Asia Minor Coins - Photo Gallery

Ancient Greek and Roman coins from Asia Minor

Top rated - Oinoanda
Oinoanda (BC 200) Didrachm - Series 1686 viewsca 200 BC. Laureate head of Zeus right; lotus-tipped sceptre over shoulder, A behind / OI-NO/AN, eagle standing right on winged thunderbolt, wings closed. EF.11111
(8 votes)
Oinoanda (BC 200) Didrachm - Series 31471 viewsca 200 BC. AR Didrachm (7.63g, 12h). Laureate head of Zeus right; lotus-tipped sceptre over shoulder, B (partially erased in die) behind / OINOAN/DEwN below in two lines, eagle standing right on winged thunderbolt, wings closed, bunch of grapes and Γ in right field. EF.00000
(7 votes)
Oinoanda (BC 200) Didrachm - Series 3769 viewsca 200 BC. AR Didrachm (20mm, 7.58g, 12h). Laureate head of Zeus right; B (erased in die) and scepter behind / Eagle standing right on thunderbolt; Γ to left; to right, sword behind shield. EF, dark find patina. Rare. Winokur Coll.

This short series of coinage from Oinoanda was apparently struck in three series, each marked with A, B, or Γ. Originally these letters were thought to represent dates on a local era, but Ashton’s study shows this is far from conclusive, regardless that they were struck sequentially. The obverse die used for this coin was originally used for series 2 didrachms, which have a B on the obverse.
(5 votes)
3 coins on 1 page(s)