Asia Minor Coins - Photo Gallery

Ancient Greek and Roman coins from Asia Minor

Top rated - Satraps and Kings of Kilikia
Uncertain (BC 4th cent) Persian King 1 - Obol585 viewsca 400-350 BC. AR Obol (0.71g, 9h). Head of female facing slightly left / Persian king, holding knife, bow and quiver on back, fighting griffin. Unpublished. Good VF, toned, light porosity, a few light scratches.

Note that on the reverse of this coin, the king is fighting a griffin rather than the usual winged lion. While the king-lion type is known on a few rare issues of Cilicia, it is commonly found on the early coinages of Phoenicia. The king-griffin type, however, is apparently unknown as a coin-type.
(6 votes)
Uncertain (BC 4th cent) Persian King 3 - Obol391 viewsca 4th century BC. AR Obol (0.59g). Bearded head 3/4 to right, in lion's skin (?) (Herakles?) / Bearded head (Great King?) left, wearing turreted crown. Rare, wavy flan, very fine.11111
(5 votes)
Uncertain Satrap (BC 4th cent) Satrap - Obol797 viewsEvagoras II, King of Salamis, mid 4th cent BC. AR Obol (0.62g, 10mm). Turreted head of Aphrodite left / Head of Satrap (Evagoras?) left, wearing Persian tiara (bashlyk) with flaps tied below chin, star in front. Good VF. Rare. 11111
(7 votes)
Uncertain Satrap (BC 4th cent) Satrap - Obol700 viewsEvagoras II, King of Salamis, mid-4th cent BC. AR Obol (11mm, 0.60g, 6h). Bust of Satrap (Evagoras?) facing, wearing Persian tiara (bashlyk) with flaps tied below chin and necklace, star to left / Diademed head of female (Aphrodite?) left. Toned, aEF. Very rare.11111
(7 votes)
Uncertain Satrap (BC 4th cent) Satrap - Obol978 viewsEvagoras II, King of Salamis, mid 4th cent BC. AR Obol (0.70g). Turreted head of Aphrodite left / Head of Satrap (Evagoras?) left, wearing Persian tiara with flaps tied below chin, star in front. Very fine, rare. 11111
(10 votes)
5 coins on 1 page(s)