Asia Minor Coins - Photo Gallery

Ancient Greek and Roman coins from Asia Minor

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Etenna (AD 222-235) AE 28 - Severus Alexander391 viewsSeverus Alexander, 222-235 AD. AE28 (11.32g, 11h). Laureate, draped, and cuirassed bust right / Female figure standing right, looking left, holding serpent; before her, smaller male figure (shepherd or forest deity?) standing left, looking right, raising arm; at his side, sheep standing left. VF, pale green patina. Ex Wagner Coll.
Isinda (AD 249-251) AE 20 - Trajan Decius391 viewsTrajan Decius, 249-251 AD. AE20 (4.72g). A K Γ M KV TPAI ΔEKION CЄ, laureate head right / ICINΔЄΩN, foot. Green patina, very fine.
Tarsos (AD 235-238) AE 37 - Maximinus I391 viewsMaximinus I, 235-238 AD. AE37 (19.31g). VT.K.Γ.IOV.OVH.MAΞIMEINOC, draped, cuirassed, radiate bust right, in field Π-Π / TAPCOV THC MHTPOΠOLEΩ[C], Apollo Lykeios, nude, laureate, standing frontal, holding a dead wolf in each hand; AMK in left field, Γ.B in right field. Rare, about VF. Hoeft coll.

AMK stands for 'the First, the Biggest, the most Beautiful', granted to the city in 215 AD upon Caracalla's campaign against the Parthians. Γ.B = 3.2, capital of three provinces, keeper of two neocorates (Curtis Clay).
The two animals are not wolfs but dogs, symbolizing Mopsus and Amphilochus, called 'the dogs of Apollo' by Lychopron, a 3rd century poet. (Pat Lawrence)
Mopsos (AD 50-51) AE 19391 viewsTime of Claudius I, 41-54 AD. AE19 (5.52g). Dated Year 118 (50/1 AD). Veiled head of Tyche right / MOΨEATΩN THΣ IEPAΣ KAI AYTONOMOY HIP, Apollo sanding left, holding branch and resting elbow on tripod. Good VF.
Keraitai (BC 100-70) AE391 views100-70 BC. AE (1.53g). Bust Artemis with bow and quiver right / KE-T, club. Dark green patina, good very fine. Mueller coll.
Ephesos (BC 290-281) Octobol391 viewsca 288-280 BC. AR Octobol (5.51g). Bloson, magistrate. Veiled head of Arsinoë right / ARSI, bow and quiver; monogram and ΒΛΟΣΩΝ to left, bee to right. Good VF, toned, struck with a worn obverse die, several small corrosion spots on obverse. Very rare. Drewry Coll.; ex CNG 55 (9/2000), lot 492 (magistrate incorrect).
Karia Uncertain (BC 450-400) lion/panther - Obol391 viewsca mid-5th century BC. AR Obol (8mm, 0.69g, 2h). Forepart of a roaring lion right / Facing panther’s head within incuse square. VF, toned.
Halikarnassos (BC 420-350) Persic Tetartemorion391 viewsca 450-350 BC. AR Persic Tetartemorion (6mm, 0.24g, 12h). Ram's head right / Roaring lion's head right. Good VF, toned, lightly porous.
Kyzikos (AD 193-217) AE 29 - Julia Domna391 viewsJulia Domna, Augusta, 193-217 AD. AE29 (14.20g, 12h). [I]OVΛIA CЄBACTH, draped bust right / KV ZIKHNΩ N, NЄOKOP in exergue, Artemis Phosphorus (Diana Lucifera), holding torch in both hands, in biga right. VF, dark green patina with olive overtones. Rare.
Kaisareia (AD 193-217) Drachm - Julia Domna391 viewsJulia Domna, Augusta, 193-217 AD. AR Drachm (2.51g, 18mm, 11h). Dated RY 14 of Severus (206 AD). IOYAIA ΔOMNA, draped bust right / MHTPO KAICAPIA, Mt. Argaeus surmounted by star; ЄT IΔ (date) in exergue. EF. Lovely portrait.
Diokaisareia (AD 244-249) AE 33 - Philip I391 viewsPhilip I, 244-249 AD. AE33 (22.42g, 12h). Radiate, draped, and cuirassed bust right / Tyche seated right, facing a second Tyche standing left, holding rudder and cornucopia; below, half-length figure of river-god Calycadnus right. Good VF, tan brown surfaces. From Group CEM.
Bruzos (AD 238-244) AE 25 - Gordian III391 viewsGordian III, 238-244. AE25 (6.18g). Laureate, draped and cuirassed bust right / BPOV-ZH-NΩN, Asklepios in Himation standing facing holding serpent staff in his right, head left, before him Hygieia holding patera in his left feeding snake from his right, in between them a small figure of Telesphoros. Rare. Olive green patina, good very fine.
Kibyra (AD 238-244) AE 38 - Gordian III391 viewsGordian III, 238-244 AD. AE38 (19.83g, 6h). Dated CY 217 (240/1 AD). Radiate head right / Hercules standing right, leaning on club draped with lion’s skin and set on rock; ZIC (date) to left. VF, dark green patina, roughness and light adjustment marks on obverse, reverse slightly double struck. From Group CEM.
Magnesia (BC 330-300) AE 17391 viewsca 2nd-early 1st century BC. AE7 (5.92g, 12h). Chimaro[...], magistrate. Laureate head of Apollo left / Forepart of butting bull right; maeander pattern behind. Good VF, green patina with light earthen deposits.
Nikaia (AD 193-217) AE 32 - Julia Domna391 viewsJulia Domna, Augusta, 193-217 AD. AE32 (23.36g). Struck 208/209 AD. IVΛIA CЄBACTH, draped bust right; c/m: Nike standing right holding wreath / A[ΓO]NOΘЄCIA, NIKAIEΩN in exergue, athlete seated left, holding prize crown in right hand, long palm in left; agonistic urn on ground before. Near VF, dark brown patina.

In 208/209 AD, the city of Nicaea celebrated the Philadelphian games to honor the fraternity of Caracalla and Geta. Numerous agonistic types are known, usually with the legend CEOVHPEIA ΦIΛAΔEΛΦEIA. This coin shares it's obverse die with a games coin which features on the reverse the busts of both Caracalla and Geta (RG 397). According to Head (Historia Numorum), the title Agonothesia refers to "The office of an Agonothetes" and is known on coins from Thessalonica and Gordus Julia. Jones (A Dictionary of Ancient Greek Coins) defines Agonothesia as "The holding of a contest, the chief organizer being known as the agonothetes. The reverse type is similar to the coin of Septimius in RG, pl. lxxvi 15 except that coin has the normal games legend for Nicaea at this time, CEOVHPEIA ΦIΛAΔEΛΦEIA and the athlete doesn't appear to be holding the palm branch.
Kyme (AD 253-260) AE 33 - Valerian I391 viewsValerian, 253-260 AD. AE33 (20.22g, 6h). ca 255-258 AD. A K ΠO ΛIKIO VAΛЄPIANOC, laureate, draped and cuirassed bust right / ЄΠ CT AVP [...] IΔHΦOPO[...]ΔIC K/VMAI-ΩN, Athena standing right, brandishing spear. Rare. Dark green patina. Hole closed in ancient times, gVF.
Akmoneia (AD 193-217) AE 21 - Julia Domna391 viewsJulia Domna. Augusta, 193-217 AD. AE21 (4.71g, 6h). Draped bust right / Facing cult image of Artemis Ephesia. Near EF, dark green patina beneath a thick layer of earthen deposits. Group CEM.
Kaisareia (AD 73/74) Drachm - Domitian 391 viewsDomitian (as Caesar), 73/74 AD. AR Drachm (3.31g). ΚΑΙ ΔΟΜΙΤΙΑΝΟC CΕΒΑCΤΟΥ ΥΙΟC, laureate head right / ΟΜΟΝΟΙΑ CΕΒΑCΤH, Homonoia-Concordia seated left, holding patera and scepter.

This example is evidence of a coin most probably struck in Rome for export to Caesarea. A 6 o'clock die axis, indicates the fact that this coin was struck in Rome for export to the provinces. Only 10 recorded examples of this coin in the major publications, Metcalf reporting only three. Much of the original 'find' patina remains on this coin.
Kyzikos (BC 420-390) Hemiobol391 viewsca 420-390 BC. AR Hemiobol (6mm, 0.3g). Head of Hermes with winged Petasos right / KY-ZI, tunny right. VF.
(BC 470-440) Uncertain Dynast - 1/8 Stater? 391 viewsca 490/80-440/30 BC. AR Trihemiobol(?) (9mm, 1.11g, 4h). Protodynastic series, group B. Head of boar left / Head of man-headed bull right within incuse square. Good VF, toned, granular surfaces. Very rare. Krizan Coll.; Ex Numismatic Fine Arts XXXIII (5/1994), lot 1419 (misattributed).
Tripolis (BC 200-100) AE 14391 viewsTripolis, as Apollonia, ca 2nd century BC. AE14 (3.5g). Wreathed head of Dionysos right / AΠOΛ-ΛO-NIATΩN, lion right. Apparently unpublished. VF.
Assos (BC 450-400) Drachm391 viewsca 450-400 BC. AR Drachm (15mm, 3.61g, 1h). Helmeted head of Athena left, bowl of helmet decorated with laurel wreath / Head of lion left; AΣΣOON around; all within incuse square. EF. Very rare.
Eumeneia (BC 133) AE 14390 viewsafter 133 BC. AE14 (2.05g). Turreted head of Tyche Eumenia right / EY-ME/NE-ΩN, three-legged fire-altar with lid. VF.
Kremna (AD 198-217) AE 17 - Caracalla390 viewsCaracalla, 198-217 AD. AE17 (4.0g). Laureate, draped and cuirassed bust right / PROP COL CR, Apollo Propylaios advancing right, holding bow. Good VF, green patina. Wagner Coll.
Hierapolis (Auton. AD 244-249) AE 25390 viewsTime of Philip I. 244 -249 AD. AE25 (6.45g). ΛΑΙΡ-ΒΗΝΟC, draped and radiate bust of Helios Apollo Lairbenos right / ΙEΡΑΠΟΛ-EΙΤ-ΩΝ ΝEΩΚΟΡΟ/Ν - ΤΟ Β, male god in military uniform standing left, holding double axe in left and laurel wreath in extended right. Olive-green patina. Slightly smoothed. Good very fine.
Ninika-Klaudiopolis (AD 198-217) AE 25 - Caracalla & Plautilla390 viewsCaracalla, with Plautilla, 198-217 AD. AE25 (6.58g, 6h). Laureate and draped bust of Caracalla right / Draped bust of Plautilla right, wearing stephane. VF, brown surfaces. Very rare. Ex Wagner Coll. Ex Mabbott Coll. (Schulman, 6/1969, lot 2188).
Nikaia (AD 253-260) AE 23 - Valerian I390 viewsValerian I, 253-260 AD. AE23 (6.60g, 12h). Radiate, draped, and cuirassed bust right / Hipparchus the Astronomer seated left; globe on pedestal to left. VF, green-brown patina, minor roughness. Very rare. Ex Wagner Coll.

Hipparchus the Astronomer is honored on a few rare issues from Nicaea, where he was born circa 190 BC. His importance to classical astronomy is unsurpassed, as he compiled the first star chart, calculated the sizes of the sun and the moon, determined the length of the seasons, and utilized a trigonometry table before any other mathematician.
Eumeneia (AD 81-96) AE 15 - Domitia390 viewsDomitia, 81-96 AD. AE15 (2.73g). ΔOMITIA CЄBACTH, bust right / [K]Λ TЄPЄNT VΛΛA [APXIЄ...] / ЄVMЄNЄΩN, Kybele enthroned to left. Rare. Black patina, VF.
Sardeis (AD 238-244) AE 25 - Gordian III390 viewsGordian III, 238-244 AD. AE25 (6.34g). •AVT• K• M• ANT• ΓOPΔIANOC, laureate, draped and cuirassed bust right / ЄΠI POV ΦЄINOV CAPΔIANΩN B NЄOKOP, bukranion and torch within wreath. VF.
Tarsos (BC 379-372) Obol390 viewsTime of Pharnabazos and Datames, ca 379-372 BC. AR Obol (10mm, 0.81g, 12h). Helmeted head of warrior (Ares?) left / Female head left, wearing tripartite crown and earring. Good VF, very minor porosity. Good for issue.
Kaisareia (AD 193-217) Didrachm - Julia Domna390 viewsJulia Domna, Augusta, 193-217 AD. AR Didrachm (4.05g, 21mm, 12h). Dated RY 20 of Caracalla (217 AD). Draped bust right / Mt. Argaeus surmounted by star, set on garlanded altar; ЄT K (date) in exergue. EF.
Ephesos (AD 253-260) AE 27 - Valerian390 viewsValerian I, 253-260 AD. AE27 (8.16g). Laureate, draped and cuirassed bust right / Artemis with bow and arrow standing right, hound at feet. VF.
Knidos (BC 300-225) Hemidrachm390 viewsca 300-225 BC. AR Hemidrachm (13mm, 1.39g, 12h). Rhodian standard. Bariphron, magistrate. Head of Aphrodite right / Bull’s head facing slightly right. VF, porous.
Pitane (BC 350) AE 9390 viewsca 4th cent BC. AE9 (2.0g). Horned head of Zeus Ammon right / Pentagram, leaf in center, ΠΙΤΑ around. aEF.
Klazomenai (BC 500-480) Diobol390 viewsca 499-494 BC. AR Diobol (1.0g, 10mm). Forepart of winged boar right / Quadripartite incuse square, K within one quarter. VF.
Magnesia ad Sipylos (BC 200-0) AE 22390 views2nd-1st century BC. AE22 (4.50g, 17-22mm). Laureate head of Apollo right / Horse trotting left, CYΠΙΛΟΣ in exergue. aVF.
Pergamon (AD 98-117) AE 17 - Trajan390 viewsTraian, 98-117 AD. AE17 (3.19g), Laureate and draped bust right / Tetrastyle temple with statue of emperor within. Light corrosion. VF.
Tarsos (AD 198-217) AE 36 - Caracalla390 viewsCaracalla, 198–217 AD. AE36 (22.03g). AVT • KAI • M • AVP • CЄVHPOC • ANTWNЄINOC / Π - Π. Bust right, wearing crown and garment of the demiurgus / ANTWNЄINIANH-C CЄVH [AΔ] (in field in between figures) A M K Γ B (im Abschnitt) TAPCOV, Perseus with harpe left and Heracles with club right standing facing each other both holding the wreathed bust of Caracalla. Rare. EF.
Kyzikos (BC 450-400) Obol390 viewsca 525-475 BC. AR Obol (13mm, 0.92g, 9h). Forepart of boar left, E (retrograde) on shoulder, tunny behind / Head of lion left within incuse square. Good VF, sharply struck on a broad and slightly irregular flan.
Skepsis (BC 440-400) Hemiobol390 viewsca 450 BC. AR Hemiobol (0.3g, 8mm). Head of horse right / E-N (retrograde), fir tree; all in linear square and dotted borders within incuse square. gVF. Extremely rare.
Kaisareia (AD 138-161) Drachm - Antoninus Pius390 viewsAntoninus Pius, 138-161. AR Drachm (18-19mm, 3.47g, 5h). 139 AD. ΑΥΤΟΚΡ ΑΝΤ[ωΝΕΙ]-ΝΟC CЄΒΑCΤΟC, bare head of Antoninus Pius to right / ΥΠΑ-ΤΟC B (Cos II) Mt. Argaeus, with trees; on summit, nude figure holding globe and sceptre. A.K. coll.
Mylasa (BC 520-490) Stater390 viewsca 520-­490 BC. AR Stater (19mm, 10.88g). Forepart of lion right / Two rectangular incuses. Good VF, toned, granular surfaces, light cut on reverse from antiquity.
Kyzikos (BC 600-550) EL Stater390 viewsca 600-550 BC. EL Stater (16.08g, 19mm). Tunny fish left above tunny fish right / Quadripartite incuse square. VF. Extremely Rare.
Uncertain (BC 4th cent) Persian King 3 - Obol389 viewsca 4th century BC. AR Obol (0.59g). Bearded head 3/4 to right, in lion's skin (?) (Herakles?) / Bearded head (Great King?) left, wearing turreted crown. Rare, wavy flan, very fine.
Thyateira (AD 198-217) AE 20 - Caracalla389 viewsCaracalla, 198-217 AD. AE20 (4.32g). Draped, cuirassed and laureate bust right / Athena standing left, holding Nike spear and shield.
Aigeai (AD 244-248) AE 33 - Philip II389 viewsPhilip II, as Caesar. 244-248 AD. AE33 (19.82g). Dated year 290 (244 AD). Laureate head right / Asklepios standing facing, head left, resting on serpent-staff; Telesphoros left, goat right. Fine, glossy green patina, scratch on reverse.
Aigeai (BC 130-77) AE 24389 viewsca 130-77 BC. AE24 (8.20g). Turreted and veiled bust of Tyche right / ΑΙΓΕΑΙΩΝ / ΤΗΣ ΙΕΡΑΣ - ΚΑΙ ΑΥTONOMΟΥ, horse's head left; monograms flanking. Nice VF, dark green, almost black patina.
Aspendos (AD 253-268) AE 30 - Gallienus389 viewsGallienus, 253-268 AD. AE30 (17.08g). Laureate bust right / Neocorate temple, "A" in pediment. Rare. VF.
Seleukeia (AD 238-244) AE 31 - Gordian III389 viewsGordian III, 238-244 AD. AE31 (15.81g). Laureate, draped and cuirassed bust right; c/m: ΔO monogram / Tyche seated left, resting hand on stele and holding cornucopiae. VF, brown surfaces.
Seleukeia (AD 198-217) AE 30 - Caracalla389 viewsCaracalla, 198-217 AD. AE30 (14.33g, 11h). Laureate head right / Dionysos, holding thyrsos and kantharos from which wine flows, in car right, drawn by two pathers; at right, Silenos leaning right, reaching left to catch wine. Good VF, surfaces a little rough, minor encrustation.
Pompeiopolis (BC 66) AE 20389 viewsafter 66 BC. AE20 (6.82g, 12h). Bare head of Pompey (or M. Antony?) right; A to left / Nike advancing right, holding wreath and palm. VF, brown patina, areas of soft strike.
Korakesion (AD 98-117) AE 17 - Trajan389 viewsTrajan, 98-117 AD. AE17 (3.41g). Laureate head right / KOPAKHC, Demeter standing left, holding long torch and two ears of corn. Good very fine.
Tabala (AD 222-235) AE 20 - Julia Mamaea389 viewsJulia Mamaea, mother of Alexander Severus, 222-235 AD. AE20 (4.61g). Draped bust right / TABAΛEΩN, River-God Hermos reclining l., holding reed and cornucopiae, inverted vase behind. Obverse flatness, good very fine.
Daldis (AD 198-217) AE 31 - Caracalla389 viewsCaracalla, 198-217 AD. AE31 (14.62g). Archon Artemidoros. AV• K• M• AV• ANTΩNЄINOC, laureate bust right, in cuirass and paludamentum / ЄΠI APTЄMIΔΩ P OVΛAN• APX• /•A(Ankh)• B• , Serapis seated left, holding sceptre and extending hand to Kerberos seated left at feet. Minor smoothing, very fine.
Akmoneia (AD 235-238) AE 28 - Maximus389 viewsMaximus, as Caesar, 235/6-238 AD. AE28 (12.80g, 6h). Homonoia with Eumeneia. Bare-headed and draped bust right / Tyche of Acmoneia standing right, holding cornucopia, clasping hands with Tyche of Eumeneia standing left, holding cornucopia. Near VF, dark green patina, a few deposits, scrape on edge. Ex Wagner Coll.
Augusta (AD 163-169) AE 26 - Lucilla 389 viewsLucilla, 163-169 AD. AE26 (11.71g). ΛOYKIΛΛ[...] CЄBACTH, draped bust right / AVΓOYCTANΩN ЄTOYS ANP, Tyche Soterios (Fortuna Redux) standing left; date in legend. Red brown patina, aEF.
Nikaia (AD 222-235) AE 22 - Severus Alexander389 viewsSeverus Alexander, 222-235 AD. AE22 (6.87g), struck 222 AD (as Caesar). M AVP AΛEΞANΔPOC KAIC, draped, cuirassed and bare-headed bust right / NIKAIE-ΩN, Nymph Nikaia, in long dress and wearing mural crown, standing left, holding patera(?) in left hand and resting with right hand on thyrsos with gnarled staff. Very rare, F+ (patina removed). Hoeft coll.
Uncertain (BC 4th cent) Persian King 3 – Obol389 viewsca 400-350 BC. AR Obol (0.64g, 11mm). Turreted and bearded head left / Bearded facing head surmounting facing head of lion. Extremely rare. Reverse off center, EF.
Nikaia (AD 197-211) AE 28 - Caracalla389 viewsCaracalla, as Caesar, 197-211 AD. AE28 (11.72g). Μ ΑΥΡ [...] ΑΝΤΩΝΙΝΟC ΚΑΙCΑΡ, draped bust right, countermark: Nike / ΝΙ ΚΑΙΕΩΝ, Zeus enthroned left. Dark green patina. Very fine.
Synnada (AD 253-268) AE 31 - Gallienus389 viewsGallienus, 253-268 AD. AE31 (19.40g). ΑΥΤ ΚΑΙ Π ΛΙΚ ΓΑΛΛΗΝΟC, C-ЄB across field; laureate, draped and cuirassed bust right / CYNN AΔ ЄΩ N EΠI AP KЄΛCOV, Zeus seated left, holding eagle and scepter, within hexastyle temple; wreath in pediment. VF, dark brown patina.
Smyrna (AD 198-217) AE 31 - Caracalla389 viewsCaracalla, 198-217 AD. AE31mm (11.80g, 6h). Cl. Rufinus Sophistes, strategos. Struck 198-202 AD. Laureate, draped, and cuirassed bust right, seen from behind / Zeus seated left, holding Nike and scepter. Near VF, brown patina with some red deposits, light scratches. Ex Righetti Coll., 7163.
Nikomedeia (AD 138-161) AE 20 - Antoninus Pius389 viewsAntoninus Pius, 138-161 AD. AE20 (4.12g). Laureate head right / Pegasus flying right. VF, attractive green patina with some chipping around the edge.
Aizanis (AD 200-270) AE 16389 views3rd century AD. AE16 (2.63g, 7h). Bust of Serapis right / Eagle standing right, head left. VF, grayish-green patina under earthen deposits.
Lebedos (BC 330-294) Diobol389 viewsca 330-294 BC. AR Diobol (10mm, 0.93g). Dorkon, magistrate. Helmeted head of Athena right / Prow of ship left upon which an owl stands left. VF, nice metal.
Tralleis (BC 200-0) AE 12389 viewsca 2nd-1st century BC. AE12 (1.03g). ΤΡΑΛΛΙ-ΑΝΩΝ, winged thunderbolt / ΤΡΑΛΛΙ-ΑΝΩΝ, winged thunderbolt. VF. Rare.
Knidos (AD 198-217) AE 29 - Caracalla389 viewsCaracalla, 197-217 AD. AE29 (18.84g). Young, laureate, draped and cuirassed bust right / ΚΝΙΔΙ-ΩΝ (retrograde), Homonoia with kalathos standing left, holding cornucopiae and patera over lighted altar. Black patina, VF. Ex H. von Aulock coll.
Tabai (AD 161-180) AE 35 - Marcus Aurelius389 viewsMarcus Aurelius, 161-180 AD. AE35 (29.17g, 6h). M AVP AV KAI - ANTΩNЄINOC, laureate, draped and cuirassed bust right / TAB - H - NΩN, Artemis standing right, drawing arrow from quiver, and Mên standing left, holding patera and scepter; between them, a stag. Glossy green-brown patina. VF.
Erythrai (BC 500-470) Obol389 viewsca 500 BC. AR Obol (7mm, 0.56g). Head of Herakles left, wearing lion skin / Incuse pattern. VF, toned. Very rare.

Although Babelon attributes this type to an uncertain mint in Asia Minor, the head of Herakles bears a marked resemblance to that found on the electrum coinage of Erythrai in Ionia.
Kaisareia (AD 217-218) AE 32 - Macrinus389 viewsMacrinus, 217-218 AD. AE32 (15.97g, 7h). Dated RY 2 (218 AD). Laureate, draped, and cuirassed bust right / Agalma of Mt. Argaeus surmounted by star and set on garlanded altar; ЄT B (date) in exergue. Good VF, brown patina. Very rare and with a finely rendered portrait. Group CEM.
Herakleia ad Latmon (BC 190) AE 9389 views2nd century BC. AE9 (0.8g). Owl standing right / HPAKΛEΩΤΩΝ, crest of helmet. Fine. Very rare.
Kaisareia (AD 108/109) AE 17389 viewsTime of Trajan, 98-117 AD. AE17 (3.76g). Dated RY 11 (108/109 AD). Turreted and draped bust of Tyche right / Pyramid; ЄT ΙA (date) across field. Scarce. VF.
Parion (AD 138-161) AE 16 - Antoninus Pius389 viewsAntoninus Pius, 138-161 AD. AE16 (2.04g, 7h). Laureate head right / Founder plowing right with two oxen. VF, dark green patina.
Tralleis (BC 155-145) Cistophoric Tetradrachm389 viewsca 155-145 BC. AR Cistophoric Tetradrachm (12.64g, 28mm). Cista mystica with serpent; all within ivy wreath / Bow-case with serpents; ΤΡΑΛ to left, cow on maeander to the right. Unc. Franke coll.
Kelenderis (BC 200-30) AE 22388 viewsca 2nd-1st century BC. AE22 (6.78g). Turreted and veiled head of Tyche right; AΣ behind / Apollo standing left, holding laurel branch, left elbow resting on short column surmounted by tripod, ΚΕΛΕΝΔΕΡΙΤΩΝ around. Good VF, glossy olive green patina.
Seleukeia (AD 244-249) AE 34 - Philip I388 viewsPhilip I, 244-249 AD. AE34 (15.81g). Radiate, draped and cuirassed bust right / Confronted busts of Apollo, on left, and Artemis-Tyche, on right. VF, green patina.
Akmoneia (AD 238-244) AE 25 - Gordian III388 viewsGordian III, 238-244 AD. AE25 (6.61g). Radiate, draped and cuirassed bust right / A-KM-ONEΩN, Zeus seated left, holding phiale and sceptre; altar before. VF, dark brown patina.
Perge (AD 253-268) AE 30 - Gallienus388 viewsGallienus, 253-268 AD. AE30 - 10 Assaria (14.14g). Laureate, draped and cuirassed bust right; I before / ΠΕΡ-ΓΑΙ-ΩΝ, three money bags on chest. VF, green and brown patina, minor roughness. Drewry Coll.
Patara (AD 238-244) AE 34 - Gordian III388 viewsGordian III, 238-244 AD. AE34 (19.90g, 12h). Gordian III / Apollo.
Metropolis (BC 100-0) AE388 viewsca 1st century BC. AE (0.98g). Turreted head of Kybele right / Pinecone (?), monogram to left, ΔΙΟΓΕ[ΝΗΣ] (magistrate) to right. Rare.
Eirenopolis (AD 238-244) AE 32 - Gordian III388 viewsGordian III, 238-244 AD. AE32 (19.63g, 1h). Dated CY 192 (243/4 AD). Radiate, draped, and cuirassed bust right / Radiate bust of Helios right vis-à-vis draped bust of Selene left, crescent at shoulders; all within wheel of the twelve signs of the Zodiac. Good Fine, dark green-brown patina, porosity and pit on obverse. Ex Levante Coll. (CNG 66 (5/2004), lot 1131).
Magnesia (AD 138-161) AE 34 – Antoninus Pius388 viewsAntoninus Pius, 138-161 AD. AE34 (23.96 gm). Diophantos magistrate. AV KAICAP AΔPIA ANTΩNINOC CEB, draped and laureate bust right / ΓPAM ΔIOΦANTOY M[AΓNЄTΩN], warrior with spear and shield standing right over fallen warrior on ground, leaning on shield. Very fine.
Hypaipa (AD 238-244) AE 33 - Gordian III388 viewsGordian III, 238-244 AD. AE33 (20.01g, 6h). Laureate, draped, and cuirassed bust right, seen from behind / Tyche standing left, holding rudder and cornucopia, before facing cult statue of Artemis-Anaïtis. VF, green patina, light roughness.
Kyzikos (BC 430-400) Hemiobol388 viewsca 480-450 BC. AR Hemiobol (0.50g, 9mm). Forepart of boar left, tunny upward behind / Head of roaring lion left, E (retrograde) above. Apparently unpublished with E.
Ephesos (BC 190-150) AE 16388 viewsca 2nd century BC. AE16 (3.63g). E-Φ, bee within wreath / stag feeding right; quiver above, AΓHNΩP (magistrate) in exergue. Nice very fine.
Kos (BC 190-166) Hemidrachm388 viewsca 190-167 BC. AR Hemidrachm (12mm, 1.36g). Theugenes, magistrate. Head of Herakles right, wearing lion's skin headdress / Κ-ΩΙΟ-Ν, crab; ΘΕΥΓΕΝΗ[Σ] and club below. Good VF. Very rare. Dewing is sole published example of this type with club below magistrate name.
Kyzikos (BC 450-400) Hemiobol - winged boar388 viewsca 450-400 BC. AR Hemiobol (0.47g, 8mm, 12h). Forepart of winged boar left; to right, tunny upward / Head of roaring lion left; crescent above; all within incuse square. Unpublished in the standard references. VF, toned, rough, granular surfaces.1 comments
Alabanda (AD 193-211) AE 26 - Septimius Severus388 viewsSeptimius Severus, 193-211 AD. AE26 (8.5g). AYK Λ CЄ CЄVHPOC CЄ, laureate and cuirassed bust right / AΛΑΒΑΝΔЄΩΝ, Zeus standing left, holding eagle and sceptre. Very fine; minor edge fault.
Kaisareia (AD 54-68) Drachm - Nero & Agrippina II388 viewsNero with Agrippina II, 54-68 AD. AR Drachm (3.74g, 16mm). NERO CLAVD DIVI CLAVD F CAESAR AVG GERMANI, laureate head of Nero right / AGRIPPINA AVGVSTA MATER AVGVSTI, veiled and draped bust of Agrippina left; monogram to right. Very rare. aVF.
Selge (BC 200-0) AE 16387 viewsca 2nd-1st cent BC. AE16 (5.12g). Round shield with ΠΟ monogram in center / Head of Athena right, wearing Attic helmet. Green patina, VF.
Rhodes (BC 31-AD 60) AE 34387 viewsca 31 BC-60 AD. AE34 (19.26g, 1h). Hierokles, magistrate. Radiate head of young Dionysos right, wearing ivy wreath / Nike standing left on globe, holding [aplustre or wreath]; IERO/[KL]E(o)U[C] in right field. Near VF, mottled brown patina with green overtones, partial flat strike on reverse. Drewry Coll.; Purchased from A.H. Baldwin, June 1978.
Isinda (AD 251-253) AE 32 - Trebonianus Gallus387 viewsTrebonianus Gallus, 251-253 AD. AE32 (18.95g) Laureate bust right / Mounted warrior charging right. Fine.
Karallia (AD 166-177) AE 18 - Commodus387 viewsCommodus, as Caesar, 166-177 AD. AE18 (5.69g). Laureate head right / Athena standing left, holding Nike and spear; shield at her feet. VF, green patina.
Anemurion (AD 38-72) AE 28 - Antiochos IV387 viewsAntiochos IV of Commagene, with Iotape, 38-72 AD. AE28 (12.91g, 12h). Diademed and draped bust of Antiochos right / Iotape seated left, holding phiale and scepter. EF, obverse die break, glossy light olive-green patina.
Seleukeia (AD 161-180) AE 19 - Marcus Aurelius387 viewsMarcus Aurelius, as Caesar, 139-161 AD. AE19 (6.37g, 12h). Bare-headed, draped bust right / Bull walking right, above, star and crescent. Good VF, light green patina, a little rough.
Perge (AD 198-217) AE 21 - Caracalla387 viewsCaracalla, 198-217 AD. AE21 (6.72g, 7h). Laureate, draped, and curiassed bust right; c/m: eagle standing facing, head left / Cult idol of Artemis within distyle temple. Near VF, green patina. Ex Wagner Coll.
Sardeis (BC 27-AD 14) AE 20 - Augustus387 viewsAugustus, 27 BC-14 AD. AE20 (6.84g), struck under magistrate Musaios. Homonoia between Sardeis and Pergamon. CEBACTOV, bare head right / SAPΔIANΩN - KAI ΠEPΓAMHNΩN, bearded Demos in himation standing left, and youthful Demos in short chiton standing right, each holding transverse scepter, clasping hands; MOV/SAI/OS in field between them. Very rare, F+, blue-green patina, somewhat patchy.
Anazarbos (AD 244-249) AE 27 - Philip II387 viewsPhilip II, as Caesar, 244-249 AD. AE27 (11.68g). Dated year 263 (244-245 AD). M IOVΛ ΦIΛIΠΠOC KAICAP, draped bust right / ANAZAPBOV MHTPOΠ/ ЄT ΓIC, Capricorn left on globe. GVF.
Aigeai (AD 96-98) AE 30 - Nerva387 viewsNerva, 96-98 AD. AE30 (13.60g) Dated City Year 145 (98/99 AD). Laureate head right / ΑΙΓΕΑΙΩΝ/ EMP/ ΦΙΛΑ/ΔΕ[...], Dikaiosyne with scales and cornucopiae left. Rare. Green and brown patina. Very fine.
Bruzos (AD 193-211) AE 23 – Septimius Severus387 viewsSeptimius Severus, 193-211 AD. AE23 (9.24g). ΑΥΤ Κ Λ CЄΠΤ CЄΟΥΗΡΟC Π, laureate head right / ΒΡΟΥZΗΝΩΝ, Zeus enthroned to left, with scepter and phiale. Nice glossy brown patina, edge defect, very fine.
Mylasa (BC 170-130) Drachm387 viewsca 170-130 BC. AR Drachm (14mm, 2.33g). Facing head of Helios, bird on cheek / Rose, bud to right. Good VF, recently cleaned.
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