Asia Minor Coins - Photo Gallery

Ancient Greek and Roman coins from Asia Minor

Mytilene (BC 377-326) EL Hekte - B-2076 viewsca 377-326 BC. EL Hekte (2.57g). Female head to right, her hair bound up with criss-crossing ribbons / Panathenaic amphora with pointed lid; to left, palm branch; all within linear frame. Apparently unpublished and unique. aEF.

This piece is apparently completely unknown and unrecorded by Bodenstedt. The reverse bears a large amphora with a lid: its shape is that of a ‘Panathenaic’, so-called from its use to store the olive oil given to winners at the Panathenaic Games in Athens. So, we must be looking at a prize amphora, a conclusion that is confirmed by the palm of victory that stands nearby. This means that the person depicted on the obverse of this coin must be Nike, goddess of victory. The rather sober hairstyle is also found on figures of Nike from Terina, Olympia, Kyzikos, Lampsakos and elsewhere. The very specific nature of the types on this coin implies that it was struck to commemorate the victory of someone.
Mytilene (BC 377-326) EL Hekte - B-1644 viewsca 377-326 BC. EL Hekte (2.46g, 11mm). Female head (Leda ?) right, hair coiled / Head of Nike right, hair bound with a taenia, N-I/K-[A], all within linear square. VF, very rare with only three known. Unknown in standard references. Carr coll.

A very rare coin of considerable interest. The obverse has a die match with Bodenstedt 82 which he described as being the head of Leda. That obverse die only known by that single specimen noted by Bodenstadt which has a reverse of a swan. The reverse of this coin is Nike. At the time of sale, only three specimens known of this type. The inscription is not complete on any of the three specimens known but as a combination it is clear that the letters are N-I/K-A. Silvia Hurter in her article, on the first of the specimens known, notes that the inscription makes it clear that the reverse is that of Nike and it can be inferred that this coin was struck to commemorate a victory, but which is uncertain (see Die Nike von Mytilene: Eine anonyme Siegespragung, SM 202, June 2001, pp. 21-22).
Mytilene (BC 377-326) EL Hekte - B-955 viewsca 377-326 BC. EL Hekte (2.5g, 10mm). Female head right, hair bound with ribbons / Panathenaic amphora, palm branch to left; all within linear square. gVF/EF. Carr coll.

The reverse depicts an amphora, described as “Panathenaic,” as amphoras of this shape, containing olive oil, were given to winners at the Panathenaic Games in Athens. The palm alongside the amphora is also suggestive of a victory. It has been suggested that in the circumstances of “victory,” the obverse might be a depiction of Nike – the goddess of victory. This coin type is unknown to Bodenstedt, but three examples have appeared in auction. The first and third examples are from the same dies. This current example is the second known and is from different dies.
Mytilene (BC 377-326) EL Hekte - B-690 viewsca 378-326 BC. EL Hekte (2.52g, 10mm). Female head (Leda?) right, hair rolled behind / Head of Nike right, hair bound with a taenia, [N]-I/K-A, all within linear square. VF. Carr coll. Ex Münzen and Medaillen Deutschland, Auc. 22 (2008), lot 928 (Schulte coll.); ex Karl coll.; ex Münzen and Medaillen Deutschland, Auc. 9 (2001), lot 254.

Only 3 examples known of this type. Obverse of all examples is die match with Bodenstedt 82 that he described as head of Leda. The obverse die for Bodenstedt 82 has a reverse of a swan and is only known by 2 specimens. The reverse of this coin is Nike. The inscription is not complete on any of the 3 examples known, but it is clear that the letters are N-I/K-A. Silvia Hurter, in her article on this specific example, notes that the inscription makes it clear that the reverse is Nike and it can be inferred that this coin was struck to commemorate a victory, but which is uncertain (see Die Nike von Mytilene: Eine anonyme Siegespragung, SM 202, June 2001, pp. 21-22).
Mytilene (BC 377-326) EL Hekte - B-859 viewsca 377-326 BC. EL Hekte (2.54g, 6h, 11mm). Laureate head of Apollo right / Female head (Persephone and Hecate) right, wearing triangular earring, within linear square. VF.

The cataloger of this coin thought it to be a “mule” of B100 and B99. However, the reverse is different than B99 with the female wearing triangular earrings. There are no die matches for the obverse and the reverse is a new type. Noting a new emission is important, as it adds two extra years to the period of emissions of hecte from Mytilene. If the emissions did cease with Alexander, then each coin unknown to Bodenstedt supports the view that hecte were issued earlier than he suggests. It appears this is the eighth new emission unknown to Bodenstedt.
Mytilene (BC 377-326) EL Hekte - B-561 viewsca 377-326 BC. EL Hekte (2.57g, 11mm). Laureate head of Apollo right / Female head (Persephone and Hecate) right, wearing triangular earring, within linear square. gVF. Die rust on obverse die and die match for Coin ID# 13789. Carr coll.

This coin is unknown to Bodenstedt, but is the third to appear at auction. One cataloguer thought it to be a “mule” of B100 and B99. However, the reverse is different to B99 with the female wearing triangular earrings. Noting a new emission is important as it adds two extra years to the period of the emissions of hektai from Mytilene. If the emissions did cease with Alexander, then each coin unknown to Bodenstedt supports the view that hektai were issued earlier than he suggests. There are 13 new emissions that have appeared at auction that were unknown to Bodenstedt at the time of his catalogue.
Mytilene (BC 377-326) EL Hekte - B- (B100/-)543 viewsca 377-326 BC. EL Hekte (2.54g, 10mm). Laureate head of Apollo right. / Female head (Persephone and Hecate) right, wearing triangular earring, all within linear square border. VF. Carr coll.

This coin is the second known of this type (the first was in Heritage Auc. 3046 (4/2016), lot 29113). These two hybrids appear to share the same reverse die, but the obverse is different. This coin appears to be a combination of B100 and a reverse unknown to Bodenstedt. However, the reverse is a die match with Coin ID #12999. The cataloguer of the Heritage example thought the reverse was B99. However, the reverse is different than B99 with the female wearing triangular earrings.
Mytilene (BC 377-326) EL Hekte - B1001991 viewsca 377-326 BC. EL Hekte (2.53g). Laureate head of Apollo right / Head of Artemis right, hair in sphendone; serpent behind. VF, well centered and struck.
Mytilene (BC 377-326) EL Hekte - B1001252 viewsca 377-326 BC. EL Hekte (2.54g). Laureate head of Apollo right, coiled serpent behind / Female head (Artemis?) right, hair in sphendome, within linear square. aEF.
Mytilene (BC 377-326) EL Hekte - B100c987 viewsca 377-326 BC. EL Hekte (2.54g, 12h, 11mm). Laureate head of Apollo right / Head of Artemis right in linear square. EF. Carr coll.

There is no coiled snake/serpent behind the head of Apollo (see B100b) or Artemis (see B100a). Bodenstedt notes that there has been no example emerge that has a serpent/snake on both obverse and reverse. Of this type, fifteen known to Bodenstedt, twenty four others known including this example.
Mytilene (BC 377-326) EL Hekte - B1011964 viewsca 377-326 BC. EL Hekte (2.57g). Laureate head of bearded male right (Zeus) / Bust of winged Nike right, two stars above. EF.
Mytilene (BC 377-326) EL Hekte - B1011437 viewsca 377-326 BC. EL Hekte (2.55g). Laureate head of Zeus right / Winged bust of Nike right, two stars above, within linear square. Fine style, attractive types. Choice Very Fine.
Mytilene (BC 377-326) EL Hekte - B101940 viewsca 377-326 BC. EL Hekte (2.55g). Laureate head of Zeus right / Half-length bust of Nike right with wings spread; two stars above; all within linear square. Good VF, well centered, obverse die a bit rusty. Attractive reverse type.
Mytilene (BC 377-326) EL Hekte - B1022230 viewsca 333 BC. EL Hekte (2.54g). Bearded head of male (Chares?) right / Head of young Oriental wearing Phrygian cap right, within linear square. Good VF. Very rare.
Mytilene (BC 377-326) EL Hekte - B1031451 viewsca 377-326 BC. EL Hekte (2.57g). Laureate head of Zeus Meilichios right / Head of young Herakles right, wearing lion-skin headdress; all within linear frame. EF.
Mytilene (BC 377-326) EL Hekte - B103523 viewsca 377-326 BC. EL Hekte (2.6g, 11mm). Laureate head of Zeus right / Head of Herakles right, wearing lion skin, within linear frame. nEF. Carr coll.

It has been suggested that these are portraits of Philip II as Zeus and Alexander the Great as Herakles. Five examples of this coin type are recorded in Bodenstedt and nine further examples have appeared in auction.
Mytilene (BC 377-326) EL Hekte - B104960 viewsca 377-326 BC. EL Hekte (2.55g). Young male head with Horn of Ammon (Karneios?) right / Eagle standing right, head reverted, within linear square. aEF.
Mytilene (BC 377-326) EL Hekte - B1041311 viewsca 377-326 BC. EL Hekte (2.56g, 9h, 12mm). Head of young man with horn of Ammon right / Eagle standing right, head reverted, in linear square. aEF.
Mytilene (BC 377-326) EL Hekte - B1041311 viewsca 377-326 BC. EL Hekte (2.55g, 9h). Head of Apollo Karneios right, with horn of Ammon / Eagle standing right, head reverted, within linear square. Good VF.
Mytilene (BC 377-326) EL Hekte - B1051341 viewsca 377-326 BC. EL Hekte (2.51g, 6h). Helmeted head of Athena right / Owl standing right, head facing, within linear square. Good VF, tiny flan flaw on cheek, light graze on helmet. Well centered for issue.
Mytilene (BC 377-326) EL Hekte - B1051238 viewsca 377-326 BC. EL Hekte (10mm, 2.53g, 3h). Helmeted head of Athena right / Owl standing right, head facing, within linear square. Good VF, flan a bit small. The final issue of hektes from Mytilene.
Mytilene (BC 377-326) EL Hekte - B1051172 viewsca 377-326 BC. EL Hekte (2.60g, 12h). Head of Athena to right, wearing Attic helmet with crest / Owl standing to right, head turned to face the viewer; all within linear square. Rare. Nearly extremely fine.

Bodenstedt believed this was the last issue of Mytilene, struck in the early 320s. The types are clearly those of Athens, though Athena’s helmet lacks the olive leaves and other decoration that appear on Athenian issues. Curiously enough, this issue is usually found struck rather shoddily, often from rusty dies. The present coin is one of the nicest known.
Mytilene (BC 377-326) EL Hekte - B69921 viewsca 380-340 BC. EL Hekte (2.52g). Female head facing right, hair forming a knot above head, wearing ear-pendant and necklace / Head of Pan facing right within a thin square frame, the whole in incuse square. Exceptionally beautiful female head struck in high relief. EF/VF.
Mytilene (BC 377-326) EL Hekte - B72768 viewsca 360-340 BC. EL Hekte (2.50g). Head of Athena facing right, wearing Attic helmet, the side-flap turned up / Lion-scalp facing in thin square frame, all in incuse square. Good VF/VF.
Mytilene (BC 377-326) EL Hekte - B72531 viewsca 400-350 BC. EL Hekte (2.55g, 12h). Head of Athena facing right, wearing Attic helmet, the side-flap turned up / Lion-scalp facing in thin square frame, all in incuse square. gVF. Rare.
Mytilene (BC 377-326) EL Hekte - B751368 viewsca 380-350 BC. EL Hekte (2.56g). Head of Artemis-Cybele facing right, wearing mural crown adorned by plain palmettes and earring / Head of beardless youth facing right, wearing petasos (Hermes?); in thin square frame, all within incuse square. Exceptionally beautiful reverse. EF.
Mytilene (BC 377-326) EL Hekte - B791050 viewsca 377-326 BC. EL Hekte (2.55g). Head of muse right, wearing Sakkos / Kithara. good VF/EF.
Mytilene (BC 377-326) EL Hekte - B79514 viewsca 412-378 BC. EL Hekte (2.52g, 11mm). Female head right, with hair in sakkos / Kithara within linear border. gVF.
Mytilene (BC 377-326) EL Hekte - B80349 viewsca 377-326 BC. EL Hekte (2.51g). Female head, facing right / Head of Athena with Corinthian helmet, facing right. aVF.

Six known to Bodenstedt, no examples appear to have been sold at auction.
Mytilene (BC 377-326) EL Hekte - B80411 viewsca 377-326 BC. EL Hekte (2.53g, 11mm). Female head right, hair in sakkos / Head of Athena right, wearing crested Corinthian helmet, within linear square. VF.

Six examples noted by Bodenstedt, this appears to be the first additional example offered at electronic auction.
Mytilene (BC 377-326) EL Hekte - B80567 viewsca 377-326 BC. EL Hekte (2.55g). Female head right, hair in sakkos / Head of Athena right, wearing crested Corinthian helmet, within linear square. Exceptionally well centred example, one of best known. gVF/EF. Carr coll.

Six examples noted by Bodenstedt, this appears to be only the second additional example offered at electronic auction.
Mytilene (BC 377-326) EL Hekte - B81863 viewsca 377-326 BC. EL Hekte (2.55g, 12h). Head of Dionysos right, wearing ivy wreath / Head of youth (Pan?) right, wearing tainia, within linear square in incuse square. Near EF. Well centered strike, elegant style.
Mytilene (BC 377-326) EL Hekte - B821335 viewsca 377-326 BC. EL Hekte (2.49g, 5h). Female head (Leda?) right / Swan standing right, head left, wing raised, within linear square in incuse square. Near EF, some die wear on reverse. Extremely rare, the third, and finest, known. Ex Tkalec (4/2007), lot 71.
Mytilene (BC 377-326) EL Hekte - B82368 viewsca 377-326 BC. EL Hekte (2.48g, 10mm, 5h). Female head (possibly Leda) facing right / Swan standing right, head left, wing raised, within linear square in incuse square, VF/F. Carr coll.

Bodenstedt notes only one example. This is the third additional example known from auction. The other two sold at auction were NAC Auction O (2004), lot 1603 and Tkalec Auction (4/2007), lot 71. The obverse of all the examples have been struck from the same die. This obverse die was also used for an emission, unknown to Bodenstedt, that has Nike on the reverse – see Coin ID #11240 and Coin ID #12842. The reverse die used for this coin is different to what is the common die for the other three examples - the ‘underwing’ of the swan is more extensive and detailed.
Mytilene (BC 377-326) EL Hekte - B831644 viewsca 377-326 BC. EL Hekte (2.55g, 11mm). Head of Hermes right, wearing Petasos / Panther standing right within linear square. VF.
Mytilene (BC 377-326) EL Hekte - B831179 viewsca 340-330 BC. EL Hekte (2.56g). Head of beardless man facing right, wearing petasos (Hermes?) / Panther standing right in square frame, the whole in incuse square. About EF.
Mytilene (BC 377-326) EL Hekte - B84611 viewsca 377-326 BC. EL Hekte (2.55g). Head of nymph facing right. The hair above the forehead in a sphendone. Front of the ear, a spiral curl / Amphora with volute handles. EF.

One known to Bodenstedt, one further example has been sold at auction – this coin.
Mytilene (BC 377-326) EL Hekte - B84684 viewsca 377-326 BC. EL Hekte (2.50g, 11mm). Head of nymph facing right, hair in sphendone / Amphora, two ivy leaves flanking; all within linear square border. VF. Rare.
Mytilene (BC 377-326) EL Hekte - B85645 viewsca 377-326 BC. EL Hekte (2.54g, 10mm, 7h). Young male head right, horned, wearing taenia (Pan?) / Female head right, hair in sphendone. gVF.
Mytilene (BC 377-326) EL Hekte - B85 Fourrée401 viewsca 377-326 BC. EL Hekte (2.17g, 12h, 10mm). Young male head right, wearing tainia with frontal horn / Female head right, hair in sphendone, within linear square. Good VF. Carr coll.

Fourrées of Mytilene electrum coinage are rare as it appears that the penalty of forgery was death. This is a well preserved fourrée with the plating broken in several places but the overall appearance is still that of an electrum coin. The weight, as well as the broken plating, reveal the coin to be a fourrée.
Mytilene (BC 377-326) EL Hekte - B863782 viewsca 377-326 BC. EL Hekte (2.53g, 12h). Head of Athena facing slightly right, wearing triple crested Attic helmet / Head of Hermes right, Petasos hanging behind head. EF, small die break on Athena's head. Struck from detailed dies. Bodenstedt (pg. 267) detects the work of this master engraver also on dies of Rhodes (SNR 51 [1972], pl. 6, 70) and perhaps Klazomenai (SNR 45 [1966], pl. I-II).
Mytilene (BC 377-326) EL Hekte - B86941 viewsca 377-326 BC. EL Hekte (2.57g, 7h). Head of Athena facing slightly right, wearing triple crested Attic helmet / Head of Hermes right, wearing kausia tied behind his neck, in linear square. Good VF, toned.
Mytilene (BC 377-326) EL Hekte - B86644 viewsca 377 - 326 BC. EL Hekte (2.55g, 6h, 11mm). Helmeted head of Athena facing slightly right, single-pendant earring, and pearl necklace / Head of Hermes right, chlamys around shoulders and petasos behind neck, within linear frame. Good VF. Carr coll.

The petasos, a wide-brimmed hat, is often identified with Hermes. Bodenstedt (p. 267) detects the work of this master engraver also on dies of Rhodes (SNR 51 [1972], pl. 6, 70) and perhaps Klazomenai (SNR 45 [1966], pl. I-II). Forty-one examples are recorded in Bodenstedt and a further forty-one examples have appeared in auction.
Mytilene (BC 377-326) EL Hekte - B861100 viewsca 377-326 BC. EL Hekte (2.55g, 11mm, 6h). Helmeted head of Athena facing slightly right, single-pendant earring, and pearl necklace / Head of Hermes right, chlamys around shoulders and petasos behind neck, within linear frame. gEF.

41 examples known to Bodenstedt. Additionally, there appear to be the 58 additional examples that have come to auction – this being the 58th.
Mytilene (BC 377-326) EL Hekte - B87945 viewsca 377-326 BC. EL Hekte (2.57g). Ivy-wreathed head of youthful Dionysos right / Head of horned Satyr right, within linear frame. EF.
Mytilene (BC 377-326) EL Hekte - B87 (unlisted reverse die)465 viewsca 377-326 BC. EL Hekte (2.54g). Ivy-wreathed head of youthful Dionysos right / Head of horned Satyr right, within linear frame. About EF. Carr coll.

9 examples noted by Bodenstedt. An additional 21 examples have been offered at electronic auction. Unlisted reverse die in Bodenstedt, but same reverse die as Pecunem 19 (7/2014), lot 196. Ex Roma 14 (12/2014), lot 125.
Mytilene (BC 377-326) EL Hekte - B881417 viewsca 377-326 BC. EL Hekte (2.54g). Head of Persephone right, wreathed with grain ears / Butting bull left within linear square. VF, some toning on the reverse, well centered.
Mytilene (BC 377-326) EL Hekte - B88998 viewsca 377-326 BC. EL Hekte (2.56g, 8h). Wreathed head of Persephone right / Bull butting left in linear square. Good VF, toned, small nick on cheek. Struck from the finest dies of this issue.
Mytilene (BC 377-326) EL Hekte - B881168 viewsca 377-326 BC. EL Hekte (2.54g). Head of Persephone with disc earring and wreath of grain right / Bull butting to left in linear square. Almost extremely fine.
Mytilene (BC 377-326) EL Hekte - B89324 viewsca 377-326 BC. EL Hekte (2.55g, 12h). Wreathed head of Dionysos right / Wreathed head of Persephone right in linear square . Good VF.

Ten known to Bodenstedt, seven further examples have been sold at auction.
Mytilene (BC 377-326) EL Hekte - B90984 viewsca 377-326 BC. EL Hekte (2.54g). Wreathed head of young Dionysos right / Facing head of satyr within linear square. Good VF.
Mytilene (BC 377-326) EL Hekte - B90945 viewsca 377-326 BC. EL Hekte (2.56g, 10mm, 6h). Wreathed head of young Dionysos right / Facing head of satyr within linear square. VF/aEF. Ex Aufhauser Auktion 13 (10/1997), lot 111.
Mytilene (BC 377-326) EL Hekte - B901157 viewsca 377-326 BC. EL Hekte (2.55g). Wreathed head of young Dionysos right / Facing head of satyr in linear square. Good VF.
Mytilene (BC 377-326) EL Hekte - B901188 viewsca 377-326 BC. EL Hekte (2.54g, 12h). Wreathed head of Dionysos right / Facing satyr's head in linear square. Good VF.
Mytilene (BC 377-326) EL Hekte - B901216 viewsca 377-326 BC. EL Hekte (2.54g, 12h). Wreathed head of Dionysos right / Facing satyr's head within linear square. Good VF. Exceptionally well centered and struck.
Mytilene (BC 377-326) EL Hekte - B901292 viewsca 377-326 BC. EL Hekte (2.55g, 12h). Head of young Dionysos right, wearing ivy wreath / Satyr's head facing in linear square. EF.
Mytilene (BC 377-326) EL Hekte - B90873 viewsca 350 BC. EL Hekte (2.53g). Head of Dionysos facing right, wearing ivy-wreath / Mask of Silenos facing in thin square frame, all in incuse square. Extremely nice high relief head of Silenos on reverse. EF.
Mytilene (BC 377-326) EL Hekte - B90496 viewsca 377-326 BC. EL Hekte (2.51g, 9h). Wreathed head of young Dionysos right/ Facing hairy large head of satyr, bunch of grapes in lower left field within linear square. Carr coll.

There are 6 varieties of reverses for Bodenstedt 90 and of this variety 5 known at time of sale. This coin appears on pages 226 and 227 as plate LN1168 in Joseph Linzalone’s book “Electrum and the Invention of Coinage”. Ex Demetrios Armounta Coll. Ex CNG 75 (5/2007) lot 347; Ex CNG 94 (9/2013), lot 498.
Mytilene (BC 377-326) EL Hekte - B90773 viewsca 377-326 BC. EL Hekte (2.57g, 12h, 9mm). Wreathed head of young Dionysos right / Facing large bald head of satyr with small ‘ears’ and close cropped beard and moustache, all within linear square. Good VF. Carr coll.

There are seven general reverse varieties/types for Bodenstedt 90. This is the first known from an auction of what we can call "type 7."
Mytilene (BC 377-326) EL Hekte - B90 type 1 401 viewsca 377-326 BC. EL Hekte (2.55g, 10mm, 1h). Wreathed head of young Dionysos right/ Facing bald head with long tousled beard swept back, smooth forehead, long pointed (animal?) ears upward, all within linear square. gVF. Carr coll.

Bodenstedt notes 16 obverse and 25 reverse die varieties. His reverse dies can be simplified to small variations of 3 different head types and 4 “motifs” that may occur in the field. The 3 different head types are: small bald head with long tousled beard swept back, smooth forehead, long pointed ears upward; larger head, shaggy hair and close cropped beard and moustache, small ‘animal ears’, furrowed or smooth brow; as previous type but shaggy hair. The 4 “motifs” are additions in the field: ivy leaf, upper right and sometimes lower left corners; grapes, lower left corner – Bodenstedt makes a distinction on basis of a stem being present; 8-armed/beamed star top right corner; and, 8-armed/beamed star top left corner. (see Coin ID #11346)
Mytilene (BC 377-326) EL Hekte - B90 type 6 502 viewsca 377-326 BC. EL Hekte (2.53g, 10mm). Wreathed head of young Dionysos right/ Facing large head of satyr with small ‘animal ears’, shaggy hair, close cropped beard and moustache, furrowed brow, ivy leaf top right in field, all within linear square. EF. Carr coll.

Bodenstedt notes 16 obv. and 25 rev. dies. His reverse die varieties can be simplified to small variations of 3 different head types and 4 “motifs” that occur in the field. The 3 different head types are: small bald head with long tousled beard swept back, smooth forehead, long pointed ears upward; larger head, shaggy hair and close cropped beard and moustache, small ‘animal ears’, furrowed or smooth brow; as previous type but shaggy hair (as in this example). The 4 “motifs” are additions in the field: an ivy leaf, upper right and sometimes lower left corners; grapes, lower left corner (Bodenstedt makes a distinction on basis of a stem being present); 8-armed/beamed star top right corner; and, 8-armed/beamed star top left corner.

These 7 simplified reverse varieties/types for Bodenstedt 90 have been described elsewhere on this website (see Coin ID #11346). Second known from auction.
Mytilene (BC 377-326) EL Hekte - B91839 viewsca 377-326 BC. EL Hekte (2.55g). Veiled head of Demeter right / Tripod. aEF.
Mytilene (BC 377-326) EL Hekte - B911144 viewsca 377-326 BC. EL Hekte (2.54g, 12h). Veiled head of Demeter right / Tripod tied with filet in linear square. Good VF.
Mytilene (BC 377-326) EL Hekte - B91809 viewsca 350-335 BC. EL Hekte (2.55g). Veiled head of Demeter facing right, wearing grain-wreath and earring / Tripod with taenia in square frame; the whole in incuse square. EF.
Mytilene (BC 377-326) EL Hekte - B91501 viewsca 377-326 BC. EL Hekte (2.53g, 11mm). Veiled head of Demeter right, wearing wreath of grain ears / Filleted tripod with linear square. gVF.
Mytilene (BC 377-326) EL Hekte - B92943 viewsca 377-326 BC. EL Hekte (2.39g). Half length bust of dancing Maenad right / Race torch within linear incuse square. VF, toned, very light porosity.
Mytilene (BC 377-326) EL Hekte - B92916 viewsca 377-326 BC. EL Hekte (2.55g, 5h). Half length bust of Maenad, hair in sphendone, right / Race torch within linear incuse square in shallow incuse square. EF, very light scratches on reverse.

It has been suggested that the obverse head may represent a female athlete.
Mytilene (BC 377-326) EL Hekte - B92544 viewsca 377-326 BC. EL Hekte (2.53g, 11mm). Bust of Maenad, hair in sphendone, right / Torch in linear square. EF.
Mytilene (BC 377-326) EL Hekte - B93789 viewsca 377-326 BC. EL Hekte (2.57g). Head of young Dionysos right, wearing ivy wreath / Bust of young Pan right, wearing oak wreath. Obverse double struck, VF/EF. Very rare.
Mytilene (BC 377-326) EL Hekte - B94990 viewsca 377-326 BC. EL Hekte (11mm, 2.56g). Laureate head of Apollo right / Lyre within linear square. Good VF.
Mytilene (BC 377-326) EL Hekte - B94561 viewsca 377-326 BC. EL Hekte (2.54g). Laureate head of Apollo right / Lyre within linear square. VF.
Mytilene (BC 377-326) EL Hekte - B94398 viewsca 377-326 BC. EL Hekte (2.6g, 12mm). Laureate head of Apollo right / Lyre within linear square. Good VF. Unusually large flan. Carr coll.

Sixteen examples are recorded in Bodenstedt and fourteen further examples have appeared in auction.
Mytilene (BC 377-326) EL Hekte - B95909 viewsca 377-326 BC. EL Hekte (2.55g). Laureate head of Apollo right / Head of Artemis right within linear square. Good VF.
Mytilene (BC 377-326) EL Hekte - B951014 viewsca 377-326 BC. EL Hekte (2.56g). Laureate head of Apollo right / Head of Artemis right, hair in sphendone, within linear square; serpent behind. EF.
Mytilene (BC 377-326) EL Hekte - B95 var.480 viewsca 377-326 BC. EL Hekte (2.54g, 9.5mm, 11h). Laureate head of Apollo (Dionysos?) facing right / Head of female facing right, drapery at neck, within linear square. Good VF. Carr coll.

A variation of the usual B95 type or a distinct new type. The obverse head appears different to that of Apollo and more like Dionysos with a laurel wreath rather than the usual ivy leaves. The female head on the reverse is unusually large. CNG described this coin as: “This is one of the few coins of this type that we have handled where the obverse portrait may actually be Dionysos, as there is what looks like a pinecone at the top of the laurel wreath. Normally, Dionysos would be wreathed with ivy leaves, but the wreath on this coin, and this type, usually looks more like laurel leaves. It is possible that this type is either an engraver’s error, or was meant to be a distinct issue different from the Apollo obverse type”.
Mytilene (BC 377-326) EL Hekte - B961309 viewsca 377-326 BC. EL Hekte (2.58g). Laureate head of Zeus right / Forepart of serpent right within linear square. Near EF.
Mytilene (BC 377-326) EL Hekte - B96824 viewsca 377-326 BC. EL Hekte (2.55g). Laureate head of Zeus right / Forepart of serpent right within linear square border. Good VF.
Mytilene (BC 377-326) EL Hekte - B96735 viewsca 377-326 BC. EL Hekte (2.55g, 12h). Laureate head of Zeus right / Forepart of serpent right within linear square. Good VF, a little off center.
Mytilene (BC 377-326) EL Hekte - B96890 viewsca 377-326 BC. EL Hekte (2.57g). Laureate head of Zeus right. Rv: Forepart of attacking serpent to right within linear square. Bold style. Extremely fine.
Mytilene (BC 377-326) EL Hekte - B97418 viewsca 377-326 BC. EL Hekte (2.54g, 2h, 10mm). Veiled and wreathed head of Demeter right / Kithara with fillet within linear square. EF.

One known to Bodenstedt, one further example has been sold at auction – this coin.
Mytilene (BC 377-326) EL Hekte - B981171 viewsca 377-326 BC. EL Hekte (2.55g). Laureate head of Poseidon right / Trident decorated with volutes in linear square. Very rare. Extremely fine.
Mytilene (BC 377-326) EL Hekte - B991320 viewsca 377-326 BC. EL Hekte (2.54g, 12h). Head of Kabeiros right, wearing wreathed cap, two stars flanking / Head of Persephone right in linear square. EF, a few tiny die breaks on reverse.
Mytilene (BC 377-326) EL Hekte - B991175 viewsca 377-326 BC. EL Hekte (2.54g, 6h). Head of Kabeiros right, wearing wreathed cap, two stars flanking / Head of Persephone right in linear square. Good VF, toned.
Mytilene (BC 412-378) EL Hekte - B61717 viewsca 412-378 BC. EL Hekte (2.57g, 6h). Head of Io facing, turned slightly right / Head and neck of bull right within linear square. Very rare. Rusty obverse die, aEF.
Mytilene (BC 412-378) EL Hekte - B61243 viewsca 412-378 BC. EL Hekte (2.52g, 10mm). Head of Io in three-quarter view right / Forepart of a cow facing right, all within incuse square. VF. Carr coll.

Bodenstedt notes 4 examples of this emission. A further 10 examples, including this one, have appeared at auction.
Mytilene (BC 412-378) EL Hekte - B62516 viewsca 412-378 BC. EL Hekte. Female head, three quarters facing right / Confronting and overlapping female heads within incuse square. One known to Bodenstedt. A further example has yet to appear at auction.

The obverse appears to have a die match with that of B61 and the reverse appears to have a die match with that of B55. The die matches are not conclusive due to the different relative wear of the respective examples. However, the obverse and reverse are firmly related to earlier emissions.
Mytilene (BC 412-378) EL Hekte - B631748 viewsca 412-378 BC. EL Hekte (2.51g, 7h). Forepart of winged lion left / Sphinx seated right in incuse square. Good VF, lightly toned. Rare.
Mytilene (BC 412-378) EL Hekte - B631577 viewsca 430-400 BC. EL Hekte (2.58g). Forepart of winged lion left, roaring and threatening / Winged sphinx with the head of a male youth sitting right within thin square frame, the whole in incuse square. This coin is extremely interesting in that it has a man-headed sphinx on the reverse. The obverse image is borrowed from the coins of Klazomenai. Good VF.
Mytilene (BC 412-378) EL Hekte - B63920 viewsca 412­-378 BC. EL Hekte (11mm, 2.50g, 12h). Forepart of winged lion left / Sphinx seated right in linear square within incuse square. Near EF, toned. Well struck.
Mytilene (BC 412-378) EL Hekte - B64635 viewsca 412-378 BC. EL Hekte (2.54g, 10mm). Laureate head of young Apollo 3⁄4 facing / Head of an Amazon in Thracian leather helmet with cheek guards to right. gVF. Bodenstedt records four examples of this type - one of which is this coin. A further five examples have appeared in auction. Ex Coll. James et Sneja Velkov, Auc. Jean Vinchon, Paris. 24 (11/1994), lot 138. Ex Bank Leu Auc. 7 (5/1973), lot 220.

The cataloguer of this coin at auction remarks that the obverse is a stylistic copy of the early tetradrachms of Amphipolis. See Kurt Regling, ZfN 33 (1922), p. 48, Anm. 2 and p. 60.
Mytilene (BC 412-378) EL Hekte - B64/65324 viewsca 412-378 BC. EL Hekte (2.6g, 11mm). Laureate head of Apollo facing 3/4 slightly right / Head of an Amazon in Thracian leather helmet with cheek guards to right, hair in sakkos. Carr coll.

The reverse appears to be that of Bodenstedt 65 ß. Thus this example could be a hybrid B64/65. On the other hand, this could be an example of a die break which links the reverses of B64 and B65.
Mytilene (BC 412-378) EL Hekte - B64/65466 viewsca 412-378 BC. EL Hekte (2.55g, 11mm, 12h). Laureate head of Apollo facing 3/4 slightly right / Head of an Amazon in Thracian leather helmet with cheek guards to right, hair in sakkos. gEF.

The reverse appears to be that of Bodenstedt 65ß. Thus this example could be a hybrid B64/65. On the other hand, this could be an example of a die break which links the reverses of B64 and B65. See Coin ID #11245 for similar emission.
Mytilene (BC 412-378) EL Hekte - B65635 viewsca 400 BC. EL Hekte (2.56g, 6h). Head of Ares right, wearing crested helmet adorned with griffin / Head of Amazon right, wearing Thracian leather headgear, within linear square. aEF.
Mytilene (BC 412-378) EL Hekte - B65 var.426 viewsca 412-378 BC. EL Hekte (2.59g, 10mm, 7h). Bearded head of Ares right, wearing crested Attic helmet / Head of Amazon right, her hair drawn up and tied, in linear border within incuse square. gVF. Carr coll.

This emission is a variation of Bodenstedt 65. The reverse usually shows Amazon wearing an ornate helmet with the forepart of a griffin. This coin shows the Amazon without a helmet and her hair drawn up and tied. Bodenstedt does describe this variation for which he records 5 examples from a single die. At auction, only 5 other examples have appeared, thus this appears to be only the 11th example known. The obverse is from a die unrecorded by Bodenstedt and unknown from the examples from auctions.
Mytilene (BC 412-378) EL Hekte - B66423 viewsca 412-378 BC. EL Hekte. Head of Ares in Attic helmet, facing right / Corinthian helmet from the front face within incuse square. Two known to Bodenstedt. A further example has yet to appear at auction.

The obverse is similar to that of B65.
Mytilene (BC 412-378) EL Hekte - B66539 viewsca 412-378 BC. EL Hekte (2.53g, 10mm, 7h). Head of Ares right, wearing crested helmet decorated with forepart of griffin / Facing Corinthian helmet, linear frame around; all within incuse square. EF.

Bodenstedt notes 2 examples of this coin, this appears to be the 1st additional example to come auction.
Mytilene (BC 412-378) EL Hekte - B66383 viewsca 412-378 BC. EL Hekte (2.60g, 10.5mm, 1h). Head of Ares facing right, wearing crested Attic helmet decorated with a griffin / Crested Corinthian helmet facing within a linear square within an incuse square. nEF and well centered. Carr coll.

This coin is one previously sold from the MM Collection Ex CNG Triton XIX (1/2016), lot 204. Bodenstedt notes 3 examples of this type and there have been another 7 from auctions including this coin.
Mytilene (BC 412-378) EL Hekte - B67621 viewsca 412-378 BC. EL Hekte (2.46g, 2h). Head of Zeus Ammon right / Female head right wearing stephane within incuse square. VF, lightly toned. Very rare, only 5 examples known to Bodenstedt, this die pairing unpublished. Ex CNG 61 (9/2002), lot 667.
Mytilene (BC 412-378) EL Hekte - B67705 viewsca 412-378 BC. EL Hekte (2.5g, 11mm). Head of Zeus Ammon right / Female head right, wearing stephane, within linear square. VF.
Mytilene (BC 412-378) EL Hekte - B67592 viewsca 412-378 BC. EL Hekte (2.45g, 11mm). Bearded head right of Zeus Ammon with ram's horn, two tendrils of hair curling back from crown of head / Diademed head right of female, hair rolled above nape of neck, within square incuse. VF. Carr coll.

Five examples noted by Bodenstedt, this appears to be only the ninth additional example offered at electronic auction. Of the more than 5,000 different electrum issues of Mytilene documented by the owner of this coin, this is the first ‘kidney-shaped’ flan noted. The obverse and reverse are a die match for Goldberg Auc. 70 (9/2012), lot 3118 and Pecunem Auc. 15 (4/2014), Lot 198.
289 coins on 3 page(s) 1