AD. AE17 (3.15g). Bust right / ΓEPMHNON, Herakles standing facing, holding club in his right hand and lion skin in his left.
Halikarnassos (BC 150-50) Drachm430 viewsca 150-50 BC. AR Drachm (4.89g). Facing head of Helios / ΑΛΙΚΑΡ-ΝΑΣΣΕΩΝ, helmeted bust of Athena right; ΘΕΟ (magistrate) above, trident below. VF.
Aspendos (AD 253-268) AE 30 - Salonina430 viewsSalonina, wife of Gallienus. AE29 / 10 Assaria (12.23g). KOPNHΛIA • CALΩNINA • CЄB •, diademed and draped bust right; I before / A-C-Π-Є-N-Δ-I-Ω-N / ΘЄ / MIΔOC / TO Є around and within wreath. Dark patina, almost extremely fine.
Side (AD 161-169) AE 18 - Lucius Verus430 viewsLucius Verus, 161-169 AD. AE18 (4.72g, 12h). Laureate head right / Athena standing facing, head left, holding spear over shoulder. VF, dark green and brown patina, ragged edges. Ex Alighieri Coll.
14853 coins on 149 page(s) 72