Asia Minor Coins - Photo Gallery

Ancient Greek and Roman coins from Asia Minor

Mytilene (AD 5) AE 17 - Theophanes & Archedamis1335 viewsTime of Augustus, circa 5 AD. Theophanes, with Archedamis, died 44-36 BC. AE17 (5.91g, 12h). ΘЄOC ΘЄOΦANHC, bare head of Theophanes right / ΘЄA APXЄΔAMIC, draped and veiled bust of Archedamis right. Fine, rough orichalchum surfaces, flan flaw on obverse. Rare.

According to Plutarch (Vit. Pomp. 42), the historian and politician Theophanes of Mytilene was a friend and political ally of Pompey. Such was the influence of Theophanes that he was able to secure in 62 BC the independence of Mytilene from the triumvir. Following his death, sometime between 44 and 36 BC, Theophanes, along with Archedamis (presumably his wife), were accorded divine honors in recognition for their benefaction. The date of this coinage is uncertain, but it was probably issued circa 5 AD when M. Pompeius Theophanes, a descendent of the earlier Theophanes and a friend of Tiberius was procurator of Asia, but certainly the coins predate 33 AD, when Tiberius ordered the execution of Theophanes’ remaining descendents, and forbade any public reference to the now-outlawed family (Tac. Ann. 6.18).
Mytilene (AD 5) AE 20 - Theophanes & Archedamis511 viewsTime of Augustus, ca 5 AD. Theophanes, with Archedamis, died 44-36 BC. AE20 (4.46g, 6h). ΘЄOC ΘЄOΦANHC, bare head of Theophanes right / ΘЄA APXЄΔAMIC, draped and veiled bust of Archedamis right. Rare. Ex Wagner Coll.
Mytilene (AD 17-42) AE - Julia Livilla666 viewsJulia Livilla, under Caligula. AE (4.66g) IOYΛIAN NEAN ΓEPMANIKOY/ M –Y / T- I, draped bust of Julia Livilla to left / (Γ K)AICAPA CEBACTON / (M) – Y / (T) – I Caligula standing facing, holding patera in right hand. Extremely rare. About very fine-almost very fine. Ex Herzfelder Coll.

Caligula’s youngest sister. She and her sister Agrippina Jr. were exiled to the Pontian Islands for allegedly plotting against Caligula. Claudius recalled both sisters after his ascension to the throne and even married Agrippina Jr. Julia Livilla, however, was soon returned to her exile and executed in 42 in a sham trial at which she could not even defend herself.
Mytilene (AD 81-96) AE 19 - Sextus & Andromeda420 viewsTime of Domitian, 81-96 AD AE19 (3.23g). CЄITOC NЄOC MAKAP, head of Sextus right / ANΔPOMЄΔA NЄA ΛЄC, bust of Andromeda right. Extremely Rare. gVF. Ex Bank Leu - Münzen und Medaillen sale (10/1966), Niggeler part. II, 613.
Mytilene (AD 136-138) AE 39 - Aelius679 viewsAelius, Caesar, died 138 AD. AE39 - Medallion (38.19g). ΛOVKIOC AIΛOIC KAICAP, head right / M[...]-NAION, Asclepius standing facing, head turned left, wearing himation, holding snake-entwined staff with his right hand. Unpublished (?). Excellent portrait. Dark brass tone. Slightly rough surface. VF.
Mytilene (AD 138-161) AE 18 - Lucius Verus449 viewsLucius Verus, as Caesar, 138-161 AD. AE18 (2.43g, 12h). Bare head right / Facing term with head of Dionysos, wearing kalathos. Near VF, brown and green patina. Rare.
Mytilene (AD 138-192) AE 25 - Lesbonax 367 viewsLesbonax, period of the Antonines, 138-192 AD. AE25 (8.20g). ΛЄCBΩNAΞ HPOC NЄΩC, male bust right, beardless, wearing wreath of ivy-leaves and berries (Lesbonax in the character of Dionysos) / MVTIΛH NAIΩN, female figure (Demeter?), wearing chiton and peplos standing left, in her right vase left holds long scepter: before her lighted altar. Extremely rare. Good very fine.
Mytilene (AD 138-192) AE 27 - Lesbonax815 viewsLesbonax, period of the Antonines, 138-192 AD. AE27 (7.72g). ΛЄCBΩNAΞ HPOC NЄΩC, male bust right, beardless, wearing wreath of ivy-leaves and berries (Lesbonax in the character of Dionysos) / MVTIΛH NAIΩN, Lesbonax standing right wearing tainia, holding long staff and simpulum (?). Otherwise apparently unpublished and unique. Minor adjustment marks, good very fine.

This coin depicting Lesbonax is one of a series honoring noteworthy citizens. Lesbonax known from only a few preserved rhetorical and philosophical works was also depicted with beard thus as a proper philosopher (SNG von Aulock 1751). Deified as “the New Hero” Lesbonax obviously had to be equaled to the gods by depicting him as Dionysos. “Der kleine Pauly” lists three separate people who were called Lesbonax while others rather keep it by one or two. Other portraits honoring distinguished local citizens are known of Julia Procula, Flavia Nicomachis, Sextus Nicomachus, Theophanes, Archedamis, Nausikaa and Sappho. Except Sappho most of these citizens are more or less obscure historical figures.
Mytilene (AD 139-161) AE 24 - Sextus Nicomachus & Flavia Nicomachis597 viewsSextus Nicomachus and Flavia Nicomachis, ca AD 139-161. AE24 (5.36g, 6h). CEΞCTON HPΩA, draped bust of Sextus right / ΦΛA NEIKO-MACIC MVTIΛH, draped bust of Flavia Nichomachis right. VF, brown surfaces. Very rare.

Mytilene issued a rare series of bronzes honoring several distinguished local citizens. While another shows Julia Procula (see CNG 72, lot 1161), probably the mother of Flavia Nicomachis, this coin depicts Flavia Nicomachis herself, as well as her father Sextus Nicomachus. An inscription from Mytilene, naming both Procula and Nicomachis, lists them as benefactors of the city. Based on the portrait styles of these individuals, this coin is dated to the reign of Antoninus Pius.
Mytilene (AD 150-200) AE 27 - Julia Procula1805 viewsJulia Procula, ca 150-200 AD. AE27 (10.05g, 7h), Apollonidas (magistrate). IOU PROKU LAN HRWIDA, draped bust of Julia Procula R, hair coiled on top of head / EPI STPA APOLLWNI, MUTI, Sappho seated right on low stool, playing lyre. VF, brown and tan patina, old scratches on reverse. Rare.
Mytilene (AD 177-192) AE 42 - Commodus321 viewsCommodus, 177-192 AD. AE42 - Medallion (33.47g, 6h). Apelles II Menemachou, strategos. Struck circa 180-182 AD. ΑVΤΟ ΚΑΙ Μ ΑVΡΗ ΚΟΜΟΔΟС, laureate, draped, and cuirassed bust right / [ΕΠΙ СΤΡ ΑΠΕΛΛΟVС Β ΜΕΝΕΜΑΧΟV ΜVΤΙΛΗΝΑΙΩΝ], Commodus, [holding palm frond], in quadriga left, [led by soldier to left holding signum]; in background above, trophy on base with two captives. Good Fine, dark green patina. Portrait defaced as an act of damnatio. Very rare, with RPC citing just six examples.
Mytilene (AD 193-211) AE 35 - Septimius Severus430 viewsSeptimius Severus, 193-211 AD. AE35 (22.03g, 12h). Artemon, strategos. [AVT KAI Λ CЄΠ] CЄV HPOC ΠЄPTINAΞ, laureate, draped, and cuirassed bust right / [ЄΠI CTPA] APTЄMΩNOC TOY CЄKOVNΔOV/ M[VTIΛH]N, Septimius, wearing military attire, on horseback right, raising right hand and holding scepter in left. Good VF, brown patina. Very rare. Group CEM; ex Aufhäuser 13 (10/1997), lot 418; De Nicola Coll.
Mytilene (AD 193-211) AE 45 - Septimius Severus353 viewsSeptimius Severus, 193-211 AD. AE45 - Medallion (54.14g). AY KAI A CЄΠ CЄOYHPOC ΠЄPTINAΞ, laureate, cuirassed bust right, wearing aegis / ЄΠI CTPA APT ЄMΩNOC TOY CЄKOYN Emperor in military dress standing left, holding parazonium and sacrifing with a patera over lighted altar. Behind Nike holding palm and crowing him. In exergue, MYTIΛHNAIΩN. Extremely rare. Brown tone. gVF.
Mytilene (AD 198-217) AE 43 - Caracalla1793 viewsCaracalla, 198-217 AD. AE43 Medallion (55.52g, 6h), Pub. Julius Leontius, magistrate. AVTO KAI MAP AYPH ANTONEINOC, young laureate, draped, and cuirassed bust right / EPI CTPA PO IOVLIOV LEONTEW, MVTILHNAI/WN in two lines in exergue, Caracalla, holding sceptre in left hand, standing in chariot drawn by four horses to left, preceded by a Roman soldier; trophy and two captives on a pedestal in the background. Good VF, brown surfaces, fields smoothed and some tooling, most noticeable around the legends. Very rare. From the Garth R. Drewry Collection. Ex Triton II (12/1998), lot 632.

This medallion present a traditional view of the staging of the adventus, the ceremony honoring the emperor as he enters a host city. Caracalla is in the imperial chariot, proceded by the herald announcing his arrival. The captives and the trophy could be either a premonition of the expected victory over the Persians, or could represent the skirmishes with the border tribes that occupied the army as he passed through Thrace.
Mytilene (AD 211-217) AE 43 - Caracalla514 viewsCaracalla, 211-217 AD. AE43 - Medallion (48.79g). ΑΥΤΟΚ[ΡΑΤ Μ] ΑΥΡΗ [ΑΝΤΩΝЄΙΝΟC], laureate, draped and cuirassed bust right / ЄΠΙ CΤΡΑ [ΠO] ΙΟΥΛΙΟΥ ΛЄ[ONTЄω] / ΜΥΤΙΛΗ/[ΝΑΙΩΝ], in two lines in exergue, Caracalla, holding sceptre in left hand, standing in chariot drawn by four horses to left, preceded by a Roman soldier; trophy and two captives on a pedestal in the background. Black patina. Almost very fine.
Mytilene (AD 222-235) AE 34 - Severus Alexander192 viewsSeverus Alexander, 222-235 AD. AE34 (21.61g). Aur. Posdektos (son of?) Paradoxos, strategos. AV KAI M AV CE AΛEΞANΔPOC, laureate and cuirassed bust left, holding shield and spear / EΠI CTP AV ΠOCΔEKTOV ΠAPΔOΞO MVTIΛH / NAI – ωN, Artemis advancing right, holding bow and drawing arrow from quiver; behind, hound springing right. Extremely rare. aVF.

This magistrate and bust type is known for some other issues of Severus Alexander from Mytilene, but this reverse type is not known. Additionally, the reading here points toward a possible name of "Posdektos" and "Pardoxos" instead.
Mytilene (AD 253-260) AE 32 - Valerian I778 viewsValerian I, 253-260 AD. AE32 (25.28g). Laureate bust right, slight drapery on left shoulder / Artemis standing right, drawing arrow from quiver and holding bow, facing Tyche seated left, holding patera and term. VF, dark grayish-green patina.
Mytilene (AD 253-260) AE 33 - Valerian I678 viewsValerian I, 253-260 AD. AE33 (19.23g, 12h). Bal(...) Aristomachus, strategus. Laureate and cuirassed bust left, holding spear and shield decorated with aegis / Artemis, drawing bow from quiver and holding bow, standing right in biga drawn by stags. Good VF, tan patina. Very rare. From Group CEM. Ex CNG XXX (6/1994), lot 474.
Mytilene (AD 253-260) AE 34 - Valerian I372 viewsValerian I, 253-260 AD. AE34 (18.79g, 12h). Aristomachus, strategos. Laureate, draped and cuirassed bust right / Tyche standing left, holding rudder and cornucopia. Dark patina, VF.
Mytilene (AD 253-260) AE 41 - Valerian I600 viewsValerian I, 253-260 AD. AE41 - Medallion (42.40g). Laureate, draped and cuirassed bust right / Askelepios seated left, holding patera, snake before. Reverse similar to type commemorating plague which ravaged the empire near the end of Valerian's life. Very Rare.
Mytilene (AD 253-268) AE 20272 viewsTime of Gallienus, 253-268 AD. AE20 (3.70g). Bearded head of Zeus Ammon right / MVTIΛHNAIΩN, facing herm of Dionysos on prow, with grape bunch. aVF.
Mytilene (AD 253-268) AE 33304 viewsTime of Valerian and Gallienus, 253-268 AD. AE33 (16.66g). Homonoia with Pergamum. Turreted and draped bust of Tyche of Mytilene right / Tyche of Mytilene standing left, holdin Asklepios facing Tyche of Pergamum standing right, holding Artemis. Very rare. Attractive brown tone. gVF. Clain-Stefanelli coll.
Mytilene (BC 100-0) AE 573 viewsca 2nd-1st century BC. AE (6.29g). Bearded and horned head of Zeus Ammon right / M-Y/T-I, herm of bearded Dionysos in himation standing facing on prow of ship; grape bunch to left, apluster to right. Brown patina, EF. Rare.
Mytilene (BC 100-0) AE 13593 viewsca 1st cent BC. AE13 (1.99g). Draped bust of Helios wearing radiate crown / M-Y/T-I, tripod. Green patina, VF. Rare. Joy coll.; ex Lindgren coll.
Mytilene (BC 100-0) AE 19581 viewsca 1st century BC. AE19 (4.21g). Bearded and horned head of Zeus Ammon right / M-Y/T-I, herm of bearded Dionysos in himation standing facing on prow of ship; grape bunch and ? to left, grape bunch on vine and ? to right. F. Rare. Joy coll.
Mytilene (BC 100-0) AE 20372 viewsca 200-0 BC. AE20 (6.11g). Laureate head of Zeus right / MY/TI within wreath. VF.
Mytilene (BC 160) Tetradrachm249 viewsca 160 BC. AR Tetradrachm (15.84g). Laureate head of Zeus Ammon right / ΜΥΤΙΛΗ-ΝΑΩΝ, herm of Dionysos facing, wearing polos; monogram on either side, all within wreath. A superb portrait of late Hellenistic style. Traces of double striking on obverse, otherwise gVF. Extremely rare.
Mytilene (BC 200-0) AE 14535 viewsca 2nd-1st cent BC. AE14 (2.59g). Bearded and horned head of Zeus Ammon right / M-Y/T-I, herm of bearded Dionysos in himation standing facing; thyrsos to left, monogram to right. Dark green patina, VF. Rare. Joy coll.
Mytilene (BC 200-0) AE 14175 views3rd-2nd century BC. AE14 (2.71g). Laureate head of Zeus right, wearing horn of Ammon / MYTI, facing herm of Dionysos; to left, thyrsos above mask right; monogram to right. gVF.
Mytilene (BC 200-0) AE 15208 views3rd-2nd century BC. AE15 (2.71g). Diademed head of Alexander III 'the Great' of Macedon (or young Zeus?) right, wearing horn of Ammon / M-Y/T-I, facing herm of Dionysos; monogram to left. VF.
Mytilene (BC 200-0) AE 16656 views2nd-1st cent BC. AE16 (3.08g). Bearded and horned head of Zeus Ammon right / MYTI, herm of bearded Dionysos in himation standing on round basis facing; thyrsos and snake staff to left, monogram to right. Green patina, weak rev, gVF/F. Rare variant. Gutknecht coll.
Mytilene (BC 200-0) AE 17591 viewsca 2nd-1st cent BC. AE17 (3.38g). Horned head of young Zeus Karneios right / M-Y/T-I, herm of Dionysos in himation standing facing on base; grape bunch to left. VF. Rare. Joy coll.
Mytilene (BC 250-200) AE 17492 viewsca 250-200 BC. AE17 (4.25g, 11h). Laureate head of Apollo right / Lyre; monograms to lower left and right. VF, dark green and brown patina. Wagner Coll.
Mytilene (BC 250-200) AE 18664 viewsca 250-200 BC. AE18 (5.48g). Laureate head of Apollo right / MY/T-I, kithara, monograms on either side. Fine green patina, gVF. Gutknecht coll.
Mytilene (BC 250-200) AE 18694 viewsca 250-200 BC. AE18 (4.50g). Laureate head of Apollo right / MY/T-I, kithara, monograms on either side. Dark olive-green patina, aEF. Gutknecht coll.
Mytilene (BC 350-250) 1/4 Stater752 viewsca 350-250 BC. AR Triobol (2.76g). Laureate head of Apollo right / MYTI, Kithara within linear square. Toned VF.
Mytilene (BC 350-250) 1/4 Stater662 viewsca 350-250 BC. AR Triobol (2.75g). Laureate head of Apollo right / MY/T-I, lyre. gVF.
Mytilene (BC 350-250) 1/4 Stater533 viewsca 350-250 BC. AR Hemidrachm (15mm, 2.62g, 5h). Laureate head of Apollo right / MY/T-I, lyre. VF, light porosity.
Mytilene (BC 350-250) 1/4 Stater545 viewsca 350-250 BC. AR Hemidrachm (2.77g, 14mm). Laureate head of Apollo right / M-Y/T-I, lyre within linear border. gVF.
Mytilene (BC 350-250) Stater2284 viewsca 350-250 BC. AR Stater (10.67g). Laureate head of Apollo right / MY/T-I, lyre; all within a linear square. Toned VF, some roughness on the reverse. Schonwalter Coll.; ex Ars Classica XVI (7/1933), lot 1384; Lampson Coll., 297; Weber Coll., 5673.
Mytilene (BC 350-250) Stater418 viewsca 350-300 BC. AR Stater (11.15g, 23mm, 11h). Laureate head of Apollo right / Kithara with fillet attached, plectron to left, MY-T-I around; all within linear frame. Very Rare. Good Extremely Fine. Ex Peus 343 (4/1995), lot 140.
Mytilene (BC 350-280) AE 14622 viewsa 350-280 BC. AE14 (1.80g). Head of Sappho right, hair in artful bind / M-Y/T-I, chelys; ΠA monogram to left, head of eagle (facing left) to right. Dark olive-green patina, weak strike, gVF. Rare. Gutknecht coll.
Mytilene (BC 400-350) AE 8580 viewsca 400-350 BC. AE8 (0.58g). Laureate head of Apollo right / Head of calf right, MY to right. aVF. Rare. Joy coll.
Mytilene (BC 400-350) AE 8673 viewsca 400-350 BC. AE8 (0.62g). Laureate head of Apollo right / Head of bull right, MY above. aVF. Rare. Joy coll.
Mytilene (BC 400-350) AE 9604 viewsca 400-350 BC. AE9 (0.63g). Laureate head of Apollo right / Head of bull right, MY above, kerykeion (caduceus) to left. Dark olive-green patina, VF. Rare. Gutknecht coll.
Mytilene (BC 400-350) Diobol917 viewsca 400-350 BC. AR Diobol (1.28g). Laureate head of Apollo right / Female head right, MYT. Toned VF.
Mytilene (BC 400-350) Diobol895 viewsca 400-350 BC. AR Diobol (1.26g). Laureate head of Apollo right / Female head right, MYT. Toned VF.
Mytilene (BC 400-350) Diobol590 viewsca 400-350 BC. AR Diobol (1.44g). Laureate head of Apollo right / Head of Aphrodite right, hair rolled, MYTI to right, amphora (?) to left. Dark tone, aVF. Ex Tinchant, April 1940.
Mytilene (BC 400-350) Diobol518 viewsca 400-350 BC. AR Diobol (1.30g). Laureate head of Apollo right / MYTI, female head right. Hornsilver, VF.
Mytilene (BC 400-350) Diobol726 viewsca 400-350 BC. AR Diobol (1.37g). Laureate head of Apollo right / MYTI, female head right. EF.
Mytilene (BC 400-350) Diobol340 viewsca 400-350 BC. AR Diobol (1.42g, 11mm). Laureate head of Apollo right / MY, female head right; torch to right. gVF. Rare.
Mytilene (BC 400-350) Obol479 viewsca 400-350 BC. AR Obol (0.66g, 9mm). Lyre / M/Y/TI, lyre. Very rare. VF.
Mytilene (BC 400-350) Obol407 viewsca 400-350 BC. AR Obol (0.60g, 8mm). Lyre / MYT, lyre within linear square border. VF.
Mytilene (BC 400-350) Obol184 viewsca 400-350 BC. AR Obol (0.62g, 9mm). Lyre / MYTI, kithara within linear square border. nVF. Very rare.
Mytilene (BC 440-400) AE 9221 viewsca 5th century BC. AE9 (0.90g). Female head right, with hair in bun / Head of bull left within incuse square. nVF. Very rare.
Mytilene (BC 440-400) AE 11351 viewsca 400 BC. AE11 (1.3g). Female head right / Head of bull left in incuse square. aEF.
Mytilene (BC 440-400) Hemidrachm587 viewsca 4th-3rd century BC. AR Hemidrachm (1.9g, 12mm). Laureate head of Apollo right / MYTI, bull's head slightly right within incuse square. gVF.
Mytilene (BC 440-400) Hemiobol478 viewsca 440-400 BC. AR Hemiobol (8mm, 0.26g, 11h). Laureate head of Apollo right / Calf’s head right within incuse square.V F, a little porous.
Mytilene (BC 440-400) Obol599 viewsca 450-400 BC. AR Obol. Laureate head of Apollo right / Calf's head right, M-YTI, within shallow incuse square. aVF.
Mytilene (BC 440-400) Obol912 viewsca 450-400 BC. AR Obol (0.61g). Laureate head of Apollo right / Calf's head right, M-YTI, within shallow incuse square. Near VF.
Mytilene (BC 440-400) Obol559 viewsca 5th century BC. AR Obol (0.64g). Laureate head of Apollo right / Calf's head right, M-YTI, within shallow incuse square. VF. Rare. Mueller Coll.
Mytilene (BC 440-400) Obol220 viewsca 440-400 BC. AR Obol (7mm, 0.63g). Head of Apollo right, wearing tainia / MYTI, head of calf right within incuse square. VF.
Mytilene (BC 440-400) Obol279 viewsca 440-400 BC. AR Obol (8mm, 0.6g). Head of Apollo right, wearing tainia / MYTI, head of calf right within incuse square. VF.
Mytilene (BC 450-400) AE 9402 viewsca 450 BC. AE9 (0.6g). Female head right, hair in sakkos / Quadripartite incuse square. VF.
Mytilene (BC 450-400) AE 9360 viewsca 440-400 BC. AE9 (0.7g). Female head right, hair in sakkos / Quadripartite incuse square. VF.
Mytilene (BC 450-400) AE 10351 viewsIonia, Uncertain, ca 4th century BC. AE10 (0.49g, 8-10mm). Female head right / Quadripartite incuse square. gVF.
Mytilene (BC 450-400) Obol852 views5th century BC. AR Obol (0.52g). Female head right / MYTI, head of lion right within incuse square. VF. Very rare.
Mytilene (BC 450-400) Obol216 viewsca 450-400 BC. AR Obol (0.5g, 7mm). Female head right / MY-TI, head of roaring lion left within incuse square. VF. Rare.
Mytilene (BC 450-400) Trihemiobol354 viewsca 400-350 BC. AR Trihemiobol (0.99g, 12h). Diademed head of Sappho(?) facing slightly left / M-YT, head of roaring lion left in incuse square. VF, a little porous. Extremely rare. Herman Coll.; ex Gorny & Mosch 115 (3/2002), lot 1170.
Mytilene (BC 450-400) Trihemiobol288 viewsca 440-400 BC. AR Trihemiobol (9mm, 0.97g). Diademed head of Sappho(?) facing slightly left / MVTI, head of roaring lion left in incuse square. VF. Very rare.
Mytilene (BC 450-400) Trihemiobol317 viewsca 440-400 BC. AR Trihemiobol (10mm, 0.96g). Diademed head of Sappho(?) facing slightly left / MVTI, head of roaring lion left in incuse square. gVF. Very rare.
71 coins on 1 page(s)