Asia Minor Coins - Photo Gallery

Ancient Greek and Roman coins from Asia Minor

Most viewed - Asia Minor General
Uncertain (BC 510) Drachm2433 viewsca 510 BC. AR Drachm (3.95g). Head of Gorgon facing / Incuse square divided into four compartments, three containing a pellet and one a crescent. Extremely rare. Nicely toned. Very fine.
Persian Kings (BC 420-375) Daric2370 viewsAchaemenid Persia, ca 450-330 BC. AV Daric (8.30g). Great King running right, holding transverse spear in right hand and bow in left / Irregular rectangular incuse. Extremely fine. Displayed at Cincinnati Art Museum, 1994-2008, no. 69 (obverse illustrated in guide). Acquired from Harlan J. Berk, May 1995.
Uncertain (BC 600-550) EL Hekte2260 viewsca 600-550 BC. EL Hekte (2.73g), probably on the Phokaian weight standard. Scorpion / Irregular incuse square. Apparently unpublished and unknown. Some minor marks, otherwise EF. Ex Gorny & Mosch 190 (10/2010), 245.

This is an extraordinary piece, quite clearly on the Phokaian standard (as is the piece in the Leu sale - there are lighter electrum pieces with scorpions, as Weidauer 170, but they seem to be on the Milesian standard). The possibility that this piece may have been produced in Thrace or Macedon, given the well known bee that is found on uncertain silver coins from that area (CNG Auction 88, 75) is not unlikely, especially given the rather rough incuse square. There is also a very similar scorpion on some slightly later silver coins that are now also attributed to northern Greece since some have been found there (as SNG Copenhagen 377 and SNG con Aulock 6664 - both published as being from Asia Minor).
Uncertain Satrap (BC 350-341) Tetradrachm2064 viewsAchaemenid Period, ca 350-334 BC. AR Tetradrachm (15.10g, 5h), struck ca 350-341 BC in Caria? Persian king or hero in kneeling-running stance right, drawing bow / Satrap on horseback right, thrusting spear. VF, attractive dark iridescent toning, flat strike. Rare. Ex CNG 36 (12/1995), lot 2079; Spink America (5/1995), lot 230; Pixodarus Hoard, 23.

The archer-horseman tetradrachms are one of the most enigmatic Persian coinages struck in Asia Minor prior to the invasion of Alexander the Great. Though various symbols and letters occur in the fields, no inscription exists to help us identify the issuer, mint, or purpose of issue. Konuk, however, identified two series, with and without subsidiary symbols on the reverse. Also, analysis of the Pixodarus Hoard has allowed the coinage to be dated from the decade beginning circa 350 BC. Additionally, as only the earlier, non-symbol, type is represented, Meadows concluded that the date of deposit of the hoard, 341 BC, served as a tentative divider between the two series.
Uncertain (BC 500) Bull 2 - Diobol1677 viewsca 500 BC. AR Diobol (1.24g). Head of bull left / Incuse punch. Good VF. Unpublished.1 comments
Seleukid anchor on Pamphylia, Side1641 viewsPamphylia, Side, ca 200-190 BC. AR Tetradrachm (16.44g). Head of Athena right, countermark: anchor / Nike advancing left, holding wreath. F.
Persian Kings (BC 530) AV Stater1608 viewsStruck in Sardeis, ca 530 BC. Light AV Stater (8.04g). Confronted foreparts of lion (on left) and bull (on right), each with stretched foreleg / Two incuse squares of different sizes. Rare. Extremely fine. Struck under Achaemenid rule.
Uncertain (BC 27-AD 41) AE 121499 viewsAE12 (1.82g). CAESAR […], bare head right / star and crescent. Very fine.
Uncertain (AD 117-138) Cistophoric Tetradrachm - Hadrian1472 viewsHadrian, 117-138 AD. AR Cistophoric Tetradrachm (11.09g, 5h). Mint E. Struck after 128 AD. Laureate head left / Pax-Tyche standing left, holding olive branch and cornucopiae; at feet, anchor above prow left. VF. Overstruck on a cistophorus of Augustus, Very rare.
Rose on Kilikia, Soloi1287 viewsCilicia, Soloi, 3rd-2nd cent BC. AE23 (7.78). Rose countermark on obv. Head of Artemis right, wearing stephane, bow and quiver / Athena advancing right, brandishing thunderbolt and shield, monograms behind. VF.
Uncertain (BC 530-480) Trihemiobol1177 viewsca 530-500 BC. AR Trihemiobol (1.18g). Tunny fish right / Irregular incuse. Ex Rosen Coll.1 comments
Autophradates (BC 380-355) AE 111157 viewsIonia/Lydia, uncertain mint, Autophradates, Persian satrap in Lydia ca 392-388 BC, and in Ionia and Lydia ca 380-355 BC. AE11 (1.25g). Head of bearded Persian Satrap in tiara right / Fish hook-like symbol. Very fine, rare.
Persian Kings (BC 420-375) Daric1142 viewsca 420-375 BC. AV Daric (8.35g). Great King of Persia running right, wearing kidaris, holding bow in his left hand, spear with his right hand / Rectangular incuse. Insignificant knock on edge. Almost extremely fine.
Persian Kings (BC 520-510) 1/12 Siglos1125 viewsTime of Darios I, ca 520/15-500/490 BC. AR 1/12 Siglos (0.86g, 9mm). Kroiseid type. Confronted foreparts of lion and bull / Incuse punch. Very fine.
Persian Kings (BC 520-505) Siglos1059 viewsTime of Darios I, ca 520-505 BC. AR Siglos (5.28g). Half-length bust of Persian king or hero right, holding bow and arrows / Incuse punch. Good VF, toned, slightly granular surfaces.
Autophradates (BC 380-355) AE1049 viewsIonia/Lydia, uncertain mint, Autophradates, Persian satrap in Lydia ca. 392-388 BC and in Ionia and Lydia ca. 380-355 BC. AE (1.19g). Head of bearded Persian Satrap in tiara right / OA and symbol. Black patina, VF, very rare.
Memnon (BC 340-334) Tetradrachm1042 viewsMemnon of Rhodes, Satrap in Ionia, ca 340-334 BC. Ephesos? AR Tetradrachm (15.03g). Persian king or hero in kneeling-running stance right, holding spear and bow, ΔΗ to left / Incuse relief map of the hinterland of Ephesos(?). EF. Extremely rare.
Memnon (BC 338-334) Drachm1039 viewsMemnon, Satrap in Ionia, ca 338-334 BC. Ephesos? AR Drachm (3.75g). Head of Satrap right, wearing Persian tiara (bashlyk) / Persian King kneeling right, holding bow and spear, ΒΑΣΙΛΕ to left, within incuse square. VF. Extremely rare.
Uncertain Satrap (BC 500-450) Hemiobol1006 views5th century BC. AR Hemiobol (0.30g, 6mm). Bearded head right, wearing satrapal headdress / Quadripartite incuse square. Good VF, toned. Extremely rare.
??? on Pamhylia, Aspendos931 viewsPamphylia, Aspendos, ca 420-400 BC. AR Stater (10.67g). Two wrestlers grappling; the one on the left holding his opponent's leg, the one the right holding a belt wrapped around his opponent's waist / [EΣTF E]ΔΙΙVΣ, slinger to right; triskeles in field. Two countermarks (monster? and ???), irregular flan, very fine.
Memnon (BC 340-334) Siglos924 viewsMemnon of Rhodes, Satrap in Ionia, ca 340-334 BC. Ephesos? AR Siglos (5.46g, 3h). Persian king or hero in kneeling-running stance right, holding dagger and bow / Incuse relief map of the hinterland of Ephesos(?). Good VF, trace of encrustation on reverse. Extremely rare.

The reverse depicts what Johnston interprets as a relief map of the hinterland of Ephesos (the earliest Greek map and first physical relief map known) - the mountains Tmolos and Messogis between the river valleys of the Caister and Maeander, and three mountain ridges (Madranbaba Dagi, Karincali Dagi, and Akaba Tepesi). Johnston follows Six in suggesting that the coins were probably struck under the Persian general Memnon at Ephesos, circa 336-334 BC, in order to pay his army after he had captured the city, but before his defeat by Alexander at the Battle of Granicus in 334. However, this theory is still debated and doubted by some scholars, most recently by Leo Mildenberg.
Persian Kings (BC 505-480) Siglos922 viewsTime of Darios I to Xerxes I, ca 505-480 BC. AR Siglos (5.23g). Persian king or hero in kneeling-running stance right, drawing bow / Incuse punch. Good VF, toned, surfaces a little granular. Well centered.
(BC 700-500) EL 1/3 Stater918 viewsAsia Minor Uncertain, ca 7th-6th century BC. EL 1/3 Stater Ingot (4.9g, 18mm). Plain convex surface / Plain flat surface.
??? on Pamhylia, Aspendos916 viewsPamhylia, Aspendos, ca 420-400. AR Stater (10.65g, 29mm). Nude wrestlers, M between / Slinger right, herm to right. Three round countermarks on rev: helmeted head of Athena right, facing radiate head(?), and slightly barbaric head of Athena with crested helmet right (?). Oval flan. Very fine.
Uncertain Satrap (BC 350-341) Tetradrachm913 viewsAchaemenid Period, circa 350-334 BC. AR Tetradrachm (15.07g, 12h), struck ca 341-334 BC in Caria? Persian king or hero in kneeling-running stance right, drawing bow / Satrap on horseback right, thrusting spear; to left, bearded male head right. Good VF, toned, minor porosity. Unpublished variety of an extremely rare type with symbol on reverse. Ex Gorny & Mosch 117 (10/2002), lot 335 (where it realized EUR 4200).
Gamerses (400-380) AE 13911 viewsGamerses, Satrap of Lydia, early 4th cent BC. AE13 (1.69g). Youthful head with short hair (with a braided strand in back) right (Eunuch Gamerses?), wearing earring and necklace / Zeus standing right, holding sceptre in right hand, eagle in left; star to left, ΓΑΜΕΡΣΟΥ to right. EF, dark green patina. Gutknecht Coll., ex Bank Leu AG, Zurich, 1992.
Uncertain (BC 425-375) Diobol B2901 viewslate 5th-early 4th century BC. AR Diobol (1.18g, 11mm, 6h). Forepart of boar right; monogram below / Forepart of lion right, bunch of grapes below. Good VF, slightly rough surfaces. Unpublished in the standard references.
Memnon (BC 350-334) AE 13873 viewsMemnon of Rhodes?, ca 350-334 BC. AE13 (1.54g). Persian King running/kneeling right, holding bow and spear / Dynastic symbol? Fine dark green patina with some red patches, EF. Rare. Gutknecht coll.
Persian Kings (BC 375-340) Siglos860 viewsUncertain kings. Sardes, ca 420-350 BC. AR Siglos (5.51g). Persian king or hero running right, holding dagger and bow / Oblong incuse, mostly filled. Exquisite style. Extremely fine.
Uncertain (BC 480-420) Obol832 views5th century BC. AR Obol (7mm, 0.68g). Elements of Chimaera: foreparts of lion, stag, and dragon(?), joined together at center and radiating outward / Facing gorgoneion within incuse square. Unpublished. VF, toned, some porosity. Possibly unique.

This coin appears to be the obol denomination for a series featuring the Chimaera on the obverse and a gorgoneion in incuse on the reverse, for which drachms and hemidrachms are known.
Uncertain (BC 27-AD 14) Cistophoric Tetradrachm - Augustus822 viewsAugustus, 27 BC-14 AD. AR Cistophoric Tetradrachm (10.59g, 6h). Unidentified mint C. Restitution issue struck under Hadrian, after 128 AD. Bare head of Augustus right / Hadrian standing left, holding grain ears. VF, toned, graffiti on reverse. Rare.
Uncertain (BC 27-AD 14) AE 18 - Augustus818 viewsAsia Minor, uncertain mint (Pisidia, Comama?). Augustus, 27 BC-14 AD. AE18 (6.16g). IMP CAESAR DIVI [F AVGVSTVS COS VIII], bare head of Caesar / T•VOMAN•M•MEMM•FLAM•QVINQ•ITER, twin goddesses with kalathos seated facing. Very fine.
Uncertain (AD 14) AE 25 - Augustus817 viewsDivus Augustus, died 14 AD. AE25 (10.20g, 12h). Bare head right / ΘEON AYTOKP A [TOPA], capricorn right, holding globe, bearing cornucopia on back. VF, black-green patina. Ex Villemur Coll.; ex Freeman & Sear 3 (12/1996), lot 724 .

While Grant in Essays Mattingly posited a mint in Cilicia for this coin’s origin, his hypothesis is far from conclusive. The similarity between this coin and RPC 5448 suggests they are part of the same issue, possibly struck shortly after the accession of Tiberius to the throne and the deification of Augustus, as evidenced by the legend, ΘEON AYTOKP A [TOPA].
Persian Kings (BC 485-420) Siglos811 viewsca 475-420 BC. AR Siglos (4.45g). Great Persian King with spear and bow in kneeling-running position right / Incuse with irregular ground. VF.
Uncertain (BC 500) Bull 1 - Diobol794 viewsafter 500 BC. AR Diobol? (1.49g). Head of bull left / Incuse punch with crossing lines. VF. 1 comments
Persian Kings (BC 375-336) 1/8 Siglos783 viewsTemp. Artaxerxes II to Darios III, ca 375-336 BC. AR 1/8 Siglos (10mm, 0.70g). Persian king or hero in kneeling-running right, holding spear and bow, quiver over shoulder / Patterned incuse punch. Good VF, lightly toned, porous.
Uncertain Satrap (BC 350-341) Tetradrachm778 viewsMemnon?, ca 350-341 BC. AR Tetradrachm (15.27g). Persian king kneeling right, drawing bow; quiver on shoulder / Satrap on horse galloping right. Attractively toned, nice VF, choice flan. Very nice for this scarce issue.
Spithridates (BC 334) AE769 viewsSpithridates, Satrap in Lydia and Ionia, ca 334 BC. AE (1.71g). Head of satrap right, wearing Persian headdress / Protome of horse right; monogram in upper left field, ΣΠΙ below. Dark green patina, EF. Rare.

Spithridates fell 344 BC at the Battle of Granikos in the duel against Alexander of Macedonia.
Sphinx on Pamphylia, Perge769 viewsca 3rd cent BC. AE18 (3.96g). Statue of Artemis of Perga within distyle temple; countermark: sphinx seated right / Bow and quiver. Good Fine, glossy brown patina, bold countermark.
Uncertain (BC 200-100) Drachm?767 views2nd century BC. AR Drachm(?) (2.04g, 14mm, 12h). Radiate head of Helios facing slightly right / Eagle, with spread wings, standing right on thunderbolt; T to right. VF, find patina, some porosity.

The types on this issue are fairly common in the regions of southwest Asia Minor, Caria, Phrygia, and Lycia. The combination of these two types on a single issue, however, is unknown. At the same time, only one city, Kibyra in Phrygia, used both of these types on its coinage (cf. SNG von Aulock 3719 and 3720). Attribution to that city, though, is doubtful as all of its known issues bear the city ethnic.
Uncertain (BC 480-420) Hemidrachm760 views5th century BC. AR Hemidrachm - Triobol (1.93g, 10mm, 12h). Forepart of Chimaira right / Facing gorgoneion within incuse square. VF, porous. Extremely rare.
Orontes (BC 357-352) Tetrobol753 viewsOrontes, Satrap of Mysia, ca 357-352 BC. AR Tetrobol (2.64g, 12h), struck at Kisthene. Nude hoplite crouching left behind shield, spear at ready / Forepart of winged boar right, OPO-NT-A around. Good VF, lightly toned. Choice flan. Very rare
Triangular incuse with owl on Ionia, Klazomenai734 viewsca 375-340 BC. AE17 (3.9g). Three-quarter facing head of Athena, head turned slightly right, wearing triple crested helmet decorated with olive branch, earrings and necklace, countermark: triangular incuse containing double-bodied owl (?) / KLAZOMENIΩN, ram walking right, two bees in exergue. VF.
Gamerses (400-380) AE 13726 viewsGamerses, Satrap of Lydia, early 4th cent BC. AE13 (1.52g). Youthful head with short hair (with a braided strand in back) right (Eunuch Gamerses?), wearing earring and necklace / Zeus standing right, holding sceptre in right hand, eagle in left; star to left, ΓΑΜΕΡΣΟΥ to right. EF, dark green patina.
Arrow, janiform head, eagle, helmeted head, ram on Pamphylia, Aspendos714 viewsPamphylia, Aspendos. ca 420-360 BC. AR Drachm (5.43g). Warrior on horseback to right, brandishing spear / Boar standing left; five countermarks: incuse arrow, janiform head, eagle, helmeted head, ram. VF, toned. Ex CNG 37 (3/1996), lot 568.
Memnon (BC 340-334) Tetradrachm712 viewsMemnon of Rhodes, Satrap in Ionia, ca 340-334 BC. Ephesos? AR Tetradrachm (15.19g). Persian king or hero in kneeling-running stance right, holding spear and bow / Incuse relief map of the hinterland of Ephesos(?). Toned, EF. Extremely rare.
Autophradates (BC 380-355) Trihemiobol712 viewsAutophradates, Satrap of Sparda (Lydia and Ionia), circa 380s-350s BC. AR Diobol(?) (10mm, 1.01g, 10h). Head left, wearing satrapal cap / Head of horse left; OATA above, ΠO monogram to lower left. VF, dark find patina. Very rare.

Autophradates distinguished himself in the Great Satraps Revolt (365-360 BC) by supporting Artaxerxes II and imprisoning the satrap of Lydia and Ionia, Artabazos (Dem. Aristoc. 671). In 333 BC, Autophradates, along with his fellow-commander, Pharnabazos, took over the Persian fleet and completed the siege of Mytilene, which had been begun by Memnon. In the Greek revolts which arose in the Aegean and western Asia Minor as a result of Alexander III’s victories, Autophradates tried to return these areas to Persian control (Arr. Anab. 2.1; Arist. Pol. 2.4.10). Little else is known of his subsequent career, although it is possible that he was among those satraps who presented themselves before Alexander at Zadracarta (Arr. Anab. 3.23).
Uncertain (BC 450-400) Dynast 3 - Tetartemorion711 views5th century BC. AR Tetartemorion (0.19g, 5mm) Head of eagle right / circular symbol (wreath or diadem?) or monogram within incuse square.
Uncertain (BC 550-520) Obol694 viewsca 6th century BC. AR Obol (7mm, 0.71g). Grain ear? / Quadripartite incuse. VF. Very rare and unpublished in the standard works.
Uncertain Satrap (BC 350-341) Tetradrachm 689 viewsCaria, Achaemenid Period, ca 350-334 BC. AR Tetradrachm (14.21g, 6h). Struck circa 350-341 BC. Persian king or hero in kneeling-running stance right, drawing bow / Persian satrap on horseback right, thrusting spear held in his right hand, left hand on rein. Good VF, toned, a few traces of porosity. Both dies engraved in the finest style for the type, displaying unusual detail in the facial features and musculature.
Persian Kings (BC 420-330) 1/4 Siglos687 viewsca 375-340 BC. AR 1/4 Siglos (1.27g, 9mm). Persian king or hero right in kneeling-running stance, holding spear and bow / Incuse punch. Toned, very fine.
Orontes (BC 357-352) Tetrobol684 viewsOrontes, Satrap of Mysia, ca 357-352 BC. AR Tetrobol (2.53g), struck in Adramytteion? Helmeted head of Athena left / OPON-T-A, forepart of Pegasos right. VF, light porosity. Very rare - Troxell was able to locate only 8 specimens in her study.
Uncertain (BC 480-470) Hemiobol682 viewsPantikapaion (?). ca 5th century BC. AR Hemiobol (0.61g). Head of panther facing / Quadripartite incuse square. VF.
Persian Kings (BC 375-340) Siglos680 viewsca 375-340 BC. AR Siglos (5.55g, 14mm). Persian king or hero right in kneeling-running stance, holding dagger and bow; countermark / test-punch: face / Incuse punch. aVF.
Uncertain (BC 470-440) Tetartemorion671 views5th century BC. AR Tetartemorion? (0.17g). Scorpion viewed from above, tail curling left / Quadripartite incuse square with pellet in each quarter. Apparently unpublished. Fine, extremely rare. The scorpion type is well established for Caria, but only as a reverse.1 comments
Autophradates (BC 380-355) Trihemiobol671 viewsAutophradates, Persian Satrap in Lydia ca 392-388 BC and in Ionia and Lydia ca 380-355 BC. AR Trihemiobol (1.03g). Head of Satrap left, wearing Persian tiara / OATA, horse's head in profile facing slightly left. Toned, rev. weak strike, VF, very rare.
Bee on Pamphylia, Side Drachm670 viewsPamphylia, Side AR Drachm (3.66g, 18.38mm). Porosity, coin F, countermark good very fine.
Memnon (BC 350-340) AE 13664 viewsMemnon, Satrap in Ionia, ca 350-340 BC. Ephesos? AE13 (2.15g). Persian king kneeling right, holding bow and spear, BA behind; countermark: star / Incuse relief map of the hinterland of Ephesos(?). Nice VF, glossy brown patina, possibly overstruck. Very rare.
(BC 500-300) Lead weight - hemihekte662 viewsca 500 BC. Hemihekte lead weight (1.31g, 13.3x8.6mm). Head of Silenos facing / Incuse scallop shell. gVF. Carr coll.

This lead piece appears to be a coin weight for an electrum hemihekte of Phocaic standard. The facing head of Silenos types are commonly found on coins from Sicily, Macedonia, Lesbos, Mysia and Ionia. The scallop shell, while a common type for Italy and Sicily, was used as a control symbol across the Greek world. The weight is appropriate for an electrum hemihekte of standard and type struck in Asia Minor. This appears to be the first recorded specimen, but is consistent with those anticipated by Lang and Crosby, “The Athenian Agora - Volume X: Weights, Measures and Tokens” (1964).
Banker's marks on Persian Siglos648 viewsAchaemenid Empire, time of Darios I to Xerxes II. ca 485-420 BC. AR Siglos (15mm, 5.42g). Persian king or hero in kneeling-running right, holding spear and bow, quiver over shoulder / Incuse punch. Near VF, lightly toned, bankers’ marks.
Spithridates (BC 334) Tetrobol647 viewsSpithridates, Satrap of Lydia and Ionia under Darius III, ca 335/4 BC. AR Tetrobol (2.25g). Head of satrap left, wearing Persian headdress / Forepart of Pegasos right, ΣΠI-ΘPI behind and below. Extremely rare portrait of satrap. EF.

The Lampsakene reverse (Pegasos rather than a horse) might point to a date in early spring 334, when (or shortly before) Alexander crossed the Hellespont.
Persian Kings (BC 505-480) 1/12 Siglos643 viewsca 500-485 BC. AR 1/12 Siglos (0.39g). Persian king or hero right, in kneeling-running stance, drawing bow / Incuse punch. Toned VF, typical light porosity. Rare fraction of a rare early issue.
Uncertain (BC 480-450) Tetrobol639 views5th century BC. AR Tetrobol (3.38g). Forepart of winged horse right / Head of a satyr right, within dotted incuse square. Fine/near VF, even porosity. Very rare.
Uncertain (BC 500) Bull 3 - Obol637 viewsLate 6th century BC. AR Obol (8mm, 0.56g). Head of cow left / Incuse punch with rhombus and central pellet. VF, some encrustation.
Persian Kings (BC 505-480) 1/3 Siglos635 viewsTime of Darios, ca 510-486 BC. AR 1/3 Siglos (1.72g). Persian king or hero in kneeling-running stance right, drawing bow / Incuse punch. Toned, VF. Rare.
Bow case on Pamphylia, Side630 viewsPamphylia, Side. ca 200-190 BC. AR Tetradrachm (16.18g). Head of Athena right, wearing crested Corinthian helmet; countermark: bow in bowcase with TOP to left / Nike advancing left, holding wreath; pomegranate above DEI (magistrate) to left. Fine, bold countermark. The TOP counterstamp was applied by an unidentified authority.
Persian Kings (BC 375-340) Siglos627 viewsca 375-340 BC. AR Siglos (5.52g, 15mm). Persian king or hero right in kneeling-running stance, holding dagger and bow / Incuse punch. gVF.
Seleukid anchor on Tarkondimotos624 viewsTarkondimotos, king of Eastern Cilicia, 39-31 BC. Hieropolis-Castabala. AE21. Diademed head right, countermark: Seleukid anchor / Zeus seated left, holding Nike and scepter. VF.
Bow case on Pamphylia, Side623 viewsPamphylia, Side. ca 200-190 BC. AR Tetradrachm (16.52g). Head of Athena right, countermark: bow in bow case with Α-ΠΑ / Nike advancing left, holding wreath. VF.
Spithradates (BC 334) AE 10623 viewsSpithridates, Satrap in Lydia and Ionia, ca 334 BC. AE10 (1.13g, 2h). Head of satrap right, wearing Persian headdress / Protome of horse right; monogram in upper left field. EF, black patina with trace of orange in obverse crevices.
Uncertain (BC 440-390) Wheel - Tetartemorion619 viewsca 5th century BC. AR Tetartemorion (0.14g). Head of eagle left / Four-spoked wheel in deep incuse circle. VF. Very rare. Mueller Coll.1 comments
Bee on Lykia, Termessos Minor616 viewsLycia, Termessos Minor, 1st cent BC. AE20 (3.69g). Head of Apollo right; countermark: bee / [TER]MHS - SEWN, 5-string lyre. VF.
Caracalla on Karia, Stratonikaia613 viewsSeptimius Severus, 193-211 AD. AE38 (26.98g). Laureate head right; c/m: laureate bust of Caracalla right / Emperor on horseback right, holding sceptre. Fine, brown patina. From the Ian Roper Collection.
Orontes (BC 357-352) Tetrobol604 viewsOrontes, Satrap of Mysia, ca 357-352 BC. AR Tetrobol (2.53g, 14mm), struck in Adramytteion? Head of Athena right, wearing helmet with large crest / ORONTA, forepart of Pegasss right, in incuse square. Unpublished variety of a very rare issue. VF/gVF.
Uncertain (BC 470-440) Tetartemorion600 viewsca 5th century BC. AR Tetartemorion (0.16g). Head of lion (of fine style) right / Quadripartite incuse square with 4 pellets in center of each quarter.1 comments
Uncertain (AD 69-79) AE 16 - Vespasian, Titus and Domitian594 viewsVespasian, with Titus and Domitian, Caesars, 69-79 AD. AE16 (3.96g). Laureate head of Vespasian right / Confronted busts of Titus and Domitian; star between. Fine, green patina. Rare.
Uncertain (AD 69-79) AE 16 - Vespasian, Titus and Domitian586 viewsVespasian, with Titus and Domitian as Caesars, 69-79 AD. AE22 (9.73g, 6h). Laureate head of Vespasian left / Bare heads of Titus and Domitian, Caesars vis-à-vis. VF, green patina, minor flan flaw on obverse. Tricarico coll.; Ex Righetti coll., 6370.
Persian Kings (BC 505-480) 1/6 Siglos584 viewsca 500-490/85 BC. AR 1/6 Siglos (0.85g). Persian king or hero right in kneeling-running stance, drawing bow / Incuse punch. Toned, VF. Rare.
Memnon (BC 350-340) AE 578 viewsMemnon, Satrap in Ionia, ca 350-334 BC. Ephesos? AE (1.57g). Persian king kneeling right, holding bow and spear, [BA behind?] / Incuse relief map of the hinterland of Ephesos(?). Dark green patina, light corrosion, VF. R. Mueller coll.; ex Klein coll.
Spithridates (BC 334) AE574 viewsSpithridates, Satrap in Lydia and Ionia, ca 334 BC. AE (1.23g). Head of satrap right, wearing Persian tiara (bashlyk) / Forepart of horse right, regal symbol above, ΣΠ below. VF-EF.
Uncertain (BC 450-400) Dynast 3 - Tetartemorion574 views5th cent BC. AR Tetartemorion (0.20g). Head of eagle right / Uncertain symbol or monogram.
Horse on Paphlagonia, Sinope574 viewsPaphlagonia, Sinope, ca 415-365 BC. AR Drachm (6.15g). Head of Nymph Sonope left, wearing sakkos; countermark: horse left / Sea eagle on dolphin. VF/F.
Orontes (BC 357-352) AE 12573 viewsOrontes, Satrap of Mysia, 357-352 BC. AE12 (1.45g), struck in Adramytteion. Laureate head of Zeus right / OPO-N-T-A, forepart of Pegasos right. Light brown patina, VF. Gutknecht coll.
Gamerses (400-380) AE568 viewsGamerses, Satrap of Lydia, early 4th century BC. AE (1.45g). Youthful head with short hair right (Eunuch Gamerses?), wearing earring and necklace / Zeus standing right, holding scepter and eagle; star to left, [ΓΑΜΕΡΣΟΥ to right]. Dark green patina, EF. Rare.
Eagle and trident on Kilikia, Nagidos563 viewsCalicia, Nagidos, 356-333 BC. AR Stater (10.22g) Aphrodite seated left holding phiale, Eros in front flies to crown her with wreath, mouse below seat / NAGIDEWN, Dionysus standing left, chlamys over shoulder and lower body, holding thyrsus and vine branch with grapes, H in field above, G (erased in the die), D below; countermark: eagle and trident (cf Lederer 42, gp II). Dark tone, test cut, almost extremely fine.
Bow case on Pamphylia, Side557 viewsPamphylia, Side, ca 200-190 BC. AR Tetradrachm (15.86g). Head of Athena right, wearing crested Corinthian helmet; countermark: bow in bowcase with ΤΡΑΛ to left / Nike advancing left, holding wreath; pomegranate above DEI (magistrate) to left. Fine, bold countermark.
Autophradates (BC 380-355) AE553 viewsIonia/Lydia, uncertain mint. Autophradates, Persian satrap in Lydia ca 388-355 BC and in Ionia and Lydia ca 380-355 BC. AE (1.12g). Head of bearded Satrap right, wearing Persian tiara / corn-ear, monogram, OA. Olive-green patina, VF. Very rare. R. Mueller coll.
Uncertain (BC 450-400) Tetartemorion551 views5th century BC. AR 6mm (0.16g). Uncertain design / Head lion left, four pellets above. Inspired by Kyzikos-“Boar & tunny / lion” issues. Unpublished (?). Good very fine.
Persian Kings (BC 375-340) Siglos549 viewsca 375-340 BC. AR Siglos (5.46g, 15mm). Persian king or hero right in kneeling-running stance, holding dagger and bow / Incuse punch. VF.
Uncertain (BC 300-200) AE 14548 viewsca 3rd century BC. AE14 (3.25g). Laureate female (?) head left / Four-leaf blooming flower? Green patina, gVF. H.H. Gutknecht Coll.; ex M. Laffaille Coll. and Muenzen und Medaillen AG, Basel Auk. 76 (1991), lot 662.
Uncertain (BC 425-375) AV546 views4th century BC. AV (17mm, 3.44g, 5h). Forepart of boar right / Forepart of lion right. Near EF, traces of deposits in devices, a couple of minor field marks. Unique.

This puzzling coin is clearly in the same series as a small group of silver fractions of identical types and style that have trickled onto the market over the past five years with weights averaging 1.12g. Although the types suggest an origin in Asia Minor (e.g. Kyzikos), anecdotal information suggests an area further east in the region of Baktria. The weight is also mysterious - it does not seem to bear any clear relationship to the weight standards prevalent in the eastern Mediterranean, but is almost exactly three times the weight of the silver fractions, suggesting that the coins may have been intended to circulate locally in a closed exchange area rather than as part of the international financial system. The unusual weight on an apparent local standard supports the suggestion that this issue should be attributed to some region in central Asia remote from western commerce.
Uncertain (BC 450-400) Hemiobol544 viewsThrako-Makedonian? 5th century BC. AR Hemiobol (ca 0.20g). Head of ram left / Kantharos in deep incuse square.
Helios on Kilikia, Tarsos542 views1st century BC. AE21 (6.54g). Veiled and turreted bust of City-Goddess (Tyche) right; countermark on her face in the shape of a male radiate head (Helios?) in circular incuse / Pyre of Sandan in pyramidal shape, crowned by an eagle with spread wings standing right on a small round base; within, cult statue of Sandan wearing polos and holding double axe standing right on a winged and horned lion, right hand raised; left and right besides a baetylus; altogether on a round base decorated with garlands; in right field TAP[Σ]EΩN, in left field AP / AP / ΔI / Θ. About VF, slight roughness. Hoeft coll.
Kerykeion (caduceus) on Mysia, Kyzikos541 viewsMysia, Kyzikos, 300-200 BC. AE28 (14.51g). Caduceus countermark on reverse.
Persian Kings (BC 420-330) 1/32 Siglos534 viewsUncertain King, 450-400 BC. 1/32 Siglos (0.14g). Draped bust of Persian hero-king right / Oblong incuse. Rare. Good VF.
Nike on Prusias II532 viewsPrusias II, 182-149 BC. AE29 (13.35g). Head of Athena right, countermark: Nike flying left / Nike advancing left. F.
Spithridates (BC 334) Diobol 530 viewsSpithridates. Satrap of Lydia and Ionia, circa 334 BC. AR Diobol (1.32g, 12h). Head of Spithridates right, wearing Persian headdress / Forepart of horse right; monogram above, ΣΠΙ below. Unpublished as a silver issue. VF, light roughness. Possibly unique.
Uncertain (AD 117-138) Cistophoric Tetradrachm - Hadrian528 viewsHadrian, 117-138 AD. AR Cistophoric Tetradrachm (9.92g, 5h), struck after 128 AD. Laureate and draped bust right / Six grain ears tied in a bundle. VF, minor scratch in reverse field. A variety unknown to Metcalf.
Uncertain (AD 96-98) Cistophoric Tetradrachm - Nerva524 viewsNerva, 96-98 AD. AR Cistophoric Tetradrachm (10.07g, 7h). Uncertain Asia Minor (or Rome) mint. Struck 97 AD. Laureate head right / Distyle temple set on four-tiered base; within, cult statue of Augustus standing facing, holding spear, being crowned with wreath by female figure holding cornucopiae; ROMA ET AVG across entablature. VF. While no decisive evidence exists for the location of the mint of the cistophori during the reigns of Vespasian through Trajan, the style, legends, and, in particular, the consistent die axis point to Rome, suggesting that these coins were minted in the capital and then sent to Asia for local use.
Uncertain (BC 440-390) Wheel - Hemiobol522 views5th century BC. AR Hemiobol (0.28g, 6.5mm). Eagle standing left / Four-spoked wheel. Extremely rare. Nice very fine.
461 coins on 5 page(s) 1