Mytilene (AD 17-42) AE - Julia Livilla
Julia Livilla, under Caligula. AE (4.66g) IOYΛIAN NEAN ΓEPMANIKOY/ M –Y / T- I, draped bust of Julia Livilla to left / (Γ K)AICAPA CEBACTON / (M) – Y / (T) – I Caligula standing facing, holding patera in right hand. Extremely rare. About very fine-almost very fine. Ex Herzfelder Coll.
Caligula’s youngest sister. She and her sister Agrippina Jr. were exiled to the Pontian Islands for allegedly plotting against Caligula. Claudius recalled both sisters after his ascension to the throne and even married Agrippina Jr. Julia Livilla, however, was soon returned to her exile and executed in 42 in a sham trial at which she could not even defend herself.