Asia Minor Coins - Photo Gallery

Ancient Greek and Roman coins from Asia Minor

Top rated - Nikaia
Nikaia (AD 253-260) AE 24 - Valerian I, Gallienus & Valerian II2053 viewsValerian I, with Gallienus and Valerian II Caesar, 253-260 AD. AE24 (8.37g, 7h), struck 256-258 AD. Radiate, draped, and cuirassed bust of Valerian I right, seen from behind, and radiate, draped, and cuirassed bust of Gallienus left, seen from behind, vis-à-vis; between, radiate, draped, and cuirassed bust of Valerian II right, seen from behind / Three agonistic crowns set on ornate base, central crown containing two palms, each flanking crown a single palm. VF, green patina with traces of red-brown, minor roughness. Rare.44444
(28 votes)
Nikaia (AD 222-234) AE 22 - Severus Alexander862 viewsSeverus Alexander, 222-234 AD. AE22 (4.16g, 8h). M AVP CEVH AΛEXANΔPOC AVΓ, laureate head right / NIKAIEΩN, Aphrodite-Venus kneeling right, nude but for cloth draped across her lap, flanked by two winged Erotes, each holding a torch, with the one on the left also holding up a mirror, which Aphrodite turns to gaze into. Good VF, smooth olive green patina. Important mythological type.33333
(37 votes)
Nikaia (AD 138-161) AE 41 - Antoninus Pius900 viewsAntoninus Pius, 138-161 AD. AE41 - Medallion (54.07g, 7h). AVTO KAI TI AI AΔPI ANTΩNEINOC, laureate, draped, and cuirassed bust right, seen from behind / CΩTHPI ACKLH ΠIΩ NIKAIEIC, half-length bust of Asclepius left, partially draped; serpent beside right shoulder. Good VF, magnificent apple green patina, slightly worn at high points, but generally smooth and glossy. A huge second century medallic bronze. Ex Drewry Coll.33333
(7 votes)
Nikaia (AD 69-79) AE 20 - Vespasian876 viewsVespasian, 69-79 AD. AE20 (4.87g). Laureate head right / Panther seated left, with paws resting on cantharus. Good VF, dark brown patina. It was commonly thought in antiquity that panthers were fond of wine and that they could be captured by setting a bowl of it out and waiting until they had drunk to excess.33333
(6 votes)
Nikaia (AD 161-180) AE 28 - Marcus Aurelius868 viewsMarcus Aurelius, 161-180 AD. AE28 (15.63g). AVT K M AVP ANTΩNEINOC, bare-headed, draped, and cuirassed bust right, seen from behind / TON KTICTH NIKAIEIC, nude Heracles seen from behind, carrying off the Erymanthian boar; club by his side, star to right. VF, dark green patina, scratches. Rare representation of a Labor of Heracles. Apparently unpublished.

The canonical representation of the fourth labor of Heracles, the capture of the Erymanthean Boar, in sculpture, painting, and coins shows the hero carrying his prize "piggy-back" over his shoulder, sometimes in the act of surprising Eurystheos with it, who hides in a pithos in fright. The present, apparently unpublished piece, has the hero, labeled "The Founder of the Nicaeans," carrying the beast in front of him. There seems to be only one numismatic parallel for this depiction: a medallion of Commodus (Gnecchi 34; Stoll 103), where Heracles is seen in a similar stance, but with the boar on a rock in front of him and the Nemean Lion behind. On this medallion the scene could be interpreted to show Heracles carrying the boar to the rock.
(7 votes)
Nikaia (AD 180-192) AE 28 - Commodus666 viewsCommodus, 180-192 AD. AE28 (10.71g, 1h). Bust right / Three athletes drawing competition lots from an urn. Rare.22222
(24 votes)
Nikaia (AD 161-180) AE - Marcus Aurelius 787 viewsMarcus Aurelius, 161-180 AD. AE (17.23g) AVT KAI M AVP ANTONIN TI CEI, laureate, draped bust right/ NEIK AIA Turreted bust of Nikaia right. Brown patina. EF.22222
(10 votes)
Nikaia (AD 161-180) AE 29 - Domitia Lucilla678 viewsDomitia Lucilla, mother of Marcus Aurelius, 161-180 AD. AE29 (16.50g, 7h). ΔOMITI ΛOYKIΛΛAN NEIKAIEIC, draped bust of Domitia right, hair coiled on top of head / M AVPHΛIOC OVHPOC KAICAP, Aurelius on horseback right, holding couched lance in right hand. VF, tan patina, corroded. Extremely rare, one of two known, the other in the BN.

The specimen of this coin in Paris has been known since 1863, being the subject of some debate concerning its authenticity. This second specimen is from the same dies and seems to confirm the reading in Cohen. Domitia's husband, Annius Verus died shortly after the birth of their son in 121 AD, but her family wealth and close connections to the imperial court insured that the youth came to the attention of the emperor Hadrian, who in 138 AD advised Antoninus Pius to adopt him. This coin was probably struck shortly after the accession of Antoninius Pius, and marks the noble family lineage of the new heir apparent of the Roman empire.
(5 votes)
Nikaia (AD 218-222) AE - Elagabalus473 viewsElagabalus, 218-222 AD. AE - Assarion (6.63g, 12h). Laureate head right / Hercules standing right, capturing Cretan Bull. VF, black-green patina. Ex Cain Coll.22222
(6 votes)
Nikaia (AD 253-268) AE 25 - Gallienus683 viewsGallienus, 253-268 AD. AE25 (7.74g). ΠΟΥ ΛΙ ΕΓ ΓΑΛΛΙΗΝΟΣ, cuirassed, draped and radiate bust right / NIKAIEΩN, Dionysos in Elephant-quadriga. Rare. Very fine.22222
(7 votes)
Nikaia (AD 198-217) AE 29 - Caracalla458 viewsCaracalla, 198-217 AD. AE29 (14.36g, 6h). Laureate, draped, and cuirassed bust right, seen from behind / Hercules standing right and holding club, breaking Horses of Diomedes. VF, green patina with traces of lighter green overtones, light overall roughness. Rare. Ex Cain Coll.22222
(6 votes)
Nikaia (AD 198-217) AE 25 - Caracalla513 viewsCaracalla, 198-217 AD. AE25 (8.20g, 1h). Laureate head right / Hexastyle temple set on three-tiered base; • in pediment. VF, green patina, minor pitting on obverse. Rare. Ex Poncin Coll.22222
(6 votes)
Nikaia (AD 202-205) AE 28 - Plautilla670 viewsPlautilla, Augusta, 202-205 AD. AE28 (12.42g). Draped bust right; c/m: Nike standing right / Tyche, holding rudder and cornucopia, standing left within hexastyle temple. VF, dark greenish-brown patina.22222
(6 votes)
Nikaia (AD 69-79) AE 21 - Vespasian667 viewsVespasian, 69-79 AD. AE21 (6.85g). Laureate bust right / Panther seated left, paw on cantharus. Rare. VF.22222
(12 votes)
Nikaia (AD 253-260) AE 35 - Valerian I, Gallienus & Valerian II799 viewsValerian I, with Gallienus and Valerian II Caesar, 253-260 AD. AE35 - Medallion (19.32g, 12h). AYT K OYAΛЄPIANOC/ΓAΛΛIHNOC •/OYAΛЄPI/ANOC, CЄBBB in exergue, laureate and draped bust of Valerian I right vis-à-vis laureate and draped bust of Gallienus left; between them, laureate and draped bust of Valerian II right / MЄΓIC/TΩN APIC/T Ω N above, NIKAIЄΩN in exergue, three agonistic crowns, each containing two palms, set on ornate table top. VF, dark green patina, light overall roughness. Unique as a medallion. Ex Wagner Coll., Ex Mabbott Coll. (Part I, Hans Schulman, 6/1969), lot 1164; Münzen und Medaillen XIII (6/1954), lot 878.22222
(6 votes)
Nikaia (AD 217-218) AE 27 - Macrinus567 viewsMacrinus, 217-218 AD. AE27 (12.63g). Laureate bust right / Herakles holding a small Eros and club reclines left on a lion walking right. Nearly VF.11111
(5 votes)
Nikaia (AD 253-268) AE 26 - Salonina656 viewsSalonina, wife of Gallienus, 253-268 AD. AE26 (10.84g). Diademed and draped bust right / Valerian and Gallienus clasping hands, female figure (Homonaia, Salonina or priestess?) to right. Attractive very fine.11111
(8 votes)
Nikaia (AD 193-211) AE 15 - Julia Domna549 viewsJulia Domna, 193-211 AD. AE15. Bust right / Urn containing palm branch. VF+.11111
(10 votes)
Nikaia (BC 47-46) AE 24 - Julius Caesar1675 viewsJulius Caesar, 47/6 BC. AE24 - Assarion (8.38g, 11h). C. Vibius Pansa, proconsul. Dated CY 236 (47/6 BC). Bare head of Caesar right / ΓAIOY down right field, OYBIOY / ΠANΣA down left, Nike advancing right, holding wreath in extended right hand and palm over left shoulder; monograms to left and right; VΛΣ (date) in exergue. Near VF, black patina. Ex Drewry Coll.

This type was the first anywhere to feature the portrait of Julius Caesar. C. Vibius Pansa was part of the Caesarian faction at Rome, and probably owed his proconsulship to his patron. The only other definite lifetime portrait of Caesar from the provincial series was an issue of ca 45 BC at Lampsacus (RPC I 2268-9). Both of these issues preceded the earliest appearance of his portrait at Rome, on the denarii of M. Mettius in January 44 BC.
(5 votes)
Nikaia (AD 253-268) AE 24 - Gallienus545 viewsGallienus, 253-268 AD. AE24 (9.13g).11111
(11 votes)
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