Asia Minor Coins - Photo Gallery

Ancient Greek and Roman coins from Asia Minor

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Thyateira (AD 222-235) AE 25 - Severus Alexander416 viewsSeverus Alexander, 222-235 AD. AE25 (5.71g). Laureate, draped and cuirassed bust right, seen from behind / ΘVA-TEIPH-NΩN, She-wolf standing right, head reverted, suckling twins. Near VF, pale green patina.
Pompeiopolis (BC 66) AE 19416 viewsafter 66 BC. AE19 (5.95g, 12h). Bare head of Pompey (or M. Antony?) right; A to left / Nike advancing right, holding wreath and palm; AP at right. VF, green patina, reverse soft strike.
Kelenderis (BC 200-30) AE 16416 views2nd-1st cent BC. AE16 (2.00g, 12h). Diademed head of king? right / goat kneeling left, ΚΕΛΕΝΔΕΡΙΤΩΝ in exergue. VF.
Antiocheia (AD 197-209) AE 17 - Geta416 viewsGeta, Caesar, 197-209 AD. AE17 (2.88g). P SEP GETAE CAE, draped and cuirassed bust right / ANTIOCH COL, Eagle. Very fine.
Germe (AD 138-192) AE 19416 viewsTime of the Antonines, 138-192 AD. AE19 - Hemiassarion (3.40g). Laureate head of Demos to right / Youthful Herakles standing facing, head to left, holding club in his right hand and lion skin with his left. Good very fine.
Baris (AD 117-138) AE 21 - Hadrian416 viewsHadrian, 117-138 AD. AE21 (7.99g, 6h). Laureate heroic bust right, slight drapery on far shoulder / Zeus seated left, holding thunderbolt in left hand and scepter in right hand. V Good VF, dark green patina with earthen highlights.
Kilbianoi-Nikaia (AD 117-138) AE 20 - Hadrian416 viewsHadrian, 117-138 AD. AE20 (4.89g). AV KAI TPAI AΔPIANOC, head right / KIΛBI ΠEPI N, Zeus standing left, eagle at feet. Very rare, gVF.
Sardeis (AD 117-138) Cistophoric Tetradrachm - Hadrian416 viewsHadrian, 117-138 AD. AR Cistophoric Tetradrachm (10.66g, 26mm, 6h). Sardeis mint. Struck after 128 AD. Bare head right / Cult statue of Kore; grain ears and poppy at sides. VF.
Antiocheia (AD 238-244) AE 34 - Gordian III416 viewsGordian III, 238-244 AD. AE34 (24.29g). IMP CAES M ANT GORDIANVS AVG, draped, cuirassed, laureate bust right / ANTIOCHIA COLONIA CAESARIA, emperor, radiate, holding eagle-tipped sceptre, standing in quadriga galloping left F+/aVF, dark-green patina with light-green highlights.
Laodikeia (AD 139-161) AE 37416 viewsImperial Times, ca 139-161 AD. AE37 (19.91g). P. Claudius Attalus. BOYΛΗ ΛΑΟΔΙΚΕΩΝ, Boule right / Tyche standing left, with cornucopiae and rudder. Very rare. Very Fine.

The inscription shows this issue was produced at the expense of P. Claudius Attalus (Π ΚΛ ΑΤΑΛΟC), described as 'high priest' (APXIEPATEYΩN) and credited with paying for this coinage (ANEΘHKE ΛΑΟΔΙΚΕΩΝ). Attalus, perhaps a distant descendant of the Pergamene kings and a distinguished man, held citizenship at both Laodicea and Smyrna. On some coins struck at Smyrna he is described as COΦICTHC ('sophist'), meaning he was a salaried teacher of philosophy and rhetoric.
Aigeai (BC 130-77) AE 23416 viewsca 130-77 BC. AE23 - Unit (6.93g, 12h). Turreted, veiled, and draped bust of Tyche right / Forepart of horse left; monogram to right. Minor cleaning scratches, dark green patina, good very fine.
Mylasa (BC 175-100) Tetradrachm416 viewsca 175-150 BC. AR Tetradrachm (9.17g). Rose with two buds, M in inner left field; bunch of grapes (?) to left / [I]Α-Α, eagle standing right on palm branch, spreading wings; ΑΠ in right field. Extremely rare. This is only the second time one of these has been offered at public auction and two others are recorded in museum collections. Virtually Mint State.
Adana (BC 164-27) AE 20416 viewsca 164-27 BC. AE20 (6.19g, 12h). Veiled head of Demeter right / Zeus seated left, holding Nike and scepter; N to left. VF, green patina. Alighieri Coll.
Miletos (BC 360-325) Drachm416 views350-300 BC. AR Drachm (3.47g). Lenaios, magistrate. Laureate head of Apollo / Lion walking left, looking back; monogram to left, star above, ΛΗΝΑΙΟΣ below. Toned, aXF.
Miletos (BC 360-325) Hemidrachm416 viewsca 340-325 BC. AR Hemidrachm (11mm, 1.61g). Proxenos, magistrate. Laureate head of Apollo left / Lion standing left, looking back; star above, monogram to left, ΠΡΩΞΕΝ[ΟΣ] below. VF, minor roughness.
Samos (BC 300-200) AE416 viewsca 3rd century BC. AE (1.61g). Aristokles, magistrate. Head of Hera right, wearing stephane and necklace / Facing lion's scalp, ΑΡΙΣΤΟΚΛΗΣ (?) below. Dark green patina, VF. Rare variant. Ex Lindgren coll.
Mylasa (BC 420-390) Tetartemorion416 viewsca 420-390 BC. AR Tetartemorion (5mm, 0.23g, 1h). Head of a roaring lion left / Eagle standing left within incuse square. Good VF, toned.
Methymna (BC 450-400) Triobol416 viewsca 420-377 BC. AR Triobol (1.46g, 10mm). Helmeted head of Athena right / M - A, head of panther facing within incuse square. VF. Rare.
Dardanos (BC 420-380) Obol416 views4th-3rd century BC. AR Obol (7mm, 0.43g, 8h). Horseman riding left / Cock standing left within incuse square; pellet above; all within incuse square. VF, toned.
Lebedos (BC 300-100) AE 416 viewsca 3rd-2nd century BC. AE (1.07g). Facing head of Athena, wearing three-crested Attic helmet / Owl standing right, head facing, ΚΟΡΝΙΩΝ (magistrate) to left, ΛΕ to right. Dark green patina, VF. Rare. Mueller coll.
Abydos (BC 385-335) Drachm416 views4th century BC. AR Drachm (2.4g, 15mm). Hyllippos, magistrate. Laureate head of Apollo right / ABY YΛΛIΠΠOΣ, eagle standing left with folded wings; bee to left. gVF.
Phokaia (BC 521-478) 1/24 Stater416 viewsca 521-478 BC. AR Obol (8mm, 0.65g). Female head left, wearing helmet or close fitting cap / Quadripartite incuse square. VF, cleaning scratches.
Ephesos (BC 58-57) Tetradrachm416 viewsT. Ampius T.f. Balbus. Proconsul, 58-57 BC. AR Tetradrachm (11.64g, 26mm, 12h). Cistophoric type. Hermias and Kaiustrios, magistrates. Dated year 77 (58/7 BC). Cista mystica with serpent; all within ivy wreath / Two serpents flanking tripod on which stands Apollo to left, holding branch in right hand, leaning left elbow on column; T • A–MPI • T • F/PRO–COS across upper field, OZ/EΦE to left, torch to right, ЄPMIAC/KAIYCTPIO[C] below. Good VF, numerous scratches. Rare.
Metropolis (BC 100-0) AE 13415 views1st century BC. AE12 (1.95g). Turreted head of Kybele right / Pinecone (?), monogram to left, ΑΝΔΡΟΝ[..ΙΣ?] (magistrate) to right. Rare. Green patina, good VF.
Aigeai (BC 130-77) AE 21415 viewsca 130-77 BC. AE21 (7.91g). Turreted head of Tyche right / ΑΙΓΕΑΙΩΝ, forepart of bridled horse left. EF, green patina.
Teos (BC 478-449) Obol415 viewsca 478-449 BC. AR Obol (1.12g). Griffin sitting right, apple below / Quadripartite incuse square. VF.
Halikarnassos AE17 1.jpg
Halikarnassos (BC 150-50) AE 19415 viewsca 2nd century BC. AE19 (3.90g, 12h). Bearded head of Poseidon right / Ornamented trident head with dolphins between prongs; ΑΛΙΚΑ to left, ΜΕΛΑ (magistrate) to right.
Mastaura (AD 54-68) AE 14 - Nero415 viewsNero, 54-68 AD. AE14 (2.29g). NEPΩN KAIΣAP, beardless head right / ΜΑΣΤΑΥ-ΡΕΙΤΩΝ, cornucopiae. VF.
Tripolis (AD 246-248) AE - Philipp II415 viewsPhilipp II, 246-248 AD. AE (4.30g). Bust right / Hermes with money purse and caduceus. Dark green patina, VF. Unpublished?
Philadelphia (AD 222-235) AE 28 - Severus Alexander415 viewsSeverus Alexander, 222-235 AD. AE28 (13.24g). Laureate, draped and cuirassed bust right, seen from behind / EΠI IOYΛ API-CTON IOYΛIANOY around, APX/A above, ΦΛ ΦIΛAΔEΛΦEΩN NEΩKORΩN in exergue, agonistic table upon which sit two prize urns, each containing a palm vase and aspergillum below table. Near VF, brownish-green surfaces, porous.
Anazarbos (AD 249-251) AE 31 - Trajan Decius415 viewsTrajan Decius, with Herennius Etruscus and Hostilian, Caesars. 249-251 AD. AE31 (23.44g). Dated CY 269 (250/1 AD). Trajan Decius holding globe, between Herennius Etruscus and Hostilian, all seated left on sellae curules / Female standing left before bull, holding bipennis over shoulder; ET ΘΞC (date) in legend. VF, green patina, a little rough, some encrustation.
Perge (AD 221-222) AE 18 - Severus Alexander415 viewsSeverus Alexander, as Caesar, 221-222 AD. AE18 (4.59g). Bare-headed, draped and cuirassed bust right / ΠΕΡΓ−ΑΙΩΝ, Tyche standing left, holding rudder and cornucopiae. VF, green patina. Scarce. Drewry Coll.; Ex Kovacs X (5/1990), lot 249.
Kolophon (AD 250-251) AE 29 - Herennius Etruscus415 viewsHerennius Etruscus, 250-251 AD. AE29 (10.21g). KV ЄP ЄTP MЄ ΔЄKIOC KAI, cuirassed bust right / ЄΠI CTPA ΦΛ AΓAΘOKΛЄOVC KOΛOΦONIΩN, boxer standing right. Green patina, gF.
Hierapolis (Auton. AD 100-300) AE 24415 viewsQuasi-autonomous, 2nd century AD. AE24 (7.34g). ΛAIP - BHNOC, draped and radiate bust of Apollo Lairbenos right / IEPAΠOΛEITΩN/NEΩKOPΩ/N, she-wolf standing left, suckling the twins Remus and Romulus; star above. About VF, dark green patina. Hoeft coll.

Lairbenos is a pre-Greek name of Apollo from Asia Minor. Some put it to 'labrys' = double axe, others to Hetitian 'labarnas' = master. But more possibly it is a toponymikon or ethnikon. There are several sanctuaries of Lairbenos in Phrygia with numerous votive inscriptions especially in Dionysopolis and Motela.
Elaia (BC 340-300) AE 11415 viewsca 340-300 BC. AE11 (1.29g). Head of Athena left, wearing crested Corinthian helmet / E, corn grain in olive wreath. Green patina, aEF. Rare variant with only E (not E-Λ). Mueller coll.
Prymnessos (AD 253-268) AE 34 - Gallienus415 viewsGallienus, 253-268 AD. AE34 (16.69g). ΑΥΤ ΚΑΙ Π ΛΙΚ ΓΑΛΛΗΝΟC, C-ЄB across field; laureate, draped and cuirassed bust right / ΠPVM-N-H-CCЄ-ΩN, Dikaiosyne (Aequitas) seated left, holding scales, within tetrastyle temple. Good VF, central disc on both sides lacking patina, peripheral green encrustation, minor roughness. Very rare, only the BMC specimen cited by Von Aulock.
Abydos (BC 411-387) Drachm415 viewsca 411-387 BC. AR Drachm (15mm, 3.21g, 12h). Diogenes, magistrate. Laureate head of Apollo right / Eagle standing left; grapes to left. VF, porous.
Priene (BC 125-90) AE 14415 viewsca 125-90 BC. AE14 (3.51g, 12h). Helmeted head of Athena right / ΠΡΙΗ-ΝΕΩΝ, tripod. VF, green and brown green patina. Alighieri Coll.
Karia Uncertain (BC 450-400) lion/eagle - Obol415 viewsca mid-5th century BC. AR Obol (8mm, 0.68g, 10h). Forepart of a roaring lion left / Eagle flying left within incuse square. VF, toned.
Sala (AD 253) AE 35 - Aemilian415 viewsAemilian, 253 AD. AE35 (25.77g, 6h). AVT K M AIMIΛIOC AIMIΛIANOC CEB, laureate, draped, and cuirassed bust right / CAΛ ЄI NΩN, cult figures of Artemis Anaïtis(?) and Persian Artemis standing facing. VF, brown surfaces with areas of hard green deposits.
Kibyra (BC 166-84) AE 14415 viewsca 166-84 BC. AE14 (2.9g). Helmeted bust right / KIBYPTΩΝ, forepart of bull butting right, within shallow incuse circle. VF.
Laodikeia (AD 81-96) AE 17415 viewsTime of Domitian, 81-96 AD. AE17 (4.66g). Kornelios Dioskourides. ΛAOΔIKEΩN, helmeted bust of Roma right / ΔIA KOPΔIOCKOYPIΔOY, Nike advancing left with wreath and palm. Good very fine.
Amastris (AD 138-192) AE 22415 viewsTime of Antoninus Pius to Commodus, 138-192 AD. AE22 - Triassarion(?) (6.80g, 6h). Draped bust of Homer right, wearing taenia / Nike standing left, holding wreath and palm frond. EF, brown and green patina, some pitting on reverse. From Group CEM.
Tion (AD 222-235) AE 29 - Severus Alexander415 viewsSeverus Alexander, 222-235 AD. AE29 (14.46g, 6h). Laureate, draped, and cuirassed bust left, raising hand and holding spear over shield / Zeus standing facing, head left, holding patera and scepter; to left at feet, eagle standing facing, head right, with wings displayed; all within decorated distyle temple. Good VF, green patina. Extremely rare. From Group CEM.
Knidos (BC 300-210) AE 10415 viewsca 250-210 BC. AE10 (1.46g, 12h). [...]oronikos, magistrate. Laureate head of Apollo left / Prow right; [..]OPONIKO. VF, black patina. Alighieri coll.
Mytilene (AD 193-211) AE 35 - Septimius Severus415 viewsSeptimius Severus, 193-211 AD. AE35 (22.03g, 12h). Artemon, strategos. [AVT KAI Λ CЄΠ] CЄV HPOC ΠЄPTINAΞ, laureate, draped, and cuirassed bust right / [ЄΠI CTPA] APTЄMΩNOC TOY CЄKOVNΔOV/ M[VTIΛH]N, Septimius, wearing military attire, on horseback right, raising right hand and holding scepter in left. Good VF, brown patina. Very rare. Group CEM; ex Aufhäuser 13 (10/1997), lot 418; De Nicola Coll.
Uncertain Satrap (BC 400-350) AE 10415 viewsUncertain Satrap, Troas or Mysia. 4th century BC. AE10 (1.1g). Laureate head of Apollo right / Ivy leaf, monogram below. VF. Very rare.
Priene (BC 150-125) AE 20415 viewsca 150-125 BC. AE20 (7.97g, 18-20mm). Eumeros, magistrate. Helmeted head of Athena right / Owl standing right on amphora; ΠΡΙΗ to left, EYME / POΣ to right. aVF.
Kyzikos (BC 450-400) Obol415 viewsca 450-400 BC. AR Obol (9mm, 0.81g, 1h). Forepart of boar left; to right, tunny upward / Head of roaring lion left; retrograde K to upper left; all within incuse square. Good VF, light porosity, minor deposits on obverse.
Ionia Uncertain (BC 600-550) Figural - EL 1/24415 viewsca 600-550 BC. EL 1/24 Stater (0.5g, 6mm). Milesian standard. Palmette motif / Incuse square punch. VF.
Gargara (BC 350) AE 12415 viewsca 400-200 BC. AE12 (1.96g, 12h). Head of Hermes right, wearing petasos / Horse standing right; ΓAP above. Unpublished in the standard references. Very Fine. Extremely rare; possibly the first known example. From the inventory of a German dealer.
Anazarbos (AD 222-235) AE - Severus Alexander414 viewsSeverus Alexander, 222-235 AD. AE (9.22g). Bust right / 5 Corn-ears. Dark-green patina, very fine.
Rhodes (BC 31-AD 60) AE 34414 viewsca 31 BC-60 AD. AE34 (24.35g, 12h). Antipatros, magistrate. Head of young Dionysos left, wearing ivy wreath / Nike standing right on low basis; ΑΝΤΙ-ΠΑ-ΤΡΟΥ in right field. Near VF, mottled brown patina, partial flat strike on the reverse. Drewry Coll.; Purchased from A.H. Baldwin, June 1978.
Maionia (AD 193-211) AE 19 - Julia Domna414 viewsJulia Domna, wife of Septimius Severus, AD 193-211. AE19 (3.70g). ΙΟΛΙΑ CΕΒΑC, head right / MAIONΩN; Tyche standing left, holding cornucopiae. Lovely obverse portrait and detail, weaker reverse.1 comments
Laodikeia (AD 117-138) AE 38 - Hadrian414 viewsHadrian, 117-138 AD. AE38 (27.19g). Laureate head right; c/m: laureate bust right / Zeus standing between Hera, on left, and Athena, on right. Fine, dark brown surfaces. From the Ian Roper Collection.
Isinda (BC 100-0) AE 19414 views1st century BC. AE19 (5.66g). Laureate head of bearded Zeus right / Horseman galloping right, wearing helmet, spear in right hand; IB (= year 12 of local era) to left, ΙΣΙΝ below. Dark brown patina, VF. Unique variant? (rider has spear in lowered right hand, and there are no letters or snake). Gutknecht coll.
Tarsos (BC 379-372) Obol414 viewsTime of Pharnabazos and Datames, ca 379-372 BC. AR Obol (9mm, 0.70g). Three-quarter facing female head, head turned slightly left / Bearded male head left, wearing Athenian helmet. VF, toned, minor roughness. David Herman Coll.; ex CNG 64 (9/2003), lot 340; Eduardo Levante Collection, 93.
Mylasa (AD 193-211) AE 27 - Septimius Severus414 viewsSeptimius Severus, 193-211 AD. AE27 (8.27g, 12h). Laureate, draped, and cuirassed bust right / Crab and labrys within laurel wreath. Fine, brown and green patina, rough.
Apameia (BC 27-AD 14) AE 18 - Augustus414 viewsAugustus, 27 BC-14 AD. AE18 (3.34g, 12h). Diodoros, magistrate. Bare head right / Marsyas advancing right, playing auloi. VF, black-green patina. Ex Prideaux Coll. of Augustus.
Trajanopolis (AD 98-117) AE 29 - Trajan414 viewsTrajan, 98-117 AD. AE29 (13.91g). [...]ΝΕΡ ΤΡΑΙΑΝΟΣ ΚΑΙ ΓΕΡ ΔΑΚΙΚΟΣ, laureate, draped and cuirassed bust right / ΤΡΑΙΑΝΟΠΟ ΛΙΤΩΝ, Amazone riding right with waving mantle and double axe over shoulder. Ex Hirsch 195, 695. Rare. Dark green patina, good very fine.
Apameia (AD 161-217) AE 16414 viewsImperial Times, late 2nd century AD. AE16 (4.76g). ZЄΥC ΚЄΛЄΝЄΥC, bust Zeus Kelaineus right / ΑΠΑΜЄΩΝ, eagle with wings spread. Dark brown patina, good very fine.
Kebren (BC 520-480) Hemiobol414 viewsca 500-480 BC. AR Hemiobol (0.24g). Head of ram left, pellet below / Irregular incuse punch. Toned, EF. Very rare.
Baris (AD 250-251) AE 26 - Herennius Etruscus414 viewsHerennius Etruscus, 250-251 AD. AE26 (7.16g). Γ M K ЄTPOVCK ΔЄKIOC K, cuirassed bust with aegis right / BAPHNΩN, Mên on horseback right. Rare. Nice VF.
Tion (AD 211-217) AE 32 - Caracalla414 viewsCaracalla, 211-217 AD. AE32 (17.46g). ΑΝΤΩΝЄΙΝΟC, laureate, draped and cuirassed bust right, countermark: H / ΤΙΑΝΩΝ, emperor standing left with spear and shield, sacrificing over altar. Very rare. Toned, very fine.
Hierokaisareia (AD 193-217) AE 22414 viewsImperial Times, 193-217 AD. AE22 (5.34g). ΙЄΡΟΚΑΙCΑΡЄΙΑ, draped bust of Tyche with turreted headdress right / ΙЄΡΟΚΑΙCΑΡЄΩΝ, Tyche standing with rudder and cornucopiae. Nice dark green patina, very fine.
Keraitai (BC 40-32) AE 17414 viewsca 40-32 BC. AE17 (2.27g). Turreted female head right / [ΚΕ]ΡΑΕΙΤΩ-Ν, boar springing right. Dark green patina, VF. Rare.
Pergamon (AD 117-138) AE 17 - Hadrian414 viewsHadrian, 117-138 AD. AE17 (3.33g, 12h). Cl. Cephalion, strategos. Laureate head right, slight drapery on far shoulder / Telesphoros standing facing. VF, porous brown surfaces. Wagner coll.; Ex Münzen & Medaillen FPL 134 (5/1954), no. 235.
Karia Uncertain (BC 520-490) Obol414 views5th century BC. AR Obol (7mm, 0.57g). Head of roaring lion right / Incuse punch. Fine, minor porosity. Alighieri Coll.
Zela (AD 193-217) AE 27 - Julia Domna414 viewsJulia Domna, Augusta, 193-217 AD. AE27 (13.25g, 12h). Dated CY 143 (AD 206/7). Draped bust right / Tetrastyle temple with star in arched pediment and barrier across entrance; PMΓ (date) in exergue. Near VF, brown surfaces. Rare. Righetti Coll., 7472.
Patara (BC 167-100) Drachm 414 viewsca 200 BC. AR Drachm (14mm, 2.89g). Laureate head of Apollo right / Π-Α, lyra, within incuse square. VF.
Phokaia (BC 600-522) B01 - EL 1/6 Stater414 viewsca 625/0-522 BC. EL Hekte (10mm, 2.56g). Seal left, head right; Θ below / Rough incuse square. VF, struck a bit off center. Extremely rare, only one example cited by Bodenstedt (in the Hermitage).
Herakleia ad Latmon (BC 190) AE414 viewsafter 190 BC. AE (1.13g). Club and bow in bowcase / Spear head. gVF. Rare. Popken Coll. The assignment is not certain.
Tarsos (AD 198-217) AE 33 - Caracalla414 viewsCaracalla, 198-217 AD. AE33 (20.54g, 12h). Laureate and cuirassed bust right / Artemis kneeling to right over deer, raising its head with her left hand, right hand poised to plunge dagger into its throat. Very Fine.

Here we see a more familiar depiction of Artemis than that of the Ephesian manifestation (see lot 867). The reverse type depicts Artemis as the goddess of the hunt, about to slay a deer. Homer applies the epithet 'Ποτνια Θηρων' (Mistress of the Animals) to the goddess, and deer in particular were considered sacred to her. In addition to female fertility and virginity, Artemis was associated with certain male activities - in particular the transition from boyhood to manhood and warfare. Perhaps it is these latter associations Caracalla wished to conjure in Tarsos, the city from which he launched his Parthian campaign in AD 216.
Nysa (AD 138-161) AE 17414 viewsTime of Antoninus Pius, 138-161 AD. AE17 (3.40g). NYCAEΩN, head of Tyche right, wearing mural crown / KOPOC, bunch of grain ears. VF.
Phokaia (BC 477-388) B82 - EL 1/6 Stater414 viewsca 478-387 BC. EL Hekte (2.53g, 11mm). Head of Hermes left, wearing petasos; seal behind / Quadripartite incuse square. EF.
Anazarbos (AD 211-217) Pentassarion - Caracalla413 viewsCaracalla, 211-217 AD. AE Pentassarion (28.04g). [ΑΥΤ Κ Μ ΑΥ CΕ]ΟΥΗΡΟC ΑΝΤΩΝΕΙ[ΝΟC CΕΒ], Laureate, draped and cuirassed bust R / ΑΝΑZΑΡΒΟΥ ΜΗΤΡΟΠΟΛΕΩΣ [ΕΤ ΒΛΣ] / Γ Β / [Κ]ΟΙΝΟΒ[ΟΥΛΙΟΝ], Koinoboulion enthroned L with Polos and cornucopia casting vote in urn, in background tree. Black-green patina, very fine.
Karallia (AD 238-244) AE 23 - Gordian III413 viewsGordian III, 238-244 AD. AE23 (7.57g). Laureate, draped and cuirassed bust R / KARALL-IW[TWN], Luna standing L, crescent on head, holding torch. . VF, attractive pale green patina. From the Garth R. Drewry Collection. Ex CNG 27 (9/1993), lot 1246.
Teos (BC 530-478) Hemidrachm413 viewsca 530-478 BC. AR Hemidrachm (2.91g). Griffin sitting right / Quadripartite incuse square. VF. Ex Lanz Auc. 22 (Muenchen 1982), lot 379.
Etenna (BC 100-0) AE413 viewsca 1st century BC. AE (1.59g). Female advancing right, holding snake, oenochoe behind / Curved knife, E-T. Green patina, VF.
Smyrna (BC 190-50) AE413 viewsca 2nd century BC. AE (5.87g). Head of Homer? right / Head of Tyche right, wearing turreted crown. Light green patina, VF.
Laodikeia (AD 117-138) AE 32 - Hadrian413 viewsHadrian, 117-138 AD. Homonoia with Hierapolis. AE32 (22.17g, 6h), struck circa 134-138 AD. Bare-headed and draped bust left / ΛΑΟΔΙΚΕΩΝ ΚΑΙ ΙΕΡΑΠΟΛΕΙΤΩΝ ΟΜΟΝΟΙΑ, Zeus Laodiceus standing right vis-a-vis Apollo Citharoedus standing facing, head left. Good VF, green patina, a few minor pits.
Silandos (AD 160-180) AE 17413 viewsTime of the Antonines, 160-180 AD. AE17. Head of Silenus right / Tetrastyle temple. Rare. Fine.
Soloi (BC 200-0) AE 22413 views2nd-early 1st century BC. AE22 (8.18g, 6h). Bust of Artemis right, quiver over shoulder; Θ to left / Athena Alkidemos advancing right; NK and KA monograms to left. VF, dark green patina with earthen highlights.
Amorion (AD 100-300) AE 23413 views2nd-3rd cent AD. AE23 (7.13g). Helmeted bust of Roma right / AM-OPI-AN-ΩN, clasped hands holding caduceus. VF, natural brown surfaces, a little rough.
Blaundos (AD 195-215) AE 23413 viewsunder Roman protection, autonomous, Severan era 195-215 AD. AE23 (7.01g). ΙEΡΑ CΥ-ΝΚΛΗΟC, Draped bust of young Senate right / ΒΛΑ-ΥΝ- ΔEΩΝ ΜΑ, naked Zeus standing frontal, head left, scepter in left hand, patera in right, burning altar in field to left. Some light smoothing, aVF. Righetti coll.
Olba (AD 17-36) AE 26 - Polemo II413 viewsM. Antonius Polemo, high priest, ca 17-36 AD. AE26 (13.10g), dated year 10 (27/8 AD). Bare head right / Thunderbolt. VF, green patina.
Gordos-Iulia (AD 253-268) AE 25 - Gallienus413 viewsGallienus, 253-268 AD. AE25 (5.38 gm). AVT K Π ΛI ΓAΛΛIHNOC, laureate, draped and cuirassed bust right / ЄΠ ΦOIBOV ΓOP ΔH NΩNIOV; Tyche standing holding rudder and cornucopiae. Very fine.
Alexandreia (AD 253-268) AE 21413 viewsQuasi-autonomous, time of Gallienus, 253-268 AD. AE21 (4.59g). COL - AV TRO, draped bust of city-goddess (Tyche) right, wearing mural-crown; behind vexillum inscribed with AV/C / COL - AVG, horse grazing right, T[RO] in exergue. About EF, dark green patina. Hoeft coll.
Gargara (BC 400-350) AE413 views4th century BC. AE (0.74g). Laureate head of Apollo left / Head of ram left, ΓΑΡ below, within shallow circular incuse. Green patina, VF.
Nikaia (AD 253-268) AE 22 - Gallienus413 viewsGallienus, 253-268 AD. AE22 (5.82g). ΠΟΥ ΛΙ ЄΓ ΓΑΛΛΙΗΝΟΣ, cuirassed, draped and radiate bust right / NIKAIЄΩN, Dionysos in Elephant-quadriga left. Rare. Very fine.
Akrasos (AD 193-211) AE 26 - Septimius Severus413 viewsSeptimius Severus, 193-211 AD. AE26 (8.41g). ΑΥΤ ΚΑΙ CЄΟΥΗΡΟC, laureate head right / ЄΠΙ CΤΡ ΦΙΛΟΔΗΜΟΥ ΜΟCΧΙΑ / ΑΚΡΑCΙΩΤΩΝ, Hygieia and Asklepios. Dark green patina. Unclear obverse countermark.
Samos (BC 394-365) Trihemiobol413 viewsca 394-365 BC. AR Trihemiobol (0.97g, 9mm, 1h). Head of Hera right / Lion head facing, ΣΑ below.
Priene (BC 240-170) AE 13413 viewsca 240-170 BC. AE13 (2.29g, 9h). Diony-, magistrate. Helmeted head of Athena right / Legend within maeander border. VF, green patina. Alighieri Coll.
Ephesos (AD 222-235) AE 17 - Severus Alexander413 viewsSeverus Alexander, 222-235 AD. AE17 (2.54g, 5h). Laureate and draped bust right, seen from behind / Two naked children tossing astragaloi before cult statue of Diana (Artemis) Ephesia flanked by crescent and star. Good VF, dark green patina under earthen deposits, minor obverse die break. Very rare.
Orthosia (AD 81-96) AE - Domitian413 viewsDomitian, 81-96 AD. AE20 (4.90g). Laureate head right / OΡΘΩCIEΩN, Zeus standing left, holding thunderbolt and scepter. Near VF, brown surfaces. Very rare - only four listed in RPC. Drewry Coll.
Mylasa (BC 170-130) Drachm413 viewsca 170-130 BC. AR Drachm (15mm, 2.38g). Facing head of Helios; eagle right superimposed on cheek / Rose, bud to right. Toned, good VF, hairline flan crack.
Pergamon (AD 198-217) AE 33 - Caracalla413 viewsCaracalla and (erased) Geta, 198-217 AD. AE33 (16.71g). ΑΥΤΟ ΚΑΙ Μ ΑΥΡΗ [...], confronted laureate and draped busts of Caracalla and Geta [the bust of Geta erased]; countermark: wreath / [ЄΠΙ CΤΡΑ] ΚΛΑΥΔΙΑΝΟΥ ΤЄΡΠ[ΑΝΔΡΟΥ ΠЄΡΓΑ]ΜΗΝΩ[Ν Β ΝЄΟΚΟΡΩΝ], Nike with wreath and Tyche. Green patina, VF.
Pergamon (AD 117-138) AE 15 - Hadrian413 viewsHadrian, 117-138 AD. AE15 (3.14g, 12h). Laureate and cuirassed bust right / Telesphoros standing facing, wrapped in long garments. VF, dark brown surfaces.
Kolophon (BC 480-450) Tetartemorion413 viewsca 450-410 BC. AR Tetartemorion (7mm, 0.20g, 7h). Facing head of Apollo / Monogram (mark of value) within incuse rectangle. VF, toned, surfaces a bit porous.
Alexandreia (AD 251-253) AE 21 - Trebonianus Gallus 413 viewsTrebonianus Gallus, 251-253 AD. AE21 (5.47g, 3h). IMP C VIB TREB GALLVS AVG, laureate, draped and cuirassed bust right / COL AVG TROAD, eagle standing facing with wings spread on bull's head, head right. Extremely Fine. Pleasing green patina. Ex Hauck & Aufhäuser 14 (10/1998), lot 453.
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